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Obama’s ‘kill list’ critic found dead in New York City

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Prominent American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.

Police found the body of the 26-year-old in his apartment in New York City borough of Brooklyn on Friday, said a spokeswoman for the city’s chief medical examiner.

Brooklyn’s chief medical examiner ruled the death a suicide by hanging, but no further detail is available about the mysterious death.

Last year, Swartz openly criticized the US and the Israeli regime for launching joint cyber attacks against Iran.

The blogger was also vocal in criticizing Obama’s so-called kill list and other policies.

Obama has been reportedly approving the names put on the “kill lists” used in the targeted killing operations carried out by US assassination drones.

Every week or so, more than 100 members of the US national security team gather via secure video teleconference run by the Pentagon and go over the biographies of suspects in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, and “nominate” those who should be targeted in the attacks.

Obama is then provided with the identities of those put on the “kill list” and signs off on every strike in Yemen and Somalia as well as the risky strikes in Pakistan.

Swartz was also widely credited for co-authoring the specifications for the Web feed format RSS 1.0 (Rich Site Summary) which he worked on at age 14.

RSS is designed to deliver content from sites that change constantly, such as news pages, to users.

Swartz was critical of monopoly of information by corporate cartels and believed that information should be shared and available for the benefit of society.

“Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves,” he wrote in an online “manifesto” in 2008.

Based on that belief, the computer prodigy founded the nonprofit group DemandProgress.

The group launched a successful campaign to block a 2011 bill that the US House of Representatives called the Stop Online Piracy Act.

Had it been approved, the bill would have allowed court orders to restrain access to some websites considered to be involved in illegal sharing of intellectual property.

DemandProgress argued that the thwarted Stop Online Piracy Act would have broadly authorized the US government to censor and restrict legitimate Web communication.
Some 30 years from now it will be revealed that Obama was truly the most ruthless American President.

As many predicted, Obama's assassinations won't end with killing people overseas. He has definitely opened the door to assassinations and they will ultimately lead to killing 'troublesome' people at home too, sanctioned by the President.
^^^Come on, do you really believe obama can order killing an american and get away with it. Presidents have been impeached(or threatened) for far less crime. Killing a few pakistani or afgans is different from killing an american inside america.
^^^Come on, do you really believe obama can order killing an american and get away with it. Presidents have been impeached(or threatened) for far less crime. Killing a few pakistani or afgans is different from killing an american inside america.

YEs i really do believe he can do that
People on here don't know Obama is a normal guy who guess what? stayed with Indians and Pakistanis in his student days lol and how you guys think he is doing killings at home dear oh dear


yeah and he got high too with his Pakistani roomey lol
Look at his eyes u know he smoking some good ****
The family of a Reddit co-founder who committed suicide weeks before he was to go on trial on federal charges that he stole millions of scholarly articles is blaming prosecutors for his death.

Aaron Swartz hanged himself in his New York apartment on Friday night, his family and authorities said.

The 26-year-old had fought to make online content free to the public and as a teenager helped create RSS, a family of web feed formats used to gather updates from blogs, news headlines, audio and video for users.

In 2011, he was charged with stealing millions of scientific journals from a computer archive at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in an attempt to make them freely available.

He had pleaded not guilty, and his federal trial was to begin next month. If convicted, he faced decades in prison and a fortune in fines.

Aaron Swartz: Internet activist, Reddit co-founder... | Stuff.co.nz

Tragic to loose such a talented man this way but only people like Alex Jones would try and blame Obama for it.
Some 30 years from now it will be revealed that Obama was truly the most ruthless American President.

As many predicted, Obama's assassinations won't end with killing people overseas. He has definitely opened the door to assassinations and they will ultimately lead to killing 'troublesome' people at home too, sanctioned by the President.

Asim Aqil... I saw some things in Canada that are deeply worrying me. That toronto plot I am telling you for sure something was wrong there and if those guys hadn't gone ninja on us... well we might have made some big discoveries and worked to fight for the rights of those people who were framed as terrorists for what they believed in.

US is very capable of murdering this guy as coldly as the most callous murderer.

A lot of people in their jails dare I say are not terrorists but dissidents. But a Muslim can anywhere be framed and shoved in jail as a terrorist. I am particularly looking at the case of Adnan El Shukrijimah... family still vehemently denying he is a terrorist. Canada did the same with toronto plot. Something weird is going on.

A journalist I know is working to find out whether Adnan is really a terrorist or just an attempt by the USA to globalize a phenomenon. We all know Guyanese people are largely a secular bunch.
People on here don't know Obama is a normal guy who guess what? stayed with Indians and Pakistanis in his student days lol and how you guys think he is doing killings at home dear oh dear


yeah and he got high too with his Pakistani roomey lol

You should watch 2016, also made by an Indian origin prominent American - although a republican. There his psychotic nature is cut open for everyone to see.
^^^Come on, do you really believe obama can order killing an american and get away with it. Presidents have been impeached(or threatened) for far less crime. Killing a few pakistani or afgans is different from killing an american inside america.

which lalla land are u living in?
This is obviously a murder , this isn't the first time this has happened though

Dean Warwick (R.I.P.)
on 9/11 demolition, Bobby Kennedy assassination, abduction , ritual murder of children, and the shoot-down of
Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.
(72 minutes, October 2006)
listen MP3(use care with misinformation, most likely unintentional)

James Vincent Forrestal (R.I.P.) Secretary of Defense
The Death of James Forrestal

Phil Schneider (R.I.P.)

Al Bielek discusses the mysterious life and death
of his friend Phil Schneider. MP3

Ron Rummel (R.I.P.)

Ron Rummel murdered for their disclosure periodicals

Bill Cooper (R.I.P.)
Murdered november 5 2001(remember remember, the fifth of november?) for predicting 9/11 and other disclosures.

Here is an article on Bill Cooper where I caution on later events after his death and potential abuse of provocateurs using his death to incite violence.

Stanley Kubrick (R.I.P)
Eyes wide shut movie occult symbolism

Eyes wide shut Kubrick´s film clues and probable cause for his murder.(pdf)

John Todd,(R.I.P)

Danny Casolaro (R.I.P)
Exposed links and secrets between Iran-Contra, the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, Project Promise software, UFOs , Area 51 and the closure of BCCI,

Ron Johnson (R.I.P.)
MUFON's Deputy Director of Investigations. Murdered after secret NATO meetings with or/and about ETs and UFOs .

Karla Turner (R.I.P.)
Writter and UFO ET abduction investigator, murdered after holding that aliens attempt to pass as angels. (while being rather fallen angels?)

Deck Slayton (R.I.P.)
Astronaut, killed for disclosing UFO, ELF cancer producing weapons might have been the real cause as many sudden fast cancer deaths on UFO researchers.


John O'Neil (R.I.P.)

FBI defector Killed on September 11 2001

Kenneth Johannemann (R.I.P.)

Christopher Landis (R.I.P.)

Wendy Burlingame (R.I.P.)

Salvatore Princiotta (R.I.P.)

Barry Jennings (R.I.P.)

Hunter S. Thompson (R.I.P.)

Michael H. Doran (R.I.P.)

Paul Wellstone (R.I.P.)
As in Beverly Eckert, Michael H. Doran, and many others, using E.L.F. electro acustic low frequency weaponry his aircraft was shot down.

Beverly Eckert (R.I.P.)Flight 3407
"I've chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems..."
Also killed flight 3407 included human rights activist
Alison L. Des Forges (R.I.P.)
and three demolition experts (contradicting the official 9-11 conspiracy story) scheduled to be on the Continental Connection Flight then heading to the Chicago 9-11 investigators.
This is obviously a murder , this isn't the first time this has happened though

Dean Warwick (R.I.P.)
on 9/11 demolition, Bobby Kennedy assassination, abduction , ritual murder of children, and the shoot-down of
Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.
(72 minutes, October 2006)
listen MP3(use care with misinformation, most likely unintentional)

James Vincent Forrestal (R.I.P.) Secretary of Defense
The Death of James Forrestal

Phil Schneider (R.I.P.)

Al Bielek discusses the mysterious life and death
of his friend Phil Schneider. MP3

Ron Rummel (R.I.P.)

Ron Rummel murdered for their disclosure periodicals

Bill Cooper (R.I.P.)
Murdered november 5 2001(remember remember, the fifth of november?) for predicting 9/11 and other disclosures.

Here is an article on Bill Cooper where I caution on later events after his death and potential abuse of provocateurs using his death to incite violence.

Stanley Kubrick (R.I.P)
Eyes wide shut movie occult symbolism

Eyes wide shut Kubrick´s film clues and probable cause for his murder.(pdf)

John Todd,(R.I.P)

Danny Casolaro (R.I.P)
Exposed links and secrets between Iran-Contra, the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, Project Promise software, UFOs , Area 51 and the closure of BCCI,

Ron Johnson (R.I.P.)
MUFON's Deputy Director of Investigations. Murdered after secret NATO meetings with or/and about ETs and UFOs .

Karla Turner (R.I.P.)
Writter and UFO ET abduction investigator, murdered after holding that aliens attempt to pass as angels. (while being rather fallen angels?)

Deck Slayton (R.I.P.)
Astronaut, killed for disclosing UFO, ELF cancer producing weapons might have been the real cause as many sudden fast cancer deaths on UFO researchers.


John O'Neil (R.I.P.)

FBI defector Killed on September 11 2001

Kenneth Johannemann (R.I.P.)

Christopher Landis (R.I.P.)

Wendy Burlingame (R.I.P.)

Salvatore Princiotta (R.I.P.)

Barry Jennings (R.I.P.)

Hunter S. Thompson (R.I.P.)

Michael H. Doran (R.I.P.)

Paul Wellstone (R.I.P.)
As in Beverly Eckert, Michael H. Doran, and many others, using E.L.F. electro acustic low frequency weaponry his aircraft was shot down.

Beverly Eckert (R.I.P.)Flight 3407
"I've chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems..."
Also killed flight 3407 included human rights activist
Alison L. Des Forges (R.I.P.)
and three demolition experts (contradicting the official 9-11 conspiracy story) scheduled to be on the Continental Connection Flight then heading to the Chicago 9-11 investigators.

ALSO Political prisoners specially Religious or right wing preachers
Fritz Springmeier
put into prison for 8 years for allegedly knowing of a bank robery which was going to happen
he is out of prison put still under payroll meaning if he go out of line he will again be put into prison
He is last of jhon todd,bill cooper type group

People who are under the illusion that there is no Obamas kill list below are some links


the guardian
Obama's kill list policy compels US support for Israeli attacks on Gaza | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Obama's 'kill list' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English


Is Obama killing “kill list” critics? | Veterans Today
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