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Going to India-Taiwan

Depends on your budget, you can get some for as low as $15, and can stretch to thousands of dollars.
as per the wife's suggestion, it has to be something that will be available from the airport shop. she is concerned of breakage during the flight. So I guess we'll have to buy from the Taiwan airport.
as per the wife's suggestion, it has to be something that will be available from the airport shop. she is concerned of breakage during the flight. So I guess we'll have to buy from the Taiwan airport.

Never. :fie:

They have all the cheapo brands. Better get one from any wine shop in Taiwan before showing up to your In-Laws house.
Making milk tea is like so injustice to the aroma of any quality tea.

True but Darjeeling Tea is very expensive. In supermarket I even saw the way Darjeeling Tea is packaged sometime in cotton bags, some in steel casket
True but Darjeeling Tea is very expensive. In supermarket I even saw the way Darjeeling Tea is packaged sometime in cotton bags, some in steel casket

A kg of quality darjeeling tea costs anywhere around 6,000-10,000, while Makaibari Darjeeling tea is said to costs more than 25,000 in US for a kg. :enjoy:
id rather clutch for my life in taiwan then got into india

does ur wife live in india or taiwan... tell her to stay in taiwan its not very good for a woman to be in delhi alone

I would rather die than go to the destitute state of the marauding souls know as Pakistan.
Perhaps this is your blog?.....oh boy, its getting more and more disgusting....do you really need to share your personal mental m...........on a defence forum?


Fantasy Girls
At these images You see girls that you probably will not see in the real world, unless you believe in fairies, elves and other mystical creatures. But, even then, you will see them only in your imagination. Of course this is just my opinion. :)
Indian: Fantasy Girls
I had initially planned to return home in May, but due to some rather pleasant changes in circumstances I am able to visit Delhi and Taipei in the best time of the year. Going there next month in mid-January.

I'll be spending most of my time in Delhi and a few days in Taiwan.

I'm not a major shutterbug but I will post pictures as much as possible.

DELHI, I missed you so much:smitten::smitten::smitten:

Also, my father-in-law is turning 60 and there will be a big celebration. I want to give a nice gift so any ideas and suggestions are welcomed:bounce::bounce:

How do you meet her? Did your family accept her? As someone in his youth these questions plague me. How will I be able to tell my parents? How will they take it?
your father in law should see your avatar- i hear old Taiwanese are still old school- :D-
How do you meet her? Did your family accept her? As someone in his youth these questions plague me. How will I be able to tell my parents? How will they take it?
^we met in a management class at the university.

your father in law should see your avatar- i hear old Taiwanese are still old school- :D-
marvaoge paaji :P
Made a special visit to my place i'll present your wife with Darra Adam Khel copy of chinese AK in order to keep you on leash............:P

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