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A discussion of the current political situation of Pakistan ....Which party do you support and why?

Which party do you support and why?

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Jul 22, 2012
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Trolls kindly stay out!
Indians we dont need your opinion!

Only Pakistanis please comment

A reminder to all no bashing other political parties only comment why you side your chosen party?!

During the olden days, leaders were strong brave men! - This applies to Many (of course not all) Kings and Sultans...

They wouldnt send their soldiers alone to the front line but go with them first to be there for moral support than to be there to be shoulder to shoulder in the war and fight side by side with them!

Today the battle is both a physical one (security threat in the North) as well as a social one (toppling of the whole country from sectarian crises to lack of education to fight against polio....) as well as poverty at large...

This is a defence forum so I put it up as a war scenario...Yes of course many a times the ruler didnt go to war himself but many of the greatest leaders (Alexader the great, Attila the Hun, Cyrus, Julius Caesar, Salahddin) were the leaders who would go to the war themselves...

Why is there no one "to lead" Please dont give the crap that its modern world no one does that blaa blaa...I am not talking about the physical fighting of going to LoC or something...

But I believe not until a man has at least lived and breathed like a citizen he can not run a country! Why? Coz the country is made up of citizens and if you live like an alien/ king/ elite...

How can you know what troubles the people face or what they require or what is essential?! I know many will counter this is not true and so on that one can know what the other feels even without living like him! I find this absurd!

If say xyz is the "supposed" leader...why isnt he leading? How can one lead when he is sitting in a different position than the rest and is not even on the same level? I am talking about any leader in Pakistan today....all want to rule it none wants to lead it:(

I am singling out elites here:

From electrical requirements to CNG in their cars...Fire engine did not have fuel but the ministers reached Karachi airport in time to poke their nose where it was not needed..good thing they came but did they do anything? zilch!

From getting stuck in traffic to living in mahal like houses...Each leader lives in luxury and is oblivious to the life of a simple man! Each leader gets protocol but is oblivious of the life of a normal man stuck in traffic or in an over crowded public transport!

From removing tax on things that the rich can already afford (say imported cars---whose gonna import obviously the rich...if they can pay 7figures for an imported car cant they pay another 4 figures for the tax?)

From political stunts of beating up the very people who are paying the tax (rich people evade it, land lords are exempted from it, elites get tax relaxation like we are a super rich country)

From Juridical to police to courts everything is reliant on who pays more...recent no rapist convicted...Gullu Butt went into air after being caught by the police...VIP jails (WTH is that even! How can convicts live lavishly on tax payer's money) and what about thatsunsilk hair guy who was with guns in both hands and hugging and being congratulated by the police? Swiss bank cases against Zardari? Ex CJ case? Case against Yousuf Raza Gillani?? What about rechecking some insane laws-- Why on earth arent the courts independent?

From failing to get rid of certain diseases such as polio to failing to get rid of bigger diseased habits like feudal system is really really really shocking!

The worst part is every sector is part of some political party ...its like no one is free of politics no one is independent....

I am talking about the current situation of Pakistan!

I just had a look at this: List of Presidents of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All I see is PLMN and PPP taking turns like its a seasaw only every now and then you see a general getting fed up and washing everyone up! For those who are unaware:

We started with a Republican party for 2 yrs
Army rule for 11 yrs (4 yrs as martial law and 7 yrs under PMLC
From 1971-1978 PPP that is a good 7 yrs
From 1978- 1988 Martial law for 10 yr (amazing how everything is blamed on this 10 yr) from 1988 to 2014 not 1 man had balls enough to fix or undo the disaster because they were ball -less and efficiently blamed this 1 yr for their disgusting incapability of being a leader!
From 1988-1993 a good 5 yrs was trying to get rid of NS...this was prob 1 of the best years with no halla ghulla

And then starts the waltz of the 2 lovers PPP and PMLN

1993 for less than 1 yr PMLN
1993-1997 PPP a good 4 years
1997-1999 PMLN 2 yrs
2001- 2008 Martial law for 6 yrs + 1 yr under PMLQ
2008-2013 PPP for 5yrs
2013- present day PMLN
1984- present MQM for 20yrs (only party hanging onto Karachi like its a property rather than a part of a country)
2003-present 11 yrs of non-tribal, essentially middle-class Balochistan National Democratic Party (BNDP) led by Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, son of the Baloch nationalist Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, merged with the non-tribal middle-class nationalist party Balochistan National Movement (BNM) led by Dr. Abdul Hayee Baloch. It is considered to be the successor of the Kalat National Party.
2008- 2013 ANP leaching the Pukhtoon for 5yrs!

A total of
2 yrs Republican
28 yrs of Martial rule
16 yrs of PPP
4 yrs of PMLN
1 yr of PTI (not even for whole of Pakistan)

I would say shame on each and everyone who failed Pakistan! Sick people!
I am wondering how drugged out Nation is and since when did we become soo patient that we can tolerate each and every zulm and still not voice out? Its seriously shocking!

My question to the audiance: Why the hell must you have a party? And if you have one why the hell are you having a blind relationship with that party? Why cant you say a wrong is a wrong or compliment a right move the other? What stops you?! Do you care about your party or Pakistan?

P/S: For me any party that did nothing to benefit Pakistan is considered a leach!
If you think your party is working for Pakistan choose it and state reasons and examples for your choice!

@Manticore @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @T-Faz @blain2 @Oscar @Chak Bamu @WebMaster @test @Fulcrum15

@Developereo @Slav Defence @ajpirzada @Secur @Abu Zolfiqar @Rashid Mahmood @F.O.X @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Mugwop @TheOccupiedKashmir @Icarus @Luftwaffe@Hyperion@Bratva @Rafael @balixd @A.Rafay @Crypto @fatman17


@Leader @cb4 @Bilal. @farhan_9909 @BATMAN @batmannow @Aether @Abu Nasar @farhanalee7 @Areesh @Armstrong @xyxmt @AUz@chauvunist @Al Bhatti @Cheetah786 @Men in Green @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Darth Vader @Devil Soul@dexter@Durrak @Muhammad Omar @arushbhai @Mirzay @ghazaliy2k @HRK @Imran Khan @Irfan Baloch @JonAsad @khanboy007 @KingMamba @LoveIcon @Pboy @liontk @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Jazzbot @Marshmallow @p(-)0ENiX @Pak47 @Pakistan life @Patriots @Proudpakistaniguy@PiyaraPakistan @janbaaz @pk_baloch @Pukhtoon @PWFI @qamar1990 @Multani @Raja.Pakistani@Rajput_Pakistani @rockstar08 @waz @Umair Nawaz @slapshot @ZYXW @Zarvan @air marshal @Shabaz Sharif @airmarshal@hasnain0099 @shujah @Ra'ad @Zarrar Alvi @pak-marine @wasm95
@cheekybird @Spring Onion @ssethii @Stealth @Ghareeb_Da_Baal @Aslan
And others whom I may have failed to mention!

@JonAsad @Devil Soul @Zarrar Alvi @shujah plz proceed! :enjoy:

I voted for PTI coz it is the youngest and as we had hope with other parties this one is new and should be given the same amount of hope that we gave to parties that never learned/ changed....

@shujah reasoning bhi dayni hai!

@Counter-Errorist sorry had to get rid of that thread plz post your comment here :ashamed:

@JonAsad now what? :pop:
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I replied to the last thread in detail .... so here in this thread I will summarize my previous post

I do not support any political party ...... I belong to 'silent majority'

Voted PTI in the last election to show my rejection and anger to both PPP and PML-N at Federal level and MQM in Urban Sindh.
I support MQM because:

1. Only party born out of middle class educated Pakistanis.
2. Not a single founding members of MQM belonged to upper mommy daddy class.
3. Only party that has sent lower and middle class Pakistanis into parliament dominated by the elite.
4. Strong leadership
5. Stands for the rights of minorities
6. Despite the ethnic labelling and propaganda, it has members from Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri, Northern Areas, Baloch and Pushtun communities.
7. Has performed well despite the mass murder of its workers.
8. Supports Pak Army against takfiri terrorists
9. True Liberal values shared by its leader Altaf Hussain
10. Has developed Karachi despite interferences from the federation and PPP.
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They have some severe shortcomings, sure. But they're the only party that sets the right precedent for democracy in Pakistan. With PTIs success, we'll see more non-feudal, non-violent populist parties emerge and they'll compete and get more stronger and mature.

Our chaotic history has unfortunately only allowed parties with armed wings survive. The good, peaceloving and patriotic people die out out of the political landscape before gaining any relevance. PMN-N, PPP and MQM are just as dangerous to our future as terrorism. They'll continue to loot and defraud the people until we've lost everything we have and fall into complete irrelevance.

I would also support MQM if it disbands its armed wing and elects a leader like Mustafa Kamal.


Copy pasted from previously deleted thread. Luckily, I still had this in my clipboard!
I replied to the last thread in detail .... so here in this thread I will summarize my previous post

I do not support any political party ...... I belong to 'silent majority'

Voted PTI in the last election to show my rejection and anger to both PPP and PML-N at Federal level and MQM in Urban Sindh.
Thank you...sorry about your detailed reply @Aeronaut @Manticore @WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Oscar can you swim in the deleted post and transfer his post here? You know superhero style :enjoy:

I support MQM because:

1. Only party born out of middle class educated Pakistanis.
2. Not a single founding members of MQM belonged to upper mommy daddy class.
3. Only party that has sent lower and middle class Pakistanis into parliament dominated by the elite.
4. Strong leadership
5. Stands for the rights of minorities
6. Despite the ethnic labelling and propaganda, it has members from Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri, Northern Areas, Baloch and Pushtun communities.
7. Has performed well despite the mass murder of its workers.
8. Supports Pak Army against takfiri terrorists
9. True Liberal values shared by its leader Altaf Hussain
10. Has developed Karachi despite interferences from the federation and Pee Pee Pee.
Thank you for your feedback!! :)

@JonAsad detailed reply likh! Aik tou tayri waja say 3 threads badli :angry:


They have some severe shortcomings, sure. But they're the only party that sets the right precedent for democracy in Pakistan. With PTIs success, we'll see more non-feudal, non-violent populist parties emerge and they'll compete and get more stronger and mature.

Our chaotic history has unfortunately only allowed parties with armed wings survive. The good, peaceloving and patriotic people die out out of the political landscape before gaining any relevance. PMN-N, PPP and MQM are just as dangerous to our future as terrorism. They'll continue to loot and defraud the people until we've lost everything we have and fall into complete irrelevance.

I would also support MQM if it disbands its armed wing and elects a leader like Mustafa Kamal.


Copy pasted from previously deleted thread. Luckily, I still had this in my clipboard!
heeheh I have it copied on my clipboard too before I deleted that thread that is...in fact still have that window opened but cant find @HRK 's post :(
I dont have any favourite among the current political parties in PAKISTAN .Some are less corrupt than the others.I voted for PTI in 2013 elections because we need a third option besides PPP and PML-N and its less corrupt than both of these .
Thank you...sorry about your detailed reply @Aeronaut @Manticore @WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Oscar can you swim in the deleted post and transfer his post here? You know superhero style :enjoy:

Thank you for your feedback!! :)

@JonAsad detailed reply likh! Aik tou tayri waja say 3 threads badli :angry:

heeheh I have it copied on my clipboard too before I deleted that thread that is...in fact still have that window opened but cant find @HRK 's post :(

hahaha...not needed I have sumrize the post .....

BTW in last therad when I pressed 'Post Reply' option received a message "you are not athursed to ....bla bla ....' so I think befor the posting of my reply that thread got deleted .....
I dont have any favourite among the current political parties in PAKISTAN .Some are less corrupt than the others.I voted for PTI in 2013 elections because we need a third option and its less corrupt than the PPP,PML-N imo.
thank you for your time and reply :)

hahaha...not needed I have sumrize the post .....

BTW in last therad when I pressed 'Post Reply' option received a message "you are not athursed to ....bla bla ....' so I think befor the posting of my reply that thread got deleted .....
then shouldnt the reply still have been in the comment box? udher say copy kiyun nai kiya? :unsure: I am really sorry what a lost :(

@Metanoia now you can post here :enjoy:

Question should be which political party do you support?...simple.

I voted PTI as I believe their policies are better than PML-N and PPP.
I go for PTI.
1) Because its new and has yet to show its potential.
2);The chairman of PTI is the cleanest one of corruption and any kind of black money at present unlike others.
3) it takes stands for basic needs of people whichever laptop & bus services aren't instead relief from poverty, electricity,water,terrorism, justice and basic human rights are.

4)It is capable of cleansing the system from these aphids who only suck the money out of our earnings

5)They discourage taking foreign LOANS

6) Even if they aren't as good as people might regard ..they haven't been given a chance to show their abilities and what they can do for Pakistan unlike others who have been taking turns in a cycle and always make more mess.

7) Their workers are closer to the local population ,understand the needs of a common man and the party shuns all kinds of parochialism and divisions.

8) The most important reasons is: Imran Khan has never run away from the problems of Pakistan, he doesn't own palaces in various countries and the law and order in a single institution that is shukat khanam run by him depicts his just and strictness to abide by rules :)
Now we're down to only parties so i will modify my earlier opinion.

I support (ed) PTI during the elections an year ago. For the simple reasons that we have not yet seen this party in power, and in spirit of giving new blood a chance. I supported IK due to his speeches. He seemed like someone who will help pakistan recover from its economic crisis. He is an educated person, has sense, talks sense, unlike most of our parliamentarians. But then again my purpose in supporting him was that he'd improve pakistan, and improve the system.

But for one year now, the Noon guys have been working hard to improve economy, i fully support them for their efforts, and pray that by the time they complete their term, energy shortage becomes history for Pakistan once and for all. Right now i do not care whether Noon won with cheating, i do not want to see any interruption in the present governance of pakistan. IK should contest again, and win next time IA.

My concern is that what ever party comes to office, it is sincere, and improves the country rather than making personal gains.
Any new/present govt should:
Address energy shortage,
Pump-up our industry,
Increase exports,
Address education,
Speeden up economic projects with china,
And for all this to happen, should maintain a pacifist approach with all countries (incl neighbourhood).
I go for PTI.
1) Because its new and has yet to show its potential.
2);The chairman of PTI is the cleanest one of corruption and any kind of black money at present unlike others.
3) it takes stands for basic needs of people whichever laptop & bus services aren't instead relief from poverty, electricity,water,terrorism, justice and basic human rights are.

4)It is capable of cleansing the system from these aphids who only suck the money out of our earnings

5)They discourage taking foreign LOANS

6) Even if they aren't as good as people might regard ..they haven't been given a chance to show their abilities and what they can do for Pakistan unlike others who have been taking turns in a cycle and always make more mess.

7) Their workers are closer to the local population ,understand the needs of a common man and the party shuns all kinds of parochialism and divisions.

8) The most important reasons is: Imran Khan has never run away from the problems of Pakistan, he doesn't own palaces in various countries and the law and order in a single institution that is shukat khanam run by him depicts his just and strictness to abide by rules :)
Thank you for your detailed response :)

Now we're down to only parties so i will modify my earlier opinion.

I support (ed) PTI during the elections an year ago. For the simple reasons that we have not yet seen this party in power, and in spirit of giving new blood a chance. I supported IK due to his speeches. He seemed like someone who will help pakistan recover from its economic crisis. He is an educated person, has sense, talks sense, unlike most of our parliamentarians. But then again my purpose in supporting him was that he'd improve pakistan, and improve the system.

But for one year now, the Noon guys have been working hard to improve economy, i fully support them for their efforts, and pray that by the time they complete their term, energy shortage becomes history for Pakistan once and for all. Right now i do not care whether Noon won with cheating, i do not want to see any interruption in the present governance of pakistan. IK should contest again, and win next time IA.

My concern is that what ever party comes to office, it is sincere, and improves the country rather than making personal gains.
Any new/present govt should:
Address energy shortage,
Pump-up our industry,
Increase exports,
Address education,
Speeden up economic projects with china,
And for all this to happen, should maintain a pacifist approach with all countries (incl neighbourhood).
Thank you for your participation :D

quote from the other thread and thendelete that old thread -- if we move posts, the OP will change in this thread based on time stamp
A discussion of the current political situation of Pakistan | Page 3
you dont want to discuss with us?

@IrfanArif please explain your choice.. :)

i've not voted for any political party till date, but i do closely follow PMLN & PTI for obvious reasons...
It is not about whom you have voted for or you plan to but an open discussion to fish out ideas of how an everyday Pakistani sees progress in each party and due to these progress they are attracted and support that party!
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