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Gaddafi son sentenced to death over war crimes

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Gaddafi son sentenced to death over war crimes
A court in Libya has sentenced Col Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, and eight others to death over war crimes linked to the 2011 revolution.

They were on trial along with dozens of other close associates of the deposed leader, accused of suppressing protests during the uprising.

Saif al-Islam was not present in court and gave evidence via video link.

He is being held by a former rebel group from the town of Zintan that refuses to release him.

Former head of intelligence for the Gaddafi regime, Abdallah al-Senousi, is among those also facing the death penalty, as is former PM Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi.

They will be given the right to appeal, according to the BBC's John Simpson, who is in Tripoli.

Other defendants have received sentences ranging from five years to life imprisonment.

Libya trial: Gaddafi son sentenced to death over war crimes - BBC News
Libya court hands death sentence to Gaddafi's son over war crimes | Zee News
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 15:04

Tripoli: Almost four years after he was arrested, Muammar Gaddafi`s son Saif al-Islam was on Tuesday handed death sentence over war crimes related to 2011 revolution.

Besides Saif al-Islam, eight others have been awarded death penalty too.

Saif along with many other associates of slain dictator Muammar Gaddafi have been on trial for having suppressed protests during the 2011 revolution.

Saif al-Islam, who is being held by a rebel group in the town of Zintan, was not present in court and gave evidence via video link, said the BBC.
that was the intention from the beginning, but it is ironic since saif al-islam was the one who got the libyan jamahiriya to begin political relations with western europe.

as is former PM Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi.

this poor man has been tortured continuously since he was "arrested" in tunisia and handed over to the cia-created rats ruling new libya from tripoli, yet "amnesty international" and "human rights watch" will not speak on his behalf because "only pro-nato people have rights".
The losers always pay the heavy price. Moral of the story: Always try as much as possible not to lose so badly. Even if it means making concessions/being friendly to your rivals(so what?), else like in games of thrones you will pay with your life/perish, there is no middle way/half measures in Geo politics.:enjoy:
poor thing, but I'm sure he's had more than his share of fun under his gangster dad... now he can party with uday and khoosay
Even if it means making concessions/being friendly to your rivals(so what?)

that is what saif al-islam had done, got libya to get friendly with western governments, leading to visits by tony b'liar and sarkozy... saif also enrolled in some british economics college as part of the making-friends process.

in 2011, with the invasion already high, he asked for forgiveness from the libyan people because he had been naive to believe western governments.

Good Riddance...
Another freakshow bites the dust!

yeah, so many freaks no doubt ( One Third of Libya Turns Out to Support Qaddafi in World's Largest March Ever - Intifada Palestine )... kill all these freaks !! kill !!
^^ No, just the freak show that's the son of the now-pulverised-to-the-ground freak of nature, gadha-fi.
^^ No, just the freak show that's the son of the now-pulverised-to-the-ground freak of nature, gadha-fi.

but why not those few million who supported him in libya?? how come they are not freaks??

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