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Seven Sisters don’t want to be “Indian”

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Baluchistan breaking is supported by RAW and their number is too low.and its not gona happen.
on the other hand india is breaking because they never care about them.

Come out of your delusional world. It doesent matter if India is breaking up or not. At the end of the day it is breaking up...... Dont blame others for everything that goes wrong. We cant achive because westerners are biased, we are this because of that and the list goes on............:wave:
I think It was the naga regiment which played a major part in kargil war isn't it.assam rifles and SFF in the 1971 war
I think It was the naga regiment which played a major part in kargil war isn't it.assam rifles and SFF in the 1971 war

So the question is why did they fought Indian wars when they dont even want to be Indian????????????/

Were they forced by the Indian government or kidnapped them into army as done by Taliban?

Stop it man, Pakistan is about to fall like house of cards thats what i m listening since my birth, Azad balochistan will be formed in two years, balochitan is going to declare independence soon, Naxalites will take care of India, seven sister states area bout to separate, Khalistan bane wala ha, Sri Lanka will be broken & all this BS stuff, breaking a nation is some type of joke or what, a state cant break until n unless state & government fails its ppl completely i don see this happening in sub continent
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Stop it man, Pakistan is about to fall like house of cards thats what i m listening since my birth, Azad balochistan will be formed in two years, balochitan is going to declare independence soon, Naxalites will take care of India, seven sister states area bout to separate, Khalistan bane wala ha, Sri Lanka will be broken & all this BS stuff, breaking a nation is some type of joke or what, a state cant break until n unless state & government fails its ppl completely i don see this happening in sub continent

That is what we are trying to say to our Pakistani friends but every next post consists of India is breaking up. Hardly found any Indian saying Balochistan is breaking up. Even found many Indians on the thread specific to that saying nothing of that is going to happen.
baluchistan is breaking up...

Tibet too in the line...

and Taiwan already a independent country...

Xinjiang follows...

and than Honk Kong...

damn bullshit propaganda.........

My friend, please use at least some of your IQ, as it is assumed that is not zero or subzero.

Yes, Tibet has some independence tendency, but now even Dalai Lama said he is not for independence. Why? because the rest of China cares about Tibetan people. The rest of China pours money, technology, infrasturcture, education… into the region make the region a place that is richer than an average India.

Yes, Xinjinag has some independence tendency, but that is mostly promoted by external forces. Local minority may not satisfy with something, but even Rubiya doesn’t want independence. The rest of China also cares them. By the way, who is a completely satisfied with his/her life all the time? You?

Taiwan? it is less independent. Chinese from mainland donated 4billion to Taiwan 8.8 desaster, and TW president thanked mainland for that!

Unless you are completely insane, HK actually retured to Chian from British rule!

My friend, please use at least some of your IQ, as it is assumed that is not zero or subzero.

Yes, Tibet has some independence tendency, but now even Dalai Lama said he is not for independence. Why? because the rest of China cares about Tibetan people. The rest of China pours money, technology, infrasturcture, education… into the region make the region a place that is richer than an average India.

Yes, Xinjinag has some independence tendency, but that is mostly promoted by external forces. Local minority may not satisfy with something, but even Rubiya doesn’t want independence. The rest of China also cares them. By the way, who is a completely satisfied with his/her life all the time? You?

Taiwan? it is less independent. Chinese from mainland donated 4billion to Taiwan 8.8 desaster, and TW president thanked mainland for that?

Unless you are completely insane, HK actually retured to Chian from British rule!


same via-vis india except that we do not have a taiwan in US protection:tongue:
Oh our Chinese friends are doing what they do best - create counterfactual history.

Beijing makes irredentist claims on all its borders. Nothing new here.

The insatiable urge to abrosb everything around is China's history over the past five or six decades.


Face it, China resolves all land dispute with 13 of its 14 neighbors. The only ONE exception is India.

India resolves none of its land dispute with its neighbors after 6+ decades of independence.

Stop making fun of India now!
First things first

This article was never written by Farzana Versey ( not farzanaversey - there is no body by that name) as claimed by the thread starter. This fraudulent article was written by Moin Ansari, a known rabid India hating Pakistani for Rupee news.
Seven Sisters don?t want to be ?Indian?: Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and ?Arunachal Pradesh? (South Tibet) - India - Zimbio

Now there is no dearth of India hating Pakistanis just as there is no dearth of Pakistan hating Indians. However by virtue of there totally imbalanced and highly jaundiced view points these people have no credibility what so ever, that is, one wishes to have a meaningful discussion. I have read many of this guys articles, honestly, he is an a$$. This guy has launched a crusade to devise ways and means to cause India to disintigrate. The great gunius that he is, he surely expects a Nobel prize or at least a Nishan-e-China for his efforts. Well good luck to him.

Now, despite the fraudulent article, let us come to the massage contained in it.

Maybe there are people in India's North East who dont want India. So damn what?? Arent there people in Tibet or Hong Kong or Taiwan or East Turkistan who dont want to be a part of China?? Arent there people in NWFP or Sindh or Balochistan or Gilgit/Baltistan who dont want to be with Pakistan?? Arent there people in Alaska who dont want USA?? Arent there those in Northern Ireland who dont want UK or in the Basque countryside who dont want Spain?? The list is endless and meaningless.

My advice to these separatists and there supporters in India's NE is SORRY TOUGH LUCK.
Oh our Chinese friends are doing what they do best - create counterfactual history.

Beijing makes irredentist claims on all its borders. Nothing new here.

The insatiable urge to abrosb everything around is China's history over the past five or six decades.

The glorious Northeast Borderland History and Chain of Events Research Project is proof of that.

Personally, I think India should claim North Arunachal Pradesh, or the so called 'Tibet'.

tomorrow they may claim some san fransico showing the proof of a
Chinatown.Or nalanda in Bihar saying Fa-hien or Huen-tsang studied here
That is what we are trying to say to our Pakistani friends but every next post consists of India is breaking up. Hardly found any Indian saying Balochistan is breaking up. Even found many Indians on the thread specific to that saying nothing of that is going to happen.

Try to counter if you have logical replies.
Sorrow of the seven sisters

The seven states in the North East, despite largesse from the Centre, have remained backward when compared to the rest of India. Insurgency and ethnic violence has wrecked the economic and social fabric of this region. Sanjoy Hazarika, an expert on North East affairs, looks at the possibilities that could be explored to improve the lot of the region.

For decades, administrators in New Delhi have blamed the British for seemingly haphazardly drawing the border lines especially for Eastern India at the time of Partition. As a result of this cartographic exercise, India’s North East has longer borders with Tibet, Myanmar and Bangladesh than it does with the rest of the country.

Its staggering diversity, just in ethnic terms, is enough to give any civil servant a lifetime of nightmares: an effort to meet the grievance of one community will turn into a fresh problem for another group!

Yet, in that reality lies a greater truth: that the complex ethnic and cultural diversity of the region has greater affinity to South East Asia than it does to other parts of India. This fact may not be liked by other Indians. But it can’t be wished away.

Ninety eight per cent of the borders of the North East are with other countries. A bare two per cent borders on India. It is rich in natural resources, especially forests, rivers, coal, gas and oil. Its lowlands are extremely fertile; the hills abound in citrus and semi-tropical fruits.

At independence, undivided Assam was among the top six states of the country in terms of income. These days, it is virtually at the bottom along with the other six states of North East, Bihar and Orissa.

Why has this happened?

It is not as if New Delhi has not lavished generosity on its eastern borders. In his book, Economy of the North East, Gulshan Sachdeva says the Centre dispatched funds equivalent to Rs 60,000 crore between 1990-91 to 1998-99. A part of this money came back officially as repayment on loan and interest payments, bringing the figure down to 51,000 crore rupees. This was nearly double the assistance that Orissa, a state with a similar population size as the entire North East, received in the same period.

A person resident in the North East received (theoretically, at least) per capita central assistance several times even that of an individual living Jammu and Kashmir. In poor Bihar, people received Rs 876 per capita assistance; in Himachal Pradesh, they got Rs 5,291; a person in Arunachal Pradesh got more than Rs 36,000; and his counterpart in Mizoram a hefty Rs 32,567. The all India average is Rs. 1,080.

Despite all this largesse, bestowed almost unthinkingly by the Central Government in an effort to buy friends and influence people, a majority of people in the region remain poor. Infrastructure, whether it is roads or electricity, is in a shambles and there has been little new investment in business ventures or industrial centres.

So, where does all this money go? A substantial part returns to New Delhi by ‘‘unofficial means’’ and routes, enabling politicians and others who benefit to purchase real estate in the national capital and elsewhere in its neighbourhood. It also helps them to buy influence in political parties as well as the Government.Some of the money is pocketed in the states by local politicians and bureaucrats; some of it even goes to militant and extortionist groups as protection money from the former group. Businessmen and industry add their mite to this ‘‘militant’’ kitty. The failure has not just been in terms of macro planning.

We know the Big Picture. But we have little idea of the details which lie inside that large framework: the little stories about little people which tell us about how individuals and communities live and whether they are better off today than they were yesterday.

A major reason for the lack of development of the North East has been the Look West policy: of seeking funds and sustenance from New Delhi instead of turning to its natural neighbours. Indeed, because of a lopsided approach to development, the estimated volume of illegal trade between three North Eastern states (Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura) with Myanmar and Bangladesh isn’t less than Rs 3,000 crores.

What goes across from the North East include drugs and pharmaceuticals, milk powder, tea, mechanical goods, cycles and stainless steel utensils. Goods coming in include precious stones, live pigs, synthetic fabrics, walking shoes, teak and electronic goods. These come by road, over mountain trails and by boat. Smuggling has existed along these routes for centuries: a smuggler knows the needs, weaknesses and market orientations of communities better than any politician or bureaucrat. The legitimisation of these trades could open up a reservoir of energy and legal funds to governments and communities. There need to be good reasons for such trades to ‘‘‘go legit’’.

Border trade, tourism, communications, cultural and academic exchanges as well and cooperative economic endeavours were discussed thread bare in a dialogue, the second of its kind (the first was held at Kunming, Yunnan Province, in 1999) recently. Concerns were also voiced about the problems of cheap goods from South East Asia and China flooding Indian markets. It was pointed out that aggressive marketing of cheap man-made fabrics would devastate local economies based on traditional handicrafts and looms without providing an alternative to the workers. These are some of the problems that cooperative ventures will spawn.

How do we protect the small people whose stories make up the Big Picture? Working out answers will not be easy. We could start with a check list, for example, of what will be acceptable to governments and communities in the North East. This will, in turn, mean discussions with and listening to representatives of local communities at all levels as policies are framed. This is where the issue of local governance and accountability comes up.

Policies put into place without such consultations will only create more difficulties. Regional cooperation, if it is to work, must build on a base of consulting community leaders at the field level. This is where local governance and international relations mesh and merge.

Copyright © 2000 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd
Sorrow of the seven sisters
Try to counter if you have logical replies.

Try to read the post of emo_girl before you say and for what I have replied. and basically you need to go through all my posts in this thread I believe you will get your logical reply which you are looking for Miss/Mrs(not sure) Jana

Any replies for my logical posts about role of assamese in the Bangladesh liberation and kargil.
Even Bharat rakshak forum is better then this forum atleast the talk about defence............

Here only propaganda against,just see your thread.

you want to take revenge for 1971 come to border and fight with us like man and ya don't surrender this time to india.

What a funny loser!

The main article is actually quoted from global security web site. Seven Sisters look at the staffs, I see no Chinese!

Your problem with 7 sisters are well known worldwide except most Indians, thanks to your brahmanism propaganda!

This forum is one of the best about South Asia. It tolerates all sorts of opinions except ludicrous ranting or farcical raving. I witness it grow from about 2k members to now 20k members.

In stead, many of you Brahmin forums teem with terrorists, extremists and fundamentalists in one side, and crowded with jokers, clowns, and losers on the other…
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