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USA Received $61 billion for Desert Storm

Jat Boy

Nov 7, 2015
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
USA showed off its awesome military power in Desert Storm to kick Saaddam Hussain out of Kuwait .

They used literally half their globally military might which imcluded half of their carriers and Navy and huge parts of the European based Armoured Divisions and their entire National Reserve.


but gues what they got paid every dime every penny back in costs which even included costs of every paper bag every peioce of paper and a FAT BONUS ON TOP


Gulf War Fast Facts - CNN.com
That is the secret of US war business. First, we tricked Saddam into attacking Kuwait, and then we attacked Iraq. Fooled the whole-world with weapons of mass-destruction. And this we repeated with Al-Qaeda, we created it, used it and then declared it terrorist organisation. Same for ISIS. And nobody we will speak against us when the truth will be declassified after a decade or two. That is perfection we have achieved.
Where are all the Saudi apologists? This is well known fact. The payment was more then the actual cost. Don't forget this was almost 25 years ago and if you adjust it ( any economic wizards here are welcome to give the precise figure ) for inflation in 2015 this might be as high as $200 billion.

$200 billion. Think about that.
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I would like to see Terrorist apologists claiming USA invading other lands and creating and Muslims are innocent. (Majority are innocent, but they are complicit in keeping quiet when their govt does all quiet things. @Akheilos see this.
Terrorist apologists
You called me this and expect me to talk to you? Cheap arent you?

I dont know why ignorant people (like most trolling indians here) who agree with terrorists version of things are not called terrorists themselves as they share and agree and have more in common than an average Muslim and a terrorist!

On topic:

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states covered $36 billion.

Germany and Japan covered $16 billion.
If that is the case here is your culprits and here is the prostitute that was bought:
The U.S. Department of Defense has estimated the cost of the Gulf War at $61 billion.

Kuwait had reasons as Iraq raided and annexed it! What was the reason for the other trigger happy states? No idea why no one questions Germany and Japan? UN took part as well! But no no indian will dare say 1 word about any of the other parties which got all trigger happy!

August 2, 1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait. Reportedly, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein decided to invade the small, oil-rich nation in order to pay off debts incurred during Iraq's eight year war with Iran.

August 2, 1990 - The United Nations passes a resolution denouncing Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

August 6, 1990 - The United Nations imposes sanctions on Iraq.

August 7, 1990 - U.S. President George H. W. Bush orders the start of Operation Desert Shield.

August 8, 1990 - Iraq formally annexes Kuwait.

August 25, 1990 - The United Nations passes a resolution to allow enforcement of the embargo by military means.

November 29, 1990 - The United Nations authorizes use of force after January 15, 1991.

January 16-17, 1991 - Operation Desert Storm begins.

February 24, 1991 - The allied ground assault begins.

February 27, 1991 - Baghdad radio announces that Iraq will comply with United Nations resolutions.

February 27, 1991 - Kuwait is liberated.

February 28, 1991 - Coalition attacks against Iraq end.

March 14, 1991 - Kuwait's Emir returns home.

April 6, 1991 - Iraq accepts the terms of a cease-fire agreement.

April 11, 1991 - The United Nations declares an end to the war.

Gulf War Fast Facts - CNN.com
You called me this and expect me to talk to you? Cheap arent you?

I dont know why ignorant people (like most trolling indians here) who agree with terrorists version of things are not called terrorists themselves as they share and agree and have more in common than an average Muslim and a terrorist!

On topic:

If that is the case here is your culprits and here is the prostitute that was bought:

Kuwait had reasons as Iraq raided and annexed it! What was the reason for the other trigger happy states? No idea why no one questions Germany and Japan? UN took part as well! But no no indian will dare say 1 word about any of the other parties which got all trigger happy!

August 2, 1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait. Reportedly, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein decided to invade the small, oil-rich nation in order to pay off debts incurred during Iraq's eight year war with Iran.

August 2, 1990 - The United Nations passes a resolution denouncing Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

August 6, 1990 - The United Nations imposes sanctions on Iraq.

August 7, 1990 - U.S. President George H. W. Bush orders the start of Operation Desert Shield.

August 8, 1990 - Iraq formally annexes Kuwait.

August 25, 1990 - The United Nations passes a resolution to allow enforcement of the embargo by military means.

November 29, 1990 - The United Nations authorizes use of force after January 15, 1991.

January 16-17, 1991 - Operation Desert Storm begins.

February 24, 1991 - The allied ground assault begins.

February 27, 1991 - Baghdad radio announces that Iraq will comply with United Nations resolutions.

February 27, 1991 - Kuwait is liberated.

February 28, 1991 - Coalition attacks against Iraq end.

March 14, 1991 - Kuwait's Emir returns home.

April 6, 1991 - Iraq accepts the terms of a cease-fire agreement.

April 11, 1991 - The United Nations declares an end to the war.

Gulf War Fast Facts - CNN.com

I didnt call u a terrorist apologist. I mentioned the others. I did a sincere thing in tagging u here. Either u can discuss or feel free to ignore.
There was a a coalition of nations that responded to the situation, some with men & materiel, some with money, some with other resources.

That is how coalitions work.

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