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Swedish Gripen upbeat on India's combat jet order


Oct 23, 2006
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Linkoping (Sweden), Feb 18 (IANS) Swedish aviation major Saab is "confident" of its Gripen fighter winning an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA), claiming its product has an "overwhelming" advantage over the competition.

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However, allegations that bribes were paid to facilitate the sale of the fighter to the Czech Republic and South Africa could cloud Saab's chances.

"The advantages the Gripen offers over its competitors are simply overwhelming," said Owe Wagermark, communications director of Saab and its subsidiary Gripen International that manufactures the jet.

"The Gripen new generation fighter is the complete solution to the IAF's needs. It will meet or exceed every operational requirement of the IAF in all roles. It is an air-to-air fighter with BVR (beyond visual range) and WVR (within visual range) capabilities, as also air-to-surface missile launching and reconnaissance capabilities," Wagermark told IANS at the company's headquarters here.

Noting that Saab was "looking forward" to the IAF tender, he said: "We are confident that India will opt for the Gripen."

The IAF had in 2001 projected a requirement for 126 MRCAs to replace its ageing fleet of Soviet-era Mig-21 and MiG-23 fighters.

Seven aircraft are in the running for the order. They are the US F-16 and F-18, the MiG-35 (an updated version of the MiG-29 the IAF operates and which was previously in the running), the French Mirage 2000-V and Rafale, the Gripen, and the four-nation European Typhoon.

Except for the Mirage, Rafale and the Typhoon, the other contenders were showcased at the Aero India 2007 show at Bangalore Feb 7-11 and repeatedly took to the skies to demonstrate their capabilities. Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony said in Bangalore Feb 7 the IAF tender would be floated "at the earliest".

Asked about the possible advantage the Gripen held over an aircraft like the F-16, Wagermark said: "I cannot imagine the IAF, which intends to obtain the highest quality aircraft available in the market, opting for the rather obsolete F-16 over the state-of-the-art Gripen."

US aerospace major Lockheed Martin, however, contests this, saying the F-16 has been constantly upgraded, that it is "the most successful fighter jet in history" and that some 4,000 are flying with air forces worldwide.

"Moreover," said Wagermark, "Saab has pledged India absolute access to all our technology as well as its transfer to India and licence to manufacture the aircraft locally in due course.

"It is highly improbable that such concessions could be obtained from the US," he added.

Wagermark was not exactly accurate in stating this, as F-18 manufacturer Boeing has already offered joint production in India if it wins the IAF order.

There is, however, a dark cloud looming over Saab's prospects in view of the bribery scandals and the investigations into them - but the company says it was not directly involved.

Swedish TV4's investigative team is scheduled to disclose Feb 20 in its "Uppdrag Granskning" (Mission Enquiry) programme what it terms highly explosive new facts about the bribes allegedly paid out for securing the Czech and South African orders.

Said programme producer Sven Bergman: "I cannot disclose any contents of our programme in advance. But let me assure you that it has nothing to do with any, past or future, India-Saab business. It concerns the marketing methods used by (Britain's) BAE Systems to secure the Czech order and influence the South African one.

"We will largely bring out the results of the enquiry carried out by the British Economic Investigative Department's Serious Fraud Service," Bergman added.

BAE Systems markets the products of Saab and its subsidiary, Saab Bofors Dynamics. In 1999, Saab purchased the Celsius Group, the parent group of Bofors. In September 2000, United Defense Industries (UDI) purchased Bofors Weapon Systems from Saab, which retained the company's missile wing. Bofors was accused of corruption in the Indian Army purchase in the mid-1980s of 155 mm howitzers but the Indian Supreme Court threw out the charge.

"The (Czech and South African) sales campaigns were carried out by BAE Systems. Gripen International is a completely independent unit and has no ties whatsoever with BAE," Adrian Stockwell, communications director for India of Gripen International, told IANS.

He spoke from Goa, where he was unwinding after a "highly satisfying" performance at the Aero India show.

"Gripen International India is, in turn, an autonomous unit. We are extremely careful that nothing, repeat nothing, unethical will be resorted to for winning the Indian bid," Stockwell maintained.

Joanna Sjölander, director of marketing communications for Gripen International, spoke in similar vein, also from Goa.

"We have determined that transparency will be total in all our dealings throughout. There is nothing to worry about," he contended.

"The fact that the IAF boys are thrilled with the Gripen fills us with great joy, hope and realistic optimism. That is what we are celebrating in Goa and have almost decided to make it our base, here. After all we are going to be in India for a long time," Sjölander maintained.

--By Alfred de Tavares
I thought the production of Mirage-2000-5 was stopped. What happened?
I think Indian will not go for F16 for two reason,
American made good fighter, but unexpected arm embargo. If any indian policy collide with US interest. Happened before.
Second Pakistan already has the plane. Usuall practice, two rival nation avoid to use same technology. Thats why Pakistan never show interest Emerate Mirage 2000. When selling the whole squadron.
I think Indian will not go for F16 for two reason,
American made good fighter, but unexpected arm embargo. If any indian policy collide with US interest. Happened before.
Second Pakistan already has the plane. Usuall practice, two rival nation avoid to use same technology. Thats why Pakistan never show interest Emerate Mirage 2000. When selling the whole squadron.

Haider dude, there is the arms embargo problem that the GoI is certainly taking into account.

But the second point, that Pakistan already has it. LM has made it AMPLY clear that the plane it intends to sell India will be 'sufficiently' different from PAF's planes so that India should not worry. What is on offer is a blk 70 development, which would actually be a 'wanna be' JSF. It would be based on the blk 60 and many parts of JSF, so low RCS and other things. But that is not the reason that it wont be bought.

Th reason is plain and simple...MiG 35. It is far superior to even what the F-16 blk 70 would offer us.

There will be AESA. MiG 35 would be the MOST technologically potent aircraft till date in the Indian armoury. It is a beast with a capital B. I dont think that India would even have to MKI'ze it, it has one of the best avionics and many components of the Russian space programme have been fitted in so that its technologically superior to its counterparts.

With an AESA radar, MiG 35 would no longer be inferior to the F/A-18E/F in BVR. It would be an equal match, plus we can putin the Elta 2052, which is superior to the AESA in F/A-18. That would make the MiG 35 superior in BVR to the F/A-18E/F. In terms of WVR, MiG 35 is leagues ahead of F/A-18E/F.
The only thing that would lack in MiG 35 is the a2g area. MiG 35's a2g effectivness would be lesser than F/A-18E/F. However there are 11 hardpoints on the MiG 35, so i would say the difference will not be too much apart from the american made munitions. Its RCS, is very low, i believe Russia declared that they made some kind of thing that has reduced MiG 35's RCS 5 to 6 times less than the MiG 29. It uses a MUCH higher percentage of composites in the airframe.

The MiG 35 has a life of 40 years and i am forgetting that in terms of hours. Its almost double of what was there in the MiG 29. Its also a threat based service schedule. Before that Indian MiG 29's had to go for a complete rehaul in Russia every couple of 100 hours, or i think 1 year, whichever came first. So that meant one of the LOWEST fleet availability rates possible. Now MiG 35 would be serviced in India itself, apart from that in its ENTIRE LIFETIME, the MiG 35 would have around 3 complete checks as opposed to the many many many many many chks of MiG 29.

PLUS apart from being an awsome plane in itself, it will not add to the fleet management problem.
1. Its engines will be produced in India itself, giving the plane, a maximum serviceability rate, and lowest maintenance problems. Thus a very very high fleet availbility rate.

2.The logistics problems, ie spares etc would be MINIMUM. Russia plans to open up a spare's center of sorts here, so that again would ensure a very high fleet availability rate.

3.Its losely based on the MiG 29K, so the IAF pilots will require a much lesser time to fully learn and exploit its capabilities than it would for ANY other plane in the contest. It would be less than a fraction of the time it would require to exploit other a/c's capabilities. This is a very important issue, it takes many many years to do that. So the IAF pilots will be combat ready in a very short time.

4.COMPLETE ToT. Production in India. That is something that NO other country would offer for its top-of-the-line plane. F/A-18F is offering some kind of 'joint production' though, its still not the same thing. It would give a tremendous boost to India's aero-space industry in terms of technology etc.

So the MiG 35 meets all of India's requirements with an ace. IAF gets the BEST plane along with the best industrial benefits along with no headache of the maintenance, spare parts, etc that is really an issue with the MiG 29's.
India would be FOOLISH not go get the MiG 35's.
I am an F/A - 18 E/F super hornet Fan, Its the true strike platform, while MIg-35 comes on the lines Su-30MKI in terms air superiority. The difference of an F-15 to F-18. The armaments F/A-18 SuperHornet has is simply awesome, especially the air-ground munitions Mig-35 cant match it!!!!!!!!!
I am an F/A - 18 E/F super hornet Fan, Its the true strike platform, while MIg-35 comes on the lines Su-30MKI in terms air superiority. The difference of an F-15 to F-18. The armaments F/A-18 SuperHornet has is simply awesome, especially the air-ground munitions Mig-35 cant match it!!!!!!!!!

Adux, then i will say a MiG 35 is a 'true strike platform'..!
MiG 35 is unbeatable in dogfights, whereas with as AESA it will match F/A-18E/F in BVR. With an AESA radar like eta 2052, it will EXCEED F-18 in BVR significantly. In terms of manouverability, etc, etc MiG 35 is far above the F-18.

The ONLY and ONLY thing that F-18 has is US made air to ground munitions and NOTHING else. Thats its only advantage. The MiG 35 has 11 hardpoints, so that means its an excellent air to ground platform as well.

Only two things are required for MiG 35 to exceed F-18.
2.US munitions.

1.AESA can be gotten from anywhere. The MiG 35 we will buy WILL HAVE AN AESA radar, the Zhuk AE.

2. US munitions. That India cannot get. But we will have Russian, Israeli and European munitions. I am inclined to think they are equally good.

We would be FOOLS to buy F-18 when MiG 35 is better in almost all aspects.
Dont even bother mentioning the fleet availability rate, and engine life, and rehaul time, etc, etc. MiG 35 is radically different in this aspect. Its per hour operating costs will be less than 50% of those of MiG 35, and that my friend is VERY LOW. MiG 35 is an ideal platform.

But Super Hornet is going to be there for a while to come, USN plans for the next 35 years. While Russia Airforce hasnt made any serious attempts for accquiring 35, but only to SMT standard. Therefore any furhter upgrade will have to be funded by the IAF even from R&D and requirement analysis stage.USN will fund for the Hornet.Another being the avionics, US avionics suit are far better. A2G munitions US is unparaelled. A2A we can have the meteor, but still not as good as the C7 that is going to comeout. Range is better for the superbug ,important in strike deep inside enemy terriotory

But Super Hornet is going to be there for a while to come, USN plans for the next 35 years. While Russia Airforce hasnt made any serious attempts for accquiring 35, but only to SMT standard.
If you have read carefully, MiG 35's final version was shown for the FIRST time in AI 07. Its JUST been completed, should India decide to buy it, there is a provision in which India and Russia can further evolve it and there is a provision for JOINT MARKETING. There has to be a requirement for planes for Russian AF to buy them. If they are not buying any new planes atm, then they wont buy MiG 35 for the heck of it. And trust me, MiG 35 will be bought heavily by many countries in the next 10 years.

A MiG 29 CANNOT be converted to MiG 35 even by a long haul. Its a different airframe, different everything. This is the same misconception people have. You cant convert an F/A-18A/B/C/D to F/A-18E/F. Its a different thing. So even India is upgrading its MiG 29 to SMT standards while its gonna buy MiG 35.

Therefore any furhter upgrade will have to be funded by the IAF even from R&D and requirement analysis stage.USN will fund for the Hornet.
Havent we done that for Su-30MKI? In case of any upgrade, India would most likely be able to integrate it themselves.

Another being the avionics, US avionics suit are far better. A2G munitions US is unparaelled.
You are mistaken if you think MiG 35's avionics are in any way inferior to US avionics in their planes like F/A-18E/F. MiG 35 has the finest avionics ever developed by Russia for the sole purpose to show that they donot lag behind in avionics. MiG 35 is Russia's avionics crowining glory. It has many components from Russia's own space programme. You have seen the cockpit of MiG 35 as well.
This one of the things that officials from Russia are keen to point out. They specifically add that nothing needs to be changed in MiG 35 and they are equally good as US in avionics.

India ALSO has the option of putting new avionics in MiG 35 from any damn country in the world, just like they did for Su-30, however IMHO they will not NEED to do it. MiG 35 has SUPERB avionics. The ONLY thing that might need to be changed is putting a Elta 2052, and some foreign missiles. India might also put in some Indian sub components like it always does in the plane. Though strictly speaking nothing apart from MiG 35's radar needs to be changed, and that too if India wants one of teh worlds best radars.

A2A we can have the meteor, but still not as good as the C7 that is going to comeout.
Again, C7 is already inducted. That is the reason Pakistan got C5 missiles. US never gives its best as a matter of policy. The C7's have already been there, and AIM 120 D is in its final stages. It will start getting inducted by 2010-12.

Yes i agree, when we get Meteor or its Russian counterpart, it will be better, but US munitions are indeed the best for A2G. But let me ask you, are they SO superior so as to get an entire plane JUST for them?? I mean Russian's and more notably European's are also extremely good in this field.

Range is better for the superbug ,important in strike deep inside enemy terriotory
MiG 35's range is almost twice of that of MiG 29's. There would be conformal tanks developed. MiG 35 carries fuel in its dorsal spine. Its pretty darn good. And you can safely classify MiG 35 as a deep strike multirole fighter. It has good range too apart from mid air refueling capabilities. It is in no way inferior to the F.A-18E/F.

Like i said, MiG 35 is in most aspects superior to teh F.A-18E/F
Russian Aircrafts have maintainance problems since India will be only receipent of Mig-35 I am worried of spare parts supplies too, Their MTBF is low hence I would prefer combination of Mig -35 and F-18 for MRCA, Though India will need additional maintainance lines for F-18's.
If you think strategically it would be a good move to help maintain good offices with only Superpower and Ex-superpower.

You are wrong a Normal Bug cant be converted into a SuperBug, Airframe is different and it is 30% larger. Avionics in Mig-35,maybe a crowing glory for Russia, World standards and benchmarks in avionics are kept by the Americans,I rather pick a country which has a histroy of excellence in that field, USN is the most powerful military organization in the world, I rather take what they are taking and they are buying more Super hornets to replace their hornets. Mig-35 with conformal tanks would harm its dog-fighting capabilities,

But as goodperson said,

I rather have

Mig-29SMT 66
Mig - 35 60
F/A -18 - 66
Su-30MKI - 230
Jaguar - 160
Mirage 20005 - 60
LCA 150


Mig 29K - 50
F/A -18 84 (good possibility,if the MMRCA is increased 200)
Harrier GR4 25
A MiG 29 CANNOT be converted to MiG 35 even by a long haul. Its a different airframe, different everything. This is the same misconception people have. You cant convert an F/A-18A/B/C/D to F/A-18E/F. Its a different thing. So even India is upgrading its MiG 29 to SMT standards while its gonna buy MiG 35.

What else did i say?

You are wrong a Normal Bug cant be converted into a SuperBug, Airframe is different and it is 30% larger.
My previous post.

Avionics in Mig-35,maybe a crowing glory for Russia, World standards and benchmarks in avionics are kept by the Americans,I rather pick a country which has a histroy of excellence in that field,
Lets say i take your argument that they are not good enough, then we CAN and should that be the case WILL change its avionics. European and Israeli avionics would be fit in it, and i am inclined to say that some american avionics subsystems may be put in too. It would be no different than what we did with the Su-30. So what is the harm in that?

And i reiterate, the avionics in MiG 35 are at par with the best in the world on that class of planes. And i mean F/A-18E/F too when i say that. MiG 35's avionics will not need to be changed drastically apart from the radar maybe.

USN is the most powerful military organization in the world, I rather take what they are taking and they are buying more Super hornets to replace their hornets.
USN has VERY different requirements than us. We cannot/will not buy anything that USN buys. We have different needs, and there is equipment available that matches those needs very astutely. MiG 35 matches F/A-18E/F an eye for an eye. It would be superior to the F/A-18E/F when some components are put in, or rather when we MKI'ze it.

Mig-35 with conformal tanks would harm its dog-fighting capabilities,
That was just an example, means they can be fitted for long journey's or say bombing missions. Anyways, MiG 35 has a very good range.

I rather have

Mig-29SMT 66
Mig - 35 60
F/A -18 - 66
Su-30MKI - 230
Jaguar - 160
Mirage 20005 - 60
LCA 150

I dont have any problems with that list, except that it will be a NIGHTMARE to run in terms of logistics. Minimize platforms. I'd rather have had the govt sell of the MiG 29's and 50 more MiG 35's. F/A-18 would require another line setup for maintenance, etc, etc. Its not feasible. What IAF should be trying to do in the long run is cutting down on different types of platforms so that things are easier for them.


Mig 29K - 50
F/A -18 84 (good possibility,if the MMRCA is increased 200)
Harrier GR4 25

Harrier is passe.
MiG 29K and F/A-18E/F would indeed be a verry good combination for the Navy.
Russian Aircrafts have maintainance problems since India will be only receipent of Mig-35 I am worried of spare parts supplies too
That is the reason why everything would be made in India. Its complete ToT in the truest sense. The engines would be made here, so that the spare parts problem is not there. We are going for a big number of these planes, thus they can be manufactured here, and service lines set up, which is not feasible for a small number of planes. This spare parts problem would not be there for this plane as acutely as it has always been for others.

Their MTBF is low hence I would prefer combination of Mig -35 and F-18 for MRCA, Though India will need additional maintainance lines for F-18's.
MiG 35 has different technical requirements than MiG 29. MiG 29 had to go for a complete overhaul every 200 horus or so, or 1 year, whichever came first. That meant the plane had to goto Russia, there was always a low fleet availability, etc, etc. They were 'hangar queens' to borrow a phrase from somewhere. MiG 35 on the other hand does not have these limitations, its per hour operating cost is around 50% of that of MiG 29, it would have togo for a complete rehaul only 3 or 4 times in its entire life. The engine is very different, it has a higher life, etc, etc. Its made along the western concept of life cycle cost. So its a significant shift from the regular. It would not have the problems mentioned above.

If you think strategically it would be a good move to help maintain good offices with only Superpower and Ex-superpower.
India just bought 6 C-130J planes, and gonna buy 197 Bell 407 heli's, and many other things. Probably along with 8 P-8I's and ASW choppers. And all this is just a start. I dont think US has a reason to complain seeing as it didnt get anything before.

P.S: Is some one giving me negative reps? I went down from +2 to 0!

They call the HORNET the BUG, i was talking about the hornet when I said it cant be converted. Thats why I had mig 29smt as well as mig 35.Honestly I dont share your enthu for MiG- 35, i dont think it is that good. Why go for MKIizing when we have a good package available. The only reason i wont take the F/A 18 would be if we wont get the ToT.

They call the HORNET the BUG,

BTW, undoubtedly F/A-18E/F is better at a2g action. and is thus a better strike platform.But MiG 35 is also not that bad, its average in a2g with exceptional a2a.

Forget conversion or not, just compare MiG 35, and F/A-18E/F
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