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CENTCOM Greeting

Thanks for the greetings.....

For a moment i thought LTC Taylor has shaved his head :P
the destroyers of peace talking about peace, what a coincidence

Its interesting to see how things look different from where we see them. If the US wasn't in Afghanistan, I think Pakistan would be infested with the Talibans....they came all the way to Swat guys!! Look at the Malala incident for an example.

I know the famous argument would be that Pakistan jumped into a 'foreign war' but TRUST me, these retards were going to come and hit Pakistan with their crazy as* version of Islam. Imagine the modernization of Pakistan and the Western firms investing and having their offices in all major cities....you REALLY think they would be ok with women working and playing equal part throughout Pakistan (outside of the big cities??).

The sad part is, if that would've happened, I am not sure if Pakistan's gov't or the military would have the power to deal with such a massive threat. Imagine all these talibans that the NATO's been fighting for over a decade... turning towards Pakistan as they see modernization (or Westernization) of Pakistan and its against 'their Islam'.

You can bet your money that it was going to happen at some point. I think the US and others may have indirectly helped Pakistan in dealing with the biggest nightmare it would face probably before 2010 if the 911 incident hadn't happened.

And yes, I understand that NATO or the West may have some foreign policy objectives BUT....Pakistan is still intact and the concentration of Taliban's limited to the FATA areas. I think just this one fact speaks volumes for the work that NATO and the Pakistanis have done together.

Look at the Malaala incident. Now imagine thousands of these crazy Taloban's causing MANY of the Malaala's to get shot as they don't want to see girls going to school, working or 'standing up to the man'..... people on this forum are smart. So I let you figure out the reality as its pretty black and white at this point.

I think it is time that Pakistan works with the US and forms a partnership (along with India, China and Russia). Focus on trade and creating and selling products to these countries, students exchange and in doing things that REALLY help the common Pakistani. Not people sitting in multi-million dollar mansions!!

Btw, I am impressed with folks at CentCom. They should've done these things before. The Pakistani political layer between the US and the average Pakistani STOPS the flow of positive US influence to the average Pakistani. They promote hate against the US so that they stay in power. I think it is great that the US is reaching out to the public directly. The US has been helping Pakistan since its creation. I think average Pakistani should at least appreciate some!!

Anyway, happy eid to everyone out there. May God bless us all and give peace, mutual respect and tolerance to everyone!

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