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if you enjoy this visualization then you can oppose death sentence for rape but if you can't even visualize it, then support death sentence for rape. You may rape someone but what about your own women?

Death penalty can be given in open and shut situations but need to be careful for cases with circumstantial evidences as it can be as easily misused as a 498a clause.
Because we don't even make it mandatory for all murders. Rape however brutal a crime is not worse than murder ("zinda laash" type arguments excused)

I can't help if you are insensitive. Try to see things from a woman's point of view and consider it within the context of Indian society. It is actually worse than Zinda Laash. That said, the rape epidemic can only be controlled if death sentence is there as deterrence.

Because conviction rates for rapes, already abysmal will go down further because judges will want a higher level of evidence to sentence people to death.

This is why we are talking about fast track courts and speedy trials with more forensic labs to be established.

Because rapists will then murder their victims to eliminate evidence. After all he can't be hanged twice for committing murder in addition to rape.

Now this is lame excuse and you know it. In many cases, rapists killed the victims and still they were caught. In West Bengal, in one such case, a rapist Dhananjay Chatterjee killed the victim but was caught. It was many years ago. Now, its not that easy to get away with culpable homicide because many high tech procedures have been introduced.

Death penalty can be given in open and shut situations but need to be careful for cases with circumstantial evidences as it can be as easily misused as a 498a clause.

Of course, yes.

Today's investigations actually lead to open and shut cases so far as rape crimes are concerned because the culprit cannot escape medical tests. Today, we rely on science.
Of course, yes.

Today's investigations actually lead to open and shut cases so far as rape crimes are concerned because the culprit cannot escape medical tests. Today, we rely on science.

Science does not help always. Here is a situation for you.

'Raped' senior citizen admits to consensual sex

Deputy police commissioner (zone X) Dr Cherring Dorje said, "Prima facie, the medical examination showed that she was raped. Based on the complaint, we booked the accused." said Dorje.

'Raped' senior citizen admits to consensual sex - Times Of India


How will individualism come overnight? And why is death penalty a dumb idea?

Individualism will not come overnight. We are in the process of evolution where our system is still not evolved enough to respect the individual, we are too complex and poor for that to happen quickly. BUT there has to be efforts to make that happen. Take the case of police reform, sinceour system is so rotten anyway, there's nothing to lose by introducing harsh radical reforms. But we don't do it, we take decades just to discuss what needs to be done and there is zero pilitical will and the common people do not even know it can be done, let alone be politically active about it.

Hence I said we are not mature enough yet, and you were asking why death penalty is a bad idea???
I can't help if you are insensitive. Try to see things from a woman's point of view and consider it within the context of Indian society. It is actually worse than Zinda Laash. That said, the rape epidemic can only be controlled if death sentence is there as deterrence.

Thank you but I'm in no need of a certificate of sensitivity from you. Maybe it is worse than "zinda laash" for your type. It is precisely such attitudes which you claimed elsewhere you were against that is the problem. If it becomes a "great shame" for a woman, she is unlikely to report it to save herself from getting such epithets & the perpetrator is free to continue his crime run freely.

This is why we are talking about fast track courts and speedy trials with more forensic labs to be established.

Irrelevant. All someone has to do is claim consensual sex. Disproving that when a death sentence is possible would be tougher because it is all based on circumstantial evidence, We don't have enough people properly trained to do proper forensics, do you think that will change overnight because you want it to?

Now this is lame excuse and you know it. In many cases, rapists killed the victims and still they were caught. In West Bengal, in one such case, a rapist Dhananjay Chatterjee killed the victim but was caught. It was many years ago. Now, its not that easy to get away with culpable homicide because many high tech procedures have been introduced.

Dhananjay Chatterjee was strung up & rightly so. That should be the law, mandatory death sentence for rape+murder, lesser punishment for rape alone. You seem unaware of the fact that you are not the first person to come up with the idea of capital punishment for rape. It has been thoroughly discussed & what I said is the position of almost all police officers & jurists who gave their opinion on this matter. Lame excuse it isn't.

Do you know the difference between culpable homicide & murder or are you using those two words thinking that they are the same? What difference if he might get caught? Atleast there is no direct evidence in the form of a testimony by the victim. In any case, he can't be punished more severely if death sentence is already the punishment subscribed.

The way she is dressed is already not an excuse. Talk about parda-dar bibi's going newage
Science does not help always. Here is a situation for you.

'Raped' senior citizen admits to consensual sex

Deputy police commissioner (zone X) Dr Cherring Dorje said, "Prima facie, the medical examination showed that she was raped. Based on the complaint, we booked the accused." said Dorje.

'Raped' senior citizen admits to consensual sex - Times Of India

Now, this one is such rarest of the rare case. However, you should note it:

A senior police officer said they may even prosecute the woman for filing a false case and misleading the government machinery.

The new laws will keep such provisions to prosecute anyone who files a false complaint. It is a concern that the law makers will definitely take into consideration. However, when a three year old girl gets raped, don't tell me, she might have consensual sex. Or when a girl gets raped by more than one man or a girl having apparent physical injuries on her body parts, don't tell me they might have consensual sex. The judiciary is not that stupid, the judges are much more learned that one might imagine. So don't worry.
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