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US accuses Pakistan of harassing American diplomats

I would never presume, though unlike 99% of the posters here I have served, and am very well travelled.

Trolling aside,
I have been an addicted ... some times active, most times inactive member of this forum for many many years and I have never seen many Americans on this forum. For the last few years more and more americans are regularly visiting this forum and positively contributing, I specially like chogy's valuable contribution on this forum. I know most Americans (face to face) are very easy going, fun, open and helpful.

Unfortunately I also know that most of the same Americans are very ignorant, arrogant and uptight when talking on the net with the thirld world Pakis who live on american aid and most of whom according to Fox and CNN are Child-eating, wife-beating, turban wearing, bearded animals wearing ready-to-explode jackets.

But when I come accross US based professional, restrained, and composed members like you, who normally don't loos it despite provocation and foul language I wonder which organization do you guys work for?

Is it the CIA or FBI which runs the internet propaganda / goodwill program? these days?
it appears we are both using our leverages.....the "aid" card however has become old and archaic ...

That's true. They've used the "cut off your aid" threat far too many times and the Pakistani public, in general, is waiting for this to happen.
Old Army, nothing more.

Seriously? Why would US defence force personnel be interested in PDF, where majority of Pakistani memebrs are anti US government policies, can't even communicate in proper english (including myself) and where all Indina members would suckup anything to endorse whatever propaganda comes out of American/Israeli members. This forum used to be quite professional and high quality before the being infested by the disease ridden *** kissers from the east.
Start from harassing- and end at raping them-
Yeah and if they are found involved in something serious , declare them " persona non grata " and send them back to US !

Good work by the ISI :tup:

pakistan needs USA and its Dollars than otherwise...

Pakistan has no leverage anyway...

Not really , Are you aware how much AID did Pakistan receive since 2010 ? :azn: ... Almost negligible! ... Has the country gone bankrupt then ? ...

US Generals themselves can prove you wrong any day with their statements asking " Pakistan to cooperate in Afghanistan and open the routes " ! :P No need for me to refute it ...
Last time the oak govt stalked raymond davis and paid for it. let's see how american reacting this time.
Pakistan hits back on US diplomat harassment claim

Pakistan is responding to U.S. complaints that diplomats are being harassed by the government, saying that all diplomats in the country are treated in accordance with international law.

Pakistan is responding to a report by the State Department inspector general saying that harassment and obstruction of U.S. diplomats in the country have "reached new levels of intensity" since last year and are "significantly impairing" the work of the American embassy and consulates there.

Pakistan's foreign ministry released a terse, two-sentence statement Friday. It says all diplomats in Pakistan are extended "full courtesies and privileges" as required under the Vienna Conventions, which govern diplomatic protocol.

The statement reads, "The same courtesies and privileges are also extended to duly accredited U.S. diplomats (and) consular representatives in Pakistan."

@betty... never knew a few million dollars feed 180 million people.... Also Pak Americans donated billions of $ to charity alone... and are one of the highest paid ethnic groups in usa and the 4th largest source of doctors to you... so just keep shut.

Last time the oak govt stalked raymond davis and paid for it. let's see how american reacting this time.

Dont worry... we arent indians ... remember the Bhopal Disaster?
Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warren Anderson still roams free!
Are they some women that the gujjar jatt , moustache having cops harass them??

Mr Davis can kill a couple of civilians, but these people cannot take some surveillance?
The American Spies are only here to spread money and weapons into Baluchistan and fund gorilla warriors like they did in Libya
American Embassy should be closed for 2-3 years until they pay 70 billion for loses to Pakistani Economy
4 UN Vehicles stopped at toll plaza Peshawar. Vehicles were said to have small weapons.

PS. When they were stopped for checking non of the moron came out at that time, later contacted xyz and received the news small weapons recovered. While they were stopped I was two steps behind them.:D
Anyone REMOTELY threatening the state of Pakistan needs to be sanctioned and disciplined severely. No regrets. This is pure business. Period.. Nothing to whine about, like little cry-babies!
Anyone REMOTELY threatening the state of Pakistan needs to be sanctioned and disciplined severely. No regrets. This is pure business. Nothing to whine about, like little cry-babies!

Yeah , I bet this happens daily with our diplomats in US even though they aren't involved in any suspicious or malicious activities ...

Does the US think that only they are entitled to safeguard the interest of the state ? :azn:

Check them at every post and if found guilty , kick them outta country !

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