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India | Preparing for a 'two front war' against China & Pakistan.

Worst case Scenario is MKIs having complete Air Superiority over Tibet Air Space and all PLA logistics shattered by the Brahmos.

So don't act in dreams and see the situation realistically.

wow, Brahmos again. The super weapon. India can send people to Saturn on a Brahmos.
wow, Brahmos again. The super weapon. India can send people to Saturn on a Brahmos.

Atleast it scares the $hit out of you.

See you can save some money ... if you get constipation (which seems is a commonly occuring problem for you!), don't buy a medicine ... just think of Brahmos.... and you constipation will become a problem of loose motions. :laugh:

China would not attack India. neither would India attack China. However, India do regard China as enemy #1.

I'm just responding to that Shinigami's delusional military statements.

lol. I don't know what the people in this forum achieve by simply calling each others names..
well we have deployed 12 divisions in NE and Leh sector(there headquarters can be in different states and they are only meant for China) which is more than enough to defend. Again when you are saying that we can't withdraw soldiers from Kashmir and other sectors and deploy in Leh then you are utter wrong. We have deployed 2-3 times troops than Pakistan there because we are offensive force, in 2 front war we can well reduce the strength from western borders and deploy in Leh and NE and still can defend against Pakistan and China.

There are two divisions deployed along Burma border as India perceives that China may use Burmese territory to launch an offensive against NE India, by passing and unhinging the main Indian defences against the Chinese. These two divisions can not be relieved before a certain time frame or may never be able to take part in the battle due to Chinese movement through Burma.

If you think it is a routine to redeploy deployed troops from a hot battlefield - your knowledge about military strategy is either shallow or you do not know about it. And the forces deployed on defensive role in the mountains may not be used for offensive purposes because of time and space restrictions imposed by the terrain factors.
well I am saying this again, China has only limited offensive capability in NE or Leh because of terrain. 12 divisions(10 mountain+2 infantry) are more than enough to defend our borders there. We have deployed more troops in western borders because we are an offensive force there and Pakistan is defensive but in NE and Leh we are defensive.

33 or more Chinese divisions deployed against India and no offensive capability - isn't that odd. If the Chinese do not have any offensive capability, why are you increasing your defence infrastructure in NE.

In Indian Occupied Kashmir, there currently is a rather limited offensive capability against Pakistan and that too in some number of brigades at corps levels. For a strategic offensive, India had always moved formations from the NE. In a two front war, this will not be possible unless additional formations are raised. IOK Chief Minister some time ago announced that India would be raising probably an additional division in Leh area, probably for the purpose. I do not know if this has been raised as it takes generations to raise additional forces in India.
There are two divisions deployed along Burma border as India perceives that China may use Burmese territory to launch an offensive against NE India, by passing and unhinging the main Indian defences against the Chinese. These two divisions can not be relieved before a certain time frame or may never be able to take part in the battle due to Chinese movement through Burma.

If you think it is a routine to redeploy deployed troops from a hot battlefield - your knowledge about military strategy is either shallow or you do not know about it. And the forces deployed on defensive role in the mountains may not be used for offensive purposes because of time and space restrictions imposed by the terrain factors.

China cannot use any other country in war, what makes china think that russia or japan or US or Vietnam will not attack on china at same time?

If China uses burma then Chinese are doomed, and same time vietnams & japan will also act and last russia will come.
China cannot use any other country in war, what makes china think that russia or japan or US or Vietnam will not attack on china at same time?

If China uses Vietnam then Chinese are doomed, and same time japan will also act and last russia will come.

Please clean your nappy. You do smell funny.
There are two divisions deployed along Burma border as India perceives that China may use Burmese territory to launch an offensive against NE India, by passing and unhinging the main Indian defences against the Chinese. These two divisions can not be relieved before a certain time frame or may never be able to take part in the battle due to Chinese movement through Burma.

If you think it is a routine to redeploy deployed troops from a hot battlefield - your knowledge about military strategy is either shallow or you do not know about it. And the forces deployed on defensive role in the mountains may not be used for offensive purposes because of time and space restrictions imposed by the terrain factors.

hahaha India have deployed around 30000 'Assam Rifles' and 'zero' army division at Manipur borders(not even a brigade). I think here you want to assume a self-made perception for self satisfaction. All army divisions there(6 mountain divisions) are meant to protect Arunachal Pradesh only while 3 for Sikkim and 1 reserve in Ranchi.
PS: probably you are confused with their headquarters but mind you burmese border is responsibility of Assam Rifles that too are being replaced with BSF.
hahaha India have deployed around 30000 'Assam Rifles' and 'zero' army division at Manipur borders(not even a brigade). I think here you want to assume a self-made perception for self satisfaction. All army divisions there(6 mountain divisions) are meant to protect Arunachal Pradesh only while 3 for Sikkim and 1 reserve in Ranchi.
PS: probably you are confused with their headquarters but mind you burmese border is responsibility of Assam Rifles that too are being replaced with BSF.

I am not confused. You may not be aware of the reality.
I am not confused. You may not be aware of the reality.

Again you want to assume something for the sake of self-satisfaction. And ofcourse I know more than you about my own country.
PS: I meant 50,000 strong assam rifles and not 30,000.
For decades, the Indian military and its defence posture were structured to ensure “deterrence” against Pakistani adventurism on the western border, and “dissuasion” against China in the north and east. Put simply, that meant being able to wage, and quickly win, a punitive war against Pakistan; while also being able to hold off a Chinese attack for a short time. With China having rattled sabres on the Sino-Indian border (the Line of Actual Control, or LAC) to distract India during the Indo-Pakistan wars of 1965 and 1971, New Delhi is clear that it must continue to defend the LAC, even through a war with Pakistan.

But what has been a relatively light presence on the China border is now being strengthened dramatically, as India’s military prepares itself for what the Indian Army chief in 2009, General Deepak Kapoor, termed a two-front war. This apprehension was also voiced by his successor, General V K Singh. China’s emergence as a global powerhouse that pursues its national interests and territorial claims unapologetically has forced New Delhi to rethink its basic security calculus. This could have enormous implications on Indian defence spending, procurement and the emerging defence industry in the country.

As the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has modernised; created quality road and rail infrastructure in Tibet that permits rapid build-up and switching of forces between sectors; and conducted annual manoeuvres involving the rapid build-up in Tibet of divisions from other theatres, New Delhi too is shifting gears on the LAC. After years of deliberation and debate, the Indian military has added defensive muscle and is transforming an exclusively defensive strategy into one with a significant offensive element.

“China spends nearly one-fourth of its (estimated $120 billion annual defence budget) in the borders with India and is reflected in over 30 military exercises conducted in and around Tibet in the last two years,” notes Srikanth Kondapalli, Professor in Chinese Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

India’s counter to China’s growing strength started with the raising of two mountain divisions (some 40,000 troops), during the 11th Defence Plan (2007-12), which have already beefed up defences on the McMahon Line, the border between Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet.

Today four Indian corps defend the LAC – 14 Corps holds Ladakh; 33 Corps defends Sikkim; and 4 Corps and 3 Corps safeguard Arunachal Pradesh. The ten divisions under these corps have roughly 220,000 troops. But that may not be enough, says Professor Kondapalli. Across the LAC in the PLA’s Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions, are 400,000 troops of the 13th, 14th, 21st and 47th Group Armies (the equivalent of corps).

To partially even out this mismatch, India is raising a “mountain strike corps” during the 12th and 13th Defence Plans (2012-22). Analysts like Brigadier (Retired) Gurmeet Kanwal estimate that the strike corps will have 90,000 troops and raising it will cost Rs 64,000 crore over the next seven years. But more than the numbers, India’s decision to raise a strike corps is a decision to raise the ante with China. It is a statement from New Delhi that any war that China initiates will not be fought just on Indian soil. The strike corps is tasked to launch attacks across the LAC, taking the war to China.

Along with this unprecedented army build-up, the Indian Air Force (IAF) too is turning its attention to the LAC. Sukhoi-30MKI squadrons have been located in Tezpur and Chhabua, in Assam. Jorhat, Guwahati, Mohanbari, Bagdogra and Hashimara air bases are being strengthened too. Eight old ALGs (Advanced Landing Grounds) have been refurbished so that they can support light aircraft and helicopters. The multi-billion dollar acquisitions of ten C-17 Globemaster III heavy lift aircraft, six C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft and the impending procurement of the CH-47 Chinook heavy lift helicopter will further strengthen capabilities on the LAC.

This remarkable force accretion, India’s largest since the 1962 war with China, could have a potentially galvanising effect on the country’s defence industrial base. The growth of local industry could be catalysed not just through direct procurement of arms and equipment, but also through industrial partnerships with global original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), who would be discharging offset liabilities arising from billions of dollars of procurement. Furthermore, there would be opportunities for Indian companies to participate in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of the equipment being procuring for India’s on-going force expansion and modernisation.

Besides equipping tens of thousands of soldiers, the major new acquisitions that could arise include 400-450 ultra light howitzers (ULH) for seven new artillery brigades – one each for the four new mountain divisions, and three directly under the strike corps. Negotiations are already under way for 145 pieces of BAE Systems’ M-777 155-millimetre, 39-calibre howitzers for up to $885 million. If the army is satisfied with this weapon, it could purchase as many as 900-950 more for the artillery regiments of 15 more mountain divisions. In that case, the MoD would press BAE Systems hard to shift production of the M-777 to India.

There is also a growing requirement for helicopters to airlift troops on “vertical envelopment” missions to capture heights in the enemy’s rear and flanks. India is negotiating to buy 15 CH-47 Chinook heavy lift helicopters, an order that could well be expanded. The tried and tested Russian Mi-17 V5 helicopter that the IAF has already ordered in large numbers could potentially see additional demand.

India’s expanded security perspective is also catalysing a major expansion of the Indian Navy. This is aimed at tightening Indian control over the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), particularly the shipping lanes between the geo-strategically vital choke points at the Straits of Hormuz and Malacca. A powerful navy would allow New Delhi to react to any PLA attack on the Himalayan border with a blockade on Chinese shipping, particularly its hydrocarbon supplies and manufacturing exports that transit through the IOR.

Unlike the IAF and the army, the navy has chosen to pursue the path of building capability rather than buying it. The success of its warship-building programme was evident in the successful start-up of the nuclear reactor of INS Arihant, the first indigenously-built nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN). On August 12, the indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant was launched in Kochi. Of 47 navy vessels currently being constructed, 46 are being built in Indian shipyards.

This has created work not just for the four MoD-owned shipyards, but also for a crop of private shipyards. Also thriving are sub-contractors and ancillary suppliers that provide a host of systems and sub-systems for Indian warships.

But how green are these shoots for India’s defence industry? Traditionally, the military’s vast requirements have been met through import, not by supporting the development of Indian R&D facilities, vendors, sub-vendors and component manufacturers. Regrettably, the MoD has financed foreign manufacturers, especially Russian and Israeli, paying them to develop systems that even their own militaries did not want.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, three-quarters of the vaunted Soviet-era design bureaus folded up when 1,149 individual R&D projects were cancelled by the bankrupted state. In the early 1990s, Russia’s military spending plummeted to one-thirtieth of the 1989 figure. Over a million Russian scientists were on the streets, and China was hiring them in large numbers to assist in developing its own defence industry. India, however, chose to put its money into resurrecting Russian capability. For over a decade, until rising oil prices in 2005 put money into Moscow’s pockets again, India bankrolled Russia’s military industry by buying T-90 tanks, Sukhoi-30MKI fighters, and Talwar-class frigates from Russian shipyards. India paid Russia to modernise MiG-21 fighters, and develop the Uran-E and Klub naval missiles.

Then Israel’s defence industry was allowed to penetrate the Indian market, riding piggyback on the Russian military systems – tanks, fighters, air defence systems and earlier warships – that form the bulk of India’s arsenal. Since the Israeli defence industry does not build major weapons platforms, it has penetrated the Indian market by improving the performance and extending the life of outdated Russian systems. Retrofitting and providing mid-life upgrades to old platforms is as lucrative, or more, than selling new ones. A MiG-21 fighter, bought for a few crore rupees, costs multiples of that to upgrade. French vendors are charging the IAF about Rs 220 crore to upgrade each Mirage-2000 fighter, significantly more than the purchase price. Israeli companies excel in developing upgrades and force multipliers; and New Delhi pays them to do that. Having developed that capability at India’s cost, Israeli companies market it to other militaries that use similar platforms.

“There is no reason why Indian private companies cannot develop the systems and upgrades that the Israelis do. We are skilled software engineers. The MoD has a ‘Make’ category in its procurement procedure that allows it to pay Indian industry to develop and deliver those capabilities. But while MoD is willing to take risks in foreign design and development, it is not willing to support and finance its own industry in developing those capabilities,” says the CEO of a prominent private sector defence company.

Preparing for a two-front war | Business Standard
Sweet Dreams:sleep:
preparing for a two-front war ?


India doesn't even have the muscle to ask Chinese soldiers that setup camps inside India to leave.

Don't gloat over it, pal. You and Chinese deserve each other (higher than the mountains friendship. LOL). You folks laid down your 91000 "brave" soldiers at India's feet in 1971. China has not even been able to subdue small countries like Philipines and Vietnam and is now engaged in rattling Japan (and indirectly US). Wait and see the "pounding" your "fast" friend will receive in future.
Where did you get that bull **** from?

man he is a funny guy who claims that India has deployed 2 army divisions on Burma border because India fears that china can attack India using burmese territory. Hahaha have you ever seen a more funny post than this??
man he is a funny guy who claims that India has deployed 2 army divisions on Burma border because India fears that china can attack India using burmese territory. Hahaha have you ever seen a more funny post than this??

I seriously want to know where he gets his horse **** from @Nassr, mind answering my query buddy?
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