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Why Kerala has no beef with beef.

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Its a shame. I thought we could learn much from India-particularly the secular model but most Indians today do not have that secular mindset. Glad to see mallus though who maintain such ideals. I believe for countries like Pakistan and India some form of minority appeasement is necessary. Much less they are banning things for minorities too. This beef issue is very similar to what Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did. He banned drinking even for minorities. I oppose his alcohol ban even on muslims however as everyone must have a choice. Many Hindus still eat beef, so I am quite clear that this is a law against fundamental human rights.

I am in the gulf and went to an Al-ain hotel recently. They were serving pork. I simply avoided that dish. Pork is also sold in grocery shops in Dubai. UAE is well a religious state and even they had enough vision. So there is always some space in a society for minorities to do as they please. Simple fact is the beef isn't going into the hindutva's stomach.

Well it will affect muslims most. The cow is often eaten particularly on bakr eid a muslim festival.
Is eating beef one of the basic tenants of Islam or Christianity?
Is eating beef one of the basic tenants of Islam or Christianity?
I will only say that a secular nation does not decide what a person is to eat or not. We as muslims are told to eat whatever is made legal to us.

Btw I am getting tired of this topic. Its been discussed infinately. You can check out my older posts to get a hang on my views on the selected topic.
I will only say that a secular nation does not decide what a person is to eat or not. We as muslims are told to eat whatever is made legal to us.

Btw I am getting tired of this topic. Its been discussed infinately. You can check out my older posts to get a hang on my views on the selected topic.
India doesn't provide absolute freedom, it comes with some strings attached to it in India. be it freedom to speech or anything else.
Then why not allow Cannibalism ? I fail to understand the logic there.

Here is more proof of Kerala "secular" nature.

Tension in Kerala village as school serves pork | The Indian Express

Wait, it gets better,

Siblings attacked in alleged act of moral policing in Kerala | The Indian Express

I sense a blind hatred here. pick the following 2 scenarios

(1) Do not feed us animals prohibited by our religion
(2) Do not allow non-hindus to eat animals they love to eat.

Which one infringes right of others ? which one is harmless.

In the "Pork situation", there was a good possibility that some of the kids may give it a try out of curiosity and eat Pork. is this allowable ?. This is not like serving beef/pork to grown college students in hostel. who are the responsible people in the school ? I understand destruction of some furniture is too much, at least those erumely folks did not prevent non-muslims from eating pork ? What the teacher did was a minor mistake and should be excused.

See that is the difference. All this Maharashtra ban does, is take Hinduism to extremes, condemn mild-hindus/low-caste hindus/chrisitans/muslims/parsees from savouring beef, which should be condemned.
Kerala people are probably my favourite Indians even though we have the least in common linguistically.
There are literally millions of Mallus in Oman and most of them seem to eat beef even if they are Hindu.

BTW I know some Tamil words (Sri Lankan Tamil) and sometimes people from Kerala can understand them.
Well they do have a high HDI ....... and if you don't believe it, here is the proof of their "liberal" culture,

A visit to kerala will be more enlightening.

Thank you. The last video of the "happy man" dancing to chenda melam. He is enjoying life. Let him. Our lives are short to waste in hatred and snobbish behaviors. Next time you see a drunk guy in Adidas tracks dancing like that, you know it is me.

The only regret I have is I have never been to thrissur pooram. I don't think I will ever will now, since it happens in the hottest time in kerala. I love thrissur basha.

One Q : why so uptight ? Jeevithum akhoshikku.
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I sense a blind hatred here. pick the following 2 scenarios

(1) Do not feed us animals prohibited by our religion
(2) Do not allow non-hindus to eat animals they love to eat.

Which one infringes right of others ? which one is harmless.

You know where I see sign's of blind Hatred ?

When a personal picks up a user name "wine and STAKE" just to participate in discussion on "beef" and insult hindu :cheesy:

Scenario (1) is applicable to both Hindus and Muslims. Beef is prohibited to Hindus and Pork is prohibited to muslims. Muslims are free to demand a ban on pork too. I am sure Hindus will support it.

Scenario (2) is NOT applicable as no state allows everything people "love" to do. Including Rape, incest, etc. If people "love" drugs, we are not going to make it legal either.

But how convenient that you choose the "right" of non-Hindus over the "right" of Hindus, and in the same tone accuse me of hate :lol:

In the "Pork situation", there was a good possibility that some of the kids may give it a try out of curiosity and eat Pork. is this allowable ?. This is not like serving beef/pork to grown college students in hostel. who are the responsible people in the school ? I understand destruction of some furniture is too much, at least those erumely folks did not prevent non-muslims from eating pork ? What the teacher did was a minor mistake and should be excused.

Then why did the "secular" Kerala and malayalee NOT hold a Pork festival as a protest against the school violence INSIDE KERALA ? Why hold a beef festival to protest against something that happened in far away Maharasthrat ? :lol:

Is the "secular" kerala more worried about what happens in Maharashtra than what happens INSIDE kerala ?

Finally consensual sex is NOT allowed between College management and staff with grown college Students. It is because it is immoral, unethical, exploitative and manipulative. Its breach of faith and trust. Similarly beef cannot be allowed in college student hostel. The logic is the same. But you do not see it because of blind hatred that clouds your judgement.

See that is the difference. All this Maharashtra ban does, is take Hinduism to extremes, condemn mild-hindus/low-caste hindus/chrisitans/muslims/parsees from savouring beef, which should be condemned.

See how this works ? All Maharasthra ban has done is respected the desire of the majority and has made laws to protect the right of the majority. They way it should he done in any and all democracy.

You have a problem because it is based on Hindu desire and not non Hindu desires. :lol: .............. now that is were I again see the hate.

The same logic goes in banning drugs which some minority savours.
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Thank you. The last video of the "happy man" dancing to chenda melam. He is enjoying life. Let him. Our lives are short to waste in hatred and snobbish behaviors. Next time you see a drunk guy in Adidas tracks dancing like that, you know it is me.

The only regret I have is I have never been to thrissur pooram. I don't think I will ever will now, since it happens in the hottest time in kerala. I love thrissur basha.

One Q : why so uptight ? Jeevithum akhoshikku.

The last video was of a drunk guy making a fool of himself and anyone who cares about him.

I hope you do not show snobish behaviour when a drunk guy comes to you house and tries to have sex with a family member. Or even hanging out outside your house making cat calls. After all he is enjoying life.

Surely you cannot pick and choose when to be liberal and when not to be one :coffee:

As to celebrating life, I do it every day. I am doing it now. I just have a different and more responsible way of doing it than getting drunk and be a nuisance to society.
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As long as Hinduism existed to be sad or happy, it was/is/will be acceptable. :coffee: ............... go tell you foolish theories to those Non Dalits living in Pakistan and Bangladesh and Afghanistan :lol: ........ now they will spit on your face and call you BS.

Their "status" in a Non Hindu state is what awaits you and your kind who laughs at your history and take pride in ignorance.

Try to support your claim as below with some decent logic and hard facts, or stop complaining. :lol:

Your comment: "Its the caste system in Hinduism that prevented Islam from converting ALL of India into muslims. It was the caste which was the most effective barrier against conversion. Both by the British and by the islamic invaders."

Well I believe if beef is banned then pork should be banned too. A truly secular nation does not ban things however. These people do not understand simple logic. Someone else eating pork or beef does not mean it is going inside your stomach. I think we have infinately discussed said topic. Why is this thread still in the front.

India has lead South Asia, rather Asia by example when it comes to the closest thing to being a truly secular nation, whatever deviation happened was mostly in favour of the minorities for vote-bank politics. May we continue to remain a secular nation and raise ourselves to become a truly secular nation and an example to the rest of the world, amen! :)
What a shame... spewing hatred and venom on a fellow State just because they do not buy their version of Hinduism.... a poor man or a man from a lower caste feeding his family with beef will not make him any less a Hindu than to a person who does not eat beef... (for that case neither a chandal, a asura or whatever you claim him to be)

If you say that cattle is like mother and it offends us, I would just like to point out that state of Kerala have done more to protect their Real mothers and the future mothers to be... check out the sex ratio of this nation and you will find out where your state and the state of Kerala stands.

When religion and politics mix it is the common man that always suffers in the end... look around you will have plenty of examples.
Try to support your claim as below with some decent logic and hard facts, or stop complaining. :lol:

Your comment: "Its the caste system in Hinduism that prevented Islam from converting ALL of India into muslims. It was the caste which was the most effective barrier against conversion. Both by the British and by the islamic invaders."

Maybe you did not hear me the first time. Hubris does that. That topic has already been discussed and debated here. Do a search and find that thread which will justify that comment.
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