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Whats going on in Bangladesh???

Indo-awami bastards may start target killing of political opponents in a last ditch effort of clinging on to power.Some 100+ people already died since 25th Nov announcement of the schedule of the circus show election. While BNP said some 300 people abducted in 1 month. In all this mayhem, awami loons arranged 2 "record" breaking drama shows today. This regime even beats N.Korea's Kim family or vietnam's former Pol-pot regime.

"If"..that is the keyword

Don't bother replying to posters lacking grey matter.
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Indo-awami bastards may start target killing of political opponents in a last ditch effort of clinging on to power.Some 100+ people already died since 25th Nov announcement of the schedule of the circus show election. While BNP said some 300 people abducted in 1 month. In all this mayhem, awami loons arranged 2 "record" breaking drama shows today. This regime even beats N.Korea's Kim family or vietnam's former Pol-pot regime.

Don't bother replying to posters lacking grey matter.
They just killed 12 people and bulldozed JI Amir's multi-storied house in Satkhira. Unprecedented level's of killings of history going on in last one century in BD.

কালুরঘাট সাইবার কেন্দ্র | Facebook

They just killed 12 people and bulldozed JI Amir's multi-storied house in Satkhira. Unprecedented level's of killings of last one century going on in BD.

কালুরঘাট সাইবার কেন্দ্র | Facebook
They just killed 12 people and bulldozed JI Amir's multi-storied house in Satkhira. Unprecedented level's of killings of history going on in last one century in BD.

কালুরঘাট সাইবার কেন্দ্র | Facebook

What else can u expect from these blood sucking awami dacoits. The country has been ruined by these indo-awami bastards. They r planning to completely wipe out the last trace of humanity from BD. May Allah (swt) have mercy on the muslims of this country.

Now I see Bangla Buddhi is brewing
What else can u expect from these blood sucking awami dacoits. The country has been ruined by these indo-awami bastards. They r planning to completely wipe out the last trace of humanity from BD. May Allah (swt) have mercy on the muslims of this country.
I predicted a while ago that we were in a long whole and drawn into a bloody war by INDO-RAWAMY fascists. Since OCT 28th. 2006, patriotic Muslims of BD's blood were getting spilled and seemed like it reached at its pick by now. But as God worked in a mysterious way, a good thing like crack between INDO-YANK appeared by now for various reasons and global cry for Molla's killing caused Chetona Business walas to call their 42 year's long days off lately. So, U are seeing Chetona Bebosaye's panicky article from opar Bangla like End of our war: Mukti Joddhas (End of our war: Mukti Joddhas - The Times of India) started to pop up. But mark my word, revenge for every bit of innocent's blood would be taken here or Akhira. And the initiations are already being taken in that regard...

সংবিধান লঙ্ঘন করে অবৈধ এখন হাসিনা সরকারঃ গঠিত হতে পারে প্রবাসী সরকার |
What else can u expect from these blood sucking awami dacoits. The country has been ruined by these indo-awami bastards. They r planning to completely wipe out the last trace of humanity from BD. May Allah (swt) have mercy on the muslims of this country.

u know ...... Humanity is not greater than the spirit of 71, so may the spirit of 71 prevail rather than humanity!!
On 16th of December, victory day, Indian backed Awami League celebrated by killing 10 Bangladeshis, most in point blank range. And then used bulldozer to destroy homes of opposition party. Most of these killings were done bordering Satkhira. It can not be ruled out indian forces perhaps taking part in these massacres under guise of RAB.

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Bangladesh: Western Perceptions on Developments By Salim Haq (Viewweek.com)

President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman (Retd). testified at the Congressional hearing on Bangladesh on 20 November 2013. (Courtesy BIPSS)

The last week has seen a flurry of activities in the West about developments in Bangladesh. These include a hearing (November 20, 2013) by the U.S. House Sub-Committee on Asia titled “Bangladesh in Turmoil.

Such increased focus in the run-up to the elections in Bangladesh is indicative of the West trying to understand what exactly is happening in this important South Asian country.
Interestingly, on both sides of the Atlantic, there has been considerable understanding about what is at stake in Bangladesh. Both, in their own ways, underlined the very real danger of lurking fundamentalism taking over the country, and both pointed to the dubious role of the Jamaat riding piggy-back on the BNP; the need for political reconciliation and inclusive elections and that the war crimes trials should be speedily concluded in order for the people to get a closure of the horrific events of 1971.
In the Congressional hearing, testifying experts were Prof. Ali Riaz (Woodrow Wilson Center), Maj. Gen. (Retd) A.M.N. Muniruzzaman (President, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies) and John Sifton (Human Rights Watch). The Congressional panel was headed by Sub-committee Chairman Steve Chabot who had recently visited Bangladesh.

The written testimonies apart, the operative points that emerged from the proceedings were that:
• Notwithstanding procedural issues, there was need for closure of the war crimes trials which enjoyed widespread support among the people of Bangladesh.
• Bangladesh faced a serious threat from fundamentalist radicals, with consequences similar to the ones being seen by the U.S. in Pakistan.
• Stress was also laid on political reconciliation between the Awami League (AL) and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for democratic consolidation, denying non-state / religious fundamentalists from allying themselves politically to prevent further destabilization and political instability.
• Persecution of religious minorities, particularly Hindus has continued under governments headed by both parties and needs to be stopped.
• The achievements of the Awami League government on the domestic front have been substantial.
Meanwhile, a joint resolution of the European Parliament titled Bangladesh: Human Rights and Forthcoming Elections was passed on November 21, 2013. It noted the political violence unleashed during ‘hartals’ called for by the Khaleda Zia-led BNP with its ally, the Jamaat-e-Islami, demanding that the forthcoming election be overseen by a ‘non-party’ caretaker government and calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. It noted the allegations that the Jamaat-e-Islami was promoting strikes in order to obstruct proceedings of war crimes cases against its leaders; It expressed concern over the severe impact of the hartals (shutdown) on impoverished sections of the population, which depend on daily wages to survive.

It recognized progress in the fields of education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, food security, infrastructure, climate change and employment generation under the Awami League Government.
It acknowledged the need for reconciliation, justice and accountability for crimes committed during the 1971 Liberation War; stressed and supported the important role of the International Crimes Tribunal in this matter; though it expressed strong objections to the death penalty.

It also called for taking firm notice of serious threats arising out of the increasing radicalization of fundamentalist groups in Bangladesh, and called upon competent authorities to investigate links between banned terrorists and sectarian outfits with the Jamaat-e- Islam and Hefazat-e-Islam;

In an editorial titled Political Crisis in Bangladesh, the New York Times claims Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is clinging to power till the general elections, and is trying to neutralize her opponents.

It blames Sheikh Hasina for removing a constitutional provision that allows for the setting up of a neutral caretaker government three months before general elections.
The NYT conveniently forgets that the Supreme Court had declared the caretaker government unconstitutional, and that Sheikh Hasina was only acting on the former’s directive. It has also ignored the fact that Khaleda Zia and her BNP boycotted consultations that were to determine what would replace the caretaker set-up.

Insofar as neutralizing her opponents by any means possible is concerned, the NYT fails to realize that the banning of the Jamaat was spearheaded by the Tarikat Foundation and not the ruling Awami League on grounds that its creation was contrary to the Bangladesh Constitution. Courts have upheld this contention.

Finally, the NYT claims the trials by the International Crimes Tribunal are yet another tool to stifle political opponents. As the Congressional hearing and several opinion polls have shown, if there is one thing on which a majority of Bangladeshis are agreed upon, it is the war crimes trials.

The NYT should, therefore, revisit its editorial keeping the outcomes of the Congressional hearing and the European Parliament resolution on the correct picture in Bangladesh.
This article first appeared in Daily Sun, a leading newspaper of Bangladesh.

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Bangladesh: Western Perceptions on Developments By Salim Haq (Viewweek.com)

This article is speaking in the favor of BAL, seems BAL will manage everything by leveling everyone fundamentalist against them.

BAL will come again with ease, I see/
First of All ,
Stop accusing each other ( Pakistan & India ) .
1. I don't support what Hasina is doing .
2. I do support War criminals tribunal and hanging war criminals whole heartily (85% people support , no doubt about it , but some don't care .. who wants trouble after 42 years ) .
3. A lot of people i think 70% of total populations aren't happy about AL . BNP will win the election 95% possibility .
4. 95% people totally disturbed and annoyed about both Hasina & Khaleda .
5 . If India would gives us water and stop border killing [ Momota needs to listen ] . All Bangladeshi people would be against Pakistan only that's for sure . But There are number of people in Bangladesh hate & love Equally India and Pakistan .
6. Pakistan shouldn't interfere about our internal issues . People are being crazy about this here . If they burn flag or something that's not our fault .
7. Some people are using ISLAM and Some people are using Liberation war as their primary weapon .
Hindus and Buddhists are being targeted by Jaamat Islam and Islamic shibir . That's bad .
First of All ,
Stop accusing each other ( Pakistan & India ) .
1. I don't support what Hasina is doing .
2. I do support War criminals tribunal and hanging war criminals whole heartily (85% people support , no doubt about it , but some don't care .. who wants trouble after 42 years ) .
3. A lot of people i think 70% of total populations aren't happy about AL . BNP will win the election 95% possibility .
4. 95% people totally disturbed and annoyed about both Hasina & Khaleda .
5 . If India would gives us water and stop border killing [ Momota needs to listen ] . All Bangladeshi people would be against Pakistan only that's for sure . But There are number of people in Bangladesh hate & love Equally India and Pakistan .
6. Pakistan shouldn't interfere about our internal issues . People are being crazy about this here . If they burn flag or something that's not our fault .
7. Some people are using ISLAM and Some people are using Liberation war as their primary weapon .
Hindus and Buddhists are being targeted by Jaamat Islam and Islamic shibir . That's bad .

@point # 5

...........what type of logic is that?? BAL's logic??

@ point # 7

No Islamic party is using Islam for politics here, but using politics to spread their Islamic agenda democratically, unlike BAL, who does politics using 71/
First of All ,
Stop accusing each other ( Pakistan & India ) .
1. I don't support what Hasina is doing .
2. I do support War criminals tribunal and hanging war criminals whole heartily (85% people support , no doubt about it , but some don't care .. who wants trouble after 42 years ) .
3. A lot of people i think 70% of total populations aren't happy about AL . BNP will win the election 95% possibility .
4. 95% people totally disturbed and annoyed about both Hasina & Khaleda .
5 . If India would gives us water and stop border killing [ Momota needs to listen ] . All Bangladeshi people would be against Pakistan only that's for sure . But There are number of people in Bangladesh hate & love Equally India and Pakistan .
6. Pakistan shouldn't interfere about our internal issues . People are being crazy about this here . If they burn flag or something that's not our fault .
7. Some people are using ISLAM and Some people are using Liberation war as their primary weapon .
Hindus and Buddhists are being targeted by Jaamat Islam and Islamic shibir . That's bad .

7. Some people are using ISLAM and Some people are using Liberation war as their primary weapon .
Hindus and Buddhists are being targeted by Jaamat Islam and Islamic shibir . That's bad
Just show me a single unbiased eye witness that JI/SHIBIR walas targeted Hindu, Bhuddhists. Otherwise shut up, will ya? Unlike Advani torching Babri Masjid or Monk killing Rohingyas, JI/SHIBIR walas guarded temples and saved Bhuddhists in BD, understood?
Is it safe to say that this strife is about India's wants of keeping a 'secular' BD?
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