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Hugh White: U.S. should share power with China

Somthing i never got to wrap my head around with, even after living 18 years between Hong Kong and China.
Chinese always brag about the fact that they are the longest civilization in the world (Yet they haven't heard about the Egyptian and the Greek) and brag about the 5000 years history, yet here it is, some of them keep coming and say we can build this and we can build that and giving out outragous claim that simply cannot happen, but they believe to their death with it.

How in the world have so much simple thinking after 5000 years of history? Again, we should be glad that the Real Chinese government is not governed by those idiot who think power is everything. Don't get me wrong, there are smart Chinese in this world, just not showing much in this forum. Most Chinese in this forum are just some kind of Wishing thinking people who live in his own world.

DIdn't you say you were Chinese yourself? Well if Chinese such as youself are spreading like germs on this forum then yes there aren't many smart Chinese around here.
DIdn't you say you were Chinese yourself? Well if Chinese such as youself are spreading like germs on this forum then yes there aren't many smart Chinese around here.

Lol whatever you say, my friend.
Didn't you don't see me as a Chinese because i have an expired Chinese ID card LOL @_@ Then how would i be a "Chinese Troll" in your eyes?
DIdn't you say you were Chinese yourself? Well if Chinese such as youself are spreading like germs on this forum then yes there aren't many smart Chinese around here.

Mr Gordon, the half baked banana, spitting venom from the right of his mouth again!::argh:
Well i certainly don't consider you as a true Chinese, but you seem to be telling everybody here that you are Chinese so there you have it. Consider yourself as part of the dumbest crowd hanging around on PDF. Oh so you have a Chinese ID card? Not calling a HK ID card any longer?
Why do you jump in ? are you Chinese with false flag ? secondary citizen in Malaysia ! shoot up your mouth.

F***k you Wet piece of s***t. I'm Malaysian ethnic Chinese. Anything concerning Chinese is MY business.
Ur fil*****y mouth is solely 4 eating, sucking White, Jap, Ruskies...hell even niggers s***t, :blah:.
You kind :blah:..oops like er... like snorting SWINE:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Your s***t hole VN is NOT even consider visible in ASEAN community.

This tread is about China, NOTHING about cunnilingus Wetnun.
Well i certainly don't consider you as a true Chinese, but you seem to be telling everybody here that you are Chinese so there you have it. Consider yourself as part of the dumbest crowd hanging around on PDF. Oh so you have a Chinese ID card? Not calling a HK ID card any longer?

Dude, let's get one thing straight, am i or am i not Chinese is NOT UP TO YOU to decide, unless you have the power to speak on behalf of all chinese society and reject my Chinese heritage, secondly a Hong Kong ID card is a Chinese ID card, unless you do not want to acknowledge Hong Kong is part of China, then that's what you said, not me.

How a country will get strong if they do not regonise their own people in the first place? Chinese is Chinese, doesn't matter if they are from the North, South East and West or from whole another country, it's people who set up barrier that weaken the Power of China, if you fail to see that or you want to live in a stupid and ignorant world, i cannot help you with it.

I am an American Born Australian Chinese with Swedish Nationality, so what?, i am proud of it. What make you think i am not Chinese, what and who give you the right to say i am not a CHinese? Cos 320million american think i am, 22 millions Australian think i am, 9 million swedish think i am, 8 million Hong Kong Resident think i am, 6 million shenzhen resident think i am, but i am not Chinese becase according to 2 dude in this forum say i am not? What's the logic in it?

End of communication to Chinese Troll
^^^ Oh no! You can never be like me, I'm a 100%er and proud of it :azn:

Well, a Chinese think he is "More Pure" than other Chinese, Wait, where did i hear this before?

Oh yea, in History book about "NAZI GERMANY"
I certainly don't speak on behalf of the entire Chinese population but you do. Go check your comments on most threads how you talk about the Chinese. It's funny now you say Chinese is Chinese no matter where they are from. Weren't you one of those people who are trying to convince us that HK people don't think of themselves as Chinese? Not only these 2 dudes think you are not Chinese plenty of Chinese here on PDF don't think you are one with that lousy soul of yours.
LOL you can't even be a Nazi even if you desperately want to be one.:lol: Unlike you I don't need to tell people I'm Chinese on every other post of mine and because your mouth, the more you say you're Chinese the more you'll be laugh at.:rofl:
I certainly don't speak on behalf of the entire Chinese population but you do. Go check your comments on most threads how you talk about the Chinese. It's funny now you say Chinese is Chinese no matter where they are from. Weren't you one of those people who are trying to convince us that HK people don't think of themselves as Chinese? Not only these 2 dudes think you are not Chinese plenty of Chinese here on PDF don't think you are one with that lousy soul of yours.

First of all, if you REALLY did read all my post of that thread (Which i highly doubted as you are just a troll) I NEVER SAID HONG KONG CHINESE IS DIFFERENT. I was pointing out the fact that 90% of Hong Kong People (I have never gave opinion on that matter) say they don't consider themselve Chinese. Then all of the Half Chinese. Fake Chinese Bashing begin. And some people seems to think i cannot comment on any Chinese matter because A.) I do not live in China or Hong Kong Anymore and B.) I do not process a Current HK ID Card (Or a Chiense ID card)

I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER NEVER SAY I THINK HONG KONG CHINESE IS NOT CHINESE. THIS HAS NEVER EVER EVER BEEN ON MY POINT. If you can point out specific word i said myself that i considr Hong Kong Chinese is not Chinese, i will bow my head and admit that i am wrong.

Simple challenge, i think it's easy for you to do. Or you are just hiogh on trolling and rather bash me for what you preceive me than what i say, if you don't want to do that, didn't you admit yourselve to be a troll?

Dude, i don't really care what's you point, if you just want to troll, then go ahead lol.

LOL you can't even be a Nazi even if you desperately want to be one.:lol: Unlike you I don't need to tell people I'm Chinese on every other post of mine and because your mouth, the more you say you're Chinese the more you'll be laugh at.:rofl:

You are right, there will not be "Chinese Nazi" simply the Chinese is so weak minded that even they want to think they are the best race in the world, they would not believe they can do anything but sitting in South China Sea admiring their second hand equipment and Brag about what they don't have.

While the real Nazi try very very hard to dominate the world and the failed trying. That's the different between Chinese in this Forum and the Nazis

Again, who's laughing at who is relative, you and your friend may laugh at me if you want, it's your brain and mouth, me and my friend were laughing at you and your idea, agian, it's my mouth and brain.

Really, this is my last post replying to troll. Come back to me if you have any solid thing to say rather than people bashing, race creaming ideology which me and my friend laugh at.
America is in no position to go to war with china, we can wipe Yankee land off the map in nuclear war. As more time goes by, the more it favours us since we are growing and closing the gap economically and militarily. American empire will fall once the economy falls, you watch. Without money, the American military is nothing.

We have 4 times the population which gives us a massive advantage in terms of more middle class people, more tax revenue base, bigger talent pool, bigger consumer market, etc.
The more we develop the numbers advantage will be the crucial advantage for us over the US.

America will have to learn to live with a country that is not just a little, but vastly bigger and more powerful than you over the coming decades.

If America tries any funny business, we will gladly rip your arsehole apart just like we did in the Korean War.
Ahhh...the typical "educated chinese". The US is bigger than China...and if it came to a big war...throw in the landmass of Canada (by itself also bigger than China). Packing a billion in a smaller area only means or nukes would be all that more effective. As far as Korea....still there...on your door-step...watching you...
100% Chinese is something to be proud of and has nothing to do with Nazi. Do you even know what the Nazi ideology stand for? Aryan race is a master race superior to other races. The Nazis sought to exterminate Jews and Romani, and the physically and mentally disabled.
Sorry but you failed labeling Fanling Monk as a Nazi because we pure Chinese don't go exterminate other races, never thought that our race as superior to others and certainly don't go kill mentally or physically disabled. We are not Japanese who wanted to kill every Chinese that's why they setup unit 731 trying to create faster ways to kill our race. Go learn some real history fake Chinese.
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