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Belgian MPs vote to ban Islamic burqa in public


Oct 8, 2009
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by Philippe Siuberski Philippe Siuberski – Wed Mar 31, 10:40 am ET
BRUSSELS (AFP) – An influential committee of Belgian lawmakers voted Wednesday to impose a nationwide ban on wearing the Islamic burqa in public, paving the way for the first clampdown of its kind in Europe.

The federal parliament's home affairs committee voted unanimously to endorse the ban on any clothes or veils that do not allow the wearer to be fully identified, including the full-face niqab and burqa.

Those who ignore it could face a fine of 15-25 euros (20-34 dollars) and/or a jail sentence of up to seven days, unless they have police permission to wear the garments.

With the governing parties and opposition in agreement, officials expect the full house to easily endorse the draft law on April 22.

"This is a very strong signal that is being sent to Islamists," French-speaking deputy Denis Ducarme, from the centre-right Reformist Movement that proposed the bill, told the assembly in Brussels.

He said he was "proud that Belgium would be the first country in Europe which dares to legislate on this sensitive matter."

"We have to free women of this burden," said his colleague Corinne de Parmentier.

The head of the party, Daniel Bacquelaine, said: "Just like dwarf throwing -- even if it's on a voluntary basis -- the burqa is contrary to the dignity of women. It's a walking prison."

If endorsed, the vote would see the ban imposed in streets, public gardens and sports grounds or buildings "meant for public use or to provide services" to the public, according to the text of the bill.

Exceptions would be allowed for certain festivities like carnivals if municipal authorities decide to grant them.

The vice-president of the Muslim Executive of Belgium, Isabelle Praile, warned that the move could set a dangerous precedent.

"Today it's the full-face veil, tomorrow the veil, the day after it will be Sikh turbans and then perhaps it will be mini skirts," she said.

"The wearing of a full-face veil is part of the individual freedoms" protected by Belgian, European and international rights laws, she said.

The Catholic bishop -- Belgium is traditionally Catholic -- in the southern town of Tournai, Guy Harpigny, said: "Does the state really have the right to regulate the symbols of personal beliefs?"

The decision comes amid controversy in the kingdom over the wearing of Muslim religious symbols in public places.

A Muslim mathematics teacher at a municipal school has been given until the middle of next week to return to her classroom after a protracted court battle to stop her wearing a simple veil there or face losing her job. cloth to

In June last year, a Belgian lawmaker of Turkish origin was sworn in at the Brussels regional parliament wearing an Islamic headscarf in a first for the country.

At the time opponents of the veil distributed flyers at the entry to the assembly building, but they did not disturb proceedings as 26-year-old Mahinur Ozdemir was triumphantly sworn in to applause and camera flashes.

Belgium's far-right Vlaams Belang party welcomed Wednesday's vote.

"It's true that there aren't many burqas in Belgium, but the niqab is starting to appear in the streets," one Vlaams Belang lawmaker warned the assembly.

Controversy has also raged elsewhere in Europe over the wearing of Muslim veils and other religious garments in state or public institutions.

On Tuesday, France's top administrative body ruled that there were no legal grounds for a complete ban on the wearing of full-face veils in public, but it said the burqa could be outlawed in some places for security reasons.

Staunchly secular France passed a law in 2004 banning the wearing of headscarves or any other "conspicuous" religious symbols in state schools.
Belgian MPs vote to ban Islamic burqa in public - Yahoo! News
same ole paranoia from europeans - islamophobic behavior ...

Today its burqa tomorrow partial veil , then minarets, then beards, then muslim names, then muslim sounding names

Nothing new from europeans -
same ole paranoia from europeans - islamophobic behavior ...

Today its burqa tomorrow partial veil , then minarets, then beards, then muslim names, then muslim sounding names

Nothing new from europeans -

Not only Muslims will bare the brunt of this LAW. But other religions will also be effected with this ACT. For example DUPATTA's(Chunni's), Turbans, Punjabi Suits, Scarfs. Just like what's been hapening in FRANCE.
Muslim are like 3% of Belgium population and even a smaller minority among them probably wears burqas e.t.c.

Belgium is suffering from a dysfunctional govt. and at has still now come out from the GFC and faces a rising unemployment situation.

Looks like deciding on dressing habits of a minuscule muslim population is more important than everything else at present in Belgium
Its the elected people who are making the laws, If anyone feels an hidrance about life without Burqa, they can avoid going to Belgium.

Just follow the rules of the land.
Exactly no one complains about imposed dress codes when they are in Saudi or Iran. Nor are the Europeans begging anyone to come to their country. simple, just avoid going to Belgium if you have an issue, and if you are staying there, then find some place which suits your lifestyle. I am not justifying their actions, just speaking pure logic.
Btw, have the banned the Hijab too? If thats the case, its not cool.
Next stop, ban tops for women. ;)

Also isn't there only a few thousand to a hundred women in Belgium who wear the burqa. Well, it's their country, their rules.

Like the old saying goes, When in Afghanistan, do as the Taliban tell you to do.

They can move to France where burqa is allowed.
Then it also legitimizes Pakistan's blasphemy laws that the West criticised. No more criticism of our blasphemy laws since we can point to out Burqa and Minaret laws in Belguim, France and Switzerland.
Next stop, ban tops for women. ;)

Also isn't there only a few thousand to a hundred women in Belgium who wear the burqa. Well, it's their country, their rules.

Like the old saying goes, When in Afghanistan, do as the Taliban tell you to do.

They can move to France where burqa is allowed.

Being in UK , You might have heard that Belgians are a group of aggressive people. Also its very expensive to live in there, even visit.:cheers:
Then it also legitimizes Pakistan's blasphemy laws that the West criticised. No more criticism of our blasphemy laws since we can point to out Burqa and Minaret laws in Belguim, France and Switzerland.

Great philosophy, so if someone does something stupid, you can use it to justify your own stupidity.

Lead by example, a good example. And make Islamic countries so strong people do kit have to go anywhere else for a better life.
well wonder when they gona ban the covering nun's do..
when they gona allow the nuns to have sex.. which is the basic human right btw..
Talk of Human rights and lot of bull **** comes from west..
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when in rome do as the romans do

i dont know then why there was so much uprest from west when taliban banned shaving of beard or going out without a burqa...

i have another saying which says when in office do as you are told to do, speak as you are told to speak think as you are told to think. This way you'll have no problem with Boss
Burqa is Not Islamic so jokes on Them ha ha ha.

But best what i like is the few who thinks its ok for the governments to ban articles of clothings hypocrites nothing more.

Here is few comments after dubai enforced there law on freedom loving europeans i guess they dont like it when they are told what not to do

Comments (13)
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04/06/2010 4:38 PM

Anything goes except a kiss on the cheek. But you can scr*w a goat....


04/05/2010 5:57 PM

Intersting set of rules in this over the top...full of shi.t.country....if you kiss your wife you get arrested..if you punch her in the mouth you get a round of applause...

They have a ski slope inside of a mall in Dubai which is so nuts but they still hate the West...when you go to Aspen
do they have a desert inside of a warehouse...a bunch of losers....


04/05/2010 4:25 PM

This is where you'll find the gateway to hell!


04/05/2010 4:14 PM

Oh yes, let's all sign up for a vacation in fabulous Dubai - "Land of a thousand Lashes".

Of course it's okay for His Heiney the Sheik Boner to poke anything that doesn't run fast enough, but no kissy-kissy for you.


04/05/2010 3:18 PM

We need these morality laws in NYC. We should give 10 lashes to anyone wearing their pants hanging down or any female with her but or belly hanging out.


04/05/2010 2:49 PM

No one is as involved as to the extent of the Clintons. According to San Francisco Examiner columnist P.J. Corkery, Clinton makes $10 million a year from Yucaipa a Dubai firm. Ron Berkle, the owner of Yucaipa companies and a major fund-raiser for Bill and Hillary.


04/05/2010 1:22 PM

Justwantedtosay points out something interesting.

Dubai certainly is ridiculous for over-enforcing modesty.

But the US is just as guilty for UNDER-enforcing modesty.

Having said THAT, however, gotta love how Dubai is doing its best to scare away western tourists.

Dubai, I well understand why you don't want kissing in public. But you CAN'T have it BOTH ways.

If you want western tourists, you get their sets of personal values too.

Make up your minds.


04/05/2010 1:22 PM

Justwantedtosay points out something interesting.

Dubai certainly is ridiculous for over-enforcing modesty.

But the US is just as guilty for UNDER-enforcing modesty.

Having said THAT, however, gotta love how Dubai is doing its best to scare away western tourists.

Dubai, I well understand why you don't want kissing in public. But you CAN'T have it BOTH ways.

If you want western tourists, you get their sets of personal values too.

Make up your minds.

04/05/2010 10:47 AM

“This is the city-state where Halliburton moved their headquarters. And where the Bush's Carlyle group does its business. The UAE is the money launderer for the Bush/Cheney cabal. Their cities are built by imported cheap laborers who have no rights while they're building the homes and playgrounds for obscenely rich Arab and American oil barons. This is where the "patriotic" neocons hide their money and rub elbows with the international, bloodsucking wealthy elite. It is quite possibly the most evil place on Earth.”

If all that is true—and I am not doubting that it is—why are you still living there?


04/05/2010 10:47 AM

This is the city-state where Halliburton moved their headquarters. And where the Bush's Carlyle group does its business. The UAE is the money launderer for the Bush/Cheney cabal. Their cities are built by imported cheap laborers who have no rights while they're building the homes and playgrounds for obscenely rich Arab and American oil barons. This is where the "patriotic" neocons hide their money and rub elbows with the international, bloodsucking wealthy elite. It is quite possibly the most evil place on Earth.


04/05/2010 10:22 AM

well we need something similar here in the usa with these filty who**s showing their ENTIRE as**s in thong bikinni's, slobbering all over each other and jerard butler fingering Jen's A**H**E in public america is too degenerate and needs similar laws


04/05/2010 9:29 AM

I gues syou could say the justice system exploded on them !


04/05/2010 8:03 AM

Shun imports from slave nations !

when in rome do as the romans do unless you are european in Muslim country then do as you wish till you are punished then its the backward Muslims:rofl:
There was never a crime where someone was wearing a burqa only bivak etc.
And where is the freedom?
If we think that islam is not true or if we didn't believe in it.
Then we were not muslims. also then we would not wear those things.
Let us do what we want.
******* commies.
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