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Asma Jahangir: A Saffron Crusader

DaRk WaVe

Aug 17, 2009
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Surprisingly from all nooks and corners, the voices against Pakistan army is raised simultaneously, as it was done in 1971.
This time it's Pakistan's ace activist and self-hater Asma Jehangir and India's retired Air Commodore Uday Bhaskar.

He spoke against Pakistan in New Delhi. She spoke against Pakistan from the Agha Khan University. The same message at the same time.
Pakistani media organizations ignored Asma Jehangir's self-hating speech but she received wide coverage by Indian newspapers and television channels, which is surprising since she is not exactly a media darling here. Why would the Indians be so interested in a local speech by an individual with no impact on policy matters?
Pakistanis remember how she was seen crying a few months ago on the streets and yelling at the top of her lungs against Pakistani military's supposed inaction against the militants and the fake Taliban [Pakistani Taliban]. Now she is criticizing the army again at a time when our soldiers have died fighting the terrorists trained by her Indian friends in Afghanistan.
Pakistanis also remember this memorable picture of Ms. Jehangir meeting in India with a known Indian Hindu terrorist Bal Thackeray. She met him wearing a specially tailored Saffron suit, a color perfectly matching Bal's dress.
She claims to be a human rights activist but her 'struggle' is confined to hating everything Pakistan and seeking amnesty for Indian terrorists in Pakistani jails convicted of planting bombs and killing innocent Pakistanis.
Pakistanis have not tortured a single Indian in Pakistani jails. But tens of innocent Pakistanis in Indian jails have been released in recent years after losing their mental balance due to intense torture. But we have never seen Asma Jehangir utter a single word on this civilized Indian treatment for her countrymen and women.
We have never seen her join Pakistanis in our celebrations the way she is seen dancing every year at the Wagah border dancing at Indian festivals
People like her have no right to speak about Pakistan or to criticize Pakistan army. The public must show some guts to ask this lady why she invests so much time and money and spreading hatred for her own country.
Ahmed Quraishi.com


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There is a quote "Life is a ***** and bitches ain’t lucid ". Replace Life with Asma Jahangir.
I am amazed how our people listen to them let them live on our earth. as per my opinion there are certain reason for such things. Our people actually won't much have to do and 2ndly being a nation we are fond of gossips. They are for sure Agents and working for some alien propaganda.
What has she done, apart from conspiracy theories?

How did she speak against Pakistan for instance?

Can you quote what she said?
I wonder what would have happened if she was, in some way, a policy maker for Pakistan.
Yeah, because of a lunatic like Ahmed Quraishi matters more than a "Typical lefty lesbo" whose only interest is humanism.

Exactly the same thing happens in India to people like Arundhati Roy. We south asians can never swallow criticism.
Regardless of how bitter the message, don't blame the messenger. Pakistanis should be proud of people like Asma Jahangir because she has the courage to hold a mirror to Pakistani society, warts and all.

You may disagree with her and rightly so. She may be utterly wrong; but the fact that she speaks freely is a credit to her country.

In India I freakin' hate Arundhati Roy, because she often speaks against a perceived sense of India. But she has a POV and her voice is to be respected. I think it is a matter of pride for us that she can speak her mind, her contrary opinion.

Asma Jahangir, Arundhati Roy.... these people may not be as important as they think they are, but they are important to society because they simply provide an alternate picture. And sometimes they do act as catalysts for important social change.

If we did not have people like them we would all be unidirectional, resistant to change, and ultimately self defeating as societies.
I always suspected her to be a communist,thats what communist do here.
Regardless of how bitter the message, don't blame the messenger. Pakistanis should be proud of people like Asma Jahangir because she has the courage to hold a mirror to Pakistani society, warts and all.

You may disagree with her and rightly so. She may be utterly wrong; but the fact that she speaks freely is a credit to her country.

In India I freakin' hate Arundhati Roy, because she often speaks against a perceived sense of India. But she has a POV and her voice is to be respected. I think it is a matter of pride for us that she can speak her mind, her contrary opinion.

Asma Jahangir, Arundhati Roy.... these people may not be as important as they think they are, but they are important to society because they simply provide an alternate picture. And sometimes they do act as catalysts for important social change.

If we did not have people like them we would all be unidirectional, resistant to change, and ultimately self defeating as societies.

Arundhati Roy at best will be a crusader for causes that she believes in. Asma Jahangir will one day become Prime Minister of Pakistan. Big difference between the two nations. Indians are much more informed about political realities. Pakistan does not have a clue. consequently they elect some of the most undesirable people. People that Indians will not even employ as 'chaprassis' , Pakistan will make PM. ;)
yeah, thanks for taking down the butch pic of AJ that I found after much research....................
i think its time to close her life book...forever ********* :coffee: :sniper:
I have never met Asma Jehangir or Arundhiti Roy. Both of these are mavericks and always against the establishment. No doubt Asma Jehangir was vociferous against the Taliban when they were eliminating all dissenting voices. Now that newspapers report corpses of the Taliban supporters, she is voicing concern against it.

When we can accept Geo TV programs such as Capital Talk which were openly spitting poison against the Musharraf Gov't during Lal Masjid operation or JI Amir Syed Munawwar Hussein as his supporters who were shouting ‘ Sufi Mohammed aao hum tumharey saath hain’ while PA is carrying out war like operation in Swat. Why are we trying to censor Asma Jehangir who has no political party and lacks militant following such Jamiat Tulabaa?

I may not agree with her but I for one would not censor her for crying out loud when she believes injustice is being done. As Hon EyelessInGaza correctly pointed out, unless we have dissenting voices we will all be unidirectional and life would be most boring. We are currently not in a state of war with India so why not let Asma Jehangir have her say there?
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