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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy


Dec 12, 2008
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Israel is not our enemy

I am trying to be realistic, objective and reasonable in what I am writing because I know that it will be shocking as well as contradicting with age-old non-negotiable beliefs and taboos. Is Israel an enemy? Is animosity stable or changeable? Is it controlled by and subject to certain situations, circumstances, attitudes and interests?

Arab hostility to Israel started even before establishing Israel, when powerful resourceful Arab countries at that time fought some Jewish militia gangs in Palestine, and yet those gangs managed to defeat the well-armed armies of seven Arab countries. International intervention was then resorted to in order to resolve the dispute over Palestinian territories between Arabs and the Jews. However, the ‘mighty’ Arabs rejected the division project, and thus granted the Jews a second victory. Consequently, the state of Israel was founded and declared and was recognized by the world except for Arab countries and other ones that later on found no alternative other than recognizing it.

Whose enemy is Israel? Is it the enemy of all Arab states? Well, Palestinians have every right to antagonize Israel because they occupied their lands. We do support and assist them in every possible way we can and that it the maximum, and nothing more, Arab countries are expected to do.

After seven whole decades, as Arabs, who is our real enemy today? Do all Arab states have only one enemy or each country or group of countries have an enemy who might most probably be a dear friend of another? The first step towards reform in the Arab world is to alienate the Arab nationalism concepts because facts deny them and those who believe they still exist are delusional.

Take Kuwait, for an example. Is Israel a real enemy of it? Has it ever invaded it? Has it fought it? Has it killed its citizens? The answer to all the above questions is a big fat NO. Why does Kuwait consider Israel as an enemy while it deals with Iraq, that already invaded and occupied it, as a friend, brother and neighbor? I do not wish that Kuwait antagonizes Iraq. On the contrary, it made the right decision because animosity is constantly changeable, particularly in politics where yesterday’s enemy can be today’s friend and today’s friend might become tomorrow’s enemy. This is a real fact.

The bottom line is that Israel is not Arabs’ enemy and Arab countries have to individually get rid of the Arab nation’s complex and make their own individual decisions independently. – Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa

By Saleh Al-Shayeji

This article was published on 24/11/2015
Israel is destroying masjid-e-aqsa.. the very first mosque of muslims.. They killed innocent palestine and grabing their land..
They were about to attack pakistan when we tried to invent nuclear bomb in kahuta plant with the help of India.. They always stand by India. They are doing lots of conspiracy among muslims world which creates anarchy and chaos.. They are the one who created terrorist organisation Boko Haram, ISIS are labelling it to muslims.. They in fact were criticized in quran and they never will be friends of muslims...
...They in fact were criticized in quran and they never will be friends of muslims...
Are you so sure about the never part?

It may be that Allah will bring about friendship between you and those whom you hold to be your enemies among them; and Allah is Powerful; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Are you so sure about the never part?

It may be that Allah will bring about friendship between you and those whom you hold to be your enemies among them; and Allah is Powerful; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Yes if allah will we could be friend... :-) I also can't deny that...
Take Kuwait, for an example. Is Israel a real enemy of it?

This is another attempt by the Arab Kleptocracy to gauge the mood of the Arab population and like House of Al-Saud, if the mood is not right, they'll deny they ever said it. I know these are Saleh Al-Shayeji views, but they're not free to write as they please. Check out who owns the 'Kuwait Times'.
I think Kuwaities are the only ones permitted to say this because, during the Iraqi invasion:

-Palestinian president supported the invasion.

-Palestinians supported Saddam, celebrated in the streets and joined his ranks with trucks loading Palestinians to Kuwait to support the Iraqi army.

-Most Palestinians who worked in Kuwait did the same thing.

This stabd in the back by their brothers left a nasty scar that may never heal. So you can't blame them.
As per typical average Pakistani mind, anything against Pakistani interest and Muslims is planned by evil Jews. :crazy:

Jews are righteous and god fearing people, zionists are greedy, trigger happy, genocidal, racist land grabbers. Massive difference.
I think Kuwaities are the only ones permitted to say this because, during the Iraqi invasion:

-Palestinian president supported the invasion.

-Palestinians supported Saddam, celebrated in the streets and joined his ranks with trucks loading Palestinians to Kuwait to support the Iraqi army.

-Most Palestinians who worked in Kuwait did the same thing.

This stabd in the back by their brothers left a nasty scar that may never heal. So you can't blame them.

Indeed Arabs are free to say and do as they please. It should be noted and made clear to our Arab brothers, including the Palestinians, you can recognise the Zionist entity; Pakistan will NEVER recognise it. The sayyasdaan have been checking the mood our nation, the emaan of the awaam is strong and they'll never allow any recognition.

P.S don't be fooled by what you read on PDF. Their views are not at ALL realistic and most of them are foreigners and some of them are not even Muslim.

P.S don't be fooled by what you read on PDF. Their views are not at ALL realistic and most of them are foreigners and some of them are not even Muslim.[/QUOTE]

This is fast becoming a 'hate Islam and everything western is great' forum. I am fast losing interest in it.

P.S don't be fooled by what you read on PDF. Their views are not at ALL realistic and most of them are foreigners and some of them are not even Muslim.

This is fast becoming a 'hate Islam and everything western is great' forum. I am fast losing interest in it.[/QUOTE]

Bhai jaan, this is why I stayed on. If you read my member profile, I came on to defend Azad Kashmiris from Indian propaganda. Now I'm defending Islam most of the time. I've been banned 2 times and see all the negative ratings, speak for themselves.

I said it before and I say it again, they're enemies of Pakistan and want to break us up. The stitches that keep each province together is Islam and they know this, hence I don't hide this fact.
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