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Human trafficking, abuse, and murder of Vietnamese in foreign countries and Vietnam


May 14, 2013
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Taiwan, Province Of China
United States
Numerous human trafficking syndicates in Vietnam export Vietnamese migrants to other countries for labor. Instances of abuse both occur in Vietnamese soil and abroad.

AmCham Vietnam | Vietnamese worker killed at Taiwan factory strike in Hanoi

HANOI -(Dow Jones)- A Vietnamese worker was killed during a strike at a Taiwanese-owned factory that produces motorbike parts in Hanoi, state media said Thursday.

Nguyen Thi Lieu was killed Thursday morning when she and hundreds of other workers were striking to demand higher salary and subsidies for food and travel at Giai Duc Vietnam Co. in Phu Nghia Industrial Park in Hanoi, online news provider VnExpress reported. The report said a guard of the company drove a small truck into the crowd, killing her and injuring six other workers.

There were 424 labor strikes at companies in Vietnam in 2010, including 128 strikes at Taiwan-invested companies, online news provider VnEconomy reported last month.


Labor trafficking increased significantly in both numbers and scope as Vietnam aggressively expanded its labor export markets. In the first two months of 2008 alone, some 15,000 workers were sent to Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Qatar and other countries. In January 2008, Vietnam and Qatar reached an agreement to increase the number of Vietnamese workers in this Middle East country tenfold from the current level of 10,000. In late February, the case of 176 Vietnamese garment workers, all women, at W&D Apparel made headline news in Jordan. Sent to Jordan as part of Vietnam’s strategy to increase labor exports to the Middle East, these women found themselves victims of exploitation, forced to work 16 hours a day but paid only a fraction of the wages promised in the contract. When these workers went on strike to demand compliance with the contract, the Taiwanese employer sent in the security guards and the local police to drag the strikers to work, causing severe injuries to many workers. The strikers were denied medical treatment and received insufficient food. A few weeks later the Vietnamese government sent a multi-disciplinary delegation to Amman to convince the workers to return to work. When this attempt failed, Vietnam’s Communist Party, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Security publicly denounced the strikers for having collaborated with overseas anti-government forces to oppose the Government of Vietnam. There are signs of collusion between well-placed government officials and the labor trafficking syndicate.

Russian Court Clears 17 Of Killing Vietnamese Youth

Vietnamese woman stabbed to death in Moscow | Russia | RIA Novosti


Another Vietnamese student killed in Russia | VOV Online Newspaper

Vietnamese man stabbed to death in Moscow — TalkVietnam

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily |
Vietnamese freshman attacked in Moscow

*TOP** Vietnamese people killed & injured in RUSSIA !! - Soviet-Empire.com U.S.S.R.

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily |
Skinheads stabbed Vietnamese student to death in Russia

Around 100 Vietnamese students gathered at the murder scene to protest against the killing and demand protection from the police against racist attacks, which are linked to a growing number of fascist and racist organizations.

"We came to study in this country, which we thought was a friend of Vietnam. We do not have drunken fights, we do not steal, we do not sell drugs and we have the right to protection from bandits," said one demonstrator.

Garment Factory Fire Kills 14 Vietnamese Workers | News | The Moscow Times

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily |
14 Vietnamese workers killed in Russia factory fire

Vietnamese workers in Russia appeal for help — Vietmaz

Migrants on high-alert following Moscow riots | Equal Times

In August, Moscow police rounded up at least 3,000 migrant workers in the run-up to the city’s mayoral election.

Six hundred of them, mostly from Vietnam, were held in a tent camp while awaiting deportation for immigration violations. The move was condemned by human rights groups, particularly because of the poor living conditions at the makeshift detention camp.

Vietnamese Trapped in ‘Murky’ Trafficking Syndicates in Russia

RFA: Vietnamese Women Fall Prey to Sex Racket in Russia | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

Eight Vietnamese Women Remain Trapped in Russia Brothel – Radio Free Asia | vietnamtimesonline.com

Eight Vietnamese Women Remain Trapped in Russia Brothel

Two Vietnamese women rescued from Moscow brothel | Vancouverdesi.com

Refworld | Eight Vietnamese women remain trapped in Russia brothel

Luke Dale-Harris: The Ultimate Betrayal: Human Trafficking in Vietnam

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Vietnam




Male Vietnamese tourist found stabbed to death in the nude, tour guide detained | Malaysia | The Malay Mail Online
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Thats unfair here, if I post a link like that abt China slave, I will get ban.

keep masturbating on ur ally's website , seem like PDF become a **** site for Chinese here . IDC .
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NiceGuy, just ignore this low IQ idiot
this guy is famous as nobrain and notorious spammer
if he does not stop here, we will do the same way about china.
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I think it's good for JEW USA to create neo nazis to beat up foreigners in Russia, so only JEW USA will have the brain drain

Neo nazis are also good for JEW USA to make colored revolutions in the countries allies of Russia (Ukranis, Bielorussia...)

Russia must slaughter all their extremists, because JEW USA rely on the extremists to divide and conquer
So sad that Vietnamese are exploiting their fellow countrymen, trafficking them as whores, enslaving them, using them as drug mules. If Vietnamese can't respect themselves, how can they expect foreigners to? These criminals are doing a great disservice to their nation.
So sad that Vietnamese are exploiting their fellow countrymen, trafficking them as whores, enslaving them, using them as drug mules. If Vietnamese can't respect themselves, how can they expect foreigners to? These criminals are doing a great disservice to their nation.
...says someone who washes dishes in a low priced Chinese restaurant in a slum in London, being smuggled and enslaved to pay back the money owned to a triad. Congrat.

go back to work and don´t forget to clean the toilette. you idiot.
...says someone who washes dishes in a low priced Chinese restaurant in a slum in London, being smuggled and enslaved to pay back the money owned to a triad. Congrat.

go back to work and don´t forget to clean the toilette. you idiot.

What's wrong with you? I'm expressing my sympathy and condolences. Do you wish people were more apathetic about your countrymen's suffering?
What's wrong with you? I'm expressing my sympathy and condolences. Do you wish people were more apathetic about your countrymen's suffering?
don´t you low iq idiot understand that this thread is opened by a hater?
give your sympathy and condolences to the suffering people in China. you retard.
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don´t you low iq idiot understand that this thread is opened by a hater?
give your sympathy and condolences to the suffering people in China. you retard.

Doesn't really matter, it's not like he fabricated the news. Somewhere around the world, Vietnamese women are getting trafficked, factory workers are dying in dangerous working conditions, others are being used as drug mules. Why are you trying to hide it?
Just a few years ago a brutal murder case shocked Germany. Seven people in a Chinese restaurant were shot dead (the owner couple and 5 staff members). The perpetrators were four Vietnamese.

Sittensen - Siebenfacher Mord aufgeklärt - Panorama - Süddeutsche.de

So this is why Viet told me to look at Chinese people's suffering too. Because when some sadistic Vietnamese aren't exploiting their own people, then they're exploiting and murdering foreigners. What a cold-blooded people.
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