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US Baluch leaders seek Indian intervention

The title of the article itself gives u the answer.
IF we are intervening in Baluch then why the Baluch leader is asking for?
It shows that the allegations of intervention on India is baseless ..
Sir you are assuming again, I am talking about Wazirustan and other north areas and not Baluchistan.

In Baluchistan there are no traitors like Mujib, and the one who are there are few and far between and India cannot do any thing other than talk big.

In Baluchistan we can deploy our forces as much as it requires, not like east Pakistan where we could not deploy due to distances, India interfered by training traitors like mukti buhinis for more than 5 years and attacked a sovereign nation without any provocations.

So don't play with fancy words and be truthful and state the facts.

Yes, you are right asq ..... now distance is not the issue for you, but deployment of finite military resources towards seemingly infinite problem areas IS ..... to an outsider like me it seems like today there is not a single area in pakistan which is not militarily active ..... your own army against your own people. So that sort of leaves you vulnerable to hostile forces who are not your own people should they choose to be oportunistic. That was the point I was trying to make.

Cheers, Doc
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Baluchistan is a internal matter of Pakistan, and its responsibility of Pak Govt. to solve the issue. Not only India, but no other country should intervene in others issue.
Yes, you are right asq ..... now distance is not the issue for you, but deployment of finite military resources towards seemingly infinite problem areas IS ..... to an outsider like me it seems like today there is not a single area in Pakistan which is not militarily active ..... your own army against your own people. So that sort of leaves you vulnerable to hostile forces who are not your own people should they choose to be opportunistic. That was the point I was trying to make.

Cheers, Doc


Again VSDOC, u are making irrational reasons to blame pakistan and its Army.

You are not willing to see the whole picture, it started from Russian invasion of Afghanistan and request by the world community to fight Prussians except Indian, as India was in Russian camp so it approved Russian invasion, invasion included northern alliance which is now ruling Afghanistan and is hell bent on taking revenge from Pakistan, the fact is that they should include all western countries in their list too, since they were all in that war.

But You will not see to that way as you only to that what can yiou as an Indian do to being more trouble in Pakistan by saying things that you say. Any time I read Indians posts, they are full of reverse psychology and make Pakistanis defensive and a long discussion starts again.

Distort all you guys can, truth and facts will take care of lies and exaggeration any time.

Now the fact, read and stop living in denials

ISI Summons RAW Chief Over Terrorism In Pakistan

Pakistan slaps India with evidence of RAW’s involvement in Terrorism inside Pakistan. In the Sri Lankan cricket team case, Indian operatives crossed the border from Indian to join other Indian-origin or Indian-trained terrorists who traveled all the way from Afghanistan to Lahore

Indian terrorism training bases, intelligence outposts and personnel in Afghanistan identified. In some cases, Indian intelligence was indirectly supporting attacks against US soldiers in Afghanistan in order to worsen Pak-US military relations. India’s friends, advocates and lobbyists in Washington stunned

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was stunned when Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Reza Gilani handed him a dossier containing photographs of Brahamdagh Bugti and other terrorists meeting Indian agents not only in Afghanistan but also during their visits to India and the names of the Indian officials who met them. This was part of more evidence about India’s involvement in recruiting, training, financing and arming terrorists in Afghanistan and sending them to Pakistan. India’s links to the attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team in Lahore and other high profile terrorism cases have been established, shocking even Indian’s many advocates in Washington. Mr. Gilani gave this surprise to the Indians behind closed doors. Now India fears that Pakistan would use this meeting to expose Indian connections with two anti-Pakistan terrorist leaders and their foreign-funded terror armies: Brahamdagh Bugti and his BLA [Balochistan Liberation Army] and Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, both being supported from bases in US-controlled Afghanistan.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—ISI Chief Shuja Pasha has summoned his Indian Counterpart, K C Verma for a meeting through the Indian defense attaché in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad.

The Indian government has not responded to ISI’s request yet, and is reportedly assessing the implications of a possible meeting carefully.

After the July 16 Sharm el-Sheikh joint statement between India and Pakistan, India fears that Pakistan would use this meeting as a forum to expose Indian connections with two terror leaders and their foreign-funded terror armies: Brahamdagh Bugti and his BLA [Balochistan Liberation Army] and Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Pakistan has piles of evidence against Indian consulates in Afghanistan being used to fund terrorism in Pakistan through the TTP as well as the terrorists who claim to be self-styled representatives of Pakistan’s Baloch vast Baloch heritage.

Pakistan’s DAWN reports that a dossier containing proof of India’s involvement in “subversive activities” in Pakistan was handed over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh during their meeting at Sharm el-Sheikh last week. The evidence has also been shared with the US and Afghanistan, with Kabul being asked to prevent the use of its territory for disruptive activities against Pakistan. Although the information given to India is being kept highly secret, broad outlines of the dossier available with Dawn reveal details of Indian contacts with those involved in attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the Manawan police station,” the newspaper said.

Operatives of RAW who remained in touch with the perpetrators of the attacks have been identified and proof of their interaction has been attached,” it added.

A description of Indian arms and explosives used in the attack on the Sri Lankan team has been made part of the dossier, besides which the names and particulars of the perpetrators, who illegally entered Pakistan from India and joined their accomplices who had reached Lahore from Waziristan, have been mentioned, the report said. The dossier is also said to list the safe houses being run by RAW in Afghanistan where terrorists are trained and launched for missions in Pakistan. The dossier also broadly covers the Indian connection in terror financing in Pakistan.

A substantial part of the shared material deals with the Balochistan insurgency and Indian linkages with the insurgents, particularly Brahamdagh Bugti, Burhan and Sher Khan,” Dawn said.

Photographs of their meetings with Indian operatives are part of the evidence, which also describes Bugti’s visit to India and the meetings he had with Indian secret service personnel, it added.

The dossier also mentions an Indian-funded training camp near Kandahar where terrorists claiming to represent Pakistan’s Balochistan, particularly supporters of politician-turned-terrorist Akbar Bugti, were being trained and provided arms for sabotage activities in the Pakistani province. The elder Bugti was involved in recruiting and sending young Pakistanis from Balochistan to become terrorists against their own homeland.

Dawn quoted its sources as saying that Manmohan Singh had agreed to “look into Pakistani claims” and to take “corrective action” if proven. He is said to have assured Mr. Gilani that India is against interference in other countries and Pakistan’s stability was important for them.

Yes, these issues were discussed,” Foreign Office spokesperson Abdul Basit said when asked about the meeting.

Some of the Indian assets in American-controlled Afghanistan and Indian Backed Terrorism in Pakistan

Brahamdagh is based in Kabul and is a familiar face within the defense and intelligence circles in Delhi. BLA was the name that the former KGB and the Indian intelligence gave to Pakistani communist recruits who were paid to destabilize Pakistan during the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80s, when the Soviet Union controlled Afghanistan. The BLA died with the end of the Cold War and the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, but has been revived by the Indians after US occupied Afghanistan.

Here is what Christine Fair of RAND Corporation has said earlier this year about what the Indian consulates are up to in Afghanistan and Iran:

I think it would be a mistake to completely disregard Pakistan’s regional perceptions due to doubts about Indian competence in executing covert operations. That misses the point entirely. And I think it is unfair to dismiss the notion that Pakistan’s apprehensions about Afghanistan stem in part from its security competition with India. Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organization to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar–across from Bajaur. Kabul’s motivations for encouraging these activities are as obvious as India’s interest in engaging in them. Even if by some act of miraculous diplomacy the territorial issues were to be resolved, Pakistan would remain an insecure state. Given the realities of the subcontinent (e.g., India’s rise and its more effective foreign relations with all of Pakistan’s near and far neighbors), these fears are bound to grow, not lessen. This suggests that without some means of compelling Pakistan to abandon its reliance upon militancy, it will become ever more interested in using it — and the militants will likely continue to proliferate beyond Pakistan’s control.”

The Foreign Policy magazine also recently confirmed the Indians were neck deep in supporting the TTP in Pakistan:

While the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadi elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan. “The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” a former intelligence official who served in both countries said. “The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there.”

Afghan officials have also confirmed that India is using Afghanistan to stir trouble in Pakistan. India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan and Afghan security agencies are unable to stop Indian intervention due to absence of centralized government mechanism”, said Afghan Government’s Advisor, Ehsanullah Aryanzai on the sidelines of Pak-Afgan Parliamentary Jirga at a Pakistani hotel on April 2, 2009.

Why US has allowed anti-Pakistan activities in Afghanistan? The Americans – under heavy pressure in Afghanistan – have started to realize they cannot save face in Afghanistan unless Pakistan’s legitimate concerns with regards to Indian sponsored terrorism are addressed immediately.

A Senior US diplomat William Burns gave Indian officials a terse directive last month, asking them to ’shut down Indian consulates in Afghanistan, reduce presence in Kabul and stop sending terrorists across the Durand Line.’ The message was supplemented with a letter from the American President Barack Obama to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with a similar message.

Whether RAW’s K. C. Verma takes up ISI chief Shuja Pasha’s offer of a one-on-one or not, Pakistan should increase the pressure on the US by declaring neutrality in Afghanistan and block the supply of American and NATO weapons through its soil unless the United States pays heed to its Pakistani ally’s security interests in the region.
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What is all this crap. Please have sense about posting in a correct way or atleast so that people like reading it.
Should Pakistan now go and give the Naxalites help? This seems ridiculous to me.
@ asq, what is the point you are trying to make my friend?

India responsible for attack on Sri Lankan cricket team on pakistani soil.

Seriously buddy .......

Cheers, Doc
What is all this crap. Please have sense about posting in a correct way or atleast so that people like reading it.[/QUOTE]

U Indians are very cunning, when something is against u, u claim ignorance, when it is in your favor u use silly topics and ask silly questions to us PAKISTANIS.


Let me ask u some question.

What is the purpose behind all your preachers in mandirs preach topless.

what is the purpose of worshiping an animal look alike statue.

I have plenty more, but let us see what u have to say in comparison to your question about praying in the space.
@ asq, what is the point you are trying to make my friend?

India responsible for attack on Sri Lankan cricket team on pakistani soil.

Seriously buddy .......

Cheers, Doc

Yes buddy.
[QUOTE=asq;442775]What is all this crap. Please have sense about posting in a correct way or atleast so that people like reading it.[/QUOTE]

U Indians are very cunning, when something is against u, u claim ignorance, when it is in your favor u use silly topics and ask silly questions to us PAKISTANIS.


Let me ask u some question.

What is the purpose behind all your preachers in mandirs preach topless.

what is the purpose of worshiping an animal look alike statue.

I have plenty more, but let us see what u have to say in comparison to your question about praying in the space.[/QUOTE]

Indians disregard accusations by Pakistanis of interference in Balochistan and elsewhere, as we have been facing the brunt of terrorist attacks in the last 30 years. Most of it started in 1989 in Kashmir and spread.(Ofcourse Khalistan was the proof-of-concept before the 89 events in Kashmir)...

Pakistan supported Kashmiri militancy for obvious reasons, now for rolling it back wants something to show for the long, bloodied effort...

While, there might actually be some sort of activities that RAW has done...but in comparison..ISI is better led, fed, trained, funded and experienced...Its incomprehensible that RAW could get '1' ..one Pakistani national to hold the gun against its own people for whatever reasons....Further, an action like this would weaken India's case against Pakistan vis-a-vis LET...why would India take the risk? (Unless you want to argue that the proof was collected by Pakistan unexpectedly....by now everyone knows there is nothing like a fool proof operation...overtime all are exposed)

The attack on Lankan cricketers helped Britain...not India...infact, we could hold the Indian premier league in India...anyhow cricket matters little in geo-politics...England continued their tour to India despite 26/11...to 'show' sympathy...26/11 was controlled by British agencies...as was reported immediately after 26/11...

There is only one reason why India could sponsor Baloch movement and that is to forestall AFPAK policy of Obama admin...Obama is beating India with as many as 5 sticks (Climate, Kashmir, Outsourcing, NPT, Nuke Deal)...why would we give him a 6th stick...

The above reasons make Pakistani allegations.....reactionary.
As usual,for Pakistan if they equal every action India makes....they win...and its pschologically important for Pakistan to allege this to retain equal 'moral' footing and is also a nice strategic tool to use with US and India on the negotiating table.

Boloch allegations justify Pakistani forces deployment away from the Eastern border as they are then perceived as neutralising Indian 'aggression' on the western front....

Im not saying that India has no blame...but the above..wont cut much ice with anyone forget Indians..(except chinese)...
sir i don't know when our politcs know tje true face of India . she loudly speek upon mumbai attock wich blame happen upon to pak which is teribal.

But True is true that the vectory is alwas for the muslim
[QUOTE=asq;442775]What is all this crap. Please have sense about posting in a correct way or atleast so that people like reading it.

U Indians are very cunning, when something is against u, u claim ignorance, when it is in your favor u use silly topics and ask silly questions to us PAKISTANIS.


Let me ask u some question.

What is the purpose behind all your preachers in mandirs preach topless.

what is the purpose of worshiping an animal look alike statue.

I have plenty more, but let us see what u have to say in comparison to your question about praying in the space.[/QUOTE]

Indians disregard accusations by Pakistanis of interference in Balochistan and elsewhere, as we have been facing the brunt of terrorist attacks in the last 30 years. Most of it started in 1989 in Kashmir and spread.(Ofcourse Khalistan was the proof-of-concept before the 89 events in Kashmir)...

Pakistan supported Kashmiri militancy for obvious reasons, now for rolling it back wants something to show for the long, bloodied effort...

While, there might actually be some sort of activities that RAW has done...but in comparison..ISI is better led, fed, trained, funded and experienced...Its incomprehensible that RAW could get '1' ..one Pakistani national to hold the gun against its own people for whatever reasons....Further, an action like this would weaken India's case against Pakistan vis-a-vis LET...why would India take the risk? (Unless you want to argue that the proof was collected by Pakistan unexpectedly....by now everyone knows there is nothing like a fool proof operation...overtime all are exposed)

The attack on Lankan cricketers helped Britain...not India...infact, we could hold the Indian premier league in India...anyhow cricket matters little in geo-politics...England continued their tour to India despite 26/11...to 'show' sympathy...26/11 was controlled by British agencies...as was reported immediately after 26/11...

There is only one reason why India could sponsor Baloch movement and that is to forestall AFPAK policy of Obama admin...Obama is beating India with as many as 5 sticks (Climate, Kashmir, Outsourcing, NPT, Nuke Deal)...why would we give him a 6th stick...

The above reasons make Pakistani allegations.....reactionary.
As usual,for Pakistan if they equal every action India makes....they win...and its pschologically important for Pakistan to allege this to retain equal 'moral' footing and is also a nice strategic tool to use with US and India on the negotiating table.

Boloch allegations justify Pakistani forces deployment away from the Eastern border as they are then perceived as neutralising Indian 'aggression' on the western front....

Im not saying that India has no blame...but the above..wont cut much ice with anyone forget Indians..(except chinese)...

Forgot to respond to the temple question...

- Topless Priests...I have no clue. Im no fan of their pot bellies and havent met too many Hindu folks who are..Im Hindu by the way....by birth...

- Idol worship and statues..Different religions, different practices...Honestly, how does it matter? Why should I judge? Who am I to judge? Im fine anyone worshipping anyone/thing..I only ask for my freedom to do the same...

- If someone asked an offensive question and was an Indian, try not to generalise the impression. I wont judge all Pakistani's to think of Hinduism what you seem to think of it...why should I generalise? Im hopeful they dont 'look down upon' other faiths.

Any which way, if you were offended please accept my apologies on a fellow Indians behalf....and end the matter.
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