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Pakistani citizenship for Afghan refugees

1. We kicked backside of Indian Bacha Khan by joining Pakistan.the idiot led to killing of Many Pashtuns who were kicked by Afghanistanis by shutting their doors when this idiot tried to march.

2. Today followers of bacha kha philosophy has no place in Afghanistan neither Pakistan. They dont support ANP.

3. We dont have any grievances against "mohajirs" those who call themselves "mohajirs" can go to their homeland and leave our Urdu Speaking Pakistani alone we are happy with them.


to make the pakistan all have played a big role ,from punjab chudry rehmat ali,allama iqbal,sir muhammad iqbal,,begum khirunissa shaban etc ,,from sindh pir sibgtulla shah pir pagara ,his followers was known as "hurs"etc who fought against the british,,from balochistan begun qazi isa,amir etc,from kheber paktoons sir sahibulla abdul qayam ,sardar aurengzeb etc .......urdu speaker and banglais also played a role .......credits go to everyone.......
Still it cannot be denied that in those days, he was THE most respected Pashtun leader. Not one came anywhere near his stature. As I said the KKs boycotted the referendum and the naysayers were 49.8%..hardly unanimous in my opinion...

He was most respected among Indians because he was against Pakistan and he is still most respected among Indians for the same reason. And if his opinin had any weight then he would have been supported by the rest of "51 %" along with Afghanistanis to counter "49%" :) they failed because they dint have the support.

Why should they not call themselves mohajirs when you call yourself pashtun ? that is simply racist.

word mohajir is just a term used for those who migrate from their country/land whereas Pukhtun is an ethnicity/ a bloodline.

those who still consider themselves Indians by calling themselves mohajirs then they are indeed not Pakistanis. We are more comfortable with our Urdu Speaking Pakistanis but not those who are playing mohajir victim card.

and stilll you have not answered that if not for the muhajirs and bengalis there would have been no pakistan...tell me one pashtun or baloch or sind leader who can be compared to the stature of jinnah, suhrawardy etc ? the muhajirs dont owe you anything - the so called original inhabitants of north-west india.

Jinnah and Suhrwardy were NOT mohajirs , Jinnah was Urdu speaking Muslim who played big role in creation of Pakistan.
Nope they just provided free weapons in 80s and Drugs for Noble cause of Youth development

You let them these things in for noble cause of outsing Russians, Iran put a tab on even their movement and contained them to camps hence you suffered and Iran is safe.
1. We kicked backside of Indian Bacha Khan by joining Pakistan.the idiot led to killing of Many Pashtuns who were kicked by Afghanistanis by shutting their doors when this idiot tried to march.

2. Today followers of bacha kha philosophy has no place in Afghanistan neither Pakistan. They dont support ANP.

3. We dont have any grievances against "mohajirs" those who call themselves "mohajirs" can go to their homeland and leave our Urdu Speaking Pakistani alone we are happy with them.


You kicked backside of bacha khan? on whom behalf you are talking about?......And these followers of bacha khan have governament in KPK yet you are saying that they have no place in Pakistan....they also won majority of provincial seats , in 1970s election......you have erased existence of ANP in your dreamworld perhaps.
We pashtuns had least to do with Muslim league and Pakistan movement, we were resisting british in our own way, bhairva is right, muslims of bengal, bihar, UP, delhi were mostly active in pakistan movement....Today we are Pakistanis because we are born and grown up as Pakistanis.....if we were given to china, we would have been chineese today.....patriotic chineese
He was most respected among Indians because he was against Pakistan and he is still most respected among Indians for the same reason. And if his opinin had any weight then he would have been supported by the rest of "51 %" along with Afghanistanis to counter "49%" :) they failed because they dint have the support.

word mohajir is just a term used for those who migrate from their country/land whereas Pukhtun is an ethnicity/ a bloodline.

those who still consider themselves Indians by calling themselves mohajirs then they are indeed not Pakistanis. We are more comfortable with our Urdu Speaking Pakistanis but not those who are playing mohajir victim card.

Jinnah and Suhrwardy were NOT mohajirs , Jinnah was Urdu speaking Muslim who played big role in creation of Pakistan.

Bacha khan never called for Afghanistan interference...neither he supported lame pakhtunistan ....He accepted Pakistan....if he had went against pakistan like faqir of ipi, then God knows what might have happened
They are Afghan and thier only loyalty is for their tribe or for Afghanistan...

Nope they are Pakistanis as they love more pakistan then Pakistanis...I remember a student of 7th grade back a decade before his name was Eisa ...I asked him his life objective and he said I want to fight for Kashmir brothers to help them in their freedom...
word mohajir is just a term used for those who migrate from their country/land whereas Pukhtun is an ethnicity/ a bloodline.

Punjabi's often use the argument that "Punjabi" is not an ethnicity but is a term that represents the people living in the area of the 5 rivers (Punj-ab).

Likewise, while "Mohajir" isn't an ethnicity, it is in fact a term that is used by urdu speakers/mohajirs to represent people whose forefathers were originally from the area known as India today, and who gave up everything for their new homeland they helped create.

Urdu speakers use the term "mohajir" as a form of identification, not to disassociate themselves from Pakistan. I guess your types like to tell yourself that so that you don't have to discuss the real issues.
Whether or not Pakistani citizenship is on the tables, I just want to make one thing clear. Our priority should be repatriating the Biharis in refugee camps in Bangladesh, people who have sacrificed everything for Pakistan.
Imo it's time Afghan refugees were given Pakistani citizenship. They're hard working people who do very low paid jobs just to get by. Their kids have been brought up in Pakistan, these kids are integrated into Pakistani society and you probably couldn't tell the difference between an Afghan and a Pakistani kid. Don't let these kids suffer who have been raised on Pakistani soil.

People like to point out to the illegal Afghan mafia who operate in Karachi as an example for kicking them out. Fine, kick out the criminals if you manage to catch them but reward the Afghans who live normal lives and contribute to the economy and society. There are many Afghan immigrants in Mirpur who started off with nothing and set up successful businesses and aren't involved in any crime whatsoever.
what they need is a sign, leading them to the border exit only

when will people realize they are liabilities.....They are not assets, they are liabilities to Pakistan.

i still am amazed that these NATO countries that claim to be their saviours seldom ever take them as refugees, feed them, clothe them, house them -- the way we have been doing for over 30 God damned years

and the morality brigades of hindustan, some whom flock here on this very forum --well i have my own views on those people.

I wish them the best for that country of theirs; but they have got to go. Afghan leaders should not be allowed to visit, until they order their ragtag army to stop firing on civilian position in Bajaur; stop allowing TTP to enter via Kurram. Ask any Pashtun in Peshawar, Mardan or DI Khan what they think about these people - who come steal jobs, steal parts from cars and private party, bring their drugs and prostitution, and bad-mouth Pakistan even while a Pakistani spoon and fork is in their mouth. They've been milking off of us for so long, and now suddenly talk of citizenship? Are you fcking kidding me????

until status quo changes, I view them as a hostile state. Sorry, but that's just my own opinion. Many may not agree. Sooner or later -- something will have to be done.

pathetic state of affairs
I've had personal experience with some Afghans in Pakistan, and they are not bad people at all.

in fairness, many work hard and are honest......but they dont come a dime a dozen. At least not based on my interactions.

I do feel bad that their country has been at war for so long; a deep down part of me does share that sympathy. But so what, why do we have to suffer then more than we already have?
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