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Indian Propoganda or the real aim of Pakistan?

Interceptor.. Kindly read my post throughly....and then come to conclusion

I never for once mentioned that Pakistan was a coward.. If you had come to such a conclusion then I it's completely your fault and I do not own any responsibility. India is like any other democratic country.. It is because of terrorism from across the border that we have military there otherwise we dont bother least.. Kashmir will be like anyother state enjoying education and jobs in technology sectors.. But the sponsoring of militanat's by your government is the reason why the army is there... Again I had to say this because you made me so... If you talk about kashmir then I can in equal measure talk about Balochistan .....so kindly refrain form making such statements.. Have yo heard of the riots that broke out in SL and the massacres that have been taking place against Tamils....How about you friend China which props up one of the most tyrannical and rouge regimes in the world.. The Burmese government......In truth they are the ones letting horrors happen in Burma....

Again I repeat SL is still capable of fighting tiger's and keeping them from capturing Jaffna jus because we don't support the Tiger's...

I am here at Tamilnadu and know about the geopolitics of that region pretty well than you do...

We Indian's have done the greatest favour to SL just by turning a blind eye towards them ...
Let it have free trade agreement with anyone .. Let me tell you SL is to India what Burma is to China...though Burmese government may seem to be friendly with us their ultimate loyalty lies with China (though the Chinese influence wil end once Suki or democry returns)... Same is here....Heck even Rajapakse was here begging us to carry out joint patrolling and to interfere in the conflict....

Just answer my question .... In a hypothetical situation will the SL provide you with an airbase like the one we have in central Asia.... THEY SIMPLY WON'T AND if they do that it will amount to suicide...SL army is one of the least cpable army on earth.. believe me..Tiger's have time and again over run them and to hide the embrassement , during the last war SL took CNN and BBC off air..
Believe me .. If myself a Tamilian in India gets on stage and say's I support LTTE the next moment I will be arrested by Taminadu police and suspended from my college.. and moreover the ruling Congress literally spews venom on LTTE..

I again repeat Congress government allows pakistani's to sell weapons simply for the reason that it cannot sell as DMK( a reginol party) will pull out of the coilition .. So we are just turning a blind eye on pakistani sales...
But when it comes to the real deal the fact is that SL has little or no choice but to listen to us... If we were supporting the LTTE why hide and support or brand them as a terrorist outfit.. like LET they could have easily changed their name and we would have supported them by providing them with the latest gear.. training and truckloads of money.. once if that had happened..Tamil eelam would have been easily achieved.... But it is because of our favouring the SL government that the tigers have not yet declared independence and SL knows this all too wel...

Well in case we support LTTE all out and land our troops in SL .. who do you think will come in support of them ...You think pakistan will risk a war and come all over from your place to SL to fight us??? SL also knows the abovesaid fact very welll...heck even uncle sam will literally turn a blind eye towards us...

They come to pakistan to buy weapons because pakistan produces cheap and low end weapons that is suitable for gaurilla war.. that is it....nothing else...
Even Sonia Gandhi will be hapy with that...
God the new members/kids have no idea on anything..... People should stop wasting time...it is getting irritating now
Dear Adux

I dont think simplyfying complex systems into simple ones to understand is kiddish...

My postings just reflected the ground realities..... Insted of mere rhetoric I have broken down the essentials of complex dimensions into simple proportions...

What is it with my post do you disagree.....What information provided , do you think is irrelevant an irritating.......

As far simple rabble rousing in the initail sentences go I was merely replying to interceptor...

Whats the point in catch 22 like arguments just for the sake of restrrain and maturity if they don enlighten us on ground realities..

I just wanted to highlight the issue from the perspective of a laymn..

Kindly ponit out the defects in the argument and I shall take it as critisizm and if I fell that I was right let me rebuke it.......

I think using words like irritating and kind to a newcomer is unfair

i wasnt talking about you, i can vouch for what you said since i know about the situation. i am a south indian and got considerable links in tamil nadu as well as i know about sri lankan tamils from uk.....
My post makes perfect sense Indian Chatter boxes, India can talk the talk but can it walk the walk; no , how can a country like Sri Lanka be dependent on the country that is supporting/supported the LTTE. Now thats why I said this isnt snake charming, you cant just summon Sri Lanka out of the basket if you were to use your senses. You should realize that the polotics that India is playing in Sri Lanka is taking lives. If India isnt supporting the LTTE than why do you call Sri Lanka the Indian Snake why do you say it will follow the Indian government of course it is supporting it why would Sri Lanka buy weapons from Pakistan unless it had an un resloved issue of aggression, the LTTE is being funded by the Indian Government.

What? Dude, i dont care whether you believe me or not, whether its snake charming or not. Sri Lanka depends on India, they constantly ask India to help out. This time again they asked India for joint patrolling in the seas, seeing that if they are attacked, so would the Indian convoys and that would mean India would retaliate against the LTTE.

India is not supporting the LTTE. Again, i dont give a $hit whether you believe me or not. India is sympathetic towards LTTE, but they are not supporting them, rather stopping them. India has distanced itself from the SL politics after Rajiv Gandhi got assasinated.

If you think LTTE is being funded by Indian Govt, then you have no idea about the realities of the situation.
There is a difference between fetching the stick and holding the stick. indiapakistanfriendship You compare Pakistan as some coward state like India that occupies Kashmir and doesn’t allow any media converge for the horrific crimes done by the Indian Army and government. But Sri lanka isn’t a occupied territory of India, so the Kashmir issue should be completely different compared to the Sri lanken issue. The Pakistani government didn’t invite Sri lanka to come buy weapons they came asking for help and as Pakistan thought best add another ally to its ever expanding list. If India can snap its fingers and make Sri lanka kneel on its knees then why doesn’t it why doesn’t it make another Indian state.
To show how you are COMPLETELY unaware of anything allow me to tell you. SL as an ally of Pakistan? Are u crazzy? Selling low end weapons to SL makes them an ally? SL has far better relations with India. They are and will remain pro India.

I have seen it, Pakistani people REALLY believe that SL is their ally and friend. Dude, SL is India, get it through. The ONLY reason Pakistan gets to sell weapons to SL is because INdia is NOT SELLING weapons to SL. India has stated that it will remain neutral to SL and not sell any weapons, neither take sides after the assasination.

But to give you a reality on Sri Lanka it’s an Indo-Pakistan cold war battle ground. At the moment Sri lanka is getting very close to Pakistan it has free trade and is the one of the biggest suppliers of defence related equipment. India on the other had is trying to take control on Sri lanken politics by misinformation and propaganda like the tsunami relief propaganda where Indian propaganda made it like that Pakistan hadn’t provided help to Sri lanka.

Huh? Indian ships were the first to reach Sl and provide relief. We have the most powerful Navy in these oceans. SL is getting 'close' to Pakistan, just so Pakistan can get the job done, ie give weapons to them and help kill LTTE. When this over, and it will take a long time, SL will still be pro India in ALL its affairs.

Cold war between India and Pakistan? In SL.. ROFLMAO!
Pakistan does not have the capability to influence SL, we do.
Please dont flatter yourself so much credit. Cold war of influence. SL remains Indian to the last core.
Are u the official spokesman for them because you know allot about Indian chatter boxes. This isn't snake charming.

By the I would to remind you that the reference you make if from a time even before Indian Independence, that includes present day Pakistan. If Indians were snake charmers Pakistani were too. A little reminder of history for u.

Hence I would suggest that you cut the nonsense while posting.It might sounds stylish for a idiotic european to say this,but not for someone of Pakistani origin.
And u know one they had sold them, SL soldiers complained of back firing so u can understand why they dont want to buy from India ;)
And u know one they had sold them, SL soldiers complained of back firing so u can understand why they dont want to buy from India ;)

They would JUMP at the oppurtrunity to buy any Indian weaponry. The fact of the matter is...they cant. Indian Govt has refused to sell them any weapons, there are domestic political compulsions.

Please dont go about thinking that SL is buying weapons from Pakistan because it does not want to buy from India.
Are u the official spokesman for them because you know allot about Indian chatter boxes. This isn't snake charming.

:) interceptor becarrful while using words and becarful to their flaimbat they have this quality of closing all threads aimed at India by starting flaimbating.
:) plus dont challange thm on their forum.
They would JUMP at the oppurtrunity to buy any Indian weaponry. The fact of the matter is...they cant. Indian Govt has refused to sell them any weapons, there are domestic political compulsions.

Please dont go about thinking that SL is buying weapons from Pakistan because it does not want to buy from India.

Instead of yapping can you provide source to back your claim up (about this not buying from India)? SL wanted to get Chinese 3-D radars, but cause of pressure they had to get worthless Indian hardware that went down during times of hostilities, cause it was threat to Indian security what a joke.

Get out of this mind set that the countries around India revolve around India, cause in reality it doesn't. Its' getting very tiring you people yapping about it all the time.
Instead of yapping can you provide source to back your claim up? SL wanted to get Chinese radars, but cause of pressure they had to get worthless Indian hardware that went down during times of hostilities.

I dont expect you to post such replies sniperji, you should know better.
Think for yourself....who exactly put pressure on Chinese radars? Has to be the SL govt herself. If SL was NOT in Indias influence, the Chinese radars would have been bought.

Now, on to more reasons...The radar they wanted was Chinese 3-D radar. Do you know why 3-D radar is needed? So that it can direct the SAM's. It calculates the location of the plane in the third axis. Does SL have any SAM's?? Why then does it need 3-D radars. This is the reason in the end, 2-D radars were chose.

And i expect you, being a regular member of this forum, to atleast remember old posts. SL govt has herself categorically denied reports that the radar malfunctioned or did not detect the aircraft. The articles that the radar did not function were posted by pro China supporters in SL media. The radar had been taken DOWN by some one in the base the day prior to the attack. It seems LTTE had a mole in SLAAF.

Also another thing " worthles Indian hardware", such flaming can be avoided ;)
I dont expect you to post such replies sniperji, you should know better.
Think for yourself....who exactly put pressure on Chinese radars? Has to be the SL govt herself. If SL was NOT in Indias influence, the Chinese radars would have been bought.

Now, on to more reasons...The radar they wanted was Chinese 3-D radar. Do you know why 3-D radar is needed? So that it can direct the SAM's. It calculates the location of the plane in the third axis. Does SL have any SAM's?? Why then does it need 3-D radars. This is the reason in the end, 2-D radars were chose.

My bad if the post was harsh, but I had to say something. If India was serious about helping SL wouldn't they allow SL to buy 3-D radars, and you don't necessarily have to have SAMs if you want to operate it.

The 3D radar is capable of detecting, tracking, and classifying various types of targets with a particular emphasis on small, fast and low-flying aircraft, missiles and hovering helicopters. It can be deployed as a stand-alone radar or can be integrated into air defence networks in coordination with other radars and command control systems.

And i expect you, being a regular member of this forum, to atleast remember old posts. SL govt has herself categorically denied reports that the radar malfunctioned or did not detect the aircraft. The articles that the radar did not function were posted by pro China supporters in SL media. The radar had been taken DOWN by some one in the base the day prior to the attack. It seems LTTE had a mole in SLAAF.

Also another thing " worthles Indian hardware", such flaming can be avoided ;)

I have only read about the denying from India reports not SL reports. About mole that is just speculation, their is no confirmed reports about it.

And about the worthless part, well same can be said about ur Indian friends on other threads.

I can be a nice guy at times if I'm not provoked into saying things, but their is a time when you talk with logic instead of repeating the same thing over again of controlling others, etc.

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