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The Exploding China-Hating Activity on PDF China & Far East Section

Most of the China-hatred is done by Indians because they are incredibly jealous of the status China has in the world while India being a similar population to China don't have the same power and status of China. India is essentially a poor man's China.

Indians have thought of themselves as superior to China but have been forced to accept being inferior after being fully colonised by the British, then once India as a country came into existence they lost the 1962 war to China, China has veto power in the UNSC while India don't, China has a manned space program while India don't (India wanted respect so they quickly did the Mars mission with NASA to boast to China that they did something China haven't done and that the world should view India as a superior space power to China), China does incredibly well in Olympics competing with the US while India can't even win a gold medal, China has a much bigger economy, China has a far more power military, China has far better infrastructure, China has far more brands in global lists, China more supercomputers than India, the list goes on and on.

China is just a more powerful country overall and a country that is more important to the world than India. Since India is viewed as an afterthought to China in most things, this infuriates the hell out of the Indians that have viewed themselves as superior to China in their own delusional minds. That's why they say things like "we gave you Buddhism" to massage their bruised ego.

Indians thought they don't need a manufacturing sector and went straight to a service sector economy while laughing at China that has a strong manufacturing economy and even in this the Indians claimed some sort of superiority (now India wants a manufacturing sector).

Indians thought their political system as being far superior to China's political system and that would allow India to easily become more powerful than China.

Indians also view China as a barrier to dominating South Asia and Asia eventually and China (being such a powerful country) provides a check on Indian hegemonic ambitions in South Asia and supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India also views China as a threat as China goes around the world buying up the world resources with the cash China has and these resources will be needed by India eventually.

The West still looks at India as a mere pawn they can use to contain China. India is never looked at as a power in itself like they view China or Russia.

No wonder the Indians hate China so much. In the minds of brainwashed Indians, China has essentially taken the place that Indians believe belong to them.

Truly delusional bunch these Indians. Indians are the most arrogant and obnoxious people you will ever come across in business and in life. There are a few good Indians but their number is small.
I don't agree with you,you have too much bias.
India maybe is not better in economic comparing China.But their society and culture are much more colorful.
Don't swelled head and our country has tons of problems,too.Terrible pollution, uneven development,large government agencies and corruption are damage our motherland.
haughty invites losses while modesty brings profits.
If there are ignorant people laugh at China without seeing their own problems,I think they cost more.
Most of the China-hatred is done by Indians because they are incredibly jealous of the status China has in the world while India being a similar population to China don't have the same power and status of China. India is essentially a poor man's China.

Indians have thought of themselves as superior to China but have been forced to accept being inferior after being fully colonised by the British, then once India as a country came into existence they lost the 1962 war to China, China has veto power in the UNSC while India don't, China has a manned space program while India don't (India wanted respect so they quickly did the Mars mission with NASA to boast to China that they did something China haven't done and that the world should view India as a superior space power to China), China does incredibly well in Olympics competing with the US while India can't even win a gold medal, China has a much bigger economy, China has a far more power military, China has far better infrastructure, China has far more brands in global lists, China more supercomputers than India, the list goes on and on.

China is just a more powerful country overall and a country that is more important to the world than India. Since India is viewed as an afterthought to China in most things, this infuriates the hell out of the Indians that have viewed themselves as superior to China in their own delusional minds. That's why they say things like "we gave you Buddhism" to massage their bruised ego.

Indians thought they don't need a manufacturing sector and went straight to a service sector economy while laughing at China that has a strong manufacturing economy and even in this the Indians claimed some sort of superiority (now India wants a manufacturing sector).

Indians thought their political system as being far superior to China's political system and that would allow India to easily become more powerful than China.

Indians also view China as a barrier to dominating South Asia and Asia eventually and China (being such a powerful country) provides a check on Indian hegemonic ambitions in South Asia and supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India also views China as a threat as China goes around the world buying up the world resources with the cash China has and these resources will be needed by India eventually.

The West still looks at India as a mere pawn they can use to contain China. India is never looked at as a power in itself like they view China or Russia.

No wonder the Indians hate China so much. In the minds of brainwashed Indians, China has essentially taken the place that Indians believe belong to them.

Truly delusional bunch these Indians. Indians are the most arrogant and obnoxious people you will ever come across in business and in life. There are a few good Indians but their number is small.

Excellent summary, but China wants not only the hatred from India, but also from the US.

More hatred from the US on China is good. :coffee:
I don't agree with you,you have too much bias.
India maybe is not better in economic comparing China.But their society and culture are much more colorful.
Don't swelled head and our country has tons of problems,too.Terrible pollution, uneven development,large government agencies and corruption are damage our motherland.
haughty invites losses while modesty brings profits.
If there are ignorant people laugh at China without seeing their own problems,I think they cost more.

I'm just calling it as I see it.

I didn't say China is perfect. I have been very critical of China and many of its policies.

just don't get too full of yourselves okay.

China always loves to receive more hatred from its opponents.

It is always a pleasure to psychologically torture the opponents by fueling its hatred and jealousy, isn't it?
Excellent summary, but China wants not only the hatred from India, but also from the US.

More hatred from the US on China is good. :coffee:

When US hates China the way India does now. That means China has succeeded. That will be the barometer of Chinese success.

China always loves to receive more hatred from its opponents.

It is always a pleasure to psychologically torture the opponents by fueling its hatred and jealousy, isn't it?

Chinese media rarely mentions India. But China is on Indian media all the time.

China compares itself to the US while India compares itself to China.
When US hates China the way India does now. That means China has succeeded. That will be the barometer of Chinese success.

Yeah, it is getting closer, from the initial disdain into the jealous hatred.

Chinese media rarely mentions India. But China is on Indian media all the time.

China compares itself to the US while India compares itself to China.

At least China is realistic when using the US as a comparison, whereas India always boasts how it is better than China in this and that.

For example, most Indian members believe that India as a beginner can build the better nuclear subs than China who got many decades of designing/building experience.

Chinese are realistic and pragmatic who can accept the truth, whereas most Indian members are delusional with a fragile mind.
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I don't agree with you,you have too much bias.
India maybe is not better in economic comparing China.But their society and culture are much more colorful.
Don't swelled head and our country has tons of problems,too.Terrible pollution, uneven development,large government agencies and corruption are damage our motherland.
haughty invites losses while modesty brings profits.
If there are ignorant people laugh at China without seeing their own problems,I think they cost more.

So you prefer to live in India over China?

BTW, Chiang is not a Mainland pronunciation of surname, and I absolutely despise the non-Mainlander folks like you to pose as a Mainlander, then talk sh1t about the Mainland China.

Why take these threads/posts seriously? Just take it as a time pass and enjoyment. Just do your own job and take PDF as some sort of unwinding of your self at the end of a hectic day. Don't be 24 hrs. in PDF or think about what you are going to post or what others think about your post!!:enjoy:
I have seen few posters talking about Indian hatred towards China........

My friends please do not take the internet warriors as a specimen to judge Indian feelings towards China, Let me tell you no one hates China, Yes we have our own differences, and when there is a difference you cant expect an indian taking chinese side......
:D Just let them be! We can eliminate trolls in this section, but there are more out there on the Internet, some are even worse. The best thing is ignore, and wait they slap their own face.

I am a tolerent person. But here, I suggest the PDF mgmt team punish BoQ and his several smurfs, he is the biggest troll.
Wow @WebMaster! Not even the pretense of neutrality? I guess that's one way to go. Right now there's a thread by Pakistan's favorite son @RiazHaq which started out as "If India attacks Pakistan" and has now degenerated to Mr. Haq's favorite obsession, open defecation. There's another one by @Chinese-Dragon about Nehru being smarter than Modi or something like that where every one of his posts calls Modi a mass murder. Not to mention such gems as India is going to break apart, Indians are ugly, India is not a country (by the dude with chick's picture and bad English few posts above mine), cow piss drinkers, monkey worshippers or your Think Tanks like Donatello who in all the time I've spent here, has never had a single intelligent or constructive thing to say. How about @engineer saad who posts pictures dead indian soldiers with glee or qamar1990 who on hearing the news of a Kashmiri policeman's death, posted an unsolicited comment about how he didn't don't care 'cause he was working for the enemy. Let's not kid ourselves, when comes to trolling, Indians posters cannot hold a candle to such PDF legends as Icewolf, RazPak, hiptullha, Donatello, RiazHaq, luca1. The list is endless.

@TaiShang I agree with you that there should a higher level of discourse and that's one of the reasons I joined PDF. I wanted to see things from other people's point of view. When I signed up, I didn't realize that it was an out and out troll forum. But if you're hurt by things that are said about China, you should see what the Chinese and Pakistani posters have to say about India. It might not raise the level of discourse on PDF but you're gonna feel a bit better about your situation
Yes i posted pictures of dead Indian soldiers and i already warned by the Admin. You know what was the reason behind my Post?
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