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The only South Asians to defeat the Greeks-Mauryas

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Alexander beat Porus even though his force at the time was much smaller. Ofc Porus still managed to inflict heavy damage on Alexander's army and because of this he is usually seen as the most skilled and capable opponent that Alexander has faced. Alexander himself recognized that and let Porus have full control over his kingdom and made him an ally. As for the reason that Alexander stopped advancing, the main one is the morale of his troops. Tired after years of continuous fighting and after having faced their greatest opponent so far they became discouraged and asked Alexander to end the campaign there.
Good to satisfy yourself .. But far from reality ..
Sirji I have seen All the documentries on alexander on discovery ,history channels by experts and historians .personally reasearch it many times in college days . Sir if you have any thing to counter what i had spoken or presented Please put it or else don't waste my time or anyone else. if you are not Interseted in particular thread go some where else if you cannot contribute.
Read more abt nicator and no Alexander was no nicator ... He built an empire in his youth from the tiny Macedonia .. Occupying n defeating super powers of tht time.. And do share the history where his troops got scared of Mauryas .. :lol:

There were no Mauryas at that time it was the Nanda empire .

"Alexander intended to march on and cross the River Ganges toward further conquests, but his troops, worn out by the hard-fought battle with Porus (in which, according to Arrian, Alexander lost 1000 men), mutinied and refused to go further. Alexander tried to persuade his men to press on but, failing to win them over, finally assented to their wishes. He split his army in two, sending half back to Susa by sea under the command of Admiral Nearchus through the Persian Gulf, and marching the other half on through the Gedrosian Desert. "
Alexander the Great -- Ancient History Encyclopedia

"The army continued advancing as far as the river Hydaspes but at this point the Macedonians refused to go farther as reports were coming of far more larger and dangerous armies ahead equipped with many elephants and chariots. General Coenus spoke on army's behalf to the king. Reluctantly, Alexander agreed to stop here. Not too long afterwards Coenus died and the army buried him with the highest honors."
Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography

"He was anxious to press on farther, and he had advanced to the Hyphasis when his army mutinied, refusing to go farther in the tropical rain; they were weary in body and spirit, and Coenus, one of Alexander’s four chief marshals, acted as their spokesman. On finding the army adamant, Alexander agreed to turn back."
Alexander the Great (king of Macedonia) :: Invasion of India -- Encyclopedia Britannica

It seems the Madarsas need to update their syllabus :lol:

Seleucus had to deal with a much larger and powerful empire under the Mauryas which Alexander never had to face, no doubt Alexander's acheivements were remarkable but he barely managed to defeat a petty king like Porus.
We became a vassal state but we were never ruled, and all of NE India was never conquered by Muslims because the Assamese defeated the Mughals LOL. Just admit it, we Mongoloid South Asians are superior to you Middle Eastern wannabes.

Why do you fall into this psychobabble marital superiority BS with Pakistanis???

Remember...only those that have no achievements to show for in the present, cling to the past....
This forum is a glaring example of the same...
We became a vassal state but we were never ruled, and all of NE India was never conquered by Muslims because the Assamese defeated the Mughals LOL. Just admit it, we Mongoloid South Asians are superior to you Middle Eastern wannabes.

Shut up prick.. Nepal was owned by the Chinese .. Lol .. U aren't even Nepali .. And an insurgency is goin on in nort East ..lol

PS: we are proud of our cultures .. Tht is why u probably see Pak punjabis praising Porus on this thread.. Grow up
There were no Mauryas at that time it was the Nanda empire .

"Alexander intended to march on and cross the River Ganges toward further conquests, but his troops, worn out by the hard-fought battle with Porus (in which, according to Arrian, Alexander lost 1000 men), mutinied and refused to go further. Alexander tried to persuade his men to press on but, failing to win them over, finally assented to their wishes. He split his army in two, sending half back to Susa by sea under the command of Admiral Nearchus through the Persian Gulf, and marching the other half on through the Gedrosian Desert. "
Alexander the Great -- Ancient History Encyclopedia

"The army continued advancing as far as the river Hydaspes but at this point the Macedonians refused to go farther as reports were coming of far more larger and dangerous armies ahead equipped with many elephants and chariots. General Coenus spoke on army's behalf to the king. Reluctantly, Alexander agreed to stop here. Not too long afterwards Coenus died and the army buried him with the highest honors."
Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography

"He was anxious to press on farther, and he had advanced to the Hyphasis when his army mutinied, refusing to go farther in the tropical rain; they were weary in body and spirit, and Coenus, one of Alexander’s four chief marshals, acted as their spokesman. On finding the army adamant, Alexander agreed to turn back."
Alexander the Great (king of Macedonia) :: Invasion of India -- Encyclopedia Britannica

It seems the Madarsas need to update their syllabus :lol:

Seleucus had to deal with a much larger and powerful empire under the Mauryas which Alexander never had to face, no doubt Alexander's acheivements were remarkable but he barely managed to defeat a petty king like Porus.
I think Chandra Gupta was vetran warrior and a master of gorilla war tactics he demolished great empire like Nanda with a bunch of outlaw army also due to his chief statergical advisor Chanakya.its alexander luck he wouldn't face such a formidable opponent.
There were no Mauryas at that time it was the Nanda empire .

"Alexander intended to march on and cross the River Ganges toward further conquests, but his troops, worn out by the hard-fought battle with Porus (in which, according to Arrian, Alexander lost 1000 men), mutinied and refused to go further. Alexander tried to persuade his men to press on but, failing to win them over, finally assented to their wishes. He split his army in two, sending half back to Susa by sea under the command of Admiral Nearchus through the Persian Gulf, and marching the other half on through the Gedrosian Desert. "
Alexander the Great -- Ancient History Encyclopedia

"The army continued advancing as far as the river Hydaspes but at this point the Macedonians refused to go farther as reports were coming of far more larger and dangerous armies ahead equipped with many elephants and chariots. General Coenus spoke on army's behalf to the king. Reluctantly, Alexander agreed to stop here. Not too long afterwards Coenus died and the army buried him with the highest honors."
Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography

"He was anxious to press on farther, and he had advanced to the Hyphasis when his army mutinied, refusing to go farther in the tropical rain; they were weary in body and spirit, and Coenus, one of Alexander’s four chief marshals, acted as their spokesman. On finding the army adamant, Alexander agreed to turn back."
Alexander the Great (king of Macedonia) :: Invasion of India -- Encyclopedia Britannica

It seems the Madarsas need to update their syllabus :lol:

Seleucus had to deal with a much larger and powerful empire under the Mauryas which Alexander never had to face, no doubt Alexander's acheivements were remarkable but he barely managed to defeat a petty king like Porus.

So you show your 2 taka worth with personal attacks ? Get tht head outta your *** swami kutti pillai
umm, no mate, the seleucid empire wasn't larger than Alexander's empire. Seleucus Nicator was one of the four Diadochi, each of whom usurped a part of Alexander's empire and began independent rule.


That was an error on my part, got carried away a bit. :D
Where's the personal attack Mulla Abdul Khan K****. Stop puking thru your ***
Don't engage him he is a Professional Troll on PDF only here for derailing the thread.
Where's the personal attack Mulla Abdul Khan K****. Stop puking thru your ***

Madrasahs etc? What is tht? Would you like
It if i made fun of Hindu practices ? Are you retarded or genuinely a low life.. Again mmy advice get your head outta your ***.
Madrasahs etc? What is tht? Would you like
It if I. Are fun of Hindu practices ? Are you retarded or genuinely a low life..

Is that a personal attack? Dont act like a dimwit and cry like a sissy, make fun of any hindu practice for all i care.
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