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Karzai to ask for lethal weapons, won't mind Indian troops on Afghan soil

until SCO actually accepts Pakistan as a full member, I don't think the organization should be involved. If you're talking about individual countries, then sure.

Pakistan has tried to improve relations with the government, including offers to train and equip their security forces, but because the ANA is majority Northern Alliance, the ANA has forced the Afghan gov to take a anti-Pakistan stance.

As for India having some communication, a one time thing doesn't mean full on contacts. It's would also be against Indian interest, simply because if Pakistan finds out about them, Pakistan would have a field day by saying that RAW is supporting the Taliban, regardless of what the Indians are actually doing.

Would not deter Indian intelligence if that were to happen as it is in our own interest to have some sort of channel open with the Taliban.

Afghan Journal | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com
Would not deter Indian intelligence if that were to happen as it is in our own interest to have some sort of channel open with the Taliban.

Afghan Journal | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

Whether or not it would deter India's intelligence is something completely irrelevant, it would lose face in the international community. That is not something India can afford to do, if it ever hopes to become entirely self-sufficient.

Also, that article is 3 years old, and no results have shown from any such talks.
Hamid Karzai seeks Indian military aid amid Pakistan row

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he will seek military aid from India during a three-day visit this week.

Karzai’s trip comes during escalating border tension with Pakistan.Karzai spokesperson Aimal Faizi says the president will discuss recent border skirmishes with Pakistan when he visits New Delhi starting tomorrow.

He added that Karzai would seek Indian help in “strengthening of our security forces.”

The visit could irk Pakistan, which suspects its rival India of seeking influence in Afghanistan, which Pakistan considers its own backyard.

Analyst Wadir Safi says the timing of Karzai’s India trip is likely related to recent border skirmishes with Pakistan.

Each side has been accusing the other of firing across the border.
Hamid Karzai seeks Indian military aid amid Pakistan row | idrw.org
What Afghan crap are you giving me here ? :azn:

The research organization whose report I am talking about has offices in your country and hence I consider the report as credible . Yeah , keep your " insider information " with yourself which you cant back with any credible source but mainly hearsay things . A good example is your hypocrisy , supporting US on the invasion considering it as savior of your nation and then trying to discredit the reports coming from its media and criticizing the same Americans elsewhere :D . Actually , the International media is well on the ground there with the soldiers of a dozen different countries .

Taliban fighters have a “permanent presence” in almost three quarters of Afghanistan and are tightening a noose around the capital, Kabul, according to a Paris-based research organization.The International Council on Security and Development, which has fulltime offices in Afghanistan, said in a report that Taliban fighters have advanced out of their bases in the south and east and are infiltrating Kabul at will.

Taliban Control 72% of Afghanistan; Surround Kabul, Group Says

Yeah , Kandahar's finest can get you in these alternate universes , so I am told ! :lol:

If they were all eliminated as per you , then who are you trying to negotiate with , at the moment ? Literally begging for the assistance of the Govt of Pakistan whilst doing so ? :azn: Who are those who have opened offices in Qatar ? How much powerful are we , to do so , whilst the coalition is controlling your country ? Kiddo , Taliban were never eliminated , even the Americans admit that to the extent that they now talk of " damage limitation " and not " long forgotten victory " . Nah , your intention is to show the effects of Cannabis and you are doing that fine with alternate histories and what-not . Do continue , its good entertainment for us . :P

So what do you really want to prove? being pessimistic, ill wisher to Afghanistan or what?
By the way , I am still waiting for you to post that respectful link to refute the article's claim ?

Not really , unlike some , I know how to search . The links are from the same forum actually and all say the same thing . Now , the officials of Indian external affairs ministry aren't making statements out of thin air , most probably Mr.Karzai wants that and conveyed the message to the Indian , there's no other explanation . Hence , the newspaper hints at that , what problem do you see with it now ?

The animosity with Pakistan was started by your country even before it came into existence in '47 . So , do not blame it on Pakistan when you were making ridiculous territorial claims which were settled a long time ago , opposing the independence of the country and continuously trying to separate the N.W.F.P. from it - not to mention the invasion of Bajaur back then .

Living in the past is unwise. Lets be honest and solve the problems both nations are faced with today. why should we be stuck in what happened in the past. Pakistan must cooperate with us instead backstabbing us. Pakistani and Afghan civilians are both paying the price for Pakistani Taliban policy. At least have some mercy on yourselves if not us.
Official: Karzai To Seek More Military Aid During India Trip

NEW DELHI — Afghan President Hamid Karzai will seek greater Indian military aid during a visit this week to New Delhi, officials of both countries said Monday.

India has provided billions of dollars of aid to Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, and is keen to ensure that no radical Islamist regime takes power in Kabul after international troops pull out in 2014.

Afghanistan’s request “will include all kinds of assistance from India in order to strengthen our military and security institutions,” Karzai’s presidential spokesman, Aimal Faizi, told reporters in Kabul.

Karzai, set to start his two-day trip to New Delhi late Monday, will hold talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the future of the war-torn country and also meet Indian President Pranab Mukherjee.

Discussions will cover a potential arms deal between the two countries, an Indian foreign ministry official told AFP in New Delhi, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“India is ready to meet any request that would strengthen Afghan security institutions. He (Karzai) is visiting India to discuss a potential arms deal,” the foreign ministry official said.

But any Indian activity in Afghanistan triggers sensitivities in neighboring rival Pakistan, which fears losing influence in Afghanistan.

India has been training a limited number of Afghan military officers for years at its military institutions but has provided little weapons assistance except for some vehicles.

Earlier this month, Afghanistan’s ambassador to India said the country needs India’s help with equipment and weapons and was hoping to boost defense ties.

In 2011, India and Afghanistan began a “strategic partnership” aimed at deepening security and economic links.

Official: Karzai To Seek More Military Aid During India Trip | Defense News | defensenews.com
are there any non-lethal weapons.....?????
Would it hurt to give him few nukes and delivery systems. :lol:
delivery systems?
you cant even deliver your own without foreign tech lol.

doesnt india import most of their stuff from other countries?
if so then what are they going to send the afghans? bb guns?

Arjun mk1, Akash - SAM and few artilleries. That will suffice. I was even thinking of Prahaar missile. Indian Army not finding a space to induct, give it to Afganistan. 180km range of it will suffice.

a poor country like india sending aid? lol.
wouldnt it be better to feed a few kids in your country instead signing for death will?
Daandaaaaaa :)

thats the only they produce of quality when it comes to weapons lol.

i just pray to god that india sends weapons soldiers and everything to afghanistan.
its the best thing that can happen to us(pakistan)
delivery systems?
you cant even deliver your own without foreign tech lol.

doesnt india import most of their stuff from other countries?
if so then what are they going to send the afghans? bb guns?

a poor country like india sending aid? lol.
wouldnt it be better to feed a few kids in your country instead signing for death will?

Brother why are you getting so worked up. If Afghans need weapons for defence, they will get them from US/Russia/Iran/India etc. They need all possible help from all countries in the world so that their country moves towards peace, stability and prosperity.Pakistan should also improve her relations with them.
Brother why are you getting so worked up. If Afghans need weapons for defence, they will get them from US/Russia/Iran/India etc. They need all possible help from all countries in the world so that their country moves towards peace, stability and prosperity.Pakistan should also improve her relations with them.

im just replying to comments indians made.
its principle brother lol you should know how it is.
i dont hate you guys, im just going to respond with hate if i get hate.
delivery systems?
you cant even deliver your own without foreign tech lol.

doesnt india import most of their stuff from other countries?
if so then what are they going to send the afghans? bb guns?

a poor country like india sending aid? lol.
wouldnt it be better to feed a few kids in your country instead signing for death will?

Well......they do have the jv tech (Afghanistan- Pakistan) tie it on their back and blow it up on the fav test bed. :lol:
Karzai can have better military equipment of US/NATO don't know why he is interested in Indian mall, IMO he is demanding protection for himself after all he is "usefull idiot" and anything can happen.
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