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China declares Pakistan a ''Solid Strategic Partner''.


Feb 2, 2007
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BEIJING/RAWALPINDI: The most trusted, strongest and reliable ally of Islamabad, China on Sunday termed Pakistan a solid strategic partner.

The reaffirmation of the decades-long and all-weather partnership came amid Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Raheel Sharif’s official visit to China, during which he called on China’s Vice Chairman Central Military Commission, Gen Fan Changlong in Beijing. During the unprecedented meeting held in a warmth and cordial atmosphere on Sunday morning, Gen Fan termed Pakistan-China as solid strategic partners, most important neighbours and iron brothers, ISPR Director General Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa tweeted on social media.

Showing solidarity with people of Pakistan, armed forces versus any challenge, Gen Fan praised the success of Zarb-e-Azb military operation against terrorists and termed it bold, hard blow for terrorists, without any discrimination. Gen Fan praised national consensus to combat terrorism, Pakistan’s resolve, efforts and sacrifices in fighting the menace of terrorism. He also assured China’s full support to Pakistan in its fight against terrorism. The COAS said that with nation’s support, Pakistan armed forces are fully determined and will go to any extent to eliminate terrorism from our soil.

General Raheel held a meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Gen Qi Jianguo and discussed full range of regional security and defence related issues. According to ISPR, the matters pertaining to bilateral cooperation including enhanced long-term defence collaboration, security and counter terrorism cooperation, intelligence sharing and training exchanges were discussed in the meeting. Earlier at his arrival, General Raheel Sharif was presented Guard of Honour at the People’s Liberation Army Headquarters. He reviewed guard of honor along with his Chinese counterpart.

China declares Pakistan solid strategic partner
Not that I say it because Pakistan allies with China, but you will see it in future that Pakistan stands to gain a lot more from this alliance than India will from its alliance with US.

China is an emerging power and future in Asia belongs to it. In economy, technology China is growing by leaps and bounds.

US wants to use India as a bulwark against China. We have been there.US uses countries and then cold shoulders them.
US has fallen back from Asia after unsuccessful Afghanistan campaign where they failed to assert themselves. It remains to be seen if the bases will be built and be safeguarded because outside of Kabul its open season.

China will play a huge part in shaping the geopolitical future of this region. I am confident they can woo Afghanistan and Ghani who seems like a good man and Pak/Afg/China nexus can take a stranglehold on South Asian corridor and lock in India.

India, like the US loves to do, will use proxy terrorism to get even. Be warned.
Its going to funny to watch US stumble into another debacle and lose Afghanistan to Pakistan and China influence. Its already taken them 15 years to secure the capital of a country.
What is curious is these words come from the ISPR but not the Chinese. If a lowly Chinese general says hello to Raheel, Bajwa gets on the internet radio television and the papers, declares a stronger than superman larger than the universe alliance between Pakistan and China. You gotta laugh
Pakistan should continue to cooperate with China in all facets of life; economic, social, cultural, educational, regional security, sharing of intelligence and most importantly augment the existing defence collaborations and 'propel' them to new heights. China's 'monopoly' over Asia will only yield further momentum with her ever-growing-robust-economy, complementing her distinguished/formidable Armed Forces.

Furthermore, it is no secret Pakistan's development, has invariably been synonymous to that of her 'all-weather-friend' China. The recent visit, is another step in the right direction, in 'fortifying' the existing-robust-rapport that is enjoyed between the nations and is a herald of greater things to come. China has always been Pakistan's 'spring of hope' after 'a winter of despair'.
Excuse me? Rephrase your reservations/trepidations in acceptable English-discourse. I'm not partial to your deragatory nuances of the language.

From what i gather, the nub of your argument is that 'collaboration' between two- strategic-partners, equates to being their "bitch"?, based on that premise, your motherland (india) is a greater one.

In other word become chinas bitch, hope they learned lesson from their relationship with murica.
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