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Allow Rape threads on PDF?

Allow rape threads on PDF?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • No

    Votes: 80 80.8%
  • Yes, only Pakistani rape incidents

    Votes: 7 7.1%

  • Total voters
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Buddy, there is also a report button in rape topics. Why ban an entire topic? What is next? We going to ban every other topic we deem inappropriate and create selective topics on this forum? The idea is not helpful.
Its a defense forum for Gods sake, what are you talking about????
You know how much filth is brought in Pakistan related topics by many Indian members?

If you have any particular subject in your mind, bring it to the notice of management they would be more than happy to look in to it.... but let us stick to the topic here
You Sir, have raised a very important point. Unfortunately ground reality is that people are more interested in slinging mud, and belittling each other, rather than learning or trying to understand the real issue behind the crime.

This results in the saner members throwing up (literally), headaches for the mods, trolls cheering like idiots and bringing down the standard of a defence forum down to their gutter level.
Let's see Sir how the GHQ deals with it, hopefully they manage to find the best solution because pdf has lost a lot of its intellectual charm lately.
Religion is a very personal and sensitive matter.
So does Self respect
btw i sincerly think that religious debates are necessary for the development of society
Nope , such threads will only end up in abuse and fights , also some people will start trolling .
This is a forum. It should be taking care of the trolls, not the information that is being presented.
So does Self respect
btw i sincerly think that religious debates are necessary for the development of society
discussion on rape issues is for awareness. The damage done to ones self respect cannot be undone either the matter is discussed or not on a forum.
Can you elaborate that part how can debating religions can develop society.
discussion on rape issues is for awareness. The damage done to ones self respect cannot be undone either the matter is discussed or not on a forum.
Can you elaborate that part how can debating religions can develop society.
Do you seriously think discussing rape case here on PDF is of any use, coz I don't think so

To evaluate various aspects of religion on scientific basic and if necessary make amendments and to prevent Mis interpretation of religion as done by ISIS, boko haram now a days
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To evaluate various aspects of religion on scientific basic and if necessary make amendments and to prevent Mis interpretation of religion as done by ISIS, boko haram now a days
Science has a long way to be able to evaluate the religion through it's methods. i'm sure even if you indulge in a debate with ISIS supporter you cannot change his views starting by opposing his current ones. These ideologies have not just came out of blue and won't go away just like that.
I have voted a big No bcz
  1. Quality of PDF will go down
  2. Maturity level of poster is under question with repeated slugfests, trolling and most importantly and very disturbing trend of hatred across religious lines( its not limited to one country but many country members)
  3. If the actual attempt is really awareness and discussion is indeed vital for educating masses about the ramifications of such a conduct then a thread can be started by webmaster himself but with serious moderation rules
  4. Rape topics will increase the burden of tags to mods and huge amount of excess moderation will be needed. This may jeopardise the overall other topics of attention as mods is not a full time only job of an individual
  5. Quality impact us a big big concern for all of us.
  6. A separate but side case is how will the female members feel comfortable with the autopsy done by all about such topics with twists and turns of different views. Women safety is paramount in PDF inspire of being a cyber forum. And thus I believe such a response may be highly detrimental to femal forumers.
  7. Perhaps if ppl really want and Webby feels the need for such topics he can have some 2-3 female mods inducted in his mod team to ensure a balance of opinions and stringent moderation too..
It should be allowed..not allowing discussion only but doing on PDF should also be allowed..

Chutiya owner of the forum is asking this question.Acting like he does not know what people discuss on such topics.
The problem is not in banning of these threads but better moderation. PDF has in the past couple of years developed a very dubious moderation effort that is highly debatable. Banning one topic will not solve the issues here. Heck! my own posts on rapes in Pakistan have been deleted since it was against the rules, but rape in India is like a punch bag, where every one gets a chance.
Science has a long way to be able to evaluate the religion through it's methods. i'm sure even if you indulge in a debate with ISIS supporter you cannot change his views starting by opposing his current ones. These ideologies have not just came out of blue and won't go away just like that.
Absolutely true, but you have to initiate at some point and ask questions
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