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Zhu Ri He military exercises


Mar 26, 2013
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Recently the online atmosphere on articles about China and just general Chinese news are way too hostile, and it's just not that interesting anymore.

So I will stick to my first love, military, more specifically ground forces. Anyone can buy a few frigates and fighters, but it takes a great power to have a numerous,well trained, well organized and well equipped ground force.

I will periodically post articles I find interesting on here about these exercises, these exercises are changing the way Chinese armies are equipped and trained, as well as organized.

Some have even said this exercise is to prove to the hardliners that a massive reform in integrating the services is necessary to win any future battles.



Now back on topic.

What is Zhu Ri He? It's a training ground built in inner Mongolia that's the second biggest in the world and one of the world's most advanced.

Recently, a new type of military exercises have been happening around here. The blue army("enemy") are given massive advantages against red armies, to create "real" life challenges for the red armies.

So far, red has been badly defeated, not every time, but the very few times they did win it was not pretty.



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BTW, I'm short on time and not proof reading, but it should still be very understandable, probably.

A red armies' battalion lost to a blue armies' platoon




















Red armies' regiment from ShenYang military region, North Eastern part of China, sent a battalion to surround and destroy the enemies platoon.

Due to lack of understanding and implementation of system warfare, the battalion not only failed to destroy the platoon, but also lost men in the battle.

On discovering of the enemy, the battalion sent two infantry companies forward, with a tank company as support.

Even though out numbered, the blue platoon, didn't retreat immediately, but dispersed and sent men forward to scout their movements.

Fearing an ambush, due to the platoon's decision to not retreat, the battalion commander decided to halt advances and start suppressive fire.

Just then, from Blue armies direction, rounds begin falling on top of the two infantry company's heads and covered the area in flames. Massive damages resulted and they had to pull out of engagement.

The blue army had UAVs surveying the battle field, air support, and artillery support.

The battalion commander, humiliated, ordered his tank company to go forward despite some protest, but report from exercise directors, that the tank company is already destroyed by the Blue army's helicopter gunships and platoon already pulled out by helicopter transport. 1/4 of the battalion was lost.

The lesson here is the red army had very good equipments and is very modern, but due to lack of application of information technology including real time battle field condition access to every soldier, and the outdated method of charging without fire support from air and artillery, they lost badly.

This conclusively proved the need to reform the method of battle, as an integrated battle plan is needed to achieve victory in today's battlefield. More and more new strategies and other method of warfare will be introduced to the army as time goes on. More and more field officers will get a chance to command and see first hand the advantages of these new strategies.

First Rocket artillery brigade established

The organization is a bit unorthodox. 2 rocket artillery per company, 2 company per battalion and 3-4 battalion per brigade. Obviously there are other support units in this brigade other than the rocket artillery.

12 -16 of these bad boys per brigade. BTW, each rocket cost between 200-400 thousand, so 12 per artillery piece, some 3-5 million dollars gone in an instant. lol, this is just great.

Ground Forces without a aerial superiority cover is a sitting duck. In the last 20 years Forces that rule the skies have been victorious.
BTW, I'm short on time and not proof reading, but it should still be very understandable, probably.

A red armies' battalion lost to a blue armies' platoon

沈阳军区自主对抗演练 红方合成营不敌蓝方一个排_凤凰军事

Red armies' regiment from ShenYang military region, North Eastern part of China, sent a battalion to surround and destroy the enemies platoon.

Due to lack of understanding and implementation of system warfare, the battalion not only failed to destroy the platoon, but also lost men in the battle.

On discovering of the enemy, the battalion sent two infantry companies forward, with a tank company as support.

Even though out numbered, the blue platoon, didn't retreat immediately, but dispersed and sent men forward to scout their movements.

Fearing an ambush, due to the platoon's decision to not retreat, the battalion commander decided to halt advances and start suppressive fire.

Just then, from Blue armies direction, rounds begin falling on top of the two infantry company's heads and covered the area in flames. Massive damages resulted and they had to pull out of engagement.

The blue army had UAVs surveying the battle field, air support, and artillery support.

The battalion commander, humiliated, ordered his tank company to go forward despite some protest, but report from exercise directors, that the tank company is already destroyed by the Blue army's helicopter gunships and platoon already pulled out by helicopter transport. 1/4 of the battalion was lost.

The lesson here is the red army had very good equipments and is very modern, but due to lack of application of information technology including real time battle field condition access to every soldier, and the outdated method of charging without fire support from air and artillery, they lost badly.

This conclusively proved the need to reform the method of battle, as an integrated battle plan is needed to achieve victory in today's battlefield. More and more new strategies and other method of warfare will be introduced to the army as time goes on. More and more field officers will get a chance to command and see first hand the advantages of these new strategies.

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Just a tiny question what's with the man purse in the first pic,Right most man
Winning or Losing isn't important, what's important is to find a new way direction for the army to achieve victory in the 21st century.

6 men have already been KIA since the start of the exercise, the usually invincible red armies are crushed, the need for reform is seen clearly through this very open and well covered exercise.

Ground Forces without a aerial superiority cover is a sitting duck. In the last 20 years Forces that rule the skies have been victorious.

Yes, but the idea of the different services working together and new information technology and new tactics is still new. For the Pakistan army, how is the integration of the services and new technology?

I can't speak for others, but Chinese forces are more or less set in their ways and this is a wake up call.


Just a tiny question what's with the man purse in the first pic,Right most man

some sort of electronics, depends. Could be a GPS system, laptop, tablet, or other. I think, forgot, also was never in the army.
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Pakistan Air Force desperately needs to modernize and bring the 5th Generation aircrafts. Without the Support of Air Force Pakistan Army and Navy is at a disadvantage against a much larger enemy.
New mobile artillery suitable for mountainous warfare are equipped in Tibet


Pakistan Air Force desperately needs to modernize and bring the 5th Generation aircrafts. Without the Support of Air Force Pakistan Army and Navy is at a disadvantage against a much larger enemy.

Too much focus on the air force, fifth gen not that necessary unless you want to fight America.

The point isn't so much how much air support you have, but how integrated is it. Most non-combat proven armies today are not integrated enough, even with superior air power, the land forces cannot take advantage in an effective manner.

In this thread I'm showing a changing face of Chinese ground force, a better organized and trained army capable of using all the resources available effectively and efficiently.

Of course to actually implement changes army wide as well as the development of an effective strategy was estimated to be done by 2020.

Look for it in future installments, many changes are being tried in the army these days.
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Winning or Losing isn't important, what's important is to find a new way direction for the army to achieve victory in the 21st century.

6 men have already been KIA since the start of the exercise, the usually invincible red armies are crushed, the need for reform is seen clearly through this very open and well covered exercise.

Yes, but the idea of the different services working together and new information technology and new tactics is still new. For the Pakistan army, how is the integration of the services and new technology?

I can't speak for others, but Chinese forces are more or less set in their ways and this is a wake up call.

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some sort of electronics, depends. Could be a GPS system, laptop, tablet, or other. I think, forgot, also was never in the army.

Pakistan Air Force desperately needs to modernize and bring the 5th Generation aircrafts. Without the Support of Air Force Pakistan Army and Navy is at a disadvantage against a much larger enemy.
First Rocket artillery brigade established

The organization is a bit unorthodox. 2 rocket artillery per company, 2 company per battalion and 3-4 battalion per brigade. Obviously there are other support units in this brigade other than the rocket artillery.

12 -16 of these bad boys per brigade. BTW, each rocket cost between 200-400 thousand, so 12 per artillery piece, some 3-5 million dollars gone in an instant. lol, this is just great.

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Good Exercises keep Armies fit and ready to fight and I hope one day HAMAS gets these kind of MRLS to reply to Israel
Saying goodbye to "high accuracy," low skill target exercises

2014年07月17日 09:56:37 来源: 中国新闻网

分享到: 2






靶子变了,打法也要跟着变。由此产生的新情况、新问题,让红方各级指挥员一时很难适应——譬如火力筹划:靶标种类各异、远近不同,各类火器如何编组?弹药 如何配置?射程如何衔接?再如战斗协同:由过去以营连为单位组织实施,到现在整旅全员全装一起上,阵形怎么摆?路线怎么走?靶标怎么分配?误伤怎么避免? 一个个问号,将官兵们从传统靶场引向更为艰苦复杂的未来战场。

战斗在午后打响。随着红色信号弹升空,该旅千人百车多路开进,向“敌”阵地发起猛烈攻击。由于靶标颜色与现地背景浑然一体,且大多数时隐时现,部队只能边 行进、边搜索、边瞄准、边射击,一时间,自行榴弹炮、迫击炮、坦克炮、高射机枪、反坦克火箭、步枪等兵器纷纷开火,在草原深处炸响阵阵惊雷、掀起滚滚浓 烟。






什么是战场法则?某旅旅长周玉印一语概括:就是仗怎么打,兵就怎么练。(记者 梁蓬飞 特约记者 李大勇 刘德武)

The days of high accuracy exercises are over. A recent Red team after finishing their turn at the combat exercise was immediately ordered to conduct live fire exercises.

To make the conditions more realistic, targets are now hidden and the exact location will be drawn via a lot.

With these new realistic training methods, the former way of doing things like scouting before hand and training for exercises are over.

The targets are random and hidden, even the field is not a certainty.

Before it was a battalion doing the exercise, now the whole brigade will tackle the exercise together. How to position the troops, how to coordinate, where are the targets, the distance, what type of artillery to use and all kinds of new questions are now present.

The result?

The accuracy have gone down, but this is good for the army, as training under realistic situations are now the number one priority and no more mock "shows."

Tibet anti air brigade using three different Chinese systems.

However, these newly equipped unit's combat effectiveness is not as it should be.....yet. In a mock battle between SU-30, and this brigade, after three hours of battle, the brigade was wiped out. Which means, at least today, the anti air brigade will not be too effective against Indian SU-30.

More training and planning as well as new strategies need to be completed.

But to find fault is the number one thing an army can do, so as to improve for next time.

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I am afraid too integrated may not be a good thing. Once those joint system is knock out. Your whole army is as good as dead. Unit to rely on technology are unable to make it own decision when necessary.

That is why China invest heavily on anti access technology. They know US armed forces will be doom once they are non joint. US modern doctrine are now based solely on joint services. Information technology. No info and they will stop fighting.

A joint info tech armed forces are good against mediocre armed forces since you have all the info and unit concentration which can be more effective uses and gain upper hand.

But a fight between 2 very modern armed forces capable of bringing down each other satellite. That will be a different story.
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I am afraid too integrated may not be a good thing. Once those joint system is knock out. Your whole army is as good as dead. Unit to rely on technology are unable to make it own decision when necessary.

That is why China invest heavily on anti access technology. They know US armed forces will be doom once they are non joint. US modern doctrine are now based solely on joint services. Information technology. No info be they will stop fighting.

A joint info tech armed forces are good against mediocre armed forces since you have all the info and unit concentration can more effective uses and gain upperhand.

But a fight between 2 very modern armed forces capable of bringing down each other satellite. That will be a different story.

Paper maps, survival skills, and other "manual" tasks are still very important. This integration is more about different services. For example, the platoon vs the battalion example. The battalion charged head first as is the norm, they may have chose fire support via artillery, but the blue team used drones, live battlefield feedback, helicopter gun ships and transport, fighter jets, artillery and more.

The battlefield will be more integrated meaning, all the services will be involved and each will be given a task to better accomplish the overall task. Like the AEGIS system, which is also the direction Americans are going for with the F-35.

The blue team uses all the strategies employeed by the Americans through their wars and new tactics developed by PLA as well as some unnatural advantages given by the directors, and the result is total victory over traditional Chinese tactics. The one time, red team won and it was so "bloody", that it was like back to Korea.

As of now, China will face off against weaker land armies and the key to reduce casualties is concentrated and accurate fire power, greater mobility, fast decision making, and more.

Your concern with technology is valid, but just look at this exercise, if you can't knock out the other's whole system, you may as well be the spokesperson for tomb stones, cause that's all the commander will be good for.

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