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Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’

with the kind of money they have they can ride Modi if they want


Not to say that Arabians preferred vehicle of transportation before the car, plane, train etc. was invented by Westerners was the world famous Arabian horse. The most expensive and majestic horse in the world.


Arabian horse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So we got the two most expensive/useful land animals (for millenniums all across the world) used for transportation before the arrival of modern technology. What did the ancestors of that troll use? Donkeys? Apes?

Ban those and ride these?

Go feed the highest number of poor people on the planet and the highest number of illiterates before barking. A few wealthy Arab families in 1 average sized town in KSA probably have 10 times as many expensive cars as an entire Indian province inhabited by millions upon millions of people.

Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Sufism) was already spread 1300 years before Pakistan was born to all corners of the world by people from modern-day KSA. The cradle of Islam.

Secondly KSA has been supporting the Muslim community of Germany and helped finance mosques with German government approval (like anywhere else) for decades already.

Go educate yourself.
I agree with Germany


Mosques have NOTHING to do with that.

please keep aside your sectarian tilt to building of mosques
If they had a big heart they will take refugees but alas they are not!
Arab bashing especially KSA is high in fashion these days. Just about everybody is doing it. And strangely our Indian friends are so excited to do this. On one side KSA provides jobs to do many Indians, they almost faint with joy when a Saudi Royal meets their politician and on other hand such hate?! So what if KSA offered to build Mosques'? Weren't you guys rolling on ground with joy when a Hindu Temple was built in UAE? Place of worship is a fundamental human right. You have that right so do others. If Germany doesn't want KSA to build these Mosques', they will not build or finance it. That's it.

More important question that you need to ask is what you have done for these refugees? Have you done anything? I mean literally, anything?
I agree with Germany

Mosques have NOTHING to do with that.

please keep aside your sectarian tilt to building of mosques
Oh please, don't be naive. Do you think Saudis fund just about any mosque? No my oblivious fellow PDF member. They fund specific mosques that promote a specific ideology, namely Wahabism/Salafism/Takfirism. Visit any wahabi website and find out what they think about YOU, yes you! Unless you are a wahabi too, then i just wasted these 3 mins.

I've never even been to a Hooters yet. :mad:

There's nothing special there. Their buffalo wings are O.K, but their waitresses are lacking advertised assets.
SA doesn't need to bother, there is already no dearth of mosques in major German cities. Sometimes you will find four or five mosques within five minutes walking distance. Interestingly every ethnic groups has its own mosque, Turks won't go to Arabic mosques and vice versa.
Oh please, don't be naive. Do you think Saudis fund just about any mosque? No my oblivious fellow PDF member. They fund specific mosques that promote a specific ideology, namely Wahabism/Salafism/Takfirism. Visit any wahabi website and find out what they think about YOU, yes you! Unless you are a wahabi too, then i just wasted these 3 mins.

There's nothing special there. Their buffalo wings are O.K, but their waitresses are lacking advertised assets.

can you list names of those mosques? Pakistan have thousands of mosques and these are not at all KSA funded rather we have a tradition of giving donations locally for building of mosques.

Secondly all shia and pro Iran members should stop calling anyone as wahabi who does not agree to their ideology. 99.99% Sunni Pakistanis are against wahabism
Hundreds of mosques in Germany have been or are financed by KSA. All with the approval of Germany like any other state. This happens through official channels.

There is nothing called "Wahhabism" either. All sects of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Sufism etc.) originate from Hijaz in modern-day KSA.

Aside from that then KSA hosts 500.000 Syrians. Many more than Germany will ever welcome.

Syrians in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aside from that then those Syrian refugees (along with African, Afghan, South Asian, Iranian etc. ones) don't want to migrate to the GCC but to Germany and Scandinavia where the biggest benefits are located and where they can become full citizens.

That's why so many of them are leaving safe heavens in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan to move to those countries. I have to say that a lot of them are purely economic migrants and Europe has no obligation to welcome them IMO.

Europeans who are against this should change their systems and vote for other politicians instead of crying. That and not meddling in the MENA region if they don't want anything to do with the MENA region which we all know that they want on all fronts. Be it political, military, ECONOMY, tourism etc. I say this as partially European myself living in Europe and having citizenship of France. Hence no hate or anti-anything.

I also believe that each European country should be free to deport refugees (whatever race, nationality and religion they might have) if they don't behave or can't integrate. GCC for instance does not hand out citizenship to economic migrants or refugees overall. At most a permanent visa and in exceptional cases citizenship. I personally support this.

Europe can't save everyone and every country but those Europeans who criticize the GCC for not welcoming more Syrians should understand that neither can GCC which does not even border Syria. Or first and foremost that those refugees don't want to go to GCC but rather to Germany and Scandinavia for the reasons that I have already mentioned. To begin with GCC hosts many more foreigners in terms of numbers (even) and percentage than Western Europe put together and any other MENA country. So yeah, let's welcome 5 million Syrians who don't really want to be there in the first place. Sounds like a marvelous idea. The GCC and Europe/US are as involved in Syria as Russia and Iran who have taken 0 refugees.

Most people are simpletons and this thread and others show this clearly.
I already posted a whole thread on this....nobody contributed they want to live in their denial!

Why the Gulf Isn't to Blame for the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Go feed the highest number of poor people on the planet and the highest number of illiterates before barking. A few wealthy Arab families in 1 average sized town in KSA probably have 10 times as many expensive cars as an entire Indian province inhabited by millions upon millions of people.
Brother bragging is not good...To him his way (ignorance) to you your way
Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Sufism) was already spread 1300 years before Pakistan was born to all corners of the world by people from modern-day KSA. The cradle of Islam.
Go educate yourself.

Name the Saudi King that was in-charge of Arabia at the time of our prophet Mohamed.
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