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China poses potential obstacle to reunification of Koreas: U.S. Congress re

There is nothing China can do if both North and South Korea wants to be united. It is not China's policy that is causing the problem.
Sure there is, they can invade North Korea and install a new dictator, or use less obvious means. China does have a large military presence stationed on the border after all. China's policy is in many ways the only roadblock between reunification of the Korean peninsula under a prosperous South Korean government. Its Hubris and Paranoia are the reasons.
From day one it has been the United States that is the root cause of the problem:devil:. United States wants a regime change:sick: (WHAT IS NEW!!) and till today still list N Korea in the axis of evil. From day one the six party talks was all about getting US and N Korea together. All the other 4 parties was there just so that US can at least talk to N Korea.
It is hard to list the ways in which North Korea does not conform to the standard definition of a dystopian society, in which case yes, it is a very distasteful government. That is hardly deniable, and if it is 'sick' to consider the North Korean government a blight on the face of the earth for all the ills it has very deliberately and with forethought brought on the region, and on its own people directly through its own actions, then we, and most of the region, excluding China, are 'sick'.
China policy on North Korea is very very clear. That is no war, no collapse, no nuclear weopans. In that order. This is the only pragmatic policy on N Korea.

China has not tried to stop North Korea from attempting nuclear weapons tests, nor did China try to stop the North Korean invasion of South Korea, and in fact tried to invade South Korea along with the remaining North Korean troops after North Korea failed alone. It failed. You flat out lie, and we know China doesn't want North Korea to reunite with South Korea under its democratic government. Its sickening.

Actually it is the "sunset" policies OF Lee Yong Bak, the "regime change" policy of US and "no unification" policy of Japan that is DRIVING North Korea into China's arms !!!
North Korea has been at war with South Korea since the 1950's, the policies of the most current South Korean president was never going to change that. North Korea has also historically been at odds with the United States since it INVADED SOUTH KOREA backed by China and the Soviet Union, after which it was driven back to its borders. It never agreed to peace. Since then its government has remained hostile to South Korea and conducted numerous attacks on the South Korean people, up to and including an attempted assassination of the South Korean president and is still attempting such attacks today. It has been a threat to our allies in the region throughout the cold war and beyond. It is also an unspeakable blight to the region, and its own people as i've elaborated. Yea, we want to change it.
But off course I do not blame you for faulting China. I read western mainstream media too.

Well when it walks like a duck, Quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it is usually a duck. :rolleyes:
US Congress is full of ****. Of course China oppose unification, if that means that a unified Korea under SK with thousands of US troops stationed at China's doorstep. China is Korea's neighbor, has more rights to voice their opinion. What is US's excuse being thousands of miles away?

As long as the US troops remains on Korean's soil, unification is not viable. So the actual title should be, "US is an obstacle to unification". Of course, so many brainwashed American like to think that everyone else is wrong but them.

How many people have American killed lately in foreign soil? The US has threaten to nuke China multiple times. It has invaded Chinese soil in the past. Has any Chinese invaded America?

This paranoia is telling. This is no longer the cold war and China's paranoid delusions that the US will try to invade China are telling. If you really live in the United States, you know no politician and no general has the desire or has articulated the desire of doing such a thing.

Are you afraid we will station nukes in Korea? You live in a PRC wonderland, and China has threatened to nuke the US multiple times, in fact if your location is what I think it is and the flags are accurate, the Chinese have threatened to nuke where you are living.

Chinese remember the Opium war.
Hypocrisy and double standard of the west do not fool us anymore.

Forget about a couple hundred years ago, the Chinese are hypocrites and have double standards today.
Wrong. All around. If the Korean peninsula is united under the South's leadership, the US military will continue to remain in the country for most likely until your grandchildren's lifetime. The (once South) Korean military will be busy reinforcing the country's defenses against China and that mean more US military hardware sales as well as indigenous defense development. Japan will propose a mutual defense alliance with Korea and the Koreans will accept. That will draw the attention of other Asian countries as well. China will lose in the long run. The issue is how much and what kind of loss, other than face.

WRONG! The Koreans dispise the US presence there!

Anti-American sentiment in Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only the cheerleading indians and vietcongs and japanese welcome your adopted country's military presence in the peninsula

Even this us man called this to stop!

It's Time for the U.S. Army to Leave Korea - CBS News

The American security blanket has fostered a state of national adolescence by the South Korean public. Too many of them (some polls suggest most) see America as a barrier to reunification with their ethnic kindred in the North. Maybe nothing short of a North Korean attack on the South can encourage more sober thinking by South Koreans about their own security, but I suspect a greater sense of self-reliance and even vulnerability might.
North Korea During the 1990s | Suite101
During the 1990s North Korea underwent more destabilising changes than during the first four decades of its history. Its economy, which for a long time was ahead of the South’s, began to stagnate during the 1960s, beginning a slow and inexorable decline during the 1980s, before being sent into freefall by the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and the disappearance of Comecon, the Socialist common market.

North Korea and Comecon

Within Comecon, North Korea was able to trade its exports for petrol, coal and other products including rice and grains at favourable tariffs. The post-Cold War world in which North Korea found itself at the beginning of the 1990s demanded an economy much more supple and less centralised than the Stalinist plans of production that the country had followed since its inception.
North Korean economy has for a long time better than not only the South but China as well. North Korean is more integrated into the Soviet bloc and Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Comecon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) which China stopped being an observer member in 1961. Without Comecon and with the embargo, North Korea is unable to get hard currency to buy resources that she need.
The division of the Korean people is the unfortunate victim of the power struggle between US and Soviet union of the Cold war.

Both side set up their puppet government in the forcefully divided Korea. In the North it is Kim il-sung, in the South, Syngman Rhee.

Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Soon after taking office, Rhee enacted laws that severely curtailed political dissent. Many leftist opponents were arrested, and in some cases killed. It soon became apparent that Rhee's governing style was going to be authoritarian.[10] He allowed the internal security force (headed by his right-hand man, Kim Chang-ryong) to detain and torture suspected communists and North Korean agents. His government also oversaw several massacres, including the Jeju massacre on Jeju island, where up to 60,000 rebels and civilians were reportedly killed by the Army.[11] Both Rhee and Kim Il Sung wanted to unite the Korean peninsula under their respective governments, but the United States refused to give South Korea any heavy weapons in order to ensure that its military could only be used for preserving internal order and self-defense. By contrast, Pyongyang was well-equipped with Soviet aircraft and tanks.

Korean War
According to historian John Merrill, "the war was preceded by a major insurgency in the South and serious clashes along the thirty-eighth parallel," and 100,000 people died in "political disturbances, guerrilla warfare, and border clashes".

At the outbreak of hostilities on June 25, 1950, all South Korean resistance at the 38th parallel was overwhelmed by the North Korean offensive within a few hours. By June 26, it was apparent that the KPA would occupy Seoul. Rhee, who was afraid of a mass insurrection in Seoul, forbade the military from revealing the situation, and instead left the city with most of his government on June 27. At midnight on June 28, the South Korean military destroyed the Han Bridge, thereby preventing thousands of citizens from fleeing. On June 28, North Korean soldiers occupied Seoul.[citation needed]

From the perspective of the North Korean, it is the U.S., a foreign power that is using its military might to directly intervene and prevented the reunification of the Korean people.
WRONG! The Koreans dispise the US presence there!

Anti-American sentiment in Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only the cheerleading indians and vietcongs and japanese welcome your adopted country's military presence in the peninsula

Even this us man called this to stop!

It's Time for the U.S. Army to Leave Korea - CBS News
Har...:lol:..You lived a sheltered life if you think what you posted is indicative of overall South Korean attitude towards the US. I wonder if you have even left whatever province you are in. I have been to South Korea. Have you? I trained with the South Korean military, Air Force and ROK Marines. Have you even any military experience, let alone know how the South Korean military feels about North Korea, China, and the US? South Koreans' anti-US attitude is not fixed. A rise in hostility towards US does not mean there is a corresponding decline in pro-US attitude. Usually it mean the so called 'anti-US' crowd are more vocal and generally most visible when something offensive occurred to them, such as a crime committed by an American serviceman. South Koreans who are friendly towards US have no need to be vocal about their positive attitude towards US. Why should they? Their businesses are in the US, they travels to the US for vacation, and even marriages.

South Korea cannot dictate what happens to North Korea. When North Korea falls, and it will fall, if China does not step in and adopt the country as a full fledged vassal state, South Korea will have no choice but assume leadership of the peninsula. The process of unifying the country to a whole again will consume all of South Korea's intellectual and emotional resources, not counting physical demands such as national defense, which just jumped 100% in territory to cover. Why do you think Germany's advice was solicited? When this happens, South Korea will need the US in more ways than defense.
Har...:lol:..You lived a sheltered life if you think what you posted is indicative of overall South Korean attitude towards the US. I wonder if you have even left whatever province you are in. I have been to South Korea. Have you? I trained with the South Korean military, Air Force and ROK Marines. Have you even any military experience, let alone know how the South Korean military feels about North Korea, China, and the US? South Koreans' anti-US attitude is not fixed. A rise in hostility towards US does not mean there is a corresponding decline in pro-US attitude. Usually it mean the so called 'anti-US' crowd are more vocal and generally most visible when something offensive occurred to them, such as a crime committed by an American serviceman. South Koreans who are friendly towards US have no need to be vocal about their positive attitude towards US. Why should they? Their businesses are in the US, they travels to the US for vacation, and even marriages.

South Korea cannot dictate what happens to North Korea. When North Korea falls, and it will fall, if China does not step in and adopt the country as a full fledged vassal state, South Korea will have no choice but assume leadership of the peninsula. The process of unifying the country to a whole again will consume all of South Korea's intellectual and emotional resources, not counting physical demands such as national defense, which just jumped 100% in territory to cover. Why do you think Germany's advice was solicited? When this happens, South Korea will need the US in more ways than defense.

the guy who wrote the CBS article also served in the UA army!

Koreans are not some wishy washy indian / vietcong cheerleaders who treat USA as their god

The bilateral trade between S Korea and China is 2 to 3 times more than S korea and usa!

And can you refute any point that I have quoted in my above 2 links and give evidences that they are wrong?
The division of the Korean people is the unfortunate victim of the power struggle between US and Soviet union of the Cold war.

Both side set up their puppet government in the forcefully divided Korea. In the North it is Kim il-sung, in the South, Syngman Rhee.

Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the perspective of the North Korean, it is the U.S., a foreign power that is using its military might to directly intervene and prevented the reunification of the Korean people.

What, so North Korea can try to invade again? How exactly do you think North Korea wants to go about 'reunification' with the south if US military might is absent?

Do you support a Korea united under the Kims over the independence or unification of a prosperous South Korea, even if they have military agreements with the US at the time of reunification?

If so we have nothing to talk about, our soldiers are there to stop people like you from achieving your goal of destroying Korea that you couldn't accomplish in the 50's.
the guy who wrote the CBS article also served in the UA army!

Koreans are not some wishy washy indian / vietcong cheerleaders who treat USA as their god

The bilateral trade between S Korea and China is 2 to 3 times more than S korea and usa!

And can you refute any point that I have quoted in my above 2 links and give evidences that they are wrong?
Like I care...Not...

People have their opinions and I have mine. The smart thing for YOU to do is to exercise critical thinking, something I find lacking among the Chinese crowd here.

If there is such a strong sentiment among the South Koreans that the US is the obstacle to unification, as you falsely believe, all you have to do is put yourself in a South Korean's place and ask these questions...

- Under what system would the united Korea live under?

- In any country with contestant governments, there is always a 'civil war'. Look at the ME today for example. Even with China's exceptional consideration for Hong Kong, the Chinese government can step in at any time and proscribe anything and no one can credibly challenge that authority. So which -- North or South -- Korea would be this Korean version of 'special administrative region' but ultimately subordinate to a superior?

- Who would represent Korea in the UN and elsewhere in the diplomatic fronts? Look at Great Britain, France, and the US for examples because these countries have territories that have high degrees of political autonomy but they ultimately are subordinates to their respective superior governments.

- Which economic model would be implemented?

- Which currency would be used to represent Korea in the financial world?

- Whose laws would have precedent? In legalism, a 'precedent' is usually a superior model for subsequent legal disputes. In this hypothetical unified Korea, there would be many conflicting laws because they came from different legal systems. Cases that have been settled under one system may be in contradiction with the other system. So which would settle the matter once and for all?

- Which educational system and standards would be superior?

All of these and many more must be settled BEFORE unification can take place. Germany did not have that luxury and the Koreans, North and South, may not as well. If North Korea either suddenly or rapidly collapse, South Korea will be in the same political and economic turmoil West Germany was. Did the US military left the unified Germany at once when East Germany fell?

If you think that North Korea TODAY will submit to those questions you are indisputably politically immature and have no place in these discussions. Submission to these questions mean the eventual end of the political entities known as 'North Korea' and 'South Korea' with the North version being erased, not merely subordinates like Hong Kong or Puerto Rico. So either North Korea admit it is a failed state and concede to being politically erased, thereby allowing a peaceful unification for the greater good of the Korean people, or bumbles along and eventually collapse in chaos thereby allowing a violent unification with the South Korean version for Korea inevitable -- for the greater good of the Korean people. Like how Germany is today with East Germany being a curious footnote, an aberration like Nazism, in Germany's history. No German is proud that an East Germany once existed but are glad that a West Germany co-existed.

I do not care if anyone of a different opinion than mine served in the US military or not. He must answer those questions before he can with full intellectual honesty support a US withdrawal in order to facilitate a unified Korea with the South Korean version as supremacy. He must answer that he is willing to support the Korean version of the 'boat people' if the US was to completely sever the US-SKR relationship and leave South Korea alone to communist fate. I have been to South Korea, in and out of the military, and have debated this issue before you were even a speck of lust in your father's eye. Not once have I ever met a South Korean or American or Brit who can credibly settle those questions. Not one person was willing to have South Korea submit to those questions. Everyone wanted North Korea to submit. :lol:

So yes, I can and have effectively refuted you.
the guy who wrote the CBS article also served in the UA army!

Koreans are not some wishy washy indian / vietcong cheerleaders who treat USA as their god

The bilateral trade between S Korea and China is 2 to 3 times more than S korea and usa!

And can you refute any point that I have quoted in my above 2 links and give evidences that they are wrong?

The old man has so much life experiences that his own opinion matters. From having being to Eastern Berlin to South Korea training with the locals he knows what's happening in the real world rather than believing us providing reliable links about what's going on. He can't refute the truth so he goes talking about his own personal experiences. He still doesn't want to answer me what legitimate reasons America had for dividing Korea after WW2 and stationing troops in the South. Should Korea not have been liberated by the US instead of occupying it? I don't know who started the mess whether it was USSR or USA but i believe Korea as a whole country would have been much better place without the poor and rich parts and the Korean War would not have occurred. This article now dares to blame China for being an obstacle to reunification between these 2 parts is a joke. Discussing with that senile war veteran is a waste of time.
The old man has so much life experiences that his own opinion matters. From having being to Eastern Berlin to South Korea training with the locals he knows what's happening in the real world rather than believing us providing reliable links about what's going on. He can't refute the truth so he goes talking about his own personal experiences. He still doesn't want to answer me what legitimate reasons America had for dividing Korea after WW2 and stationing troops in the South. Should Korea not have been liberated by the US instead of occupying it? I don't know who started the mess whether it was USSR or USA but i believe Korea as a whole country would have been much better place without the poor and rich parts and the Korean War would not have occurred. This article now dares to blame China for being an obstacle to reunification between these 2 parts is a joke. Discussing with that senile war veteran is a waste of time.
At least it matters more than yours, young pup. :lol:
What, so North Korea can try to invade again? How exactly do you think North Korea wants to go about 'reunification' with the south if US military might is absent?

Do you support a Korea united under the Kims over the independence or unification of a prosperous South Korea, even if they have military agreements with the US at the time of reunification?

If so we have nothing to talk about, our soldiers are there to stop people like you from achieving your goal of destroying Korea that you couldn't accomplish in the 50's.
I am just pointing out what is the fact. Both sides try to "invade" each other. It is a reunification civil war, not an invasion. And North Korea is not trying to "destroying Korea in the 50's", she is trying to reunify her people into a single country.
US, the self appointed policeman judge and jury is very much responsible for what the situation now is in the Korean peninsular. I feel it is only right to present North Korea side of the story, to let other see that US role is not as noble as some western media presented them to be.
How the Koreans go about reunification is their business. But of course China would prefer that it is peaceful. China has always support non-interference and respect for others nation rights of sovereignty and self-determination. China did not supply arms to one side beside for minimum defense, do not support regular provocative military exercise on either side, do not station permanent arm force in Korean Peninsular, do not have treaty with any nation on the Korean Peninsular that took away their sovereign right, and have neither a overt nor covert policy of regime change of any nation on the Korean peninsular.
Let the record speak for itself.
Korean war should've been a civil war,their own scores should be settled by themselves but the interference from US changed the whole game
Korean war should've been a civil war,their own scores should be settled by themselves but the interference from US changed the whole game

Exactly, Mao saw what was coming. America dividing Korea was enough reason for him to help NK to reunite with SK. So far non of these Americans faggots dare explain to us why US did that. By dividing into 2 parts and stationing troops there it's a sign of expansionism and occupation. After the Korean War "ended", Chinese troops withdrew from NK and returned home. Trust me US doesn't want both sides to reunite, only if the North side collapse and under the leadership of US puppy only then they will allow it. Americans wants to keep selling expensive toys to SK and Taiwan and trying to use them in a China pivot, very obvious isn't it?
Exactly, Mao saw what was coming. America dividing Korea was enough reason for him to help NK to reunite with SK. So far non of these Americans faggots dare explain to us why US did that. By dividing into 2 parts and stationing troops there it's a sign of expansionism and occupation. After the Korean War "ended", Chinese troops withdrew from NK and returned home. Trust me US doesn't want both sides to reunite, only if the North side collapse and under the leadership of US puppy only then they will allow it. Americans wants to keep selling expensive toys to SK and Taiwan and trying to use them in a China pivot, very obvious isn't it?

Why should we want Korea to unite as is?


Left is the North Korean economy. Right is the South Korean economy.

Do you why Kim Junk Oon is talking about reforming the North Korean economy? Because he lived in the notional West, which includes South Korea, and he saw how sh!tty his country is compared to that notional West. He knows no one, including you hypocritical Chinese here, would want to live in his sh!tty country. Guess that is why YOU live in Sweden instead of the North Korea that you are cheering for.

If you Chinese boys support China's desire to keep a buffer in North Korea, then you have no moral standing to criticize US for wanting to keep Korea divided. If anything, given how different are the two and how much inferior is the North, Korea should remain divided to serve as an example for the world on how immoral is communism.
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