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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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watching RT live....the turkish leadership is detained. The Istanbul International airport is seized by the army. Fighter jets roaring over Ankara.
I am sure saudi with USA supported the coup...

with out US permission a coup is not possible ...

OK Saudi now u can shout urself up...


this could be a result of Turkey resuming relations with Israel, Russian, and Turkey failing to help FSA/ISIS overthrow Assad.
Seems it's not a full coup, just some elements of the forces are involved, there are reports of resistance.
Well the west is at war with islam-islamists and they apply the same methods they used during cold war. When leftists came to power via elections, they overthrew them with the help of military
This better ring bells for NS ..... Better get his act together or face the harsh reality........then even Gen RS may not even be here to save his tush......i think, an Extension letter is soon to be generated and sent off to GHQ :D

Or, he may try to become a martyr ... People act weird in stress.

this could be a result of Turkey resuming relations with Israel, Russian, and Turkey failing to help FSA/ISIS overthrow Assad.
Other way around, those things you mentioned above happened within the last week.

A coup doesn't take a week to plan. It takes months. The military was unhappy with Erdogan. He tried to change his tactics but it was too little too late.
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