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Made in Assad.


May 3, 2009
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This is what the monster Assad has caused.

A Syrian refugee camp in Jordan.







???????????? its just confusing,, just to keep one man in power

Assad and the alewites are willing to destroy the nation just to keep the power in syria
I have to partially disagree @Aeronaut, this is what certain arab nations caused...had there been no ALQ/FSA there would have been no displacement no War. Just blaming assad is wrong the blame along with assad goes to fatty sheikhs of certain arab nations...same sheikhs who oust elected egyptian government just because they have a beef with muslim brotherhood.
Assad is a shame to the Name of Humanity and should be Eradicated from the Face of Syria for the well being of its Citizens...I still find it very disturbing that there are still people who support this Butcher of more 200,000 syrians and culprit for the mass exodus,misery and sufferings of Syrians people...
I have to partially disagree @Aeronaut, this is what certain arab nations caused...had there been no ALQ/FSA there would have been no displacement no War. Just blaming assad is wrong the blame along with assad goes to fatty sheikhs of certain arab nations...same sheikhs who oust elected egyptian government just because they have a beef with muslim brotherhood.

It is not just the arab members, it is the Shia/Sunni conflict that has been brewing under various cooks for a while. Assad is just a man who wants to stay in power. The last Shia Sunni attempt was back in the 80's.. now its starting again over Syria.
There are already over 2 million refugees in Lebanon which is more than Jordan and Turkey so to sum this all, over 5 million fled the country. Thanks to the terrorist mass murdering butcher Assad.

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that what happen when you try to revolutionize a stable country now enjoy alqaida
Al qaeda more a myth then a reality, they show up only when there is a decision made to screw us over. Their existence in Syria has done no good to anyone, but asshead, and have given the americans and the europeans, and above all the asshead apologists the proper platform to call wolf.
Assad is/was a brutal dictator. Al Quida and wahabi terrorists are/were brutal sub human muslim extremists with nothing in mind other then fighting a holy Jihad.

Assad will go to war to stay in power, sure; but the wahabi foreign scum are willing to burn the entire planet to get to power.

It takes two to tango @Aeronaut

The scum wahabis that you so dearly support are at the very least just as guilty in this war, are they not?

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