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China warning not to side with US

Sounds so funny to you indians huh? Just simply ask your grandpa what does Chinese Warning really mean and what's the consequence of ignoring it.

and u ask your grandpa when to attack india this time,because u guys attacked us in 1962,when we couldnt get any international support(cuban missile crisis).
Who is this chinese Officer & in what capacity is he making such statements ?
For those who quoted my post, yeah I know china and afghanistan? They are different. But the whole us navy is enough. Having the risk of loosing our money doesn't mean that we won't war with china.
Sounds so funny to you indians huh? Just simply ask your grandpa what does Chinese Warning really mean and what's the consequence of ignoring it.

Why don't you ask your Grand pa what happened in 1967 (400 dead and PLA ran pissing) and your father about 1987. :lol:
Are you kidding me here? Where did your self-imagined data of Chinese casualty come from? There was no exact report on that at all, is it your common indian ways of bragging out of nowhere again?
Don't try to act like those Americans, at least their arrogance are backed by their military power(and power does mean everything in the real world) , what do you exactly have? Internationally purchased arsenal?Please, that's no more than a joke to our Chinese military fans... but we really admire your logistics department... what a great job it is to maintain those weapons from all over the world based on totally different standards.

Why don't you ask your Grand pa what happened in 1967 (400 dead and PLA ran pissing) and your father about 1987. :lol:

Enough of what? Destroy the entire universe? Surely you are able to destroy China, but we are also able to nuke you back to the stone age, your government knows it better than you, go to school and learn something, don't sit on your ancestors glories and keep dreaming that you can rule the whole world just by your NAVY.
For those who quoted my post, yeah I know china and afghanistan? They are different. But the whole us navy is enough. Having the risk of loosing our money doesn't mean that we won't war with china.
Are you kidding me here? Where did your self-imagined data of Chinese casualty come from? There was no exact report on that at all, is it your common indian ways of bragging out of nowhere again?
Don't try to act like those Americans, at least their arrogance are backed by their military power(and power does mean everything in the real world) , what do you exactly have? Internationally purchased arsenal?Please, that's no more than a joke to our Chinese military fans... but we really admire your logistics department... what a great job it is to maintain those weapons from all over the world based on totally different standards.

We bought weapons all over the world to get some tech transfer from them we paid money for that. We got the best of the best from around the world and we are trying to use that knowledge to our own industry.
Then where did you place those high-techs into your own toys? LCA? Arjun?
Sad but true that even if you get those tech specs, still you cannot make them your own, cause you don't even have the corresponding industrial foundation.
We bought weapons all over the world to get some tech transfer from them we paid money for that. We got the best of the best from around the world and we are trying to use that knowledge to our own industry.
A CHINESE military officer has warned Australia not to side with the United States and Japan if war breaks out in the East China Sea.
For fear of getting nuked? :woot: :rofl: Why can't these Hans just shut the heck up instead of spouting garbage all the time? This Han dynasty is getting to be one big joke! Jeeez!
Joke? Don't be so modest and that's definitely not you indians' way of behaving, you indians surely can make a better one, it might be the only thing you are better than us.
Btw, that bombay and Shanghai joke is the best one that we won't never miss whenever we talk about something concerning your funny country.
For fear of getting nuked? :woot: :rofl: Why can't these Hans just shut the heck up instead of spouting garbage all the time? This Han dynasty is getting to be one big joke! Jeeez!
easy choice.. china is racist, american society is just like our own.

why would we back, or not go against a country who thinks we r no better then dogs? lol

china needs to get nuked hard.
easy choice.. china is racist, american society is just like our own.

why would we back, or not go against a country who thinks we r no better then dogs? lol

china needs to get nuked hard.

an excellent 'idea' from you``indeed the cunning Baldrick
Then where did you place those high-techs into your own toys? LCA? Arjun?
Sad but true that even if you get those tech specs, still you cannot make them your own, cause you don't even have the corresponding industrial foundation.

Check out the new Arjun MBT mark 2 and about to be inducted LCA mark 2(4.5gen).
China and Japan dispute should be left out for them to sort it out, I don't see why anyone else should interfere.
humm, just playing around with you funny indians, nothing more. The fact is I don't see anything in your words worth picking up and replying since we are not on the same frequency, so whatever I did has nothing to do with "CAN I", it is just a matter of "WILL I", understand?
btw, if I tell my parents that I have an indian friend, that definitely will freak them out, so...please don't call me like that...

All air, no substance. understandable, chinese made afterall

and it should be "understood?"

BTW, I can "understand" your parents freaking out; you need to take permission from your commie govt before doing anything, even for making friends

Specially mentioned "understand" in sentence above to make you "understand" the difference between "understand" and "understood". Hope you understood
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