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With eye on Beijing, US signals ‘full embrace’ of Delhi

Why would Putin visit China on his first foreign trip after re-election, but not India?

Why is Russia blackmailing India over the carrier deal?

Russia knows how close India is to America.

Business is business does not matter how good a relation you have and Putin will be in India in December he has already visited India before. I would not say India is very close to America sure we have improved our relations but still 70% of our arms comes from Russia.
true we should not move exclusively in US camp . but as for china , they have already pushed us in a corner so we have no choice but to pursue anti-china stance ; and take help from where it comes !
What anti-China stance buddy ? India and China are business minded enough for not going into war which can affect their growth rate and hence turns out beneficial for their adversaries.

India and China both are realizing that mutual cooperation is way better than traditional rivalry. You will soon see this in Afghanistan and there is already healthy competition between India and China in Africa, in Africa China is ahead though.

That's why US is trying to lure India into its camp as it is the only nation which has disputes with China and is the strongest among the Chinese neighboring nations after Russia. Russia won't ever go against China and Japan is already on US side. So at this time, US needs India for its Asia-Pacific policies.

This is the reason why Australia, Japan and ASEAN nations are trying to increase their ties with India.

But the fact is, India has brighter future with trade with China. China is already a manufacturing giant and India is becoming one and both offer each other great market. For China, Indian middle class is too much valuable as customer base.

China has already shown signs for cooperation in space. If we want to leap frog like China did, we have to work in collaboration with nations like China, Russia and US. Any two of them are good for India provided there are less strings attached and more trust factor. With US, you can never totally trust them. Friendship with US comes with many strings attached.

If we want US on equal terms as a friend, then we have to follow the path of China, i.e., becoming self sufficient, economically stable and more say in world politics. Otherwise US may leave us as soon as it has nothing to gain from us.

We should maintain good relations with all P5 countries at this time and few more decades to come.
If USA wishes to use India as a countereight to China so be it we can milk it and use it for our benefit, they should give us more dual use technology and supercomputers etc


Indicating a possible end to the long-standing denial of sophisticated dual use technology to India, President Barack Obama has said that the US Defence Department was working to sort it out.

He maintained that such technology, involving items which have civil and military use, was being given to India and that Pentagon "is working to address those occasional cases where we do not".

Acknowledging that there were "benefits" of providing such technology to New Delhi, Obama said in an interview, "Given all the interests and values we share, I'm confident that we can continue to work through any differences."

They can put their money where their mouth is and give us some carrots
Good. however this relationship needs some time to reach a new level. hope we play our cards correctly. ww
I think it is good to have strategic partnership with the US but there has to be enough space to ensure that we're independent off their policies vis a vis the world's conflicts and political issues.

For example, our ties with other countries should not be dictated by Washington.

If that level of autonomy is maintained, I feel that we should warmly welcome an American strategic partnership.
Why would Putin visit China on his first foreign trip after re-election, but not India?

Why is Russia blackmailing India over the carrier deal?

Russia knows how close India is to America.

and Russia blackmailed India with what ??? support your claims with links !!

Yeah Russia knows how close India is to US that is why even after Signing the US nuclear Deal, they gave us Akula.. their coolest SSN and India is gonna go for one more.. :lol:

Please tell me that your flagship SSNs are quieter than that :tdown:

ANd as for Putin visiting CHina :lol: You guys give too much importance to symbolism !!!

And as for India and SCO, we always kept us free from any militart pacts and thats what it is.. btw, it is you guys only who say no that CHina is the next biggest power to USA ?? LMAO need support of mother Russia :cheesy:
We should keep in mind that we share borders with China, not US. They are our neighbors and we can have cooperation at many levels too. So better if we make our own place and keep relations better with both US and China. US has ditched Philippines and Vietnam in middle during recent spats of these countries with China.

It would bad decision if we move into US camp. We should rather follow our independent Foreign Policy like we have been following in last few decades.

It is not only India but China should also remember that we share borders.

Anyway, I say milk US to its end using China as a scapegoat.
If USA wishes to use India as a countereight to China so be it we can milk it and use it for our benefit, they should give us more dual use technology and supercomputers etc

That would be the clever thing to do.

Trying to "milk" America is not a good idea though. They are the sole superpower for a reason, they know how to play geopolitics.
Actually I believe it would go the opposite since India can look somewhere else if Russia were to delay the projects or negotiate terms that are unacceptable. Russia is not in that position since they don't have that kind of monopoly. They be begging to be on India's good side.

Can USA build a Aircraft carrier for us? Share with us F 22 technology and joint ventures? Last time i saw, USA refused Javelin ATGM tot. So how can we be sure of US support even if we conduct a nuclear test in future?
Before France Israel and Russia were the only country which were with us. Will USA be trusted?
Lets look at the facts and not only at what the media or certain countries wants us to think!

1) Indias relations to Russia are more than fine, infact we never had such deep defence relations as today, because today we are real partners in many developments, not only buyers!

2) Indias relations to China are fine as well, even though we have certain border issues, our economic and political relations are even deeper than with other western countries. Just look at how many UN decisions we stand against US policies, with the same position like Russia or China!

3) It is in US interest to create a 2nd frontline to counter China and force them to split their defence assets, it is not in the interest of Indias forces to have a defence issue with a nuclear power directly at their land borders, be it with China or Pakistan!

4) It is not in the interest of Indian politicians, or Indian economy to have a defence issue either with China or Pakistan, because Indian is known for it's balanced foreign policy and because India wants to focus on growing it's economy and improving itself!

5) The US came to India and offered a lot of goodies, we didn't invited them, but we are not stuipd and let this chance simply go a way. We will improve our political, economical and defence capabilities with their help and they get a lot in return as well, but that doesn't mean we will fight for them, or simply follow their policies like other countries might do!

6) It is less important if India is on their side or not, but the fact that they came to us at first and that they improved their relations with us alone, puts China in a bad position. Once because they didn't used this advantage on their own and allied with India, but also because they have to split their forces now, just to be prepared of a 2 front war, no matter how low the chances are. That's the same situation that India is facing and why Indian forces are preparing for the worst case scenario, although the chances are pretty low!

All this is a big game by a coming superpower and the one that wants to remain the only superpower. India is basically sitting in the front row and is looking in which way this fight might go, but without routing for one of them, because it is more advantageous for us to remain non-aligned and earn the befits from both sides!
Can USA build a Aircraft carrier for us? Share with us F 22 technology and joint ventures? Last time i saw, USA refused Javelin ATGM tot. So how can we be sure of US support even if we conduct a nuclear test in future?
Before France Israel and Russia were the only country which were with us. Will USA be trusted?

We don't build aircraft carriers for anybody so don't need apply trust for that. Same as the F22. Should be happy to get the Javelin even though India wanted tot. And why do you even want to do nuclear test when you would be condemned for it? Are you giving us a reason to explain why we didn't do what you asked for?
That would be the clever thing to do.

Trying to "milk" America is not a good idea though. They are the sole superpower for a reason, they know how to play geopolitics.

We are not some sort of banana republic the Americans did not even see our nuke test coming because we timed it.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Easily evaded spy satellites. A shortage of clandestine sources. Overworked satellite photo analysts. A failure to heed clear warnings. Each of these, observers say, contributed to the CIA's failure to foresee India's nuclear tests.

As the spy agency searches for what went wrong, the self-examination is revealing much more than a last-minute failure to grasp the significance of satellite photos that indicated nuclear tests were imminent.

U.S. intelligence officials, lawmakers who oversee the CIA and outside experts point to a wide range of flaws -- technical, organizational and human -- that contributed to what Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala., called a "colossal failure" by the CIA.

India's five underground nuclear blasts last Monday and Wednesday sent tremors through the already tense region and threatened to undermine global arms control efforts.

Had a warning of the tests surfaced, critics of the agency said, top policy makers might have been able to dissuade India's newly installed Hindu nationalist government from going forward.

Others turn that view around, arguing that if only policy makers had responded to clear warning signs from India, the CIA would have been more attuned to signs of trouble.

Initially, the focus was on apparent failings at the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, where analysts pore over spy satellite photography on computer screens and light tables looking for signs of trouble in a variety of overseas hot spots.

U.S. intelligence officials said recent pictures showed no signs of unusual activity at India's test range, a desert site some 70 miles from the border of arch-rival Pakistan. As a result, none of the imagery analysts responsible for India were on alert late last Sunday night when the first clear indications of impending tests emerged.

"These guys don't always look at every picture that's taken," said John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists, a CIA watchdog group. "The system acquires significantly more imagery for archival purposes than is immediately exploited."

CIA Director George Tenet named retired Adm. David Jeremiah to lead an inquiry into the agency's performance leading up to the nuclear tests, with his first findings expected next week.

Some nuclear experts credit India with knowing when to hide from U.S. spy satellites rather than American spies being asleep at the wheel.

"It's not a failure of the CIA," said Indian nuclear researcher G. Balachandran. "It's a matter of their intelligence being good, our deception being better."

R.R. Subramanian, a nuclear physicist with New Delhi's independent Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, said hiding preparations for the tests was merely a matter of choosing the hours when the satellites were looking elsewhere to move the necessary people and chemicals.

CIA Director Tenet told lawmakers in closed session that India deliberately chose a period of frequent sandstorms as the time to conduct the underground blasts.

Those sand clouds would effectively blind the two KH-11 "Keyhole" photo-imagery spy satellites. And even when the clouds cleared, the shifting sand would conceal tire and tread tracks that might signal intense activity around the test site.

Two other "Lacrosse" satellites that use cloud-penetrating radar signals were also available to the CIA, according to Jeffrey Richelson, author of several books on U.S. intelligence.

But the orbit of such satellites is easily predictable, and U.S. officials now believe India's nuclear test operators were able to halt suspicious activity during the periods when the spy satellites were passing overhead.

CIA searching for answers behind its India-Nuclear failure
Who said you were?

What are you implying?

Geo-politics is like a game of chess and we know all about strategy we invented the game, the Americans need us right now so we hold the cards just have to play it right and get as much out of it while we can.
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