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Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?


Apr 2, 2014
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This question is for Pakistani Punjabis in special, Pakistanis in general but comments of Indians are also welcomed as they are also relevant.

1-Abdali amd timur shah sent several armies to eastren punjab to crush turbulent sikhs who were terrorizing and harassing muslims there......sikhs didnt faced them , they used to retreat to hills whenever afghans came....in the absence of afghans soldiers, they used to descend from hills and began to terrorize the muslims again........Timur shah appointed ranjeet singh governor of lahore because he saw that he is sane and unusual sikh and could manage his turbulent sikh rebels.......Do you suppoert afghans in their attempts to crush sikhs?

2- Supply lines for afghan army in punjab from afghanistan were not possible so afghans used to spare muslims but used to forcibly snatch food and other supplies from hindus and sikhs after they refused to coopearte.....thats why historians called afghans religious bigots as they were discriminating on the basis of religion.....bulleh shah didnt distinguish between punjabis on the basis of religion, he was a sufi so he criticized afghans for their religious intolerance and looting hindus and sikhs....he was born in pathan colony of kasur, some where i read that he had strong dislike for kasuria pathans because they had no regards for sufism and were into warfares...... do you support bulleh shah stance?.....remember ranjeet singh also looted populations to maintain supply lines, but sikhs had policy of sparing hindus and looting muslims...opposite of afghans

3- Marahatas were making inroads into the punjab and were in position to conquer it.....Abdali decided to go into full scale war with marahatas because his territory of punjab was in danger.....Both marahats and afghans were outsiders for punjabis....if you were at that time, would you be cheering for non-muslim marahatas or muslim afghans?..........Abdali did the right thing by crushing marahatas or he made it easy for british to conquer india?........The greatest muslim scholar of that time shah waliullah sent letters of invitation to abdali, giving credibility and weight to his war......or for you shah waliullah has no credibility as he is respected figure only among deobandis and wahabis?

4- Allies of Durranis in India were Rohilla afghans who had settled in western U.P in the beginning of 1700s. Thier notable chiefs were hafiz rehmat khan, najib ul daula and dundy khan......Najib ud daula played most important role in panipat war..........rohillas were later defeated and destroyed by marahatas ,two ango-rohilla wars and by awadh.....in 1788 grandson of najib ud daula , ghulam qadir rohilla occupied delhi, looted it and stayed in mughal place.....he forced the females of mughal royalty to dance for him, made the shah alam to watch those dances and then blinded him.......marahatas came to "rescue" mughals, they killed ghulam qadir rohilla and helped shah alam to sit on throne again.......mughal dyansty is considered matter of pride for pakistanis and their history is considered pakistan's history, what do you feel about ghulam qadir rohilla and the role of marahats in rescuing shah alam?
Rohillas also fought against sikhs under syed ahmad shaheed and later against british in present day KPK, British called them hindotsnai fanatics.....they laid the foundation of deobandi school of thought and brought it to Pakhtun belt......
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He was a hero and grear leader. Pakistan have named missile after him. The reason given for punjabi muslim support for RS is Afghans later on didnt even spare punjabi muslims. RS was very clever, he united hindu, muslim, sikhs under one banner.

I doubt it was case when Abdali was alive, because he once even thinked about helping muslims who were opressed by Chinese, just goes to show he was great muslim leader. So Abdali forces left punjabi muslims alone.
Famous punjabi classical poet Waris shah lived in the age of abdali, it was a period of unrest and instablity in punjab. I have read some of verses from his punjabi poetry where he was praising mughals and was worried about their decline and the rise of sikh insurgents in punjab during 18th century and the repeated raids conducted by abdali against sikh insurgents in punjab, he did not praise abdali but also did not show any displeasure. So we should follow our classical poet of 18th century Pir Waris shah's approach and should take a "neutral" position on ahmed shah abdali, he was NEITHER hero NOR villain for muslims of punjab back in 18th century. But he was indeed villain for sikhs many of whom were killed in Abdali's repeated raids.
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Pakistanis should be praising local heroes like Dulla Bhatti.
Pakistanis should be praising local heroes like Dulla Bhatti.
There is concept of ummah in islam which some times work wonderfully. The muslim ruler of south india, tipu was a man of great vision . When he was completely surrounded by british and marahatas, he sent letter to zaman shah of afghanistan, asking him to re-fresh the memories of panipat against his british enemies. Zaman shah said labaik and set out with 50 thousands troops towards india. British got seriously worried and asked its friend iran to attack herat. When zaman shah crossed lahore, he heard the news of persian invasion and had to return back. Afghans had nothing to do with mysore, they responded due to common religion. Such examples are rare in subcontinent , nizam despite of being a muslim was ally of marahatas against tipu
There is concept of ummah in islam which some times work wonderfully. The muslim ruler of south india, tipu was a man of great vision . When he was completely surrounded by british and marahatas, he sent letter to zaman shah of afghanistan, asking him to re-fresh the memories of panipat against his british enemies. Zaman shah said labaik and set out with 50 thousands troops towards india. British got seriously worried and asked its friend iran to attack herat. When zaman shah crossed lahore, he heard the news of persian invasion and had to return back. Afghans had nothing to do with mysore, they responded due to common religion. Such examples are rare in subcontinent , nizam despite of being a muslim was ally of marahatas against tipu

These guys will not understand, the reason? Hindu caste system. He himself is Rajasthan Rajput hindu, these guys didnt even consider other hindus below them humans let alone fighting along side them.

Thats why i say RS was very clever. Not only sikhsm united jatts and dalits and everyone was equal just like in islam. But later on he will also get support from punjabi muslims and hindus. Thats why he was the only one from subcontinent who could face Afghans.

Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan - Anwar Haroon - Google Books
This question is for Pakistani Punjabis in special, Pakistanis in general but comments of Indians are also welcomed as they are also relevant.

1-Abdali amd timur shah sent several armies to eastren punjab to crush turbulent sikhs who were terrorizing and harassing muslims there......sikhs didnt faced them , they used to retreat to hills whenever afghans came....in the absence of afghans soldiers, they used to descend from hills and began to terrorize the muslims again........Timur shah appointed ranjeet singh governor of lahore because he saw that he is sane and unusual sikh and could manage his turbulent sikh rebels.......Do you suppoert afghans in their attempts to crush sikhs?

2- Supply lines for afghan army in punjab from afghanistan were not possible so afghans used to spare muslims but used to forcibly snatch food and other supplies from hindus and sikhs after they refused to coopearte.....thats why historians called afghans religious bigots as they were discriminating on the basis of religion.....bulleh shah didnt distinguish between punjabis on the basis of religion, he was a sufi so he criticized afghans for their religious intolerance and looting hindus and sikhs....he was born in pathan colony of kasur, some where i read that he had strong dislike for kasuria pathans because they had no regards for sufism and were into warfares...... do you support bulleh shah stance?.....remember ranjeet singh also looted populations to maintain supply lines, but sikhs had policy of sparing hindus and looting muslims...opposite of afghans

3- Marahatas were making inroads into the punjab and were in position to conquer it.....Abdali decided to go into full scale war with marahatas because his territory of punjab was in danger.....Both marahats and afghans were outsiders for punjabis....if you were at that time, would you be cheering for non-muslim marahatas or muslim afghans?..........Abdali did the right thing by crushing marahatas or he made it easy for british to conquer india?........The greatest muslim scholar of that time shah waliullah sent letters of invitation to abdali, giving credibility and weight to his war......or for you shah waliullah has no credibility as he is respected figure only among deobandis and wahabis?

4- Allies of Durranis in India were Rohilla afghans who had settled in western U.P in the beginning of 1700s. Thier notable chiefs were hafiz rehmat khan, najib ul daula and dundy khan......Najib ud daula played most important role in panipat war..........rohillas were later defeated and destroyed by marahatas ,two ango-rohilla wars and by awadh.....in 1788 grandson of najib ud daula , ghulam qadir rohilla occupied delhi, looted it and stayed in mughal place.....he forced the females of mughal royalty to dance for him, made the shah alam to watch those dances and then blinded him.......marahatas came to "rescue" mughals, they killed ghulam qadir rohilla and helped shah alam to sit on throne again.......mughal dyansty is considered matter of pride for pakistanis and their history is considered pakistan's history, what do you feel about ghulam qadir rohilla and the role of marahats in rescuing shah alam?
Rohillas also fought against sikhs under syed ahmad shaheed and later against british in present day KPK, British called them hindotsnai fanatics.....they laid the foundation of deobandi school of thought and brought it to Pakhtun belt......

AT the time of abdali much of Punjab was ruled by the Sikhs under a Confederate Sarbat Khalsa system, who had divided the territory among factions known as misls. Ranjit Singh's father Maha Singh was the Commander of the Sukerchakia Misl and controlled a territory in the west Punjab based around his headquarters at Gujranwala. After his father's death, Ranjit Singh was raised under the protection of his mother Raj Kaur, and his mother-in-law Sada Kaur.[11]
In 1799, Ranjit Singh captured Lahore from the Behangi Misl and later made it his capital.[5] This was the first important step in his rise to power. In the following years he brought the whole of the central Punjab from the Sutlej to the Jhelum under his sway. After several campaigns, he conquered the other misls and created the Sikh Empire.

Pakistanis and their madrassa education system...ch ch ch

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