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Are Asian being assimilation to be Chinese


But Vietnamese like to be compared to Japan, you notice that? So Vietnam loves Japan more than China?



:-) we could say that we love Japanese more than Chinese , simply Japanese has been punished Chinese for us for what kinde of crimie Chinese did in the past to Vietnam. LOL.
:-) we could say that we love Japanese more than Chinese , simply Japanese has been punished Chinese for us for what kinde of crimie Chinese did in the past to Vietnam. LOL.

Hmm, I see.

:-) we could say that we love Japanese more than Chinese , simply Japanese has been punished Chinese for us for what kinde of crimie Chinese did in the past to Vietnam. LOL.

But the one thing I notice , especially from my experience with Vietnamese folks, is that Vietnamese people often times mistaken Japanese for Chinese. Literally. Where i get my hair cut, the barber is Vietnamese and the first time i went there he thought I was a Chinese.

I think Vietnamese people, in general, appreciate the idea of Japanese, but cannot easily differentiate Japanese from Chinese. Until we speak. :)
Beside selling Pho, I see nothing in Viet to compare to Japanese, not even close. And I have no doubt that Vietnam love Japan because they hate China.:D. But I do think Japaneses are more close relate to Chinese primary because you guys still use Kanji unlike Viets or Koreans.

Japanese related to Altaic people. You are Southern Chinese, Cantoneseis related to Tai/Katay people, not Altaic.:enjoy:

Hmm, I see.

But the one thing I notice , especially from my experience with Vietnamese folks, is that Vietnamese people often times mistaken Japanese for Chinese. Literally. Where i get my hair cut, the barber is Vietnamese and the first time i went there he thought I was a Chinese.

I think Vietnamese people, in general, appreciate the idea of Japanese, but cannot easily differentiate Japanese from Chinese. Until we speak. :)

It is your experience in US.

In Vietnam we can know a difference phenotype between of Japanese and Chinese esier than oversea Vietnamesei in US. Hua people are living in Vietnam, they are Cantonese, Min Nan people doesn't looks like Northerner Han http:// Chinese.
Hmm, I see.

But the one thing I notice , especially from my experience with Vietnamese folks, is that Vietnamese people often times mistaken Japanese for Chinese. Literally. Where i get my hair cut, the barber is Vietnamese and the first time i went there he thought I was a Chinese.

I think Vietnamese people, in general, appreciate the idea of Japanese, but cannot easily differentiate Japanese from Chinese. Until we speak. :)

Quite strange though, it is actually quite easy to differentiate whether it is Japanese or Chinese, even I think I know the difference between Korean and Japanese at first look. But it is not easy to differentiate between Indonesian and Malay Malaysian or Philipinos in Mindanau island. I feel we are really the same people.......:D
so why Vietnamese hate Chinese now.:sarcastic:
They are jeaolus. China used to be poor and backward but China suddenly become powerful and 100times more advance than those nation who used to look down on China in just 2 decades time.

I can understand the bitter feeling. As time passed by, you will used to the feeling of China being superior and you are lower. :D

:-) we could say that we love Japanese more than Chinese , simply Japanese has been punished Chinese for us for what kinde of crimie Chinese did in the past to Vietnam. LOL.
Yes yes, just like how Orange agent spread on Vietnamese or napalm bomb killed millions of vietnamese by American. So you mean those vietnamese deserve it?

You shall used a brain first before you sprout nonsense.

The guy on the lower left looks Japanese. The two guys on the lower right can be mistaken for Japanese.

Th two women on the top right can be mistaken for Japanese. The guy on the top left can be mistaken for Japanese.

Japanese, in general, tend to have a much longer prominent nasal bridge. We don't have flat nasal bridge.


They are jeaolus. China used to be poor and backward but China suddenly become powerful and 100times more advance than those nation who used to look down on China in just 2 decades time.

I can understand the bitter feeling. As time passed by, you will used to the feeling of China being superior and you are lower. :D

No war in mainland China from 1949. No war in land of Vietnam from 1990. :enjoy:

Yes yes, just like how Orange agent spread on Vietnamese or napalm bomb killed millions of vietnamese by American. So you mean those vietnamese deserve it?

You shall used a brain first before you sprout nonsense.

Japanese punished US in battle Pearl Harbor 1941 in advance before US invaded in to Vietnam with orange agent. in Vietnam war.

(US nuked Japan 1945, there is punishment for what Japanese did in Vietnam with big famine in 1945).
Its always interesting to see this fixation with Japan specifically amongst Southeast Asians.
Malaysia government is afraid of being assimilated by the Chinese so much that it is looking up to Japan as role model (Look East Policy).
Nobody is interested in Chinese.

Dont be jealous again at China / Chinese, Indians

"With China’s swift rise to prominence on the global stage, the demand for Mandarin language courses and qualified teachers is growing in just about every corner of the world.

At the recent International Conference on Language held in Suzhou City, 400 academics and cultural officials from more than 100 countries gathered to discuss Chinese language educationand the path forward for Chinese teaching globally. The conference was organised by China’s Ministry of Education in partnership with UNESCO.

Confucius Institutes expanding rapidly to meet demand for Chinese language skills - ICEF Monitor - Market intelligence for international student recruitment

Also read:
Chinese as a second language growing in popularity | CCTV America
Charm offensive: The way China influences the world — RT Op-Edge
Mandarin Chinese becoming first choice as second language - The Denver Post
Mandarin Chinese: Is English’s growing popularity a threat to China’s national language?
Interest in Mandarin Chinese Growing in Colorado, US Schools


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
Vietnamese young people who are not very sensitive to propaganda and political stuff, like Chinese culture, they are not like you bro, you hate Chinese very much.
Seriously, ED, you have no need to teach them for anything. :D
Keep healthy is more important especially when you are busy doing your work. :D

Traditionally, we don't need to assimilate anyone. The fact is that we just be ourselves. That's all. :nono:

Dont be jealous again at China / Chinese, Indians

"With China’s swift rise to prominence on the global stage, the demand for Mandarin language courses and qualified teachers is growing in just about every corner of the world.

At the recent International Conference on Language held in Suzhou City, 400 academics and cultural officials from more than 100 countries gathered to discuss Chinese language educationand the path forward for Chinese teaching globally. The conference was organised by China’s Ministry of Education in partnership with UNESCO.

Confucius Institutes expanding rapidly to meet demand for Chinese language skills - ICEF Monitor - Market intelligence for international student recruitment

Also read:
Chinese as a second language growing in popularity | CCTV America
Charm offensive: The way China influences the world — RT Op-Edge
Mandarin Chinese becoming first choice as second language - The Denver Post
Mandarin Chinese: Is English’s growing popularity a threat to China’s national language?
Interest in Mandarin Chinese Growing in Colorado, US Schools


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding

Hello, Keel, long time no see. Please don't. They hate facts that is not in line with the style of just open your mouth despite facts, add some futuristic tougue will be better. Hell, this is a strong ability of self brainwashed.

Please don't do any more comparisons to turn the topic to another one. We need some bigger guys. :cheers:
Hello, Keel, long time no see. Please don't. They hate facts that is not in line with the style of just open your mouth despite facts, add some futuristic tougue will be better. Hell, this is a strong ability of self brainwashed.
Please don't do any more comparisons to turn the topic to another one. We need some bigger guys. :cheers:

A friendly reminder to them does no harm

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Yes yes, just like how Orange agent spread on Vietnamese or napalm bomb killed millions of vietnamese by American. So you mean those vietnamese deserve it?

You shall used a brain first before you sprout nonsense.

I still have sympathy for the victims of agent orange, but it appear that those victims arent even getting much sympathy from fellow viets whos flattering themselves to be patriotic, but instead prefer to kiss american ***. This is quite strange and pathetic indeed.
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