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Why going ' MAD ' won't work for India ?

Simply impossible ? No , it isn't . Pakistan has an ever expanding nuclear arsenal currently at 120 warheads and diverse delivery systems . The intention is to cause unacceptable damage from where there is no going back - a point of no return if you will . The complete destruction or annihilation you talk about is an outdated concept .

Pakistan's access to fissile material is limited - unlike India where NSG waiver has opened up option of our domestic uranium to be completely diverted to weapons production. FBR and 3 stage nuclear programme will increase fissile material production 10 fold that of Pakistan .

Pakistan does not have long range missiles to cover whole of India. Both quality and quantity of such missiles are limited .

Pakistan has no thermo-nuclear weapons ....

Pakistan's first strike capability is also therefore severely limited .

India will never be first to use nukes .and If Pakistan uses nukes first - then India will have sympathy of international community.

Pakistan has to therefore desist temptation of using nukes against india .
such war will push India at least a decade behind .

Just a decade behind ? You might as well declare victory for India in such case . :D

Pakistan does not have long range missiles to cover whole of India.

Really ? I was operating under the assumption that Shaheen-2 with an effective range of 2500 KM is enough to cover all of India except the islands near Burma - the A&N .

Pakistan has no thermo-nuclear weapons ....

And ?
Maybe it does . But the problem arises that both the countries are more than evenly matched unconventionally . The conventional disparity is different of course and something I believe that you have extrapolated .

I am not talking about India's conventional superiority .
Even in terms of nuclear weapons - India has an edge over Pakistan .

India's vast inventory of missiles , ABM system ,possession of Thermo nuclear weapons ...Pakistan have no answer for them .

India has large reserves of in terms of fertile land mass , population, economy to recover from nuclear war ...but not Pakistan .

Just a decade behind ? You might as well declare victory for India in such case . :D

The odds are in favor of India.
India and Pakistan are not equally footed .

This is a cold fact. Off course out of sheer patriotism you will continue to deny it.
But in heart of your heart you would know - the disparity is quite clear .
Really ? I was operating under the assumption that Shaheen-2 with an effective range of 2500 KM is enough to cover all of India except the islands near Burma - the A&N .

Shaheen 2 does not cover southern India and also vast landmass that India has in its North eastern region .

Pakistan does not have SLBMs ...

Besides even for the rest of India which can be covered by Shaheen-2 , the number of missiles required to destroy those areas is just mind boggling .

what do you think how many Shaheen -2 will suffice to destroy India ....
and how many do you really possess ?

Yes . besides thermo nuclear weapons ...Pakistan also does not have SLBMs , aircraft carriers , ABMs .

Pakistan has nothing to defend itself once nuclear war has started .
Pakistan has no second strike capability ....It does not have to ..because it will simply not survive to launch second strike .

Pakistan has a vast and diverse inventory of missiles and around 100 warheads , where's the edge ?

Vast and diverse inventory of missiles as compared to Bhutan or Nepal ?

with 100 war heads Pakistan is going to have edge over India's nuclear arsenal ?

How many new missiles Pakistan has developed and tested in last 5 years ?
200 MT,with ones used in Agni III,V,Shaurya.

I do not know where do you people get your information from , I really do not . The simple fact that India hasn't carried out nuclear tests since the ones in 1998 and even the ones , tested back then yielded a maximum of 12-25 kT ( International estimates ) are enough to confirm that India doesn't have any effective thermonuclear weapons ready to go .
I do not know where do you people get your information from , I really do not . The simple fact that India hasn't carried out nuclear tests since the ones in 1998 and even the ones , tested back then yielded a maximum of 12-25 kT ( International estimates ) are enough to confirm that India doesn't have any effective thermonuclear weapons ready to go .

Congrats ..

I guess Pakistan has no need to worry about India then ...
I do not know where do you people get your information from , I really do not . The simple fact that India hasn't carried out nuclear tests since the ones in 1998 and even the ones , tested back then yielded a maximum of 12-25 kT ( International estimates ) are enough to confirm that India doesn't have any effective thermonuclear weapons ready to go .

Our government claims that,you got problem ?

India has thermonuclear bombs: Kakodkar - IBNLive

And you see RVs being designed to carry lighter warheads-Meanwhile there is a 200kT FBF design as well.
No , I wouldn't put it as being equally applicable to both sides , since I believe that you will have more to lose . Why does your assessment of the damage seems to include only the number of people killed and infrastructure destroyed ? The long term effects of nuclear fallout are more than what they appear at first glance . Missiles will be equipped with counter-measures when the shield comes online , the game continues .

See it is basic math..even nuclear fallout and after effects are applicable to both the sides and not just India..hence the equation will essentially remain the same.

An easier way to understand this is..in case of nuclear war both sides lob 20 weapond of equal yield on each other(let's forget indian thermonuclear weapons for a minute) and all the weapons hit their target(lets even forget india's imminent deployment of missile sheilds.)And each weapons immidieate and after effect ..affects 10 million people each.

It would have affected 200 million people that's is 17 percent of Indian population buy a 100 percent of Pakistani population.

Indian missile sheilds are suppose to come online this year have been tested 8 times. .how many times had Pakistan tested MIRV or similar countermeasures?

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