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American Muslims under attack


Apr 25, 2012
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WASHINGTON - An American Muslim community came under attack in Redhouse, Virginia by an Islamophobic group who walked onto the Muslims of the Americas’ property and fired 13 shotgun blasts into the sign which identified the peaceful village.
This most recent attack has been fomented by the unprovoked, criminal and hate filled wave of anti-Islam propaganda that is inciting violence against law abiding citizens of the United States who happen to be Muslims. Fortunately, there were no personal injuries or fatalities.
The intention of criminals behind this fallacious onslaught of inflammatory propaganda seems to be to instigate fighting and violence between Muslims and Christians. This violence could be seen as a direct result of the publication of a book ‘Twilight in America’ written by Martin Mawyer. He and his extremist cohorts, the Christian Action Network (CAN) who have publicised their intention to destroy Islam and Muslims, have resorted to all manner of deception and outright lies to frame and target American Muslims in general, the Muslims of the Americas Inc., in particular, and their leaders as a “terrorist threat” which seeks to take over America. Mawyer repeatedly makes reference to this in his book, going so far as to give an address of a peaceful community on the web, appealing to Americans to “do something” about this alleged “terrorist threat”; stooping to the ridiculous claim that the Muslim villages possess “weapons of mass destruction”! In the book, Mawyer extensively quotes Ali Aziz, an apparent NYPD informant planted amongst the Muslims of the Americas (MOA) for eight years. The book reveals that Aziz has a grey past and criminal history as a felon, having entered the United States illegally with fraudulent paperwork-issues which were used to coerce Ali into spying on behalf of NYPD. Yet, although apparently known as a liar and criminal, his false accounts have been taken as fact and fed the writing of Mawyer’s book. According to Mawyer, “Though the ‘deal’ gave the NYPD complete control over Ali, there were some perks to becoming the department’s undercover agent. Besides being provided a green card, Ali would be paid money for becoming a spy inside the MOA organisation.” (Mawyer, Martin; Pierucci, Patti (2012-10-11) Twilight in America (pp. 191-192)
The attack in Virginia is a hateful spark ignited by the rhetoric of extremists such as Mawyer and his cohorts’ who broadcast anti-Islam ranting aimed at inciting unaware patriotic Americans to violent actions against Muslims of the Americas. The shooting incident in Virginia should be classified by federal and local law enforcement officials as a hate crime, necessitating our demand that they preserve and protect our villages from further assaults.
A recent Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) report documents the alarming increase in hate-incited attacks against Muslims, one of the most recent being the outright murder of a man who was pushed in the path of a subway train in New York City by a woman who believed he was a Muslim. In addition, it was reported that:
A man of Afghan ethnicity was repeatedly stabbed by an attacker who is reported to have said he “doesn’t like Muslims”.
Two teenage males beat a 70 year-old man after asking if he was Hindu or Muslim.
Anti-Muslim hate speech is delivered to a right-wing Tea party gathering at a public school, during which it was said that “we are at war with Islam” and that “Muslims will kill your children”.
An Indiana man was prosecuted for setting fire to a mosque in Toledo, Ohio. Muslims in Fremont, California were put on increased vigilance after a man reportedly entered a mosque claiming he had a gun and threatened to kill all inside of the house of worship. A similar incident occurred in San Antonio, Texas.
An incident in Philadelphia identified two members of extreme white supremacist groups who attacked two Muslims and were apprehended after bragging online of their crime.
These are a sampling of the epidemic of hate crimes across America and the proliferating threat of domestic extremism. Mawyer along with other deplorable, extremist hate-mongers such as Pamela Geller, whose organisation paid the city of New York to advertise their incendiary propaganda on billboards on and around public transportation systems, are uninhibited from spouting their rabid Islamophobic rhetoric - despite the fact that US law protects its citizens against slander, libel and character defamation. Their affiliation and connections to the Zionists have been documented and proven. As such, they have unabashedly insulted and maligned the sacred holy book of Islam and produced blasphemous, mocking films, and burned Holy Qur’an which can never be destroyed- all actions which have been uncategorically rejected and condemned by true Christians.

American Muslims under attack | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
^^^ bastards top in sarcasm and racism themselves and blame others
Listen to other side too....

There was an investigative documentary on PBS "Jehad in America" a six episode Youtube series.

Watch it, very informative.


Then, what about the following:

Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A muslim army man killed 13 people and wounded 29........what about that?

Is it not a case of retaliation?
WASHINGTON - An American Muslim community came under attack in Redhouse, Virginia by an Islamophobic group who walked onto the Muslims of the Americas’ property and fired 13 shotgun blasts into the sign which identified the peaceful village.
This most recent attack has been fomented by the unprovoked, criminal and hate filled wave of anti-Islam propaganda that is inciting violence against law abiding citizens of the United States who happen to be Muslims. Fortunately, there were no personal injuries or fatalities.
The intention of criminals behind this fallacious onslaught of inflammatory propaganda seems to be to instigate fighting and violence between Muslims and Christians. This violence could be seen as a direct result of the publication of a book ‘Twilight in America’ written by Martin Mawyer. He and his extremist cohorts, the Christian Action Network (CAN) who have publicised their intention to destroy Islam and Muslims, have resorted to all manner of deception and outright lies to frame and target American Muslims in general, the Muslims of the Americas Inc., in particular, and their leaders as a “terrorist threat” which seeks to take over America. Mawyer repeatedly makes reference to this in his book, going so far as to give an address of a peaceful community on the web, appealing to Americans to “do something” about this alleged “terrorist threat”; stooping to the ridiculous claim that the Muslim villages possess “weapons of mass destruction”! In the book, Mawyer extensively quotes Ali Aziz, an apparent NYPD informant planted amongst the Muslims of the Americas (MOA) for eight years. The book reveals that Aziz has a grey past and criminal history as a felon, having entered the United States illegally with fraudulent paperwork-issues which were used to coerce Ali into spying on behalf of NYPD. Yet, although apparently known as a liar and criminal, his false accounts have been taken as fact and fed the writing of Mawyer’s book. According to Mawyer, “Though the ‘deal’ gave the NYPD complete control over Ali, there were some perks to becoming the department’s undercover agent. Besides being provided a green card, Ali would be paid money for becoming a spy inside the MOA organisation.” (Mawyer, Martin; Pierucci, Patti (2012-10-11) Twilight in America (pp. 191-192)
The attack in Virginia is a hateful spark ignited by the rhetoric of extremists such as Mawyer and his cohorts’ who broadcast anti-Islam ranting aimed at inciting unaware patriotic Americans to violent actions against Muslims of the Americas. The shooting incident in Virginia should be classified by federal and local law enforcement officials as a hate crime, necessitating our demand that they preserve and protect our villages from further assaults.
A recent Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) report documents the alarming increase in hate-incited attacks against Muslims, one of the most recent being the outright murder of a man who was pushed in the path of a subway train in New York City by a woman who believed he was a Muslim. In addition, it was reported that:
A man of Afghan ethnicity was repeatedly stabbed by an attacker who is reported to have said he “doesn’t like Muslims”.
Two teenage males beat a 70 year-old man after asking if he was Hindu or Muslim.
Anti-Muslim hate speech is delivered to a right-wing Tea party gathering at a public school, during which it was said that “we are at war with Islam” and that “Muslims will kill your children”.
An Indiana man was prosecuted for setting fire to a mosque in Toledo, Ohio. Muslims in Fremont, California were put on increased vigilance after a man reportedly entered a mosque claiming he had a gun and threatened to kill all inside of the house of worship. A similar incident occurred in San Antonio, Texas.
An incident in Philadelphia identified two members of extreme white supremacist groups who attacked two Muslims and were apprehended after bragging online of their crime.
These are a sampling of the epidemic of hate crimes across America and the proliferating threat of domestic extremism. Mawyer along with other deplorable, extremist hate-mongers such as Pamela Geller, whose organisation paid the city of New York to advertise their incendiary propaganda on billboards on and around public transportation systems, are uninhibited from spouting their rabid Islamophobic rhetoric - despite the fact that US law protects its citizens against slander, libel and character defamation. Their affiliation and connections to the Zionists have been documented and proven. As such, they have unabashedly insulted and maligned the sacred holy book of Islam and produced blasphemous, mocking films, and burned Holy Qur’an which can never be destroyed- all actions which have been uncategorically rejected and condemned by true Christians.

American Muslims under attack | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

Nothing but a propaganda piece,The very people who writes and condemns Islamophobia in US are filled with hatred towards US,a sign intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Muslims are safer in USA, then their own islamic countries.
most muslims I've met in USA are so nice and friendly, not at all anything I saw back home in the news. many of my classmates are muslim, and they are the kindest people in the world!!

same goes for mainlanders, of course, but, still, you know...
I had a bash with a bunch of racist islamophob youths this thursday....
Shouted racist abuse at me while i was in shalwar Qameez...
But when i challenged them to come and fight with me like men...they chickened away.....
Racist losers have no backbone...no leg to stand on....
The target you to vent their own troubled life's anger on you.
And blame you of things you never did...
I had a bash with a bunch of racist islamophob youths this thursday....
Shouted racist abuse at me while i was in shalwar Qameez...
But when i challenged them to come and fight with me like men...they chickened away.....
Racist losers have no backbone...no leg to stand on....
The target you to vent their own troubled life's anger on you.
And blame you of things you never did...

In some areas of UK, things are pretty bad on the street,

Nothing like that in any other anglo-saxon country (like Canada, Australia,NZ, USA etc)
okay, guys, all muslims living overseas, do you prefer country of origin life or your new life?? like, i always wonder if most muslims think either is better than other...
US people are generally very tolerant but they are loosing their patience at every terrorist attack.....as you know ...
every action has even bigger reaction.....
okay, guys, all muslims living overseas, do you prefer country of origin life or your new life?? like, i always wonder if most muslims think either is better than other...

Everyone want to lead secured lives.

US people are generally very tolerant but they are loosing their patience at every terrorist attack.....as you know ...
every action has even bigger reaction.....

Would that be justified?
American Muslims are safer in America, nough said.
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