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Judicial Commission inquiry and findings


Mar 24, 2006
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Imran has said they will prepare a white paper on the rigging... I have seen a pretty decent amount of rigging videos and pictures myself, I'm sure you guys have more. Please contribute here and start the process.

PML-N winner, Saad Rafique who broke into the womens polling station to kick out PTI voters and got his maiyaan to vote for him.


PTI voters locked out of polling station.

NA-125 voters complaining about Saad Rafique not allowing them to vote

NA-125 voters, saying they are not being allowed to vote

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NA-54 clear violation of ECP rules, not allowing people to cast vote. Elections were open to all who were present at the station even at 5... The time was extended till 6, anyway.


NA-251, MQM workers arrested by rangers casting bogus votes. Each voter casted votes 20+ times. They even threatened other voters to cast vote for MQM at gun point. ECP involved in it, themselves. No way proprietary stamps were in their possession without ECP complicity.

Abrar ul Haq describing a war zone in Narowaal. People had their ID cards confiscated to ensure no one gets able to vote. Ballot boxes were put on fire and replaced by PML-N pre-rigged ballot boxes.

Massive anti-MQM protest going on. I support it fully. Even if PTI or Imran have no right to call off these protests. They are not for him/them, they are in protest of this joke of an election. No one should agree to these results.

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Polling stations were closed voters... In a last ditch attempt to rig the elections out of Imran Khan's favor. Women were pushed and shoved. PML-N worker voters were caught with multiple ID cards. People were told their voting booths have been changed at the last minute.

You can see ballot boxes being taken out and kicked by PML-N in Naarowal against PTI candidate Abrar Ul Haq

You can see clearly here as MQM workers personally instruct women who to vote for

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The rigging continues without any fear

Rangers and military face the ire of women who stand by idly as massive rigging takes place. Women offer them their bangles as a sign of the Rangers' weakness

NA-251 also won by MQM, no mystery why

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Have been following Pak elections pretty closely. Man... it's really shocking to see some of the footages... absolutely blatant rigging, with everyone involved hand in glove with each other. EC of Pakistan needs to be reformed massively. You have to do away with this ad-hoc CEC selected by political parties as per their convenience. You guys need an autonomous, constitutionally established authority which is independent of any political influence, to conduct free and fair elections.
NA-220, won by MQM, shows ballot papers displayed openly here, all votes to Kite (MQM symbol). Votes are being assembled and casted from assembly lines

Geo's spy cam in Karachi polling station catches MQM women workers repeatedly voting for MQM.

PML-N takes control of polling station and instructs each voter where to vote

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NA-251 rigging video with audio. Notice the police just asks the man to leave when the woman shouts at them. DOES NOT ARREST!

The protest at Teen Talwar is growing and growing

PTI votes torn and thrown out

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Blind, mentally challenged and illiterate people made in charge of polling stations!!

Distressed women asking them to just be let go after being forced to vote for MQM

I don't think there was that much rigging, just a handful of incidents out of tens of thousands of polling stations.

Get over it guys.
ECP - Complaints

Videos magically arahi hain? :D See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil?
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