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Facebook employees can access your account without password

Your friends,relatives etc etc

Because we are humans
And we are more interested in others life than in ours

I personally like FB because of the troll posts I see everyday
After hectic work load.....it's kinda refreshing
Sorry your all reasons not so impressive, try to socialized with real humans around you, your friends your relatives and after hectic work load find some other refreshment to relax you, I did FB once but in few months I delete my account coz it's waste of time, this type of discussion forums are more useful to learn and share your opinions as it run under various rules to keep discussion in civilized ways.
Anyway it's out of topic but FB/Twitter more harmful less useful.
Sorry your all reasons not so impressive, try to socialized with real humans around you, your friends your relatives and after hectic work load find some other refreshment to relax you, I did FB once but in few months I delete my account coz it's waste of time, this type of discussion forums are more useful to learn and share your opinions as it run under various rules to keep discussion in civilized ways.
Anyway it's out of topic but FB/Twitter more harmful less useful.
It depends from person to person

Zuckerberg's account balance doesn't agree with you either :P
let's agree to disagree :)
Any company that runs a webpage can certainly access anything on their servers whether it be PDF, Facebook, or WeChat.

They can simply browse their databases...the notion of a password to prevent them from seeing anything is ridiculous.
What other brilliant revelations does this source have to offer? Of course, anyone who has the access to the database where user credentials are stored can access anyone's account.

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