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Pakistan may study other fighter options as US asks Pakistan to make full payment for F-16 purchase

You would think LM lobbyist would be pushing the deal through Congress from day one, but seem to be coming up short. But until the budget bills are passed, there is still a chance the funding will come through.
Because they didn't expect any resistance to a deal that would save local jobs, and help an ally.

India is walking a tight rope with China I agree to a extend the present Modi govt seems hell bent on getting into bed with America. Core issues for China such as the SCS is a real concern to them but what choice do we have? they veto a known terrorist to appease you and now reports are emerging that they are helping you with a ICBM. We can only do likewise and sell weapons to countries in dispute in the SCS such as Vietnam and by our actions hope and I stress the word hope make them realise that actions have consequences.

If we piss them off to much it might be possible that you could obtain the J-20 that is why India must be bloody careful in what it does.


I think that in its new found euphoria---hindustan is forgetting where it is located----. It still has to live next to china and pakistan---that cannot change.

The U S has adopted a very strange confrontational policy---it is basically the Born again christian groupd waiting for the messiah----.

That is why---I strongly proposed to the pakistani military to have gone in and killed Osama Bin Laden in afghanistan before the invasion---but as usual---didn't listen or didn't get the messge.

India has cornered china into such a position---that every chinese weapon is available to pakistan---.

The reality of being strangulated in the south china seas has hot the chinese real hard---and that is why they came running to offer pakistan with the J10C's last year..

If paf wants the J20's---it will happen---.
How has india cornered China sir??, right now we want a stable asia so that both the countries can achieve good growth rates, for China they will never sell the best they have for at least 10-15 years, after they develop something better, even russia which is taking constant hits isn't going to supply india with S-500 or Their latest radars or missiles, because “you never offer the sharpest knife you got, you keep it for yourself".....
Try J10C (AESA+BVR+IRST+ECM+14T WS-10B engine)

Pakistanis are so fucking idiots now that the whole world has seen our cards (No US option, no Rafael or Typhon for lack of funding) so the only two left are Chinese or Russian. If wanted Chinese we wouldn't have gone for F-16 so the neighbourhood whore will do its typical Randi Rona and Russians knowing we don't have any place to go will show us attitude. Had we gone with the Russian option in the first place, we would have gotten 18 subsidised F-16's from the US without their political bitching.

Mark my words, and wait for US sanctions on F-16 parts within next 18 month. Thanks to these fucking incompetent political and PAF leadership we are going to get raped by the same fuckard in the same hole in the same manner for a second time.

“If funding is arranged, Pakistan will get the F16,” said Sartaj Aziz, foreign affairs adviser to Nawaz Sharif, the Pakistani prime minister. “Otherwise, we will opt for jets from some other place.”
The Pakistan Air Force is looking at other options including the Russian SU35, the Chinese J10 and the Chinese J20 stealth fighter, according to a senior foreign ministry official.
Time to move SU35..US is simply axing its own foot..Pakistan getting SU35 will have serious consequences for future US policy in the region..
The jets are still on the table , Pakistan has to pay if it wants it . American isn't running a charity neither is Russia.

More importantly I doubt you can make a major deal with the Russians , but they will sell you something due to their distressed economy they won't let go any buyers , it all depends on the technology the Russian have always been choosy when given their advanced tech .
J-10 seems to be the best option,other viable options are J-11 D and JH-7 B. Going to Russia for SU-35 wont be very wise considering our relation is maturing but it certainly is not at an optimal level of trust.

The J-11D's most noticeable upgrade is an upwardly canted radar dome, which carries an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, as well as further use of composites and stealth coatings in the fuselage to reduce weight. The fighter's Infrared Search and Tracking (IRST) pod has been relocated starboard of the cockpit, to accommodate a retractable inflight refueling (IFR) probe. The J-11D is also believed to have improved weapons hardpoints to carry the latest Chinese weapons, such as the PL-10 air to air missile, long range PL-21 missile and YJ-12 antiship missile.
China's defense industry has become very proficient at building AESA radars, such as those found on the KJ-2000 AEW&C aircraft, Type 052C destroyer, HQ-9 SAM and these fighter AESA radars. The middle one, which is built for the J-16 strike fighter, has 1760 transmit/receive elements. The J-11D's radar is likely to be an improved model f the J-16's AESA radar, optimized for air to air combat.

The new JH-7 uses technology similar to the US EA-18G and is able to shoot down the US F-22 stealth fighter jet. China. has developed electronic equipment similar to that used on the US EA-18G.As JH-7 can carry a heavy load, it is precisely the right warplane to carry such equipment.The report says that the JH-7 has a similar combat radius and speed to the J-10 and the J-11. Some JH-7s and J-10s or J-11s can form a comprehensive combat group with JH-7 electronic fighters providing electronic interference. That will enable J-10s or J-11s to avoid being attacked by stealth fighters. In addition, due to the JH-7’s large loading capacity, The JH-7 can carry, in addition to the heavy electronic equipment, some anti-radiation and medium-range air-to-air missiles to shoot down stealth fighters it has detects. Moreover, a JH-7 electronic fighter/bomber will to some extent be stealthy. Through various modifications, a new variant JH-7B has been developed to be stealthy.
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I don't feel there is real urgent need for fighter jet

The F16 C/D deal was a good plus as part of the program but in case the program is not available we should just perhaps just thank and back out deal

We should not purchase any platform out of urgency etc any purchase should be for 20-25 year planning

Reasonable Direction:
We had allocated $270 Million for purpose of Purchase , this can be used to purchase
perhaps 4 - F16 (Ds) , Duel Seat - with some spare engines

> 212 Million for 4 planes - Duel Seat , F16 (Fly away)
> 60 Million for Engine spares (6 Million a pop we should get 10 engine spares)

  • Make the remaining 4 (Block C) Optional (for which we will commit funds in future) if interest remains
  • If the other 4 are urgently needed just get a loan from Local Pakistani Bank for 300 Million

A clean diplomatic solution to the issue
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for now j-10 is a good option in future j-20 PAF should go for j-10 n fill the gap asap
i always think that US is enemy of china n china dnt posses any f-16 r 18 their airforce is facing them with these birds j-10 n others are as much worthy as american jet fighters.
Russian are broke they need money, As long as Pakistan pay cold hard cash, they will sell. I think the only delay in getting SU-35 is type of armament and modification Russian are willing to sell or allow Pakistan to do. J-20 isn't matured, neither do F-35 and Pak Fa but these fighters are still ages ahead of non-stealth platforms.

You can't pay 700 million for 8 F16 how are you going to pay a billion for su35 !!!!
Because they didn't expect any resistance to a deal that would save local jobs, and help an ally.


I think people making this argument have no idea about advanced manufacturing works.

Had this been the only plane that exist, and it was neither slated to be manufactured in numbers,nor replaced by anything else, ie Airforce was being abolished, then there would have been loss of jobs. But it is not so in this case. Here LM is replacing F-16 by F-35. That skilled labour which was working on F-16 would be provided with short training and used in manufacturing F-35s. It is cheaper and efficient than using completely new labour which need to be trained and would need to gain experience, and skilled labour is not your sweatshop worker in Apple assembly plant which has no value and could be easily replaced.
You can't pay 700 million for 8 F16 how are you going to pay a billion for su35 !!!!
There is that negative Indian view.. then there is the idea that the F-16 was to be purchased ONLY on FMF which would make it an attractive purchase. If an aircraft outside that has to be purchased; alternative financing options might be available.
Russia was offering us SU-27s in the 90S.. Recently they sent T-90MS for trials.. They also sold us MI-35Es... Offered MI-28s.. Held joint naval & army exercises ... Are offering us the newer RD series for JF... Helped us build MI overhaul factory... Among other economic ventures..
Yes... after forcing soviets out of Afghan did you think Russia would sell you guys su27 ???? It was only a pressure tactics by Russia after we went for French fighter... anyway so after the threat india went for Russian one... (mki or mig29 )

The gunship is outdated that's why we're moving to apache and didn't put real pressure on the Russians...

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