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On Iran's future possibilities with Sukhoi

Neither Saudis nor Israel are a major issue. First chances of a war with Saudis is nearly zero and also, we can wipe out many of their air bases, major infrastructures with missiles. Israel is also 1000 kms away and it can't project huge air power to Iran for a long time. The most threatening one is U.S air force in the region and we followed guerrilla warfare to deter that. There's more things that needs to be done, but our first priority is completing indigenous AD systems which are underway.
Your post is half right.
Taking out Saudi air bases and major infrastructures is fantasy of a high schooler. No one can claim to do that except USA.
Secondly, you are right about IAF. They simply don't have the capacity to wage an air campaign over Iran due to distance. The most they can do is a surgical air strike over a reactor some where.
S-300 is a dead project for iran , we have much better indigenous systems right now in iran . iran does NOT need the S-300 anymore .

the talks are probably for antey-2000 for Ballistic missile protection or the S-400 .

Then asked to refund or S400
pakistan also should work on its shitty AD systems . they suck big time . hell US could deploy helicopters in your airspace without you even noticing :lol:
Our AD defences are indeed crappy. Again its a bit off-topic. Still Pakistan needs to do about AD systems soon, everything cant be left to PAF.
Lol. Monkey version? That used to happen in USSR cold war. Not anymore. Russians nowadays are selling to foreign customers better version that they themselves use for instance the Su-30MKI that India bought. And if Iran gets the technology to manufacture 10 planes, what will stop Iran to build another 150, since the technology is already there to build more? Or you mean Iran builds ten of these and then the Russians will somehow erase the knowledge from Iranian brains afterwards?
wut im trying to say is this iran should start to build these thing on it's own soil if u have to pay a lot of money but u get ur hand on their tech it's worth it , it will largely improve iran air force's capability instead of trying to buy jets try to buy their tech the real tech
bro , its not finalized , these are just estimations and possibilities :)

chinese 5th gen. fighters are also on the table if they are for sale :)

We can offer the world top notch surface vessels.

And here is our counter measure against the DDG-1000 class and the DDG-51 class.


Israel will never let Iran get such weapons. Iran is in a tough position both america and Israel will do anything to prevent Iran from GETTING advance weapons. Under diplomatic PRESSURE Russia will probably not hand weapons like that to Iran
Iran should only buy things which they intend to reverse engineer and should not waste their money on antiques that will be easily compromised in the event of war. The current Iranian policy of developing effective AD is the best course of action. IMO, Enough funds should also be allocated to fighter jet development, but it seems the unfair and unjust economic sanctions are the big problems here.

People should remember in the last unjustified and illegal invasion against Iraq in 2003, some of the SAMs were good at the beginning but later on started falling shorter than their intended reach and altitudes. Many state there was a back door agreement between Russia and USA to disable those ADs that Iraq had. Similarly, Iran having similar Russian antiques could suffer the same fate and should never be trusted nor based on a national defense. It is rather a good policy to spend that money in local R&D.
I dont know .But it will cause certain challenge to other powers in region.
Anything can happen in future.
If Russia agress for a supply of 100 FGFA to Iran then it would be a certain trouble.
Chinese J 31 is not a match for JSF.
But except JSF nothing cant challenge FGFA

You are sadly mistaken if you think that the J-31 is not a match for the JSF. In fact, its design and avionics were built on stolen data of the JSF. They've only enhanced that design to overcome the speed and endurance by converting the jet to a twin engine stealth platform. JSF obviously will (or already has) seen more modifications since the data was stolen, but J-31 is the closest match to the JSF. FGFA is still a work in progress. When an operational version comes out, we can discuss it more.
Lol. Monkey version? That used to happen in USSR cold war. Not anymore. Russians nowadays are selling to foreign customers better version that they themselves use for instance the Su-30MKI that India bought. And if Iran gets the technology to manufacture 10 planes, what will stop Iran to build another 150, since the technology is already there to build more? Or you mean Iran builds ten of these and then the Russians will somehow erase the knowledge from Iranian brains afterwards?

That doesn't work like that.. It is not that simple..
You are sadly mistaken if you think that the J-31 is not a match for the JSF. In fact, its design and avionics were built on stolen data of the JSF. They've only enhanced that design to overcome the speed and endurance by converting the jet to a twin engine stealth platform. JSF obviously will (or already has) seen more modifications since the data was stolen, but J-31 is the closest match to the JSF. FGFA is still a work in progress. When an operational version comes out, we can discuss it more.
dude, no one would buy that propaganda. just because chinese claim that they have stolen data of JSF doesn't mean that they have actually done it.
dude, no one would buy that propaganda. just because chinese claim that they have stolen data of JSF doesn't mean that they have actually done it.

This isn't propaganda. Everything that doesn't fit your taste, becomes propaganda??? Do you read news? This news was verified by the US defense specialists and many other Cyber threat assessments were conducted. In fact, there are a couple of threads right on pdf. There was a huge lengthy article on a thread posted by an American dude just a couple of days ago, showing US Cyber command's threat assessments and details on the Chinese hacking issue.
This isn't propaganda. Everything that doesn't fit your taste, becomes propaganda??? Do you read news? This news was verified by the US defense specialists and many other Cyber threat assessments were conducted. In fact, there are a couple of threads right on pdf. There was a huge lengthy article on a thread posted by an American dude just a couple of days ago, showing US Cyber command's threat assessments and details on the Chinese hacking issue.
Can you provide any link to an official american claim that chinese have stolen data of JSF?
Can you provide any link to an official american claim that chinese have stolen data of JSF?

Can you provide me a claim that in vedic times, the Indians had planes thousands of years ago which would travel inter galaxy? Or there were cell phones and cars that existed thousands of years ago? I am not trying to be insulting, but you can use common sense at times too. No federal government agencies will come out and say it, but see the following links below:

Chinese spies 'stole plans for JSF'

China stole plans for a new fighter plane, spy documents have revealed | Global Geopolitics

Defence News - China stole plans for a new fighter plane, spy documents have revealed

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