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Taiwanese Investors in China in Trouble

No 1 profession of the Chinese in the US?- restaurant servers per department of US labor. We already know they are way behind the Indians , in median income, education, personal finances

Just a heads-up, one does not earn over $65,000 by waiting tables. Of course, no one will fault you for not being able to realize such a simple fact, though if you think it's possible then by all means do try earning $65,000 by waiting tables and tell us how it goes :lol:

If you're so sure that Chinese-Americans have horrible education and shoddy personal finances, then post a chart so we can all see. Oh wait, you already did post a chart...but it shows the opposite of what you say :woot:

I can show pictures of Chinese attendants too... but charts don't lie. your own fellow Chinese have said here that the reason why you guys failed as an immigrant population is because they have dumb Chinese left in other countries... that means you too :lol:

You obviously didn't read the chart. The average household income for a Chinese-American is over $65,000 in median income, which is over $15,000 higher than the average American household income, is a failure? Now we know that for certain Indians it is definitely their ego at play, they view everyone who does not earn nearly as much as Indian-Americans as failures. Fail elitist mentality :tdown:

that's half of what china faces. Just that your country does not put those stats out! :lol: it still does not absolve you from being a failure in the US. Your own country men have called you dumb on these boards boy!

1) The way you say it, you seem very sure of the statistics yourself. Why don't you compile them and show it to us all, genius? Or, better yet, why not go do a comprehensive study, complete with a trip around all of China, and gather your own stats and data? Just so we understand you're not BSing like you usually are :lol:

But since it's you, it's reasonable to assume that 90% of your statistics are made up on the spot...see what I did there? :rofl:

2) Yes yes, we all know you see anyone earning anything less than then Indian-American average of $88,000 as a failure. -_-

3) Your own compatriots have also called you dumb...so what are you getting at exactly?
Just a heads-up, one does not earn over $65,000 by waiting tables. Of course, no one will fault you for not being able to realize such a simple fact, though if you think it's possible then by all means do try earning $65,000 by waiting tables and tell us how it goes :lol:

If you're so sure that Chinese-Americans have horrible education and shoddy personal finances, then post a chart so we can all see. Oh wait, you already did post a chart...but it shows the opposite of what you say :woot:

You obviously didn't read the chart. The average household income for a Chinese-American is over $65,000 in median income, which is over $15,000 higher than the average American household income, is a failure? Now we know that for certain Indians it is definitely their ego at play, they view everyone who does not earn nearly as much as Indian-Americans as failures. Fail elitist mentality :tdown:

1) The way you say it, you seem very sure of the statistics yourself. Why don't you compile them and show it to us all, genius? Or, better yet, why not go do a comprehensive study, complete with a trip around all of China, and gather your own stats and data? Just so we understand you're not BSing like you usually are :lol:

But since it's you, it's reasonable to assume that 90% of your statistics are made up on the spot...see what I did there? :rofl:

2) Yes yes, we all know you see anyone earning anything less than then Indian-American average of $88,000 as a failure. -_-

3) Your own compatriots have also called you dumb...so what are you getting at exactly?

This is why the Chinese themselves say that their dumb ones are left in the US. :rofl: My claim was compared to Indians ... and you go compare yourself to others. Furthermore, I never said all Chinese are wait staff, I said the no1 profession they hold ( industry), is of one of working in the restaurant service industry ..." servers"

my stats are based on similar findings of fudging the numbers. Heard on the Street: Lies, Damned Lies, and China's Economic Statistics - WSJ.com

Plus the facts like when Chinese Lied about NO SARS cases, when they lied about 100,000 killed in the earthquake claiming only 1000 did and the country that starved on purpose 30 million of it's citizens and kept that under wraps. Also that you don't have free media and shovel propaganda for their sheep. Where did you find, btw, Indians calling it's immigrant population idiots or eluded to them as one?
This is why the Chinese themselves say that their dumb ones are left in the US. :rofl: My claim was compared to Indians ... and you go compare yourself to others. Furthermore, I never said all Chinese are wait staff, I said the no1 profession they hold ( industry), is of one of working in the restaurant service industry ..." servers"

my stats are based on similar findings of fudging the numbers. Heard on the Street: Lies, Damned Lies, and China's Economic Statistics - WSJ.com

Plus the facts like when Chinese Lied about NO SARS cases, when they lied about 100,000 killed in the earthquake claiming only 1000 did and the country that starved on purpose 30 million of it's citizens and kept that under wraps. Also that you don't have free media and shovel propaganda for their sheep. Where did you find, btw, Indians calling it's immigrant population idiots or eluded to them as one?

1) Dumb + $65,000 annual income = something doesn't add up.
Besides, who are you to talk, you most likely do not earn that much or else you can hire a professional fact-checker (because let's face it, you obviously need one) :P

2) My comparison was for reality, while your comparison rests on the false notion that, because Indian-Americans earn average income of $88,000, therefore Chinese-Americans are failures. Read that line to yourself several times and realize how ridiculous it sounds.

3) Over here we have a stereotype, that Indians are either working at a convenience store like 7-11 or in an ice cream cart, but I don't believe that is true for the majority. Now you see why it is bad to make unsubstantiated claims and saying they are facts :no:

4) Your statement does nothing to disprove my reply that you view everyone who does not earn nearly as much as Indian-Americans as failures. Obviously you have a very distorted worldview of what success is and what failure is.

5) The WSJ article only talks about misrepresentation of economic numbers, although it's interesting to note that you're using that article as a prefix to fudge nearly every statistic you've given on China. But hey, don't let facts get in your way, you might not be able to comprehend it :cheesy:

6) 'The' earthquake? You're gonna have to be a lot more specific, a lot of earthquakes happen in China.

7) I can get my fix of 'free media' 24/7, but you know what, the 'free media' has not stopped you from putting out blatantly wrong information and misrepresenting them as facts (or putting information and drawing the opposite conclusion, as we saw with that chart) :laugh:

8) As for the other stuff the facts are already out, and hard numbers at that for some. Why start mud-slinging over semantics?

9) I have responded and refuted most points in that post from you, and the ones that I did not are issues that have already been used by 'certain individuals' to bash China to the point of ad nauseam. Too bad that you never joined the debate club back when you were in school or you might be able to argue on topic or pick up some new lines of attack.

I have no problem engaging in a thoughtful and substantive discussion, but that is clearly not your intention. I rest my case.
1) Dumb + $65,000 annual income = something doesn't add up.
Besides, who are you to talk, you most likely do not earn that much or else you can hire a professional fact-checker (because let's face it, you obviously need one) :P

again, no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

2) My comparison was for reality, while your comparison rests on the false notion that, because Indian-Americans earn average income of $88,000, therefore Chinese-Americans are failures. Read that line to yourself several times and realize how ridiculous it sounds.

again, no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

3) Over here we have a stereotype, that Indians are either working at a convenience store like 7-11 or in an ice cream cart, but I don't believe that is true for the majority. Now you see why it is bad to make unsubstantiated claims and saying they are facts :no:

stereo type is they work at 7-11 , but they own it too...never heard about ice cream carts, that's a new one. Claims made is made on past and current history and acts. It's not like your govt likes to put out stats about it's nation that puts it in any bad light.

While stats from the free world is what you guys like to use to taunt others about. We have this to go on China . If Saddam = gassed and murdered his people repeatedly, claim= he is a genocidal maniac of his people holds true. We apply that theory of factual behavior to judge you...

4) Your statement does nothing to disprove my reply that you view everyone who does not earn nearly as much as Indian-Americans as failures. Obviously you have a very distorted worldview of what success is and what failure is.

AGAIN- no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

5) The WSJ article only talks about misrepresentation of economic numbers, although it's interesting to note that you're using that article as a prefix to fudge nearly every statistic you've given on China. But hey, don't let facts get in your way, you might not be able to comprehend it :cheesy:

My claims of you guys fudging your numbers is on basis of facts of past history and current, not just the article- where to " put of a good face" your country and state media and leadership fudges, obfuscates and lies about stats and incidents for the " sheep " populace.

China accused of Sars cover-uphttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/apr/09/sars.china

6) 'The' earthquake? You're gonna have to be a lot more specific, a lot of earthquakes happen in China.

Not very tuned in with your own countries happenings I must say. There has only been one episode where 100,000 of your countrymen died in recent past ( 2 years). No small incident to not even know about it. I guess that is maybe why you guys dismiss and pass the history of 30 million people dying of forced starvation as a govt rule! as something of no concern?

7) I can get my fix of 'free media' 24/7, but you know what, the 'free media' has not stopped you from putting out blatantly wrong information and misrepresenting them as facts (or putting information and drawing the opposite conclusion, as we saw with that chart) :laugh:

Free media provides transparency. Free media is what also provides you protection against the govt. That's why you here, are you not? i.e such freedoms which you don't have back home. I drew no opposite conclusion based on free media. it was free media ( outside) that was lucky enough to get the truth out to the world in some of cases about China. Rest is drawn up on , too much of fudging reported and historical contexts.

8) As for the other stuff the facts are already out, and hard numbers at that for some. Why start mud-slinging over semantics?

Setting the record straight does not equate mud slinging. Mud slinging is what your boys do here...

9) I have responded and refuted most points in that post from you, and the ones that I did not are issues that have already been used by 'certain individuals' to bash China to the point of ad nauseam. Too bad that you never joined the debate club back when you were in school or you might be able to argue on topic or pick up some new lines of attack.

because you say so does not mean it is so...democracy I'm sure you have heard of it.

I have no problem engaging in a thoughtful and substantive discussion, but that is clearly not your intention. I rest my case.

I'd love substantive debates but I was not exactly debating the " substantive" crowd among your countrymen here
It is in China's best interest to see these Taiwanese businesses prosper.

If they don't, then Taiwan has every reason to break away engagements with China and just declare the Republic of Taiwan.
It is in China's best interest to see these Taiwanese businesses prosper.

If they don't, then Taiwan has every reason to break away engagements with China and just declare the Republic of Taiwan.

Why don't you just keep dreaming. We all know what happened to the previous leader who was trying to get independent for Taiwan. Not only did he failed to do that but is currently serving his term in prison due to corruption. You are gonna need all the miracle if you want to see Taiwan getting independence cos it ain't gonna happen.
Some Chinese dudes did him bad, real bad man, he can't get over it. He is now wandering and trolling the streets of PDF!!!!!
again, no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

again, no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

stereo type is they work at 7-11 , but they own it too...never heard about ice cream carts, that's a new one. Claims made is made on past and current history and acts. It's not like your govt likes to put out stats about it's nation that puts it in any bad light.

While stats from the free world is what you guys like to use to taunt others about. We have this to go on China . If Saddam = gassed and murdered his people repeatedly, claim= he is a genocidal maniac of his people holds true. We apply that theory of factual behavior to judge you...

AGAIN- no very smart of you when the premise and the subject header of my article was calling attention to one group doing the best among all immigrant groups. I did not invite the " we have dumb Chinese as immigrants left and the smart ones back home notion, your peeps did.

My claims of you guys fudging your numbers is on basis of facts of past history and current, not just the article- where to " put of a good face" your country and state media and leadership fudges, obfuscates and lies about stats and incidents for the " sheep " populace.

China accused of Sars cover-upChina accused of Sars cover-up | World news | guardian.co.uk

Not very tuned in with your own countries happenings I must say. There has only been one episode where 100,000 of your countrymen died in recent past ( 2 years). No small incident to not even know about it. I guess that is maybe why you guys dismiss and pass the history of 30 million people dying of forced starvation as a govt rule! as something of no concern?

Free media provides transparency. Free media is what also provides you protection against the govt. That's why you here, are you not? i.e such freedoms which you don't have back home. I drew no opposite conclusion based on free media. it was free media ( outside) that was lucky enough to get the truth out to the world in some of cases about China. Rest is drawn up on , too much of fudging reported and historical contexts.

Setting the record straight does not equate mud slinging. Mud slinging is what your boys do here...

I'd love substantive debates but I was not exactly debating the " substantive" crowd among your countrymen here

1) So...you admit that Chinese-Americans are successful then? Maybe now you'll stop passing off waiters, masseuses, and flight attendants as arguments...though it does make for exaggerated trivia :)

2) I speak for myself, no one else, and vice versa, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Your use of 'you guys' repeatedly as an argument against me is pretty flimsy amirite?

3) Do you, yourself, even understand what being 'factual' means?

4) Again, I speak for myself, no one else, and vice versa, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Your use of 'you guys' repeatedly as an argument against me is pretty flimsy...has that fact sunk in yet?

5) It is one thing for you to say that the stats and numbers are wrong, it is another thing to then make up numbers of your own on the spot. I can find a couple examples of you doing that in this thread alone...well you can always try to edit that part out of every post after reading this but the date's still gonna be on the bottom :rolleyes:

6) Refer to #5...where did you come up with that 100k+ dead figure for the Wenchuan earthquake?

7) You understand that Hong Kong has 'free media'...right? Or did the 'free media' inform you otherwise? Exactly what 'media' have you been getting your fix from?

8) Setting the record 'straight'? No, no, at this point your merely bashing and bringing in different arguments from all over the place. Your own credibility in your arguments were gone when you proceeded to make up numbers and figures of your own while saying China does the same thing.

9) Your beating of a dead horse repeatedly does not equate to a substantive debate :coffee:

10) What you don't seem to know is, I'm not defending any government or country here, or even anyone for that matter. I'm simply calling you out on your BS :lol:

because you say so does not mean it is so...democracy I'm sure you have heard of it.

Here's a good example of selective interpretation for you; this can be taken to mean that, you don't know how to refute the point but you still disagree with it so you want to agree to disagree :laugh:
Point is Indian lives are worth little,

white people don't even marry Indians, its very rare.

Indian lives are worth little because white people don't even marry Indians, its very rare. :woot:

Understanding that you rate the value life of a person based on them getting married to a Caucasian person :sick:

So assuming that you have no Caucasian parent or spouse, In your own words you have admitted your life is worth little :rofl:

Better bookmark this comment, as it takes the term "Inferiority" to a whole new level,
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