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Finding OBL in Pakistan proved war on terror was waged against wrong country: Karzai


Aug 19, 2014
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NEW DELHI: Continuing with his anti-Pakistan rhetoric, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai on Friday said finding Osama bin Laden in Pakistan proved the war on terror was waged against ‘the wrong country’.

Speaking at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in India, Karzai said the death of al Qaeda founder in Pakistan shows that Nato and allied forces were wrong in entering Afghan soil.

Renowned Indian journalist Barkha Dutt, who was chairing Karzai’s talk, tweeted his statements:

According to an NDTV report, the former president – in an apparent dig that the war should have been waged in Pakistan instead - said US should have gone to the sanctuaries of terrorism, not Afghanistan. Karzai has been unrelenting in his criticism of Pakistan during his long rule and has continued to do so even after stepping down.

Following the September 11 attack, US-led troops intervened attacked Afghanistan to dismantle al Qaeda and remove Taliban from power in the country. The chief of the terror network, however, was killed as part of a highly secretive operation in Abbottabad in May 2011, ending the biggest manhunt in history.

“My stance against certain elements of US and Nato presence was principled,” Karzai, who has often said the war on terror should not be against Afghanistan, clarified.

“I stood up against the US because I wanted them to correct their behaviour with Afghanistan.”

Rejecting warnings by his one-time counterpart General (retd) Pervez Musharraf, Karzai reiterated Afghanistan would not allow itself to become the battleground in a proxy war between India and Pakistan after the imminent departure of US-led troops.

“Afghanistan will not allow proxy war between India and Pakistan on its soil – and I’m sure India won’t do that,” Karzai said firmly, adding, “India will be there to educate our children, build dams, not to wage a proxy war against Pakistan – so I’ll give a reassurance to Musharraf that he did not worry.”

In an interview earlier this week, Musharraf warned that Pakistan would look to use ethnic Pashtuns to counter if India tries to achieve its goal of creating an “anti-Pakistan Afghanistan”. India and Pakistan have long accused each other of using proxy forces to try to gain influence in Afghanistan but the former president rejected a possibility of this.

Thanking India for participating in ‘every step’ of rebuilding Afghanistan as it suffered from invasions, foreign interferences and extremism, Karzai said, “a generation of forward-looking young Afghans have emerged and thanks a great deal to India having helped us in this regard.”

Further, commenting on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, Karzai said, “we will engage with Pakistan as a sovereign, independent state conducting our own foreign policy and that will not be compromised.”

Karzai’s statement comes at a crucial time after the newly elected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visited Pakistan and as Nato’s combat mission ends in December.

Pakistan was one of only three countries that recognised the Taliban regime that ruled in Kabul before being toppled in late 2001 after a US-led invasion in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The Taliban’s downfall led to Karzai’s installation as Afghan leader and he remained in power until stepping down as president earlier this year.
@levina @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @Ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando
Bastard people like Karzai when are in a country who are enemy of Pakistan will speak against Pakistan in worse possible way.
Bastard people like Karzai when are in a country who are enemy of Pakistan will speak against Pakistan in worse possible way.
Dont cry.
Point is not whether Karzai is pro or anti anything. Point is whether he is speaking da truth?
NEW DELHI: Continuing with his anti-Pakistan rhetoric, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai on Friday said finding Osama bin Laden in Pakistan proved the war on terror was waged against ‘the wrong country’.
Utter nonsense - the only reason OBL was in Pakistan was because of the US invasion of Afghanistan - the war was absolutely waged against the correct country, Afghanistan.
But Karzai, unlike u, dint forget that OBL was found in Pak Army area. :D

So what, 11 Saudians on CIA terror watch list bombed twin towers, does this make CIA complict in 9/11 ?
Did i mention "ISIS" if a group has clear intentions and is Islamist then they can be called anything. The names , flags and colour change but ideologies don't.
The islamist factions are divided not because of belief differences but all want to be a leader. When a unifying voice comes then forget IS they won't even have a name most likely. But the Murji Liberal dogs of Pakistan and other countries will call then Khawarij. :rofl: If we live to see it these people will call Imam Mahdi Khawarij and a terrorist just wait and watch. :dance3:
Allaah has indeed spoken the truth:

“Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment
well i thought maybe you were talking about the guys in the SUVs in your display pic
a simple "no" could have done :coffee:
NEW DELHI: Continuing with his anti-Pakistan rhetoric, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai on Friday said finding Osama bin Laden in Pakistan proved the war on terror was waged against ‘the wrong country’.

Speaking at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in India, Karzai said the death of al Qaeda founder in Pakistan shows that Nato and allied forces were wrong in entering Afghan soil.

Renowned Indian journalist Barkha Dutt, who was chairing Karzai’s talk, tweeted his statements:

According to an NDTV report, the former president – in an apparent dig that the war should have been waged in Pakistan instead - said US should have gone to the sanctuaries of terrorism, not Afghanistan. Karzai has been unrelenting in his criticism of Pakistan during his long rule and has continued to do so even after stepping down.

Following the September 11 attack, US-led troops intervened attacked Afghanistan to dismantle al Qaeda and remove Taliban from power in the country. The chief of the terror network, however, was killed as part of a highly secretive operation in Abbottabad in May 2011, ending the biggest manhunt in history.

“My stance against certain elements of US and Nato presence was principled,” Karzai, who has often said the war on terror should not be against Afghanistan, clarified.

“I stood up against the US because I wanted them to correct their behaviour with Afghanistan.”

Rejecting warnings by his one-time counterpart General (retd) Pervez Musharraf, Karzai reiterated Afghanistan would not allow itself to become the battleground in a proxy war between India and Pakistan after the imminent departure of US-led troops.

“Afghanistan will not allow proxy war between India and Pakistan on its soil – and I’m sure India won’t do that,” Karzai said firmly, adding, “India will be there to educate our children, build dams, not to wage a proxy war against Pakistan – so I’ll give a reassurance to Musharraf that he did not worry.”

In an interview earlier this week, Musharraf warned that Pakistan would look to use ethnic Pashtuns to counter if India tries to achieve its goal of creating an “anti-Pakistan Afghanistan”. India and Pakistan have long accused each other of using proxy forces to try to gain influence in Afghanistan but the former president rejected a possibility of this.

Thanking India for participating in ‘every step’ of rebuilding Afghanistan as it suffered from invasions, foreign interferences and extremism, Karzai said, “a generation of forward-looking young Afghans have emerged and thanks a great deal to India having helped us in this regard.”

Further, commenting on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, Karzai said, “we will engage with Pakistan as a sovereign, independent state conducting our own foreign policy and that will not be compromised.”

Karzai’s statement comes at a crucial time after the newly elected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visited Pakistan and as Nato’s combat mission ends in December.

Pakistan was one of only three countries that recognised the Taliban regime that ruled in Kabul before being toppled in late 2001 after a US-led invasion in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The Taliban’s downfall led to Karzai’s installation as Afghan leader and he remained in power until stepping down as president earlier this year.
@levina @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @Ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando
Mate now that you have posted this article get ready to be accused of being a false flagger/Bharti troll from some of the members in this thread:p:
Karzai is a disloyal pashtun bitch .. these mofos are not loyal to any one . esp Pakistan when they need it they hide like rats when they dont they spew garbage
Doesnt Karzai get it??? Nobody cares what he has to say anymore. His career is destroyed, his image is tarnished, his mental sanity and emotional well-being has often been questioned. His own brother worked hand in glove with drug cartels - he fcked with the wrong people and got whacked like an insect because of it. His government was hand-in-glove involved in the Bank of Kabul scandal (surprised this didnt get him impeached). Billions and billions of dollars injected into Afghanistan have gone missing, with nothing to show for. No writ or influence outside of Kabul, which itself is a fortified green zone only because of NATO's oversight.

the war on terrorism started after 11th September 2001.....the madness and lack of unity in Afghanistan, the breakdown of the social fabric of society in Afghanistan, the power of warlords and drugs-smugglers over regular people - all existed well before that date

the only people clinging onto Karzai seems to be the indians these days......he should apply for indian visa and go live there. His own people have dis-owned him, a large % have dis-owned the Northern alliance goons.

what they say is meaningless - but my post here isnt needed to confirm that.

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