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Pakistani citizenship for Afghan refugees

Since You Shared this video why dont you say same things when arabis kick out Pakistani from arab arnt they muslim arnt those countries muslim ? If they can do what ever they wanna do why you guys cry
in pakistan they cant open their mouth against Pakistan but in Europe these dogs bark like mad dogs
they dont respect pakistan, and they never will be a dog is more loyal then afghans, backstabbers even now you say these
100000 people are dead in pakistan bcz of these people , crime , drugs,guns it all started after afghan came instead of waiting Pak govt should throw them out why pakistan is carrying burden of million snakes
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Since You Shared this video why dont you say same things when arabis kick out Pakistani from arab arnt they muslim arnt those countries muslim ? If they can do what ever they wanna do why you guys cry
in pakistan they cant open their mouth against Pakistan but in Europe these dogs bark like mad dogs
they dont respect pakistan, and they never will be a dog is more loyal then afghans, backstabbers even now you say these
100000 people are dead in pakistan bcz of these people , crime , drugs,guns it all started after afghan came instead of waiting Pak govt should throw them out why pakistan is carrying burden of million snakes

Mate, if they're born in Pakistan then they're Pakistanis. You can not generalize all Afghans by the actions of a few who has never been to Pakistan and only bark what they've been told at home and by Karzai. We are all muslims, they should be integrated into our society (those who wish to remain in Pakistan), and as time passes it will all be good :).

You live in Norway, why do Norwegians let you stay in their home? If everyone had the same thoughts as you, we would all still be in Pakistan today...
That's the hypocrisy of the Punjabi/pushto dominated establishment, and before someone pulls the racism card im Punjabi myself. But it's a fact that our army/government/establishment have left the true patriotic bihari Pakistanis to rot in Bangladesh. Hell if you go to Karachi, you'll find millions of these beggar afghans crawling all over the place. I lived on a street full of em, They are the most racist and self centred people I have ever seen.
You are not punjabi, you are urduspeaker/mohajir from Karachi.
all afghan refugees shud be granted citizenship :)
so that later they create a AQM party :D n have a stronger say in domestic politics :yipee:
with all seriousness, i believe that Afghan refugees who have been here for decades should be granted citizenship. Its obvious enough that we cant kick them out due to border issues. keeping them at the corner only feeds hatred and extremism. Include them in the system and they wont have to resort to all the criminal activities they engage in. There is little infrastructure cost since many people from Afghanistan already come to Peshawar for various services. The amount of black market that exists between pakistan and afghanistan is well known. Keeping these people hanging on the edge will further boost this black market. Citizenship will create an incentive for them to stay away from these malpractices.

If all of this is not convincing enough, then know that these people have already become a part of our society. You see them everywhere. Why keep them marginalized? Is it helping Pakistan?
You are not punjabi, you are urduspeaker/mohajir from Karachi.

Chal kaam ker. Ive already stated many times on this forum I am Punjabi and Kashmiri mixed, origionally from Khushab district. And you are a gnome.
Afghans deep down despise Pakistan out of envy. They are leeches of society with many involved in criminal and terrorist gangs.
We can't keep mothering Afghanistan, these people have to go back and make their country normal again.

Granting citizenship would be epic fail, burden on state and downfall into 3rd world obscurity for the rest of civilization.

There is a reason why Afghanistan is what it is, they are modern day barbarian horde. Deport them all back into their cage and sniper the whole border with shoot on sight orders for anyone straying within 1 mile of the border.
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