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10 lies that Congress tells to dupe Indian Muslims

vicky sen

Sep 2, 2013
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Let me list out the top 10 reasons for why I say Congress has fooled Muslims throughout the history of independent India. The only thing you need to know, if you are unfamiliar with Indian vote-bank politics, is that Muslims have traditionally voted en-bloc for Congress, for decades. So they wouldn’t be wrong in expecting better treatment from Congress in return.

Congress gives leadership opportunity to Muslims:

Reality: Since India’s gaining independence in 1947, Congress has had 16 presidents. But unfortunately, for the most trusted vote-bank that has voted for Congress ever since the first independent India’s election, not ONE Muslim was made the party’s president. Compare this with Jawaharlal Nehru – 4 years, Indira Gandhi – 6 years, Rajiv Gandhi – 7 years and Sonia Gandhi – 15 years. That is 32 out of 65 years, with one family only!

You can go through the full list here. Yes, that’s the first major Topi to Muslims by Congress. It’s hard to believe that in 65 years, not one Muslim was found “good enough” to become the grand old party’s president even for one year.

And, let’s not even get into why Congress denied Abdul Kalam a second term as President. He was by far the most popular President India ever had!

Congress stands for women’s rights

Reality: Heard of Shah Bano? That 62-year-old Muslim woman, daughter of a police constable from Madhya Pradesh, and a mother of five, who won an alimony case in the Supreme Court after her husband divorced her in 1978. But under pressure from hardline Islamic males, Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress Government misused its absolute majority in the Parliament, to pass the Muslim Women Act of 1986. Looking back, it seems like this act was specifically to dilute the Supreme Court judgment. As a result, Muslim women in India, even the utterly destitute ones, lost the right to alimony from their former husbands.

Congress strives for education of Muslims

Reality: Muslims have fallen behind Hindus, Christians and everyone else in literacy rates. Per 2001 Census, literacy rate among the Christian women was 76.2 per cent, Hindu women 53.2 per cent and Muslim women was 50.1 per cent. Per the same 2001 census, 18.6 per cent of the Jain females in India were graduates or above. Among other religions the percentages are – Christian 8.6 per cent, Sikhs 7 per cent, Hindus 5.6 per cent, but Muslims a mere 2.4 per cent. Only a small section of women of India is presented here, but the situation is bad all around for Muslims. They are the last among all major groups when it comes to primary and college education. Vote bank politics of the so-called secular Governments has ruined their educational aspirations.

Congress fights for Muslim rights

Reality: Forget all the hype about Sachar committee, Haj subsidy, glittering Iftar parties and reservation eyewash. The reality is that Muslims are among the poorest in India today. It’s even harder to accept this considering that Muslims ruled many kingdoms in India for centuries. It was impossible for Muslims who left for Pakistan (east and west) to carry with them all the wealth that was generated during the long centuries of Muslim rule. So why are these erstwhile rulers now pathetically poor, even keeping aside neo-conversions? It’s because of the wrong policies of the Government and poor leadership among the community. Too much importance was given to religion and rituals, while other religious groups of India moved ahead quickly. The fact is that when the Muslim female graduation level is less than half of that of Hindu women and one third that of Christian women, it is obvious that their employment situation would be similarly poor. This statement by one south Indian politician last year summed it up well.

Muslims need to understand that reservation and other special treatment can only go so far. The real wealth generation opportunity in 21st century is in the private sector which needs education. Yes, the secular and scientific type of education that can be practically applied in big companies, businesses and factories. The world has changed a lot since the Mughal era!

Congress protects Muslims

Reality: Muslims have been brainwashed by Congress and its media associates with propaganda that the 2002 post-Godhra riots were the worst in Indian history. Inflated numbers of dead bodies have been repeatedly flashed on TV channels or newspaper editorials. But the reality is that the ‘worst ever’ anti-Muslim riot was NOT post-Godhra.

Also read about the ‘Communal lies and secular statistics‘ to understand how the reality is different.

Worse, if you scrutinise all the major communal riots, particularly the ones with major Muslim death tolls like Bhagalpur 1989, Ahmedabad 1969, Moradabad 1980 or Nellie 1983, you will certainly find that Congress has failed to protect Muslims.

Congress fought for Muslims on Babri Masjid case

Reality: It is easy to blame Karsevaks, VHP, BJP, Advani etcetra, but you need to ask three basic questions about those governing India during the key events:

1) Which party’s PM was in power in December 1949 when the Ram Lalla idol were placed inside Babri complex?

2) Which party’s PM was in power in 1985 when the locks on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid complex in Ayodhya was opened for Hindu pooja?

3) Which party’s PM was in power when in December 1992, the controversial building came down?

For most people, the answer will be obvious. Also the point of how Congress repeatedly fooled Muslims about “fighting” for Babri Masjid will be crystal clear.

And now a fourth question on the same topic, but unrelated to Ayodhya.

Which party’s PM and which party’s coalition chief is in power now in 2013, when the Supreme Court is asking for details from a Congress MP for illegally demolishing a 400 year old Qalandari Masjid in Rajasthan?

Congress safeguards Muslim properties

Reality: There have been massive Wakf scams in many States. In just one State Karnataka, it was reported that nearly Rs 2 lakh crore worth of Wakf property was inappropriately used, leased or sold. But how has Congress dealt with those accused in Wakf scam? Accused Rahman Khan became a union minister and Accused Qamar-ul Islam is now a minister in Karnataka, that too to manage Wakf department!

Isn’t the ‘other’ topi part quite obvious by now?

Congress is secular – works for the upliftment of all citizens

Reality: Slogans and speeches are just for the sake of emotional bonding. The reality is different. Decades of vote-bank politics has kept Muslims in a ghetto kind of situation in most States. They are left out of the mainstream in most cases. You visit a big multinational company in Hyderabad, an IT park in Bengaluru, an R&D unit in Pune, an airline company in Delhi, a media company in Kolkata, or a big bank in Mumbai. Check out the relative share of Muslims in top positions. I am sure you will be disappointed. If Congress had really worked on an ‘inclusive’ model for 65 years, do you think this disparity would have existed? Have you ever wondered why Jains, Sikhs, Christians or Buddhists don’t get their exclusive religious universities, but Muslims get promises from Congress for five Muslim (50 per cent or more reservation) universities (a promise that might not stand in courts)? Are Muslims so different a species that they can’t compete in regular universities of India? How will the Muslim students then compete in a very competitive job market? Things for young Muslims to think about. The solution lies in global competition as equals, and not falling behind into ghettos in the form of exclusive universities.

Congress takes Muslims into confidence

Reality: Look at Afzal Guru’s execution for instance: He should have been executed after the court verdict, but why secretly? Obviously, Congress had no confidence in either its ability to manage the law & order situation, or in Muslims. Otherwise an Indian citizen would not have been hanged in secrecy like in Afzal’s case.

Saffron terror nonsense

Reality: Just because many Muslims have been caught in terror incidents in India, this was a myth floated by Congress, specifically to fool Muslims. The aim was to divide the terrorism issue on communal lines, and also to appease a tiny minority of violent-minded people among the minority community that they are not alone.

It helped neither Muslims, nor India. The reality is that terrorism kills the nation, not just some people. Whoever is guilty should be punished instead of bringing in ‘other’ religions to create communal divide or misplaced communal sympathy. This topic is one of the most discussed on this website.

So in summary…

Congress has employed emotional blackmail all along to give a sense of false security to Muslims. Their mechanism of blindly demonising RSS or BJP has little utility in the 21st century when millions of people are carefully observing things in real time.

» While the Congress ‘fights’ for one Ishrat Jahan, people observe that there are hundreds of fake encounters each decade in India. National Human Rights Commission told the Supreme Court last year that there were 191 fake encounters between 2007 and 2012 (under Congress Central rule of course). Many of them might be Muslims. Who can forget the cold-blooded manner in which six Muslim youths were gunned down by Dhule police, an incident that shocked even the Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan?

» While the Congress harps on one unfortunate 2002 riot, people will count the number of gigantic riots under its watch since 1947.

» While the Congress ‘fights’ for one Babri, informed people will count how many Dargahs or Masjids got desecrated or destroyed under Congress governance since 1947.

» While the Congress harps on one Togadia, people will count how many alliances it has with the guys damaging Muslim-Hindu unity, like Akbaruddin Owaisi.

Educated Muslims need to introspect. Enough of this symbolic Topi business. Where are the jobs? Where is security? Where is the equal footing with Hindu, Sikh or Christian middle class? At the end of the day, money, education, rights, security and respect matter. Do you have them after voting for Congress for 62 years since 1951? Only you can answer these questions, Muslim ladies and gentlemen.

10 lies that Congress tells to dupe Indian Muslims | Niti Central
Congress and likewise many other pseudo secular parties in order to display their great secularness to common muslims ends up allying with extremist psycho and nutcases kind of mullahs losing the support of Open Minded Muslims and I guess they mostly comprise of 10-15% of Muslim population who vote for bjp.
By pointing out how congress treat muslim for 65 years and how they negleted them this pis$Shit article is also trying to do the same thing i.e to exployed them .
see congress did not do any thing for you guys now vote for bJP and we guys will take care of you.
how funny we should a nation worry about a portion of their population why not worry about all of them their are lots of hindus with out education and are very poor why single out muslim its shows the politics involved.
if muslim don't change their behavior and wait for government policy they can wait till eternity.
no need to blame Congress of anyother government you can only blame muslim themself.

being a muslim my self i never felt like discrimination .nobody stopping you to send your children to school its free at least let them be educated till 10 standard then new generation will be more educated.
And yet the Muslims have to fear the most from BJP whose candidate told his State Poloice not to interfere in the maassacre of Gujrati Muslims. Former Parliament member Ehsan Jaffery and 17 members of his family burnt alive in his house. Mr. Jaffery kept calling Police and every bigwig in Gujarat but no law enforcement came to his aid on the orders of a Murderous Thug named Narendra Modi who happened to be the Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time.

Now his promoters tell us he is the next best thing after sliced bread and he will be the Protector of the Muslims.

Give me a cotton pickin break.....
And yet the Muslims have to fear the most from BJP whose candidate told his State Poloice not to interfere in the maassacre of Gujrati Muslims. Former Parliament member Ehsan Jaffery and 17 members of his family burnt alive in his house. Mr. Jaffery kept calling Police and every bigwig in Gujarat but no law enforcement came to his aid on the orders of a Murderous Thug named Narendra Modi who happened to be the Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time.

Now his promoters tell us he is the next best thing after sliced bread and he will be the Protector of the Muslims.

Give me a cotton pickin break.....

:lol: Supreme Court has actually just 2 weeks ago cleared Modi from any wrongdoings in Naroda Patiya case please update yourself. After 12 years of levelling numerous allegations and constant investigations Modi's enemies couldn't find even a single damn evidence to prosecute him :rofl:
And yet the Muslims have to fear the most from BJP whose candidate told his State Poloice not to interfere in the maassacre of Gujrati Muslims. Former Parliament member Ehsan Jaffery and 17 members of his family burnt alive in his house. Mr. Jaffery kept calling Police and every bigwig in Gujarat but no law enforcement came to his aid on the orders of a Murderous Thug named Narendra Modi who happened to be the Chief Minister of Gujarat at the time.

Now his promoters tell us he is the next best thing after sliced bread and he will be the Protector of the Muslims.

Give me a cotton pickin break.....
All of that is Congress propaganda. Other than 2002 godhra, they have no ways to counter him.
He was given a clean chit by the SC.
All of that is Congress propaganda. Other than 2002 godhra, they have no ways to counter him.
He was given a clean chit by the SC.

Why even bother replying?

They magnify the victimhood of Indian Muslims to justify their existence. Indian treatment of Indian Muslims is haphazard.

The same Pakistani posters express sympathy for Dalits, rape victims not because of Human concern, but it is an opportunity to score points over the yindoos.

Indians are answerable to only Indians. We should be our harshest critics.

But if their concern is legitimate, we should still lend an ear.

A lot of Indian posters too come across this way.
Congress supports worst kind of Muslims(Mullahs) and ignores & does nothing for common Muslims who are in vast majority .
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vicky sen said:
Congress stands for women’s rights

Reality: Heard of Shah Bano? That 62-year-old Muslim woman, daughter of a police constable from Madhya Pradesh, and a mother of five, who won an alimony case in the Supreme Court after her husband divorced her in 1978. But under pressure from hardline Islamic males, Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress Government misused its absolute majority in the Parliament, to pass the Muslim Women Act of 1986. Looking back, it seems like this act was specifically to dilute the Supreme Court judgment. As a result, Muslim women in India, even the utterly destitute ones, lost the right to alimony from their former husbands.

This case was a pure example of Muslim appeasement practised by the Congress party. This case again gave rise to a demand of Uniform Civil Code in the country and for truly secular laws instead of the pseudo-secularism practised by the Congress party.
No political party in India is completely secular....the Marxists are way better than Congress.
Congress Hall of Shame!


WORST riot: 1947 Communal riots in Bengal | 5000-10000 Killed | Ruling party happened to be Congress

Riot 2: 1969 | Communal riots in Ahmedabad | More than 512 Killed in the city. 3000 to 15000 range in the entire state | Riots for 6 months | Ruling party happened to be Congress

Riot 3: Oct 1984 | Communal riots in Delhi | 2733 Killed | Ruling party Congress | Almost 100% casualty were Sikhs, which makes this a Rajiv Gandhi led genocide on India's minorities | Followed by “Big Tree falls” justification too from the Prime Minister!

Riot 4: Feb 1983 | Communal violence in Nellie, Assam | 2000-5000 killed | PM – Indira Gandhi (Congress party) - India's worst slaughter of Muslims in any single riot (just 6 HOURS)

Riot 5: 1964 Communal riots in Rourkela & Jamshedpur | 2000 Killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 6: August 1980 | Moradabad Communal riots | Approx 2000 Killed | Ruling Party Congress

Riot 7: October 1989 | Bhagalpur, Bihar riots | 800 to 2000 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 8: Dec 1992 - Jan 1993 | Mumbai, Maharashtra riots | 800 to 2000 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 9: April 1985 | Communal riots in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | At least 300 Killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 10: Dec 1992 | Aligarh, UP | At least 176 killed | Ruling party Congress (President's rule)

Riot 11: December 1992 | Surat, Gujarat | At least 175 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 12: December 1990 | Hyderabad, AP | At least 132 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 13: August 1967 | 200 Killed | Communal riots in Ranchi | Party ruling again Congress

Riot 14: April 1979 | Communal riots in Jamshedpur, West Bengal | More than 125 killed | Ruling party CPIM (Communist Party)

Riot 15: 1970 | Bhiwandi communal riots in Maharashtra | Around 80 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 16: May 1984 | Communal riots in Bhiwandi | 146 Killed, 611 Inj | Ruling party Congress | CM – Vasandada Patil

Riot 17: Apr-May 1987 | Communal violence in Meerut, UP | 81 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 18: July 1986 | Communal violence in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | 59 Killed | Ruling party Congress
basically muslims have nowhere to go when bjp/rss have a go at them because congress sympathy is fake.
Similar to we hear about hindus in bangladesh and how AL takes care of them(?).
Congress Hall of Shame!


WORST riot: 1947 Communal riots in Bengal | 5000-10000 Killed | Ruling party happened to be Congress

Riot 2: 1969 | Communal riots in Ahmedabad | More than 512 Killed in the city. 3000 to 15000 range in the entire state | Riots for 6 months | Ruling party happened to be Congress

Riot 3: Oct 1984 | Communal riots in Delhi | 2733 Killed | Ruling party Congress | Almost 100% casualty were Sikhs, which makes this a Rajiv Gandhi led genocide on India's minorities | Followed by “Big Tree falls” justification too from the Prime Minister!

Riot 4: Feb 1983 | Communal violence in Nellie, Assam | 2000-5000 killed | PM – Indira Gandhi (Congress party) - India's worst slaughter of Muslims in any single riot (just 6 HOURS)

Riot 5: 1964 Communal riots in Rourkela & Jamshedpur | 2000 Killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 6: August 1980 | Moradabad Communal riots | Approx 2000 Killed | Ruling Party Congress

Riot 7: October 1989 | Bhagalpur, Bihar riots | 800 to 2000 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 8: Dec 1992 - Jan 1993 | Mumbai, Maharashtra riots | 800 to 2000 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 9: April 1985 | Communal riots in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | At least 300 Killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 10: Dec 1992 | Aligarh, UP | At least 176 killed | Ruling party Congress (President's rule)

Riot 11: December 1992 | Surat, Gujarat | At least 175 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 12: December 1990 | Hyderabad, AP | At least 132 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 13: August 1967 | 200 Killed | Communal riots in Ranchi | Party ruling again Congress

Riot 14: April 1979 | Communal riots in Jamshedpur, West Bengal | More than 125 killed | Ruling party CPIM (Communist Party)

Riot 15: 1970 | Bhiwandi communal riots in Maharashtra | Around 80 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 16: May 1984 | Communal riots in Bhiwandi | 146 Killed, 611 Inj | Ruling party Congress | CM – Vasandada Patil

Riot 17: Apr-May 1987 | Communal violence in Meerut, UP | 81 killed | Ruling party Congress

Riot 18: July 1986 | Communal violence in Ahmedabad, Gujarat | 59 Killed | Ruling party Congress

The most prominent is 1984 which was actually massacre, that too in the capital city!!
The most prominent is 1984 which was actually massacre, that too in the capital city!!

Bit of reality check & understanding India's political history after independence will tell us that Congress is the most communal political party of India. Their existence thrives in keep the public communally divided, underprivileged & poor. Afterall that's their core vote bank. On one hand they preach about equality & bringing the communities together for the betterment of India. But the reality on the ground is different. Only other day they came out with another classic.. declaring Jain community as minorities. Now.. what does that tell you?
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