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Kazakhstan to supply 5,000 tonnes uranium to India in 2015-19: Nursultan Nazarbayev

1. i never said i respect the prime minister of turkey ( erdogan ) or his ikhwaan-connected akp party.

2. no, the reactionaries of erdogan's party are very far from true islam.

i was reacting to his use of the word "secular" while he himself i presume supports bjp and rss.

So hindu nationalist party cant be a secular?

Seriously u need pills.
1. i never said i respect the prime minister of turkey ( erdogan ) or his ikhwaan-connected akp party.

2. no, the reactionaries of erdogan's party are very far from true islam.

good for you.. you should visit turkey and spread your jamahariyat there... :D they need a visionary like you.. to lead them in to 21st century...
nuclear power is obsolete and dangerous... every sensible person in india should oppose this deal and call for shutting down of all nuclear power reactors in india.

these protests have already happened and still are happening...

from ( Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...

from ( Jaitapur nuclear power plant | Greenpeace India )...

punjab state is already in the grip of cancers... from ( Uranium poisoning in Punjab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...

indian scientists have failed to investigate sustainable power generation sources like biofuel ( ethanol ) and solar-thermal.

What we need is Libyan jamahiriya. Everything else is useless!
WTF ? in future people will cook food on uranium base stoves ?
No, It will free up our uranium for other purposes like making more bumbs :P. We can effectively compete with pakistan/china in nuclear death race. Nuclear power is just an alibi for getting dual technology and engaging western business audience. Just like rafale deal went from 126 to 36, the nuclear reactors will suffer the same fate:D.

Remember we are also in talks for leasing new nuclear subs from russia.
socialism through capitalism. :tup:

Even if the capitalism comes from the state's enemies? - what is the difference between you and other two bit traitors?...I hope you were joking though.
I'm Turkic and Turkey and Kazakhstan are in the Turkic counsil. I noticed how anti-Turkish most Indians are. If you continue this you will get jacksht from us. I'm not anti-Indian by the way. I think think some Indians need to change their attitude. If they are not anti-Turkic and anti-Muslim I'm fine with Indians.
Can Bangladesh join the Turkic council? Many of our ancestors come from the Turkic invaders.
...... If they are not anti-Turkic and anti-Muslim I'm fine with Indians.
1. No Indian has any beef with Turkey. We see it as an awesome tourist destination.
2. Not only Indians, complete world is becoming Islamophobic. Muslims themselves are to be blame.
3. Even if you are a hardcore anti-Indian, it dosent make an iota of difference. You can hate us as much as you want. :)
What we need is Libyan jamahiriya. Everything else is useless!

libya gave people the "green book"... and "jamahiriya" theory is half-way towards true communism... the rest is people propagating it in their societies and working towards "world jamahiriya"... :enjoy:


Even if the capitalism comes from the state's enemies? - what is the difference between you and other two bit traitors?...I hope you were joking though.

i was.
libya gave people the "green book"... and "jamahiriya" theory is half-way towards true communism... the rest is people propagating it in their societies and working towards "world jamahiriya"... :enjoy:


i was.
socialism can go down the well the guck we care. go live in libya stupid.

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