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Ultra Far Right Nationalism on the rise in Europe and Russia

South Asians of Pakistani Origin target underage White girls for sex

In the UK there’s a terrible problem of South Asian’s of Pakistani origin targeting underage female white children for sex.
Particularly children in the care system where they are most vulnerable.

The problem has been reported a few times but it gets silenced. But from the reports that have emerged, and the cases that have come to court, the most shocking aspect of this is not just about the racial dimension, but the fact that these children get passed around from man to man—not in the way a pedophile network might do this, where the pedophiles are all social outsiders who find eachother to share in their perversion. No….these Pakistani gangs pass these children through their *family* networks. Cousins, uncles, fathers, brothers, friends of the family.

From the perspective of inter-group attitudes, this makes it incalculably worse than ordinary pedophillia. Passing white children around for sex within a family and friends structure means that the concept of treating our children like meat is culturally normal and mainstream for them. They are pedophiles to our children but not their own children. They are pedophiles that treat our children like meat, and they don’t even see it as pedophilla because our children aren’t even qualified as children in their eyes.

The news media and politicians and courts won’t call it pedophillia and won’t talk about the awful implications that follow from a people who will do this to us and not even be ashamed of it within their own families and friends. They don’t call it pedophilia because it is so widespread and so roped into their mainstream, that they don’t want to ostracise the people responsible.

Our news media and our politicians are putting concerns for those pedophile criminals that treat our children like meat, actually ahead of children. It chokes me.

“‘No one wants to stand up and say that Pakistani guys in some parts of the country are recruiting young white girls and passing them around their relatives for sex, but we need to stop being worried about the racial complication.’”

Then in the next paragraph a confirmation of the fact our own media and police and politicians are avoiding calling these people pedophiles. Despite the fact the girls are underage, deliberately targeted, and the subject to the worst form of pedophilia which is to be passed around like meat.

“The offenders were not viewed as paedophiles but had picked the girls ‘because of their malleability’.”

I’m sorry, but if some guy views child pornography he’ll go to prison and be stigmatized for the rest of his life. But if a gang of Asian men go to a children’s home and rope children into drink and drugs before subjecfting them to abuse that will probably destroy their lives, this is not pedophilia according to the media. These men should be spared that stigma.

Here’s a BBC documentary (apparently available only in the U.K.) that came out a few days ago on the matter.
@ Aeronaut

Why were two of my posts deleted in this thread? I posted articles discussing a legitimate issue which is among many that has triggered the rise of Pan European Far Right Nationalism. I posted those articles just so other members here can understand why Europeans are sick of immigrants pouring into their countries, raping and molesting their women and children, implementing no go zones and shariah controlled zones, as well as wrecking havoc at will while leaching off the European tax money.
The legacy of UK’s Asian/Pakistani Muslim predators


ROCHDALE, England – She was lonely in the way only an adolescent girl can be: No friends, no boyfriend, not much of a relationship with her parents. So she felt special when a man decades older paid attention to her, bought her trinkets, gave her free booze.

Then he took her to a dingy room above a kebab shop and said she had to give something back in return. His demands grew: Not just sex with him, but with his friends. It went on for years, until police charged nine men with running a sex ring with underage girls.

The story of Girl A, as she became known in court, is tragic by any measure, but it has also become explosive. Because there is no getting around it: The girls are white, and the men who used them as sex toys are Asian Muslims, mostly Pakistanis raised in Britain. And it's not just Rochdale -- roughly a dozen other cases of Asian Muslim men accused of grooming young white girls for sex are slowly moving to trial across northern England, involving up to several hundred girls in all.

In today's Britain, which prides itself on being a tolerant and integrated society, the case has stripped away the skin to expose the racial sores festering beneath. It is also feeding an already raw anger against the country's Asian Muslim minority, in a movement led by far right groups at a time when the economy is stalled.

"You can't get away from the race element," says prosecutor Nazir Afzal, a British Muslim with family roots in Pakistan who ended several years of official indifference to the girls' plight and finally brought the perpetrators to trial. "It's the elephant in the room."


From a distance, Rochdale looks like a picture-perfect English city, with the 800-year-old Parish Church of St. Chad perched high above the streets, and the Victorian Gothic Town Hall just below, its clock tower resembling the one that houses London's Big Ben.

Up close the flaws become clear. Like missing teeth in an otherwise sparkling smile, a fair number of downtown shops are boarded up, or have been turned into pawn shops or dueling "pound shops" where almost all items cost 1 pound ($1.60) or less.

The Pakistani community started to grow half a century ago, when the town's cottons mills were flourishing. The newcomers, most of them from poor rural villages, were drawn by the promise of steady jobs and a chance to educate their children in English schools.

A number of mosques became part of the skyline, particularly the showcase Golden Mosque, winner of several design awards. Today, Muslim men wearing beards and decorated caps and women in black robes and veils are a constant presence on the downtown streets.

Nearly 1 million Pakistanis live in England — far more than in any other European country — with about 25,000 settled in the greater Manchester area that includes Rochdale. The government's equality commission reports that more than half of the Pakistanis in Britain live in poverty, far more than the general population, with just under 75 percent having no formal savings.

They face hard times now. The closed shops are signs of a double-dip recession that has hit northern England harder than the more affluent south, which includes London, with its financial district and well-to-do suburbs.

The mills have long since closed; the local newspaper trumpets gloom and doom: A tripling in the number of homeless, a sharp rise in youth unemployment, more people seeking housing benefits.

Even the local McDonald's, long a fixture in the town center, has moved out.

It was in this environment that Girl A lost control one summer night in 2008.

After drinking heavily, the 15-year-old went to the kebab shop in nearby Heywood where she had first met her "boyfriend." She started screaming and busting the place up. When police were called, she told them she had been raped -- repeatedly -- and offered up her semen-stained underwear as proof.

Greater Manchester Police detectives concluded the girl, who was below the age of consent, was telling the truth, but Crown Prosecution Service lawyers recommended against pressing criminal charges, reasoning that the jury might not believe a troubled, hard-drinking, sexually active young girl. The case was quietly dropped after an 11-month inquiry.

The abuse intensified. The ring of predators grew; the circle of victims widened. Eventually there would be at least 47 victims or witnesses.

The girl was driven around at night, forced to have sex with more and more men, sometimes up to five a day, in cars or restaurant backrooms or grubby apartments. The men threatened her if she complained. There seemed to be no escape.

She was trapped in a secret world of sex acts that took place late at night when most people in Rochdale were safely tucked away in their homes.


The Rochdale men do not fit the classic profile for sex offenders in Britain -- the majority of pedophilia crimes are committed by white men who target boys and girls via the Internet. However, there is a consensus among prosecutors, police, social workers and leading national politicians that "street grooming," which happened in Rochdale, is largely dominated by Asian men.

Ella Cockbain, a University College of London crime science specialist, says research shows that mostly Asian men make up the big groups of offenders who work together. She chooses her words carefully because the sample size is small and the topic sensitive.

"There are definite patterns emerging that would be foolish to ignore," she says.

Mohammed Shafiq, a British Pakistani who directs the Ramadhan Foundation in Rochdale, has angered some in his own community by suggesting that police at first did not pursue the case aggressively for fear of appearing racist because of an obsession "with the doctrine of political correctness."

Shafiq says that a "tiny minority" of Pakistani men feel white girls are worthless and immoral — and can be abused with impunity. (note, he said "tiny minority" out of fear of angering his fellow Pakistanis, but in reality its a good portion of Pakistanis who think in such a disgusting manner).

"They know if they took someone from the Asian community, it pretty quickly is going to be found out," he says. "But those white girls are available, so they think they can get away with it."

The men in the Rochdale sex ring were remarkable only in their ordinariness. They were part of British life, but on the fringes — the sort of people most Britons don't really notice when they pass them on the street.

Many were taxi drivers, accustomed to working all-night shifts with long down time between fares, and they frequented the late-night kebab takeout shops offering familiar lamb, chicken and falafel dishes. Their cab stands and the kebab shops were often the only businesses that remained open after the bars closed.

Most of the men were first or second generation Pakistanis raised mainly in Britain. Only one had faced previous sex charges: Ringleader Shabir Ahmed, at 59 the oldest in the group, who was accused of repeatedly raping a young girl in a separate case. Ahmed, known to the girls as "Daddy," was convicted of 30 counts of rape in that case last week.

Some of the men had families and small businesses. The ring included Abdul Rauf, 43, who would later claim to have experience as a Muslim preacher, which local Islamic leaders dismiss as a total fabrication. A few had ongoing contacts with local politicians.

The men were neither affluent nor dirt poor. They lived outwardly stable lives but had few obvious prospects for advancement.

They were finally brought to justice after health workers reported a large increase in the number of underage girls in the Rochdale area claiming to have suffered sexual abuse. The next year, Afzal, the new regional chief of the Crown Prosecution Service, reversed the earlier decision by prosecutors and decided to press the case in court, with Girl A at its core.

"It was a no-brainer," Afzal told the Associated Press. "She was immensely credible. And the police now had evidence of a wide network."

Eleven men were charged with offenses ranging from rape to conspiracy, and police suspect more were involved. The men had such psychological power over the girls that even during the trial, one girl talked of a defendant as her boyfriend.

Parliament has launched an inquiry based in part on reports that the abuse is far more widespread than originally thought. Afzal said his office is handling roughly a dozen other similar cases, including one that involves 13 men accused of operating a sex ring with 24 girls.

Afzal says that as a Muslim he is sickened by the crimes.

"Rape and alcohol and abuse are not part of Islam," he says. "Just because they have a beard and go to the mosque doesn't make them good Muslims."


As the Rochdale trial reached court, the issue of race and religion burst into the open.

One far-right protester carried a sign making reference to the meat favored by many observant Muslims because it meets strict religious guidelines. "Our girls are not Halal meat," the sign read.

Inside the court, Ahmed, a key defendant, fought back hard. He accused the all-white jury of racism. He accused one girl of thinking whites were superior, and denigrated them all as greedy money seekers. And he accused white society of neglecting its girls and tolerating, even encouraging, bad behavior.

"You white people train them in sex and drinking, so when they come to us they are fully trained," he said.

The jury found nine men guilty and set two free. Judge Gerald Clifton articulated what many felt but were reluctant to say out loud when he accused the men of treating white girls as worthless because "they were not of your community or religion." Then he sentenced them to a total of 77 years in prison.

The May verdict further polarized Rochdale. Pakistanis were horrified at the stigma on their community and enraged that the men claimed to be Muslim.

"They are playing the Muslim card, pretending they are good Muslims, but they are not," says Irfan Chishti, who runs an educational program at one of the town's mosques. "This was a great sin under Islam. If Sharia law was in place, the punishment would be very severe."

Even while he and other leaders of the Rochdale Council of Mosques were discussing the case, about 40 protesters from the far-right British National Party held an unauthorized rally on the nearby Town Hall steps. The far right has seized on the case, claiming that some British Pakistanis follow a code they believe is practiced in parts of the Islamic world that allows men to have sex with girls under 16.

Louis Kushnick, founder of the race relations resource center at the University of Manchester, said it has become convenient for white residents — including those beyond the far-right movement — to blame Muslims for the sex crimes.

"You hear people talking about this, and it becomes tied to Islam," he says. "People say they are Muslim men, they see women as inferior, they have contempt for white women, so it has nothing to do with the rest of us."

That view overlooks all the problems that left the girls vulnerable in the first place, he says, citing a deficient school system and a government-backed child care regime riddled with neglect and abuse. And he says the prolonged economic downturn has intensified resentments, with whites and Asians competing for the same "crap" jobs.

"Blaming the Muslims lets us avoid addressing these questions," he says. "Once we blame 'The Other,' we think we have an explanation that makes sense."

Many in Rochdale are wary about discussing the case. Graduate student Heather Eyre, 25, says the trial has badly divided the city.

"It shouldn't have mattered that they are Pakistani," she says of the abusers. "But it's stirred up hatred. Some say they should be deported, and some parts of the Asian community say the jury was racist. Then the far-right groups came in...this case has been good for the English Defense League."


The girl who first told police about the abuse, now a young woman of 19, has moved out of the area. In a brief pooled interview before she withdrew from the public eye, she refused to call the crimes against her racial in nature, but said she was shocked Muslims would commit such acts.

She said that in 2008, when the grooming began, there was no awareness of this type of crime involving Asian men and white girls.

"Now it's going on everywhere," she said. "You think of Muslim men as religious and family-minded and just nice people. You don't think...I don't know...You just don't think they'd do things like that."

When the abuse started, she said, she felt anger and shame, then became resigned and, finally, numb.

"After a while it had been going for so long and so many different men that it became like I didn't feel anything towards it anymore," she said. "It just weren't me anymore. It just became something I had to do....Once you're in it, you're trapped. I just think what they did to me was evil."

Read more: UK underage sex ring sparks racial tensions | Fox News
Immigration issues exist in Saudi Arabia as well. In the past many people came here on the Umrah visa & managed to overstay their visit. Those people are generally deported as soon as they are discovered. Of course such incidents have reduced here these days due to stricter regulations, & the fact that the pilgrim's passport is kept by the agency organizing the pilgrimage. Jobs for the locals were a growing concern here too, & this concern was dealt with as soon as possible to avoid further dissent. The solution is called the Nitaqat System. You can read more about it here. To put it simply, this system monitors the percentage of locals employed by various private companies. Based on this evaluation, companies will end up getting classified in one of four categories. Those private companies that end up getting ranked in the two lower categories are subject to losing many valuable services from the Ministry of Labor, whereas; those ranked in the upper two categories would enjoy greater benefits & services. So why can't European countries come up with a similar solution? Is it because of some stupid interpretation of human rights? Clearly the indigenous population of a land deserves to have greater rights & privileges than immigrants.

As for barbaric uncivilized immigrants, why don't they do what Israel did? Deport them & not give a crap about what the world says or what some stupid human rights organization with some crummy statistics trying to prove minorities are innocent says? Honestly, out of all the places I have ever visited & out of everyone I have ever spoken to about this subject, no one ever liked African immigrants. In fact, I even know British Pakistanis who think African immigrants are nothing but trouble makers. :lol: As for North Africans; besides Egypt & Morocco, there is some truth to the fact that they are kind of uncivilized. They won't dare cause trouble in their own societies just as they don't dare mess around in Saudi Arabia or other G.C.C countries, but in Europe; freedom goes through their heads. The solution is simple; break in to the rapists' homes, tie them up & rape their cute little Muslim Arab virgin women in front of them. After that, they should decapitate the weak & enslave anyone strong enough to do manual labor. :rofl: That is the best revenge, anyone that assaults your women should be destroyed. I understand the media might start crying about Islamophobia, the reactions on this forum would be incredibly hilarious too. Pakistanis might grow their ugly beards longer than usual while chanting "death to the Western world" & burning down public property in their own land. After that, they are probably going to yell some crap about the unity of the Muslim Ummah & their foolish desires for some crappy caliphate. :rofl:

Why on Earth does the law enforcement care about accusations of racism? I was honestly surprised by that. If members of a certain race are involved in a specific crime more than members of other races, why is it an issue if the police is more cautious of that race? A degree of racial profiling is pretty much natural is law enforcement agencies all over the world. In fact, it's simply a part of human nature. If an ethnicity is known for committing crimes, people should be ready to guard themselves against any potential attacker. Or does society expect people to foolishly reject all stereotypes & generalizations & risk getting robbed or assaulted? That's simply ridiculous. Furthermore; why is any indigenous European afraid of being called a racist for desiring to protect his or her country's racial, religious, cultural, & linguistic identity? It is their right to do so on their own damn land. Middle Easterners preserve their heritage in their own countries & no one calls them racist for doing so because there is nothing racist about it at all. In fact, I don't think anyone here even cares about being called a racist. People here would probably roll on the floor & laugh at such a stupid accusation. :lol: I know some of the stuff I said sounded harsh or too cruel, & I guess I was a bit angry after reading these articles, but I stand by my words.

Great post bro, you nailed it to the point. The problem in the West is "political correctness", in other words a sense of collective guilt, or rather punishment, has been put upon /instilled within the White population of these countries. If a black/non-white rapes, abuses, or even murders a White person the crime is not labeled a "racist crime", its just ignored in most cases. However in very few cases when a White person does commit crime against non-Whites, the Zionist controlled media outlets jump the gun and broadcast non-stop how it was a "racially motivated crime" and how the White people are evil racist people, etc...

This policy of "multiculturalism" is being forced down the throats of the White people. They are intentionally being made minorities in their own countries and thus wiped out.

This video will give you a hint as to who is playing an active role in this:

If White people don't accept non-White in their countries= They are Racist intolerant people

Meanwhile Arabs and Israelis treat migrants in their country like sh!t in most cases. But that's completely alright.
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Israel to deport 60,000 African immigrants from its soil

Israel to save 'Jewish Character of the State' by mass deporting African immigrants

African migrants in Israel face angry backlash, deportations

Israeli Kristallnacht: Africans attacked in Tel Aviv anti-migrant demo (PHOTOS)

Kristallnacht in Israel: Thugs Attack African Immigrants

Israelis violently attack African immigrants in Anti-immigrant rally

If a European nation were to do this, it'd be labeled a "Apartheid" racist state. However since Zionists control the major banks, corporations, and media thus this incident of israel's racial violence and discrimination against black Africans is hidden from the mainstream media and not brought up in the UN, and instead its overlooked.
^^^ Ok, but Israel's wrong doesn't justify Europe's rabid right. Most of the posts in this thread are just plain Islamophobic, anti-Asian or Pakistani articles which in all probability were downloaded from one of those freak right wing sites on the internet.
Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden and rest of Europe


By Fjordman

Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year’s Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden’s largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as “two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia”, a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas.

According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad, compared to persons born in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. According to these statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are immigrants. In Norway and Denmark, we know that non-Western immigrants, which frequently means Muslims, are grossly overrepresented on rape statistics. In Oslo, Norway, immigrants were involved in two out of three rape charges in 2001. The numbers in Denmark were the same, and even higher in the city of Copenhagen with three out of four rape charges. Sweden has a larger immigrant, including Muslim, population than any other country in northern Europe. The numbers there are likely to be at least as bad as with its Scandinavian neighbors. The actual number is thus probably even higher than what the authorities are reporting now, as it doesn’t include second generation immigrants. Lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm, who has investigated violent crimes in Svea high court, found that 85 per cent of the convicted rapists were born on foreign soil or by foreign parents.

A group of Swedish teenage girls has designed a belt that requires two hands to remove and which they hope will deter would-be rapists. “It’s like a reverse chastity belt,” one of the creators, 19-year-old Nadja Björk, told AFP, meaning that the wearer is in control, instead of being controlled. Björk and one of her partners now plan to start a business to mass produce the belts and are currently in negotiations with potential partners. “But I’m not doing this for the money,” she said. “I’m really passionate about stopping rape. I think it’s terrible.” In an online readers’ poll from the newspaper Aftonbladet, 82% of the women expressed fear to go outside after dark. There are reports of rapes happening in broad daylight. 30 guests in a Swedish public bath watched as 17 girl was raped recently, and nobody did anything. The girl was first approached by 16-year-old boy. He and his friends followed her as she walked away to the grotto, and inside the grotto he got her blocked in the corner, ripped off her bikini and raped her, while his friend held her firm.

There are even reports of Swedish girls being attacked and cut with knives on the dance floor. A 21-year-old man who came to Sweden a couple of years ago admits that he has a low opinion of Swedish females –or “******” as he calls them. He is now prosecuted, suspecteded of cutting eight girls in several pubs. He is also charged with raping a girl at a private party, and with sexually harassing another girl in the apartment. Several witnesses claim that the 21 year old has said that he hates Swedish women.

Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking for rape.” Apparently, he’s not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne – this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish *****…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.”
Anger at austerity, immigration feeds far right's rise in Europe


(CNN) -- Two European elections, in France and Greece, have thrust the radical fringe into the spotlight.

In Greece, voters disillusioned by a brutal austerity program pushed through by the two mainstream parties have turned instead to parties on the far left and far right.

As a result, a leftist coalition opposed to austerity is seeking to form a government, and Golden Dawn -- an ultranationalist party linked to street violence and neo-Nazism -- stands to claim around 20 seats in the new parliament.

France saw a swing to the left in Sunday's runoff, with Socialist François Hollande ousting center-right incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy from the Élysée Palace.

But the strong showing by far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen in the first round of the presidential election undoubtedly played into campaigning, with both candidates reaching out to the 6.5 million voters who backed her. Each pledged to crack down on illegal immigration, though Sarkozy went further in promising to cut the number of legal migrants by half in the next five years.

Two very different outcomes, but with a common thread: the efforts of extremist parties to win support by plugging into popular discontent over the financial crisis, against the backdrop of a wider social unease and anti-immigrant sentiment.

Across Europe, anger at a perceived mismanagement of the economic crisis, and accompanying high unemployment, low growth and painful cuts, has seen a string of governments fall, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Romania and Italy are among them as well as the Netherlands, where the refusal of the far-right Freedom Party to back austerity measures led the government to collapse last month.

The current turbulence of Europe's politics may lead to more uncomfortable alliances in the future -- although such attempts can also backfire.

Keen to swing France's sizable far-right bloc behind him, Sarkozy vowed to keep an open ear to the concerns of the National Front, even as he ruled out any formal pact with the party.

"I refuse to demonize the men and women who in voting for Marine Le Pen expressed a crisis vote, a vote of anger, a vote of suffering and a vote of despair," he said on French radio. "I have to take their message into account, I have to listen to them, I have to hear them and not hold my nose."

But many critics perceived him as lurching far to the right on issues such as immigration.

Announcing his decision to back Hollande, centrist François Bayrou, who took 9% of the vote in the first round, said he could not support Sarkozy because the views he now espoused were incompatible with his party's values.

Even so, will the region's economic insecurity translate into greater gains for the far right?

Europe's far-right parties are definitely seeing a resurgence, according to Matthew Feldman, director of the Radicalism and New Media Research Group at the University of Northampton, but the trend is not universal and the austerity crisis is only one part of the picture.

He said the far-right movement has been gaining ground for years, thanks partly to efforts to revamp its previously overtly racist and fascist image.

This doesn't mean that those racist or Nazi-sympathizing elements don't still exist within different countries' far-right groups, he said, but those at the top have often learned to present a more acceptable public face.

Instead of open racial attacks, they play up a threat to national identity and criticize multiculturalism, particularly as it relates to Islam, Feldman said.

On the campaign trail, National Front leader Le Pen called for France to leave the eurozone and restore its currency, the franc, as well as criticizing its political integration into the European Union.

But her rhetoric also drew on an anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiment that has deep roots in France and elsewhere. That discourse was likely also a factor in Sarkozy turning the labeling of halal meat into an election issue and his comments that there are "too many foreigners" in France.

The more research he does, Feldman said, the more it seems that "the lowest common denominator of this entire far-right narrative is that Islam is barbaric and a threat to European stability and peace."

A report by rights group Amnesty International last month highlighted the issue, saying Muslims in Europe face discrimination in education, employment and religious freedom.

Feldman draws a parallel with the anti-Semitism of the 20th century and earlier.

"We are still seeing 'Europe for the Europeans,' and that's something we could have seen 80 years ago," he said. "History doesn't give us perfect examples of replaying the past, but I think there's a lesson to take away.

"In times of uncertainty and great change, finding scapegoats has always been a populist vote winner, and the scapegoat in this century is Muslims in Europe."

Michael Minkenberg, a professor of political science at Germany's European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) who has also taught at New York, Cornell and Columbia universities, said he sees concern over immigration, law and order "and the feeling that things aren't what they used to be any more" as being at the heart of support for Europe's radical right.

Euroscepticism, as resistance to greater European political integration is known, is also on the increase, he said, and "there's this anxiety about what will happen, a growing complexity and not much reassurance from either national governments or the European Union."

Coupled with a mistrust of the political elite, this has also led to a swell of support for the far right in Austria, Belgium and Scandinavian countries, Minkenberg said, while in Hungary, the far-right Jobbik party won a significant chunk of the vote in 2010.

Despite that trend, analysts caution against drawing sweeping conclusions from the far right's gains in France and Greece.

The National Front has been well-entrenched in France's political life for decades under Jean-Marie Le Pen before his daughter Marine took charge last year, said Thomas Klau of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

As such, its achievement in taking a fifth of the votes in the first round of voting, while notable, did not indicate a sudden rise to prominence for the far right, he said.

Hollande told the daily Liberation newspaper ahead of the runoff that he saw the strong showing for the National Front as an expression of people's "social anger" rather than a firm adherence to the party's more extremist views. It revealed a discontent particularly in rural areas and among working-class voters, he said, with many feeling abandoned by the government.

Perhaps reflecting that disillusionment, 2 million French voters deliberately spoiled their ballot papers after Marine Le Pen said that was what she would do.

Nonetheless, Klau argues that a feature of recent ballots in Europe has been the readiness of voters to change their governments without turning to the political extremes, as seen in Spain's election in November.

"Voters have been single-minded across the eurozone in terms of expressing their dissatisfaction at how the crisis has been run by the government in charge, whatever their political hue," he said. "But at the same time, they have sufficient confidence in their own political system to replace their governments with the mainstream political opposition."

In Britain, local elections last week saw big losses for the coalition government of the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, blamed for unpopular austerity measures.

But there was no accompanying swing to the radical fringe, Feldman said. The far-right British National Party in fact lost all six of the seats it was defending in local councils and failed to win any new ones. The opposition center-left Labour Party was the main beneficiary of the coalition's losses.

In the Netherlands, Klau said the impact of Dutch politician Geert Wilders' decision to withdraw his Freedom Party's support for the government, triggering its collapse, would have only a temporary destabilizing effect.

The economy will be central to the election of a new government, with elections due in September, but the far right does not attract the same level of support as in France.

Wilders, who wants a referendum on the euro, preferred to exit the coalition than lose political credibility by backing the painful cuts demanded by Europe, said Kostas Gemenis at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

Those demands from Europe are also at the heart of Greece's political turmoil as voters in the heavily indebted nation revolt against the harsh budget-cutting medicine doled out by the European Union and International Monetary Fund.

The success of Golden Dawn, with its unprecedented 7% share of the vote, is a manifestation of what could be described as economic meltdown, Feldman said.

But at the same time, he said, "7% is too much, but it's not 27% or 37%. I'm not sure now is the time to panic about the rise of the far right. Golden Dawn is not something that is replicable across Europe."

And while Golden Dawn gained strength, another far-right party, LAOS, lost its small presence in the 300-seat parliament as voters punished it for its support for Greece's austerity program, Gemenis pointed out.

Gemenis said the profile of the Golden Dawn voter -- revealed through the Choose4Greece website he jointly set up to help voters work out their political affiliation amid a welter of parties -- was typically male, aged under 50 and from a lower educational background.

Some 45% of those who said they intended to vote for Golden Dawn this time around had backed one of the two mainstream parties, PASOK and New Democracy, in 2009, while a fifth had backed LAOS, Gemenis said.

If the far-left Syriza group fails to form a workable coalition, it seems likely a new Greek election will be called next month.

But whether this will mean further gains for Golden Dawn is hard to predict, Gemenis said.

"The framing of the issue by the media might play a role, but it is impossible to say what will be the consequences of the media attacking the far right versus tacitly ignoring it," he said, referring to the approach taken by Greek media so far.

So, does the far right present a broader threat to European freedoms?

How extreme the anti-immigration debate becomes depends very much on the individual country, Minkenberg said.

Farther east, a different strand of far-right thinking dominates in countries such as Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, he said. There, far-right groups poll around 10% but tend to be more nationalistic in tone, he said, with anti-Semitism and anti-Roma views seen as more legitimate than elsewhere in Europe.

Feldman highlights the far right's recent apparent moves to establish a pan-European cultural movement that has Islam in its sights as the biggest risk.

Far-right groups from Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Germany and Eastern Europe gathered last month in the Danish city of Aarhus for what they said was a rally to make their governments aware of the threat of Islamic extremism.

Although it was dwarfed by a left-wing counterdemonstration, the protest was significant as an attempt by the far-right groups to create a common trajectory, he said. Less clear is how much traction their extreme views can gain.

"It's clear that a large minority across Europe isn't comfortable with these things -- demographic change and multiculturalism," Feldman said. "But what the far right offers is not something that many can accept."
Desert Fox, make sure your sources are not from Islamophobic websites spreading blind hatred against Muslims, they will be dealt with accordingly.

The German Village Where the Neo-Nazis Rule


A vaillage sign at the entrance to Jamel bearing the far-right slogan "Free, Social, National." Jamel is an example of the far-right

Hitler salutes in the street and firing practice in the forest: Neo-Nazis have taken over an entire village in Germany, and authorities appear to have given up efforts to combat the problem. The place has come to symbolize the far right's growing influence in parts of the former communist east.

Horst and Birgit Lohmeyer have been working on their life's dream for six years, renovating a house in the woods near Jamel, a tiny village near Wismar in the far northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Birgit Lohmeyer writes crime novels, her husband is a musician, and both try to pretend everything is normal here in Jamel.

It wasn't easy to find their new home. The Lohmeyers spent months driving out to the countryside every weekend, heading east from where they lived in Hamburg, but most of the houses they saw were too expensive. Then they came across the inexpensive red brick farmhouse in Jamel. Slightly run-down, but not far from the Baltic Sea, the house sits surrounded by lime and maple trees, near a lake.

The Lohmeyers knew that a notorious neo-Nazi lived nearby -- Sven Krüger, a demolition contractor and high-level member of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD). What the Lohmeyers didn't know was that other neighbors felt terrorized by Krüger. He and his associates were in the process of buying up the entire village.

Jamel is an example of the far-right problem that has plagued Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for years. The rural region, once part of communist East Germany, has a poor reputation in this regard -- the NPD, which glorifies the Third Reich, has been in the state parliament since 2006 and neo-Nazi crimes are part of daily life. In recent months, a series of attacks against politicians from all the democratic parties has shaken the state. Sometimes hardly a week goes by without an attack on another electoral district office, with paint bombs, right-wing graffiti and broken windows.

Norbert Nieszery, leader of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the state parliament, calls it an "early form of terror." Nieszery's own office windows have been smashed twice. State Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) says he has registered a "new level" of right-wing extremist violence. He believes the NPD is trying to raise its profile through aggressive behavior ahead of the state parliament election in September. One local mayor requested police protection after receiving repeated right-wing threats. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany's domestic intelligence agency, has warned that the NPD is becoming increasingly influential in local municipalities and that the neo-Nazis are trying to entrench themselves in daily life.

Mounting Concern About Far-Right Influence

Nowhere have they succeeded as well as in Jamel. If the right-wing extremists left, the village would be empty. Jamel is no longer just a problem at the regional or federal state level -- even Berlin is growing concerned about the situation.

SPD member Wolfgang Thierse, vice president of Germany's federal parliament, the Bundestag, visited the village a few months ago. He spent half an hour in the Lohmeyers' living room and promised to support them in their fight against the neo-Nazis. So far, nothing has changed. Jamel has come to symbolize the fact that there are places in Germany where right-wing extremists can do virtually whatever they want.

When the Lohmeyers moved here in 2004, they started to fix up their country house and to make contact with the neighbors -- although not with the neo-Nazi Krüger. They were sure right-wing extremists wouldn't be the only people in Jamel.

Only gradually did they realize just where they had ended up. Plaster crumbled from many of the houses in the village and one roof had collapsed completely. Beer bottles, car tires and gas canisters were littered behind the bus stop. There were metal fences surrounding some properties and attack dogs strained against their chains in the front yards. No one bothered to remove the swastika scribbled on the sign at the entrance to the village.

Children Giving Hitler Salute

There were young men with shaved heads and army trousers in the village and Nazi rock music could be heard from across the fields on the weekends. Shots sounded from the woods, where the neo-Nazis practiced their shooting -- police later found bullet casings in trenches there. When the Lohmeyers walked through the village, children raised their hands in the Nazi salute.

Krüger has shaped the village. He grew up here, with a father who was known as a right-wing radical and who used to make his son salute each morning in the snow. Young Krüger was an outsider at school, an acquaintance remembers, and didn't find friends until he joined the skinhead scene. As a young man, he incited right-wing thugs to attack a campsite and spent time in pre-trial detention on suspicion of burglary. Still, for a long time, the Krügers were the only neo-Nazis in the village.

"Now," says Horst Lohmeyer, "they see Jamel as a 'nationally liberated zone'" -- a neo-Nazi term for places foreigners and those of foreign descent must fear to tread. The extremists took over the village in just a few years. They now own seven of the 10 houses and have driven out anyone who couldn't come to terms with them. They battered down doors and broke windows, slashed tires, flew the German imperial war flag and celebrated Hitler's birthday. In the 1990s, they stuck dead chickens on one family's garden fence with the warning, "We'll smoke you out."

The village emptied and Krüger encouraged his right-wing friends to buy the available houses. Few others dared to venture into Jamel anymore. Neo-Nazis greeted one couple that wanted to move there with "Piss off" -- and the couple's house burned down shortly before they planned to move in. One new property owner dared to set foot in the village only accompanied by police.

The Lohmeyers have made it their life's work not to let themselves be driven out of Jamel. Each year, they host a rock festival on a field behind their house. Governor Erwin Sellering of the SPD has been patron of the festival since 2009. Police fence in the area and guard the entrance, and in past years, things remained largely calm.

Help is Far Away

This summer, though, neo-Nazis jumped over the fence, yelling slurs and attacking concertgoers. Police stepped in and stopped the troublemakers. But police can't always protect the Lohmeyers -- the nearest station is 12 kilometers away.

Horst Lohmeyer sits in his kitchen, bent over a map, and runs his finger along the roads and through the towns -- Gressow, Neu Degtow, Grevesmühlen. It takes a quarter of an hour to reach the nearest police station. When Krüger got married this summer, the village was inundated with several hundred right-wing extremists from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, including a number of high-ranking NPD politicians such as Stefan Köster, NPD party head for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Jamel has become a right-wing pilgrimage site -- they come from all over Europe to see the village where neo-Nazis call the shots. They celebrated Krüger's wedding until late in the night, with nationalist rock music and fireworks. The Lohmeyers lay awake in bed, frozen with fear.

Mayor Uwe Wandel is helpless in the face of the right-wing movement in his community. He sounds bitter when he talks about Jamel. "The police, the authorities, no one dares to intervene," he says. "The Nazis are laughing in our faces." Wandel says he has repeatedly asked the state government for help. The interior minister and a parliamentary delegation came by one time, he adds. "They stayed for 20 minutes, expressed concern -- then they left again."

No One Responsible

Jamel has become a lawless place, Wandel complains, and the authorities don't take decisive enough action against the right-wing extremists. He says Krüger is allowed to dump demolition waste and burn trash in the village with impunity. The head of the department of public order in nearby Grevesmühlen says higher-level officials at the district level need to tackle the problem. They in turn say the local authority is responsible for Jamel.

Krüger, meanwhile, has much bigger plans. He has been a member of the district council for the NPD since 2009 and has bought parts of a concrete factory in Grevesmühlen, which he uses for his NPD office and his demolition company. The company logo shows the outline of a Star of David being smashed; the slogan is, "We do the dirty work." Barbed wire encloses the factory premises and dogs bark. A sign above the entrance reads, "Better dead than a slave." Krüger prefers not to comment on the accusations against him. All he says is, "Nothing that's written about me is true. I don't stand a chance against the system."

Krüger has hired new employees in the last few months. He gets contracts from fellow members of the far-right scene, but also from local businesses. Mayor Wandel says he's appalled by how far these right-wing structures now extend. "I'm afraid of a second, third, fourth Jamel," he says.

Neo-Nazis placed a boulder at the entrance to the village. A plaque attached to the rock reads, "Village of Jamel - free, social, national." Signs next to it point the way to Hitler's birthplace ("Braunau am Inn 855 km") and to the formerly German cities of Breslau (now Wroclaw in Poland) and Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). No one has removed the rock. "We've given up on Jamel," Wandel says.

Only the Lohmeyers are left.
Come again? Dont give me this "White genocide" bullshit. They will tell you how "muslims" and black people immigrate and have kids, or in some cases marry white women. So these guys have a problem with people sleeping with each other :lol:
So do the israelis:

Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract

These morons should be dragged to the street and shot like dogs, just to prove a point. Nazism should never be allowed at whatever cost.

Then you should start by doing the above (in red) to the Israelis first since their state is actively involved in forcefully deporting African and other non-Jewish israeli immigrants.
Great post bro, you nailed it to the point. The problem in the West is "political correctness", in other words a sense of collective guilt, or rather punishment, has been put upon /instilled within the White population of these countries. If a black/non-white rapes, abuses, or even murders a White person the crime is not labeled a "racist crime", its just ignored in most cases. However in very few cases when a White person does commit crime against non-Whites, the Zionist controlled media outlets jump the gun and broadcast non-stop how it was a "racially motivated crime" and how the White people are evil racist people, etc...

I never understood why they would feel guilty about pretty much anything? Slavery existed in Arabia for centuries, even after the arrival of Islam. Did you know that the slave traders that bought Prophet Joseph were Ishmaelite Arabs? Many people sugar coat slavery in the Arab world by stating that Islam gives slaves rights & other blah, blah, blah. :blah: The fact is that there is a difference between preaching something & practicing it. The conditions of some slaves did improve vastly, but many slaves were abused even in the Arab Islamic states, denying it is pointless.

Do you want to know what the "shuper, awshome, & amazingly kool" Arab physician that described the pulmonary circulation of blood called Ibn al-Nafis thought of blacks?

According to Wikipedia:

Al-Dimashqi (Ibn al-Nafis), the Arab polymath, also described the inhabitants of Sudan (region) and the Zanj coast, among others, as being of "dim" intelligence and that:

...the moral characteristics found in their mentality are close to the instinctive characteristics found naturally in animals.

—Andrew Reid and Paul J. Lane, African Historical Archaeologies

The source for that quote is a book mentioned in the quote itself. Anyway, after all that; no one here feels guilty at all about slavery. People need to be proud of whatever their ancestors did even if they disagree with them, that might help this diminish this feeling of guilt. The sames goes for colonialism, what exactly is wrong with getting resources out of other people's land? If the locals have a problem with it; they should fight, if not; accept their defeat & humiliation. It's their fault they couldn't defend themselves anyway. Ownership of land was different back then in comparison to the modern concept of the nation state. The conqueror owns the land, the conquered lose it. Why don't white people protest against false accusations of hate crimes? I am sure some media outlets would provide them coverage, it's better than simply staying silent.

This policy of "multiculturalism" is being forced down the throats of the White people. They are intentionally being made minorities in their own countries and thus wiped out.

This video will give you a hint as to who is playing an active role in this:

Here is an unwritten rule; you should never trust anyone you ever had trouble with in the past. The fact that some Jewish families have so much influence in a land that isn't their own should be alarming to the locals. The Jews view themselves as foreigners in Europe; including those that are mixed with the locals. They obviously do not care for the people on whose land they live, is it any wonder that they would promote immorality & values that reject nationalism? Multiculturalism can only flourish if nationalistic feelings are rejected.

By the way, what threat does Europe face without multiculturalism? As I recall from my history classes; many civilizations flourished in Europe without the help of foreigners. Does anyone want me to compare ancient Rome with the best of what Asia & Africa had to offer? Romulus might feel insulted if I compared Roma to Mohenjo-daro. :lol:

If White people don't accept non-White in their countries= They are Racist intolerant people

Meanwhile Arabs and Israelis treat migrants in their country like sh!t in most cases. But that's completely alright.

I agree, there are people in G.C.C countries that think that if Arabia must accept immigrants, it should be none other than Arab immigrants. You might even come across people that are against all forms of immigration, but as usual; there are those that don't care about immigration at all.


Wow, do they really go to such lengths to protect God's chosen women from f!lthy, barbaric, evil Gentiles God rejected? :lol: Israel is so close to Arabia geographically, but I never got to try God's chosen women right out of the holy land. We do have Palestinian women here though, but they weren't chosen by anyone; not even Satan. :cry:
Nazi Torch March returns in Germany

Far Right Torch march in Italy:

Neo-Nazi torch march Ukraine

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I never understood why they would feel guilty about pretty much anything? Slavery existed in Arabia for centuries, even after the arrival of Islam. Did you know that the slave traders that bought Prophet Joseph were Ishmaelite Arabs? Many people sugar coat slavery in the Arab world by stating that Islam gives slaves rights & other blah, blah, blah. :blah: The fact is that there is a difference between preaching something & practicing it. The conditions of some slaves did improve vastly, but many slaves were abused even in the Arab Islamic states, denying it is pointless.
Slavery in the West ended centuries before slavery was "officially" abolished Islamic countries.

Slavery in the US ended in 1865 (slavery in Saudi Arabia ended in 1970's), meanwhile Arabs of Arabia continued to buy and sell African slaves and to this day continue to do so, but again that is not highlighted by the media, which you already know is run by whom.

Also, the African slave trade had a lot of Jewish involvement, in fact they were the ones running the trade, Europeans were just the buyers.

Do you want to know what the "shuper, awshome, & amazingly kool" Arab physician that described the pulmonary circulation of blood called Ibn al-Nafis thought of blacks?

According to Wikipedia:
What he stated sound very bitter, but its the truth, and truth is always bitter than the lie.

The source for that quote is a book mentioned in the quote itself. Anyway, after all that; no one here feels guilty at all about slavery. People need to be proud of whatever their ancestors did even if they disagree with them, that might help this diminish this feeling of guilt. The sames goes for colonialism, what exactly is wrong with getting resources out of other people's land? If the locals have a problem with it; they should fight, if not; accept their defeat & humiliation. It's their fault they couldn't defend themselves anyway. Ownership of land was different back then in comparison to the modern concept of the nation state. The conqueror owns the land, the conquered lose it. Why don't white people protest against false accusations of hate crimes? I am sure some media outlets would provide them coverage, it's better than simply staying silent.
1). They don't own the media.

2). They don't own their own governments.

3). Their only method of spreading awareness is through social networking and websites.

Here is an unwritten rule; you should never trust anyone you ever had trouble with in the past. The fact that some Jewish families have so much influence in a land that isn't their own should be alarming to the locals. The Jews view themselves as foreigners in Europe; including those that are mixed with the locals. They obviously do not care for the people on whose land they live, is it any wonder that they would promote immorality & values that reject nationalism? Multiculturalism can only flourish if nationalistic feelings are rejected.

I agree, however there are locals who are just too blind to reality, its a very complex matter in fact, because there are Jews who don't necessarily subscribe to the goals of which these few people have set to achieve.

By the way, what threat does Europe face without multiculturalism? As I recall from my history classes; many civilizations flourished in Europe without the help of foreigners. Does anyone want me to compare ancient Rome with the best of what Asia & Africa had to offer? Romulus might feel insulted if I compared Roma to Mohenjo-daro. :lol:
True, i completely agree. Europe without all of these immigrants was advanced, people think these immigrants will bring something new when in fact most of the skills (in rare cases) these immigrants have are European in origin. Almost every invention is European in origin. What would society be without electricity, airplanes, telephones, computers, automobiles, trains, lightbulbs, etc.

I agree, there are people in G.C.C countries that think that if Arabia must accept immigrants, it should be none other than Arab immigrants. You might even come across people that are against all forms of immigration, but as usual; there are those that don't care about immigration at all.
Actually, it should if you ask me.


Wow, do they really go to such lengths to protect God's chosen women from f!lthy, barbaric, evil Gentiles God rejected? :lol: Israel is so close to Arabia geographically, but I never got to try God's chosen women right out of the holy land. We do have Palestinian women here though, but they weren't chosen by anyone; not even Satan. :cry:

In fact, they have set up a special harassment squad meant to harass any gentile seen walking with, even staring at a israel woman. And if you fight back you get locked up, and forget about any human rights violations or UN laws, those go straight in the trash bin when it comes to israel.
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