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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Geo TV News reporter Sallih Zafar has just informed that terrorists have failed to reach near any military planes. Lets hope its true. Lets pray our security officials shall be successful in dealing those brainless bastards. :pakistan:
First P3 Orions and now Saab...... Still some say TTP only have one objective and no foreign hand ....

Well then, lets capture these terrorists and interrogate them.

We have captured many TTP animals, and not one has confessed working for any foreign government or agency or power.
#Goodnews terrorists were nt able to reach any of the fighter planes at the base were ambused befre they cud reach them #GeoTV #KamraAirbase

I heard reports of something burning.

What is burning?
NOW THIS TIME ARMY/AIRFORCE MUST tell complete details how these 4 - 10 Foreign supported terrorist crossed the barriers!

it's enough now.... they have no idea how Pakistani's around the world much humiliate in front of this whole world!
Kamra is always very well protected. I just spoke... Kamra at the moment is under control.

Minhas is not doing so good, worst part have no contact there!

Oh wait. There are two seperate attacks going on?
dear airforce persons are accepting about damage ,
they are not telling about exact damage but damage is there ..
lets pray that flames are not of aircrafts
I am just paralysed right now, shocked

I hope no security forces officer is hurt
terrorist are circled , and pushed away from assembling facility..........pak army has also joined the forces
Nothing is burning everything is under control.... IMO no casualty too...
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