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Will the US defend Philippines if China attacks?


Nov 4, 2011
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Will the US defend Philippines if China attacks?
By Jojo Malig, ABS-CBNnews.com
Posted at 07/25/2012 10:58 PM
MANILA, Philippines - The US military might not come to the Philippines' aid if Chinese forces attack Filipino ships and claimed territory in the disputed Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal, international affairs experts have warned.

While the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) requires Manila and Washington to support each other if either of the 2 countries are attacked by a third party, the United States has yet to make a full commitment with regard to the Spratlys and Scarborough Shoal, according to the International Crisis Group (ICG).

"The treaty text leaves the extent of US commitments open to interpretation," the ICG said in its latest report on the territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea.

"While the text calls for the US to respond to an armed attack against the Philippines, Manila only received 'vague assurances' that Washington would uphold the treaty during the Scarborough standoff," the ICG added.

"Furthermore, the US has not confirmed whether the scope of the treaty covers contested territories in the South China Sea," said the Brussels-based organization, which advises governments and world bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank on the prevention and resolution of armed conflicts.

It added that MDT predates the Philippines' territorial claims in the West Philippine Sea, resulting in uncertainties how the US will interpret its application to disputed territories in the event of a conflict.

US neutral in Philippines-China dispute

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier said Washington is neutral in the Philippines-China dispute and is instead focused on ensuring free navigation, unimpeded commerce and stability in the West Philippine Sea.

The ICG also mentioned an analysis of Asian affairs specialist Thomas Lum, who said in an April 2012 report for the Congressional Research Service that the US does not consider the MDT and subsequent renewals to extend to features in the West Philippine Sea.

"Some Philippine officials have suggested or sought assurances that the treaty obliges the United States to come to the defense of the Philippines if China were to take disputed territories in the South China Sea by force, while some US interpretations limit US intervention to a foreign military attack on the main Philippine islands or upon Philippine military forces," Lum said.

However, he added, that "the Obama administration has not further specified the circumstances under which the US armed forces would intervene on behalf of the Philippines."

"The Manila Declaration of November 16, 2011, did not lay out specifically the circumstances in which the United States would defend Philippine claims in the South China Sea," he said.
Just Manila allows the US reopening Navy-Air force base at Subic Bay, the terms of the Treaty will be executed completly.
If I'm not mistaken, the treaty there is a provision that the US and the Philippines will defend each other if their warship was attacked in the Pacific. The SCS is located within the Pacific?
BBC News - Asean talks: US and China pledge to co-operate on Asia

"Asean talks: US and China pledge to co-operate on Asia
12 July 2012 Last updated at 04:25 ET

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi have said their countries will co-operate on Asia issues.


Mrs Clinton says the US will not ''take sides'' in regional disputes in Asia
The US has no territorial claims in the region and will not ''take sides'' in disputes, she stressed."
maybe you should read the treaty more carefully as a lawyer.

unlike the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of which the United States is a major signatory, there is nothing in the language of the RP-US Mutual Defense Treaty which contemplates “automatic retaliation” in the event of an “external attack.” In contrast to Article 5 of the Washington Treaty which provides for “automatic retaliation” in the event of an external attack on any NATO member country, Article 5 of the RP-US Mutual Defense Treaty provides that any or all assistance a signatory might choose to undertake shall be made in accordance with “their Constitutional processes.” In the case of the United States, this would mean going to Congress to seek its approval or if necessary, ask for a declaration of war (under Article I of the US Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war), a virtually impossibility at the present time, given the prevailing mood in the federal legislature especially in the House of Representatives where the balance of power is held by 89 ultra-conservative and anti-Obama Tea Party members. Moreover, given widespread public disaffection over the war in Afghanistan and the Iraq War, I suggest that there is little if any public support for any new foreign military adventures, let alone against the most populous nation on earth.

Guest columnist Benjamin N Muego is a visiting professor of Political Science to the Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University and a visiting professor of American and International Studies to De La Salle University in Manila.
BBC News - Asean talks: US and China pledge to co-operate on Asia

"Asean talks: US and China pledge to co-operate on Asia
12 July 2012 Last updated at 04:25 ET

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi have said their countries will co-operate on Asia issues.


Mrs Clinton says the US will not ''take sides'' in regional disputes in Asia
The US has no territorial claims in the region and will not ''take sides'' in disputes, she stressed."

There has to be more to it. Why would the Philippines open its base if they weren't getting something out of it?
There has to be more to it. Why would the Philippines open its base if they weren't getting something out of it?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Show me a reputable citation.

Also, Clinton stated the Obama administration's policy in plain English. Are you saying you can't understand plain English?

From BBC News quoting Clinton: The US has no territorial claims in the region and will not ''take sides'' in disputes, she stressed.

Which part of this sentence don't you understand?
Are you saying you can't understand plain English?

From BBC News quoting Clinton: The US has no territorial claims in the region and will not ''take sides'' in disputes, she stressed."

Which part of this sentence don't you understand?

Let me ask you which one you don't understand?

Yes, U.S will not using military to get involve in Philippines national matters, but it not also mean U.S will not full supplies weapons to its allied.

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 2 fleets for using battle in SCS with China? Will you guarantee that is not happens? No One could know what will happens for tomorrow?

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 10 B52 bombers to drop big O giant CBU bombs on China fleets?

What if U.S on loan for Phillippines 24 jet fighter with pilots and 24 battalions of Patriot 3 systems?

Did Mrs Linton says that to the World that U.S don't do that or can't do that?
Let me ask you which one you don't understand?

Yes, U.S will not using military to get involve in Philippines national matters, but it not also mean U.S will not full supplies weapons to its allied.

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 2 fleets for using battle in SCS with China? Will you guarantee that is not happens? No One could know what will happens for tomorrow?

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 10 B52 bombers to drop big O giant CBU bombs on China fleets?

What if U.S on loan for Phillippines 24 jet fighter with pilots and 24 battalions of Patriot 3 systems?

Did Mrs Linton says that to the World that U.S don't do that or can't do that?

The B-52 bomber can bomb country like Vietnam back into the stone age, but it won't survive against the modern air defence system of PLA. :coffee:

I think the US should consider to give 10 B-2 spirit bombers to Philippines for free and also provide the free maintenance cost for them.
Let me ask you which one you don't understand?

Yes, U.S will not using military to get involve in Philippines national matters, but it not also mean U.S will not full supplies weapons to its allied.

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 2 fleets for using battle in SCS with China? Will you guarantee that is not happens? No One could know what will happens for tomorrow?

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 10 B52 bombers to drop big O giant CBU bombs on China fleets?

What if U.S on loan for Phillippines 24 jet fighter with pilots and 24 battalions of Patriot 3 systems?

Did Mrs Linton says that to the World that U.S don't do that or can't do that?

What if the U.S. only gives the Philippines $30 million in military aid for the entire year of 2012 after Aquino begged like a dog?

I discuss facts. You discuss fantasies.

That's why I'm an armchair general and you're an idiot.


Enrile: $30M US aid for PHL defense an insult

"May 6, 2012 – The $30 million the United States has reportedly offered to boost the ... as to be insulting, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile said Sunday. ... the US has committed to double the initial $15 million in Foreign Military Financing ..."
The B-52 bomber can bomb country like Vietnam back into the stone age, but it won't survive against the modern air defence system of PLA. :coffee:

I think the US should consider to give 10 B-2 spirit bombers to Philippines for free and also provide the free maintenance cost for them.

Whos says we send the B52s by itself against China. And even if we did do it, be carrying decoys and cruise missiles for long range attacks.:meeting:

There are ways to take down modern SAMs.

Or this...

The US's weapons are inneed fearsome and powerful, but it is like the powerful staff of the monkey king, but only the monkey king himself can use this awesome weapon.


Even if the monkey king lends you his magical staff, can the little monsters like Vietnam and Philippines have the power to barely move it? :coffee:

You guys are so freaking poor, can't even afford to operate the expensive weapons from US.
What if the U.S. only gives the Philippines $30 million in military aid for the entire year of 2012 after Aquino begged like a dog?

I discuss facts. You discuss fantasies.

That's why I'm an armchair general and you're an idiot.

Is that so?

Yes, your an armchair general my a$$ indeed.

Not long ago, somebody fools like you and underestimate "small country" and in returned its got invaded by ............ then that "small country" makes Chinese nightmare like Nanking.

You better think YES than think NO. That a very basic for any countries/ armies and it calls strategics and tactics. Like a business and any business, for the beginning its always considers lost/loose more than gain. (In U.S Tax its give you 3 years for a very first open business to claims none make profits)
What if U.S on loan for Philippines 2 fleets for using battle in SCS with China? Will you guarantee that is not happens? No One could know what will happens for tomorrow?

What if U.S on loan for Philippines 10 B52 bombers to drop big O giant CBU bombs on China fleets?

What if U.S on loan for Phillippines 24 jet fighter with pilots and 24 battalions of Patriot 3 systems?

Did Mrs Linton says that to the World that U.S don't do that or can't do that?

before that can happen,the war probably would've been long over,and those Philippinos probably don't even know how to use those weapons,basic training is needed at least,otherwise those are just like moving targets.
The US' weapons are need fearsome and powerful, but it is like the powerful staff of the monkey king, but only the monkey king himself can use this awesome weapon.


Even if the monkey king lends you his magical staff, can the little monsters like Vietnam and Philippines have the power to barely move it? :coffee:

You guys are so freaking poor, can't even afford to operate the expensive weapons from US.

Yes, under World eyes, we both countries standing as a poor countries. It is also meant, we has nothing to LOOSE or KEEP. Cost more to built and cheapest than for starting from a scratch.

China's today standing as rich money country but not standing as Wealthy country, and it is also means China's got more things to gain and can not allows to LOOSE.

What will war happening 1 for 2 in fighting?
I heard that Uncle Sam is moving B1 bombers to the Pacific, and they were bombing exercises on a target assumed being China's lands. :cheesy:
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