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Breaking:Ram Sethu may be declared National Monument.

See? Further proof! UNESCO declared them a heritage site, but our Government has not yet declared them a protected monument. :partay:

Also a reclaimed area cannot be a monument. If Mr. Parashuram reclaimed the coastal area from the sea it was only reclamation and not a monument. But Rama Setu is not a reclamation. It is a built area. Being an engineer I thought this would be apparent for you. Now a technical bozo has to teach you this stuff. I always knew all those engineering schools were a scam.
I am not sure about merry.. But there is some other lady named Mary who got knocked out by holy spirit.. Dont have visual confirmation though!
Jeez, you still managed to out-troll him!!! But anyway two, stop pulling legs now - the biggest pagan hammer is on its way :D
Whom? It was due the govt's efforts that it got declared as UNESCO site.

But...but...but...why no National Monument status?:cry: If they'd given such a status to the entire region, UNESCO wouldn't be taking this many years to declare the place a World Heritage site.

On a serious note, I still think that the Government needs to declare a much larger chunk of the Western Ghats as protected National Parks/Forests in order to preserve their diversity. What we have at present are a series of isolated islands of protected areas there.
My point is after a certain point in reasoning all religions ask for a leap of Faith. Some choose to take that leap , some don't. The latter don't have right to question the former. @levina
And I don't speak for others, but in Hinduism I don't have to take that jump. :D
well i cant say about abrahmikal relegeons whose highest reward is haeaven or jannat same is not the case with snatan dharam which some call hinduism

in hindusism its ultimate goal on any peron is to get moksh and to achieve it one has to take his own path to find inner peace and get "chetna"

in abrahmikal relegons the swarg/ heaven is soemthing one gets after the end of this world(on judgement day acording to his/her deeds in this life ) till then he/she will rest in there graves till the judgment day while in hinduism swarg- narak is something which one goes thru in this life or other according to his/her deeds in this life

so brother my concious is clear and im very greatful to my "lord" that im a santan dharmi not from any of the abrahmikal relegeons
But...but...but...why no National Monument status?:cry: If they'd given such a status to the entire region, UNESCO wouldn't be taking this many years to declare the place a World Heritage site.

On a serious note, I still think that the Government needs to declare a much larger chunk of the Western Ghats as protected National Parks/Forests in order to preserve their diversity. What we have at present are a series of isolated islands of protected areas there.

Yeah read something about building corridors to connect the isolated stretches of forest to make a single contiguous zone for animals to move above freely. More of that should happen.
Also a reclaimed area cannot be a monument. If Mr. Parashuram reclaimed the coastal area from the sea it was only reclamation and not a monument. But Rama Setu is not a reclamation. It is a built area. Being an engineer I thought this would be apparent for you. Now a technical bozo has to teach you this stuff. I always knew all those engineering schools were a scam.

Only, Rama hasn't built it. That's what the legends say. Neither has Parashurama wrested that huge chunk of land from the seas. You don't happen to believe every legend in Hinduism, do you?

The Ram Setu holds a special spot in our religion just like the Ganga. Both are natural phenomena that have been embellished in our Religion and are hence the reason for our veneration.
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